Exemple #1
    def _read(self, file_name):
            self.defs = {}
            self.shapes = []

            tree = ET.parse(file_name)
            xml_root = tree.getroot()

            if xml_root.tag != "X3D":
                return None

            scale = 1000  # Default X3D unit it one meter, while Cura's is one millimeters
            if xml_root[0].tag == "head":
                for head_node in xml_root[0]:
                    if head_node.tag == "unit" and head_node.attrib.get(
                            "category") == "length":
                        scale *= float(head_node.attrib["conversionFactor"])
                xml_scene = xml_root[1]
                xml_scene = xml_root[0]

            if xml_scene.tag != "Scene":
                return None

            self.transform = Matrix()
            self.index_base = 0

            # Traverse the scene tree, populate the shapes list

            if self.shapes:
                builder = MeshBuilder()
                    numpy.concatenate([shape.verts for shape in self.shapes]))
                    numpy.concatenate([shape.faces for shape in self.shapes]))
                mesh_data = builder.build()

                # Manually try and get the extents of the mesh_data. This should prevent nasty NaN issues from
                # leaving the reader.

                node = SceneNode()

                return None

        except Exception:
            Logger.logException("e", "Exception in X3D reader")
            return None

        return node
Exemple #2
    def read(self, file_name):
            self.defs = {}
            self.shapes = []
            tree = ET.parse(file_name)
            xml_root = tree.getroot()
            if xml_root.tag != "X3D":
                return None

            scale = 1000 # Default X3D unit it one meter, while Cura's is one millimeters            
            if xml_root[0].tag == "head":
                for head_node in xml_root[0]:
                    if head_node.tag == "unit" and head_node.attrib.get("category") == "length":
                        scale *= float(head_node.attrib["conversionFactor"])
                xml_scene = xml_root[1]
                xml_scene = xml_root[0]
            if xml_scene.tag != "Scene":
                return None
            self.transform = Matrix()
            self.index_base = 0
            # Traverse the scene tree, populate the shapes list
            if self.shapes:
                builder = MeshBuilder()
                builder.setVertices(numpy.concatenate([shape.verts for shape in self.shapes]))
                builder.setIndices(numpy.concatenate([shape.faces for shape in self.shapes]))
                mesh_data = builder.build()

                # Manually try and get the extents of the mesh_data. This should prevent nasty NaN issues from
                # leaving the reader.

                node = SceneNode()

                return None
        except Exception:
            Logger.logException("e", "Exception in X3D reader")
            return None

        return node
Exemple #3
    def _createCube(self, size, maxs, height, dep):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        # Intial Comment from Ultimaker B.V. I have never try to verify this point
        # Can't use MeshBuilder.addCube() because that does not get per-vertex normals
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        s = size / 2
        sm = maxs / 2
        l = height 
        if sm>s and dep!=0:
            l_max=(sm-s) / math.tan(math.radians(dep))
        else :
        # Difference between Cone and Cone + max base size
        if l_max<l and l_max>0:
            verts = [ # 10 faces with 4 corners each
                [-sm, -l_max,  sm], [-s,  s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ sm, -l_max,  sm],
                [-s,  s, -s], [-sm, -l_max, -sm], [ sm, -l_max, -sm], [ s,  s, -s],
                [-sm, -l,  sm], [-sm,  -l_max,  sm], [ sm,  -l_max,  sm], [ sm, -l,  sm],
                [-sm,  -l_max, -sm], [-sm, -l, -sm], [ sm, -l, -sm], [ sm,  -l_max, -sm],
                [ sm, -l, -sm], [-sm, -l, -sm], [-sm, -l,  sm], [ sm, -l,  sm],
                [-s,  s, -s], [ s,  s, -s], [ s,  s,  s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [-sm, -l,  sm], [-sm, -l, -sm], [-sm,  -l_max, -sm], [-sm,  -l_max,  sm],
                [ sm, -l, -sm], [ sm, -l,  sm], [ sm,  -l_max,  sm], [ sm,  -l_max, -sm],  
                [-sm, -l_max,  sm], [-sm, -l_max, -sm], [-s,  s, -s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [ sm, -l_max, -sm], [ sm, -l_max,  sm], [ s,  s,  s], [ s,  s, -s]
            verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
                [-s_inf, -l,  s_inf], [-s,  s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ s_inf, -l,  s_inf],
                [-s,  s, -s], [-s_inf, -l, -s_inf], [ s_inf, -l, -s_inf], [ s,  s, -s],
                [ s_inf, -l, -s_inf], [-s_inf, -l, -s_inf], [-s_inf, -l,  s_inf], [ s_inf, -l,  s_inf],
                [-s,  s, -s], [ s,  s, -s], [ s,  s,  s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [-s_inf, -l,  s_inf], [-s_inf, -l, -s_inf], [-s,  s, -s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [ s_inf, -l, -s_inf], [ s_inf, -l,  s_inf], [ s,  s,  s], [ s,  s, -s]
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, nbv, 4): # All 6 quads (12 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i+2, i+1])
            indices.append([i, i+3, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
Exemple #4
    def _createPlane(self, size):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()
        s = size / 2
        verts = [  # 1 face with 4 corners
            [-s, 0, -s],
            [s, 0, -s],
            [s, 0, s],
            [-s, 0, s],
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, 4, 4):  # All 1 quad (2 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i + 2, i + 1])
            indices.append([i, i + 3, i + 2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
Exemple #5
    def _createPastille(self, size, nb , lg, He):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        r = size / 2
        # First layer length
        sup = -lg + He
        l = -lg
        rng = int(360 / nb)
        ang = math.radians(nb)
        verts = []
        for i in range(0, rng):
            # Top
            verts.append([0, sup, 0])
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            #Side 1a
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            #Side 1b
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), l, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([0, l, 0])
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), l, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        # for every angle increment 12 Vertices
        tot = rng * 12
        for i in range(0, tot, 3): # 
            indices.append([i, i+1, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
    def _createCube(self, size, height):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        # Can't use MeshBuilder.addCube() because that does not get per-vertex normals
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        s = size / 2
        l = height
        if self._WiderBase:
            base_size = self._SupportBaseSize/2
            base_size = s
        if self._DropToBuildplate:
            verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
                [-base_size, -l,  base_size], [-s,  s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ base_size, -l,  base_size],
                [-s,  s, -s], [-base_size, -l, -base_size], [ base_size, -l, -base_size], [ s,  s, -s],
                [ base_size, -l, -base_size], [-base_size, -l, -base_size], [-base_size, -l,  base_size], [ base_size, -l,  base_size],
                [-s,  s, -s], [ s,  s, -s], [ s,  s,  s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [-base_size, -l,  base_size], [-base_size, -l, -base_size], [-s,  s, -s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [ base_size, -l, -base_size], [ base_size, -l,  base_size], [ s,  s,  s], [ s,  s, -s]
            verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
                [-s, -s,  s], [-s,  s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ s, -s,  s],
                [-s,  s, -s], [-s, -s, -s], [ s, -s, -s], [ s,  s, -s],
                [ s, -s, -s], [-s, -s, -s], [-s, -s,  s], [ s, -s,  s],
                [-s,  s, -s], [ s,  s, -s], [ s,  s,  s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [-s, -s,  s], [-s, -s, -s], [-s,  s, -s], [-s,  s,  s],
                [ s, -s, -s], [ s, -s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ s,  s, -s]
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, 24, 4): # All 6 quads (12 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i+2, i+1])
            indices.append([i, i+3, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
Exemple #7
    def _createCube(self, size):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        # Can't use MeshBuilder.addCube() because that does not get per-vertex normals
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        s = size / 2
        verts = [  # 6 faces with 4 corners each
            [-s, -s, s], [-s, s, s], [s, s, s], [s, -s, s], [-s, s, -s],
            [-s, -s, -s], [s, -s, -s], [s, s, -s], [s, -s, -s], [-s, -s, -s],
            [-s, -s, s], [s, -s, s], [-s, s, -s], [s, s, -s], [s, s, s],
            [-s, s, s], [-s, -s, s], [-s, -s, -s], [-s, s, -s], [-s, s, s],
            [s, -s, -s], [s, -s, s], [s, s, s], [s, s, -s]
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, 24, 4):  # All 6 quads (12 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i + 2, i + 1])
            indices.append([i, i + 3, i + 2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
Exemple #8
    def _createCube(self, size):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        # Can't use MeshBuilder.addCube() because that does not get per-vertex normals
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        s = size / 2
        verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
            [-s, -s,  s], [-s,  s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ s, -s,  s],
            [-s,  s, -s], [-s, -s, -s], [ s, -s, -s], [ s,  s, -s],
            [ s, -s, -s], [-s, -s, -s], [-s, -s,  s], [ s, -s,  s],
            [-s,  s, -s], [ s,  s, -s], [ s,  s,  s], [-s,  s,  s],
            [-s, -s,  s], [-s, -s, -s], [-s,  s, -s], [-s,  s,  s],
            [ s, -s, -s], [ s, -s,  s], [ s,  s,  s], [ s,  s, -s]
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, 24, 4): # All 6 quads (12 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i+2, i+1])
            indices.append([i, i+3, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
def test_setIndices():
    builder = MeshBuilder()
    assert builder.getFaceCount() == 1
    assert builder.getIndices()[0] == 0
Exemple #10
    def _createCapsule(self, size, nb , lg, He, lw):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        r = size / 2
        # First layer length
        sup = -lg + He
        if self._Nb_Layer >1 :
            sup_c = -lg + (He * 2)
            sup_c = -lg + (He * 3)
        l = -lg
        rng = int(360 / nb)
        ang = math.radians(nb)

        r_sup=math.tan(math.radians(45))*(He * 3)+r
        # Top inside radius 
        # Top radius 
        verts = []
        for i in range(0, rng):
            # Top
            verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r_sup*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup_c, r_sup*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r_sup*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, r_sup*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup_c, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r_sup*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup_c, r_sup*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])

            #Side 1a
            verts.append([r_sup*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, r_sup*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r_sup*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup_c, r_sup*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            #Side 1b
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), l, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r_sup*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, r_sup*math.sin(i*ang)])
            #Side 2a
            verts.append([rit*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, rit*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup_c, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
            #Side 2b
            verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup_c, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([rit*math.cos(i*ang), sup, rit*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([rit*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, rit*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            #Bottom Top
            verts.append([0, sup, 0])
            verts.append([rit*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, rit*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
            verts.append([rit*math.cos(i*ang), sup, rit*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([0, l, 0])
            verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), l, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
            verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        # for every angle increment 24 Vertices
        tot = rng * 24
        for i in range(0, tot, 3): # 
            indices.append([i, i+1, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
    def updateSceneFromOptimizationResult(
            self, analysis: pywim.smartslice.result.Analysis):

        type_map = {
            'int': int,
            'float': float,
            'str': str,
            'enum': str,
            'bool': bool

        our_only_node = getPrintableNodes()[0]
        active_extruder = getNodeActiveExtruder(our_only_node)

        # TODO - Move this into a common class or function to apply an am.Config to GlobalStack/ExtruderStack
        if analysis.print_config.infill:

            infill_density = analysis.print_config.infill.density
            infill_pattern = analysis.print_config.infill.pattern

            if infill_pattern is None or infill_pattern == pywim.am.InfillType.unknown:
                infill_pattern = pywim.am.InfillType.grid

            infill_pattern_name = SmartSliceJobHandler.INFILL_SMARTSLICE_CURA[

            extruder_dict = {
                "wall_line_count": analysis.print_config.walls,
                "top_layers": analysis.print_config.top_layers,
                "bottom_layers": analysis.print_config.bottom_layers,
                "infill_sparse_density": analysis.print_config.infill.density,
                "infill_pattern": infill_pattern_name

                       "Optimized extruder settings: {}".format(extruder_dict))

            for key, value in extruder_dict.items():
                if value is not None:
                    property_type = type_map.get(
                        active_extruder.getProperty(key, "type"))
                    if property_type:


        # Remove any modifier meshes which are present from a previous result
        mod_meshes = getModifierMeshes()
        if len(mod_meshes) > 0:
            for node in mod_meshes:

        # Add in the new modifier meshes
        for modifier_mesh in analysis.modifier_meshes:
            # Building the scene node
            modifier_mesh_node = CuraSceneNode()

            # Use the data from the SmartSlice engine to translate / rotate / scale the mod mesh

            # Building the mesh

            # # Preparing the data from pywim for MeshBuilder
            modifier_mesh_vertices = [[v.x, v.y, v.z]
                                      for v in modifier_mesh.vertices]
            modifier_mesh_indices = [[triangle.v1, triangle.v2, triangle.v3]
                                     for triangle in modifier_mesh.triangles]

            # Doing the actual build
            modifier_mesh_data = MeshBuilder()
                numpy.asarray(modifier_mesh_vertices, dtype=numpy.float32))
                numpy.asarray(modifier_mesh_indices, dtype=numpy.int32))


            active_build_plate = Application.getInstance(

            bottom = modifier_mesh_node.getBoundingBox().bottom

            z_offset_decorator = ZOffsetDecorator()

            stack = modifier_mesh_node.callDecoration("getStack")
            settings = stack.getTop()

            modifier_mesh_node_infill_pattern = SmartSliceJobHandler.INFILL_SMARTSLICE_CURA[
            definition_dict = {
                "infill_mesh": True,
                "infill_pattern": modifier_mesh_node_infill_pattern,
                "wall_line_count": modifier_mesh.print_config.walls,
                "top_layers": modifier_mesh.print_config.top_layers,
                "bottom_layers": modifier_mesh.print_config.bottom_layers,
                "Optimized modifier mesh settings: {}".format(definition_dict))

            for key, value in definition_dict.items():
                if value is not None:
                    definition = stack.getSettingDefinition(key)
                    property_type = type_map.get(stack.getProperty(
                        key, "type"))
                    if property_type:
                        new_instance = SettingInstance(definition, settings)

                        new_instance.setProperty("value", property_type(value))

                        )  # Ensure that the state is not seen as a user state.


            # emit changes and connect error tracker
    def _createCylinder(self, size, nb , height):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        r = size / 2
        # additionale length
        sup = size * 0.1
        l = -height
        rng = int(360 / nb)
        ang = math.radians(nb)
        verts = []
        if self._WiderBase:
            r_base = self._SupportBaseSize/2
            r_base = r

        if self._DropToBuildplate:
            for i in range(0, rng):
                # Top
                verts.append([0, sup, 0])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                #Side 1a
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r_base*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_base*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side 1b
                verts.append([r_base*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_base*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r_base*math.cos(i*ang), l, r_base*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([0, l, 0])
                verts.append([r_base*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_base*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
                verts.append([r_base*math.cos(i*ang), l, r_base*math.sin(i*ang)])
            for i in range(0, rng):
                # Top
                verts.append([0, sup, 0])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                #Side 1a
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), -size, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side 1b
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), -size, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), -size, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([0, -size, 0])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), -size, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), -size, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))
        indices = []
        # for every angle increment 12 Vertices
        tot = rng * 12
        for i in range(0, tot, 3): # 
            indices.append([i, i+1, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))
        return mesh
Exemple #13
    def _createCustom(self, size, maxs, pos1 , pos2, dep, ztop):
        mesh = MeshBuilder()
        # Init point
        Pt1 = Vector(pos1.x,pos1.z,pos1.y)
        Pt2 = Vector(pos2.x,pos2.z,pos2.y)

        V_Dir = Pt2 - Pt1

        # Calcul vecteur
        s = size / 2
        sm = maxs / 2
        l_a = pos1.y 
        l_b = pos2.y 
        if sm>s and dep!=0:
            l_max_a=(sm-s) / math.tan(math.radians(dep))
            l_max_b=(sm-s) / math.tan(math.radians(dep))
        else :
        Vtop = Vector(0,0,ztop)
        VZ = Vector(0,0,s)
        VZa = Vector(0,0,-l_a)
        VZb = Vector(0,0,-l_b)
        Dec = Vector(Norm.x*s,Norm.y*s,Norm.z*s)
        if l_max_a<l_a and l_max_b<l_b and l_max_a>0 and l_max_b>0: 
            Deca = Vector(Norm.x*sm,Norm.y*sm,Norm.z*sm)
            Decb = Vector(Norm.x*sm,Norm.y*sm,Norm.z*sm)

            VZam = Vector(0,0,-l_max_a)
            VZbm = Vector(0,0,-l_max_b)
            # X Z Y
            P_1t = Vtop+Dec
            P_2t = Vtop-Dec
            P_3t = V_Dir+Vtop+Dec
            P_4t = V_Dir+Vtop-Dec
            P_1m = VZam+Deca
            P_2m = VZam-Deca
            P_3m = VZbm+V_Dir+Decb
            P_4m = VZbm+V_Dir-Decb
            P_1i = VZa+Deca
            P_2i = VZa-Deca
            P_3i = VZb+V_Dir+Decb
            P_4i = VZb+V_Dir-Decb
            1) Top
            2) Front
            3) Left
            4) Right
            5) Back 
            6) Front inf
            7) Left inf
            8) Right inf
            9) Back inf
            10) Bottom
            verts = [ # 10 faces with 4 corners each
                [P_1t.x, P_1t.z, P_1t.y], [P_2t.x, P_2t.z, P_2t.y], [P_4t.x, P_4t.z, P_4t.y], [P_3t.x, P_3t.z, P_3t.y],              
                [P_1t.x, P_1t.z, P_1t.y], [P_3t.x, P_3t.z, P_3t.y], [P_3m.x, P_3m.z, P_3m.y], [P_1m.x, P_1m.z, P_1m.y],
                [P_2t.x, P_2t.z, P_2t.y], [P_1t.x, P_1t.z, P_1t.y], [P_1m.x, P_1m.z, P_1m.y], [P_2m.x, P_2m.z, P_2m.y],
                [P_3t.x, P_3t.z, P_3t.y], [P_4t.x, P_4t.z, P_4t.y], [P_4m.x, P_4m.z, P_4m.y], [P_3m.x, P_3m.z, P_3m.y],
                [P_4t.x, P_4t.z, P_4t.y], [P_2t.x, P_2t.z, P_2t.y], [P_2m.x, P_2m.z, P_2m.y], [P_4m.x, P_4m.z, P_4m.y],
                [P_1m.x, P_1m.z, P_1m.y], [P_3m.x, P_3m.z, P_3m.y], [P_3i.x, P_3i.z, P_3i.y], [P_1i.x, P_1i.z, P_1i.y],
                [P_2m.x, P_2m.z, P_2m.y], [P_1m.x, P_1m.z, P_1m.y], [P_1i.x, P_1i.z, P_1i.y], [P_2i.x, P_2i.z, P_2i.y],
                [P_3m.x, P_3m.z, P_3m.y], [P_4m.x, P_4m.z, P_4m.y], [P_4i.x, P_4i.z, P_4i.y], [P_3i.x, P_3i.z, P_3i.y],
                [P_4m.x, P_4m.z, P_4m.y], [P_2m.x, P_2m.z, P_2m.y], [P_2i.x, P_2i.z, P_2i.y], [P_4i.x, P_4i.z, P_4i.y],
                [P_1i.x, P_1i.z, P_1i.y], [P_2i.x, P_2i.z, P_2i.y], [P_4i.x, P_4i.z, P_4i.y], [P_3i.x, P_3i.z, P_3i.y]

            Deca = Vector(Norm.x*s_infa,Norm.y*s_infa,Norm.z*s_infa)
            Decb = Vector(Norm.x*s_infb,Norm.y*s_infb,Norm.z*s_infb)

            # X Z Y
            P_1t = Vtop+Dec
            P_2t = Vtop-Dec
            P_3t = V_Dir+Vtop+Dec
            P_4t = V_Dir+Vtop-Dec
            P_1i = VZa+Deca
            P_2i = VZa-Deca
            P_3i = VZb+V_Dir+Decb
            P_4i = VZb+V_Dir-Decb
            1) Top
            2) Front
            3) Left
            4) Right
            5) Back 
            6) Bottom
            verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
                [P_1t.x, P_1t.z, P_1t.y], [P_2t.x, P_2t.z, P_2t.y], [P_4t.x, P_4t.z, P_4t.y], [P_3t.x, P_3t.z, P_3t.y],
                [P_1t.x, P_1t.z, P_1t.y], [P_3t.x, P_3t.z, P_3t.y], [P_3i.x, P_3i.z, P_3i.y], [P_1i.x, P_1i.z, P_1i.y],
                [P_2t.x, P_2t.z, P_2t.y], [P_1t.x, P_1t.z, P_1t.y], [P_1i.x, P_1i.z, P_1i.y], [P_2i.x, P_2i.z, P_2i.y],
                [P_3t.x, P_3t.z, P_3t.y], [P_4t.x, P_4t.z, P_4t.y], [P_4i.x, P_4i.z, P_4i.y], [P_3i.x, P_3i.z, P_3i.y],
                [P_4t.x, P_4t.z, P_4t.y], [P_2t.x, P_2t.z, P_2t.y], [P_2i.x, P_2i.z, P_2i.y], [P_4i.x, P_4i.z, P_4i.y],
                [P_1i.x, P_1i.z, P_1i.y], [P_2i.x, P_2i.z, P_2i.y], [P_4i.x, P_4i.z, P_4i.y], [P_3i.x, P_3i.z, P_3i.y]
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, nbv, 4): # All 6 quads (12 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i+2, i+1])
            indices.append([i, i+3, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
Exemple #14
    def _createTube(self, size, maxs, isize, nb , lg ,dep):
        # Logger.log('d', 'isize : ' + str(isize)) 
        mesh = MeshBuilder()
        # Per-vertex normals require duplication of vertices
        r = size / 2
        ri = isize / 2
        rm = maxs / 2
        # additionale length
        sup = size * 0.1
        l = -lg
        rng = int(360 / nb)
        ang = math.radians(nb)
        if rm>r and dep!=0:
            l_max=(rm-r) / math.tan(math.radians(dep))
        else :
        verts = []
        if l_max<lg and l_max>0:
            for i in range(0, rng):
                # Top
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])

                #Side 1a
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), -l_max, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side 1b
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), -l_max, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos(i*ang), -l_max, rm*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                #Side 2a
                verts.append([rm*math.cos(i*ang), -l_max, rm*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), -l_max, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side 2b
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos(i*ang), l, rm*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos(i*ang), -l_max, rm*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), l, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos(i*ang), l, rm*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), l, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([rm*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, rm*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
                #Side Inta
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side Intb
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), l, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
            for i in range(0, rng):
                # Top
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                #Side 1a
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, r*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r_inf*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_inf*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side 1b
                verts.append([r_inf*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_inf*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([r_inf*math.cos(i*ang), l, r_inf*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r*math.cos(i*ang), sup, r*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), l, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r_inf*math.cos(i*ang), l, r_inf*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r_inf*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_inf*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), l, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([r_inf*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, r_inf*math.sin((i+1)*ang)]) 
                #Side Inta
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), sup, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                #Side Intb
                verts.append([ri*math.cos((i+1)*ang), l, ri*math.sin((i+1)*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), sup, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])
                verts.append([ri*math.cos(i*ang), l, ri*math.sin(i*ang)])

        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        # for every angle increment ( 24  or 30 ) Vertices
        tot = rng * nbv
        for i in range(0, tot, 3): # 
            indices.append([i, i+1, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh
Exemple #15
    def _createAbutment(self, size, maxs, height, top, dep, ydir):
        # Logger.log('d', 'Ydir : ' + str(ydir)) 
        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        s = size / 2
        sm = maxs / 2
        l = height 
        if sm>s and dep!=0:
            l_max=(sm-s) / math.tan(math.radians(dep))
        else :
        # Difference between Standart Abutment and Abutment + max base size
        if l_max<l and l_max>0:
            if ydir == False :
                verts = [ # 10 faces with 4 corners each
                    [-s, -l_max,  sm], [-s,  top,  2*s], [ s,  top,  2*s], [ s, -l_max,  sm],
                    [-s,  top, -2*s], [-s, -l_max, -sm], [ s, -l_max, -sm], [ s,  top, -2*s],
                    [-s, -l,  sm], [-s,  -l_max,  sm], [ s,  -l_max,  sm], [ s, -l,  sm],
                    [-s,  -l_max, -sm], [-s, -l, -sm], [ s, -l, -sm], [ s,  -l_max, -sm],                  
                    [ s, -l, -sm], [-s, -l, -sm], [-s, -l,  sm], [ s, -l,  sm],
                    [-s,  top, -2*s], [ s,  top, -2*s], [ s,  top,  2*s], [-s,  top,  2*s],
                    [-s, -l_max,  sm], [-s, -l_max, -sm], [-s,  top, -2*s], [-s,  top,  2*s],
                    [ s, -l_max, -sm], [ s, -l_max,  sm], [ s,  top,  2*s], [ s,  top, -2*s],                   
                    [-s, -l,  sm], [-s, -l, -sm], [-s,  -l_max, -sm], [-s,  -l_max,  sm],
                    [ s, -l, -sm], [ s, -l,  sm], [ s,  -l_max,  sm], [ s,  -l_max, -sm]
                verts = [ # 10 faces with 4 corners each
                    [-sm, -l_max,  s], [-2*s,  top,  s], [ 2*s,  top,  s], [ sm, -l_max,  s],
                    [-2*s,  top, -s], [-sm, -l_max, -s], [ sm, -l_max, -s], [ 2*s,  top, -s],                
                    [-sm, -l,  s], [-sm,  -l_max,  s], [ sm,  -l_max,  s], [ sm, -l,  s],
                    [-sm,  -l_max, -s], [-sm, -l, -s], [ sm, -l, -s], [ sm,  -l_max, -s],                         
                    [ sm, -l, -s], [-sm, -l, -s], [-sm, -l,  s], [ sm, -l,  s],
                    [-2*s,  top, -s], [ 2*s,  top, -s], [ 2*s,  top,  s], [-2*s,  top,  s],             
                    [-sm, -l_max,  s], [-sm, -l_max, -s], [-2*s,  top, -s], [-2*s,  top,  s],
                    [ sm, -l_max, -s], [ sm, -l_max,  s], [ 2*s,  top,  s], [ 2*s,  top, -s],                                  
                    [-sm, -l,  s], [-sm, -l, -s], [-sm,  -l_max, -s], [-sm,  -l_max,  s],
                    [ sm, -l, -s], [ sm, -l,  s], [ sm,  -l_max,  s], [ sm,  -l_max, -s]
            if ydir == False :
                verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
                    [-s, -l,  s_inf], [-s,  top,  2*s], [ s,  top,  2*s], [ s, -l,  s_inf],
                    [-s,  top, -2*s], [-s, -l, -s_inf], [ s, -l, -s_inf], [ s,  top, -2*s],
                    [ s, -l, -s_inf], [-s, -l, -s_inf], [-s, -l,  s_inf], [ s, -l,  s_inf],
                    [-s,  top, -2*s], [ s,  top, -2*s], [ s,  top,  2*s], [-s,  top,  2*s],
                    [-s, -l,  s_inf], [-s, -l, -s_inf], [-s,  top, -2*s], [-s,  top,  2*s],
                    [ s, -l, -s_inf], [ s, -l,  s_inf], [ s,  top,  2*s], [ s,  top, -2*s]
                verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each
                    [-s_inf, -l,  s], [-2*s,  top,  s], [ 2*s,  top,  s], [ s_inf, -l,  s],
                    [-2*s,  top, -s], [-s_inf, -l, -s], [ s_inf, -l, -s], [ 2*s,  top, -s],
                    [ s_inf, -l, -s], [-s_inf, -l, -s], [-s_inf, -l,  s], [ s_inf, -l,  s],
                    [-2*s,  top, -s], [ 2*s,  top, -s], [ 2*s,  top,  s], [-2*s,  top,  s],
                    [-s_inf, -l,  s], [-s_inf, -l, -s], [-2*s,  top, -s], [-2*s,  top,  s],
                    [ s_inf, -l, -s], [ s_inf, -l,  s], [ 2*s,  top,  s], [ 2*s,  top, -s]
        mesh.setVertices(numpy.asarray(verts, dtype=numpy.float32))

        indices = []
        for i in range(0, nbv, 4): # All 6 quads (12 triangles)
            indices.append([i, i+2, i+1])
            indices.append([i, i+3, i+2])
        mesh.setIndices(numpy.asarray(indices, dtype=numpy.int32))

        return mesh