Exemple #1
    async def lightning_approved_pm(event):

        if event.fwd_from:


        replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(event.chat_id))

        firstname = replied_user.user.first_name

        chat = await event.get_chat()

        if event.is_private:

            if lightning_sql.is_approved(chat.id):


            await event.edit("Blocked [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(firstname, chat.id))

            await asyncio.sleep(2)

            await event.edit("Now Get Lost Retard [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(firstname, chat.id ))

            await asyncio.sleep(4)

            await event.edit("One Thing For You [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(firstname, chat.id ))

            await asyncio.sleep(3)

            await event.edit("🖕 [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(firstname, chat.id ))

            await event.client(functions.contacts.BlockRequest(chat.id))

            await event.delete()
Exemple #2
async def approve_p_m(event):
    if event.fwd_from:
    replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(event.chat_id))
    firstname = replied_user.user.first_name
    chat = await event.get_chat()
    if event.is_private:
        if chat.id == 1100231654:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit(
                "You f****n Nubb Nibba, U r tryin to block My Master **LEGEND X**, HuH??\n\nGoodBye for 100 seconds! 💤"
            await asyncio.sleep(100)
        elif chat.id == 1078841825:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit(
                "You f****n Nubb Nibba, U r tryin to block My Master **😼°『ᴍᴇᴏᴡ ᴀʀᴍʏ』°😼**, HuH??\n\nGoodBye for 100 seconds! 💤"
            await asyncio.sleep(100)
        elif chat.id == 1695676469:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit(
                "You f****n Nubb Nibba, U r tryin to block My Master **╚» Alain «╝**, HuH??\n\nGoodBye for 100 seconds! 💤"
            await asyncio.sleep(100)
        elif chat.id == 1037581197:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit(
                "You f****n Nubb Nibba, U r tryin to block My Master **Devil**, HuH??\n\nGoodBye for 100 seconds! 💤"
            await asyncio.sleep(100)

# proboy's id pending....
            if pmpermit_sql.is_approved(chat.id):
                await event.edit(
                    "Get lost retard.\nBlocked [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(
                        firstname, chat.id))
                await asyncio.sleep(3)
                await event.client(functions.contacts.BlockRequest(chat.id))
    async def ultra_approved_pm(event):

        if event.fwd_from:


        replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(event.chat_id))

        firstname = replied_user.user.first_name

        chat = await event.get_chat()

        if event.is_private:

            if ULTRA_X.is_approved(chat.id):


            await event.edit("Disapproved [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(
                firstname, chat.id))

            await asyncio.sleep(2)

            await event.edit(
                "Now Get Lost Retard [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(
                    firstname, chat.id))

            await asyncio.sleep(2)

            await event.edit("One Thing For You [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(
                firstname, chat.id))

            await asyncio.sleep(2)

            await event.edit("🖕 [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(
                firstname, chat.id))

            await asyncio.sleep(2)

            await event.edit("Disapproved User [{}](tg://user?id={})".format(
                firstname, chat.id))

            await event.delete()
Exemple #4
async def approve_p_m(event):
    if event.fwd_from:
    replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(event.chat_id))
    firstname = replied_user.user.first_name
    chat = await event.get_chat()
    if event.is_private:
        if chat.id == 1100231654:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit("Sorry, I Can't Disapprove My Developer")
        elif chat.id == 1078841825:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit("Sorry, I Can't Disapprove My Developer")
        elif chat.id == 1695676469:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit("Sorry, I Can't Disapprove My Developer")
        elif chat.id == 1037581197:
            # madboy482
            # chal nikal lawde, kang krne ka try bhi mat mar
            # fixed by madboy482
            await event.edit("Sorry, I Can't Disapprove My Developer")
# proboy's id pending....
            if pmpermit_sql.is_approved(chat.id):
                await event.edit(
                    "Disapproved [{}](tg://user?id={}) to PM you.".format(
                        firstname, chat.id))
            await asyncio.sleep(3)
            await event.delete()