def test_get_minutes(): function_result_1 = a1.get_minutes(3800) function_result_2 = a1.get_minutes(4000) function_result_3 = a1.get_minutes(42000) assert type(function_result_1) is int assert function_result_1 == 3 assert function_result_2 == 6 assert function_result_3 == 40
def test_get_minuts(self): self.assertEqual(a1.get_minutes(0), 0) self.assertEqual(a1.get_minutes(63), 1) self.assertEqual(a1.get_minutes(59), 0) self.assertEqual(a1.get_minutes(61), 1) self.assertEqual(3, a1.get_minutes(237)); self.assertEqual(3, a1.get_minutes(3800)); self.assertEqual(1, a1.get_minutes(3660));
def refresh(self, forced=False): '''Redraw the clock. If forced is True, display it now. If forced is False, register a redraw for later.''' = + self.interval / 1000 * self.time_scale self.canvas.delete(tkinter.ALL) # Draw the clock rim. self.canvas.create_oval(10, 10, self.width - 10, self.height - 10, width=2, fill="#334455") # Draw the tick marks around the clock. for i in range(0, 12): angle = math.radians(i / 12 * 360) outer_length = 90 inner_length = 80 self.canvas.create_line( math.cos(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.cos(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, fill='white', width=3) # Draw a light or dark face depending on whether it's before noon or # after. utc_hour = ( / 60 / 60) % 24 hour = int(a1.time_from_utc(utc_hour, self.diff)) self.canvas.create_oval(15, 15, self.width - 15, self.height - 15, width=2, fill="#e0e8ff" if hour < 12 else "#334") hands_colour = "black" if hour < 12 else "white" # Draw the hour hand. hours_angle = (hour % 12) / 12 * 360 self._draw_hand(hours_angle, 30, arrow=tkinter.FIRST, arrowshape=(50, 2, 2), fill=hands_colour) self._draw_hand(hours_angle + 180, 5, fill=hands_colour) # Draw the minute hand. minutes_angle = a1.get_minutes(int( / 60 * 360 if a1.time_from_utc(0, self.diff) % 1 == 0.5: minutes_angle += 180 elif a1.time_from_utc(0, self.diff) % 1 == 0.75: minutes_angle += 270 self._draw_hand(minutes_angle, 30, arrow=tkinter.FIRST, arrowshape=(80, 2, 2), fill=hands_colour) self._draw_hand(minutes_angle + 180, 5, fill=hands_colour) # Draw the second hand. seconds_angle = int(a1.get_seconds(int( / 60 * 360 self._draw_hand(seconds_angle, 70, fill='red', width=2, arrow=tkinter.FIRST, arrowshape=(70, 9, 2)) self._draw_hand(seconds_angle + 180, 18, fill='red', arrow=tkinter.LAST, arrowshape=(8, 5, 5), width=2) self._draw_hand(seconds_angle + 180, 20, fill='red') # Draw the four larger tick marks at noon, 3, 6, and 9. for i in range(0, 12, 3): angle = math.radians(i / 12 * 360) outer_length = 90 inner_length = 70 self.canvas.create_line( math.cos(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.cos(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, width=5) if not forced: self.canvas.after(self.interval, self.refresh)
def refresh(self, forced=False): '''Redraw the clock. If forced is True, display it now. If forced is False, register a redraw for later.''' = + self.interval / 1000 * self.time_scale self.canvas.delete(tkinter.ALL) # Draw the clock rim. self.canvas.create_oval(10, 10, self.width - 10, self.height - 10, width=2, fill="#334455") # Draw the tick marks around the clock. for i in range(0, 12): angle = math.radians(i / 12 * 360) outer_length = 90 inner_length = 80 self.canvas.create_line( math.cos(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.cos(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, fill='white', width=3 ) # Draw a light or dark face depending on whether it's before noon or # after. utc_hour = ( / 60 / 60) % 24 hour = int(a1.time_from_utc(utc_hour, self.diff)) self.canvas.create_oval(15, 15, self.width - 15, self.height - 15, width=2, fill="#e0e8ff" if hour < 12 else "#334") hands_colour = "black" if hour < 12 else "white" # Draw the hour hand. hours_angle = (hour % 12) / 12 * 360 self._draw_hand(hours_angle, 30, arrow=tkinter.FIRST, arrowshape=(50, 2, 2), fill=hands_colour) self._draw_hand(hours_angle + 180, 5, fill=hands_colour) # Draw the minute hand. minutes_angle = a1.get_minutes(int( / 60 * 360 if a1.time_from_utc(0, self.diff) % 1 == 0.5: minutes_angle += 180 elif a1.time_from_utc(0, self.diff) % 1 == 0.75: minutes_angle += 270 self._draw_hand(minutes_angle, 30, arrow=tkinter.FIRST, arrowshape=(80, 2, 2), fill=hands_colour) self._draw_hand(minutes_angle + 180, 5, fill=hands_colour) # Draw the second hand. seconds_angle = int(a1.get_seconds(int( / 60 * 360 self._draw_hand(seconds_angle, 70, fill='red', width=2, arrow=tkinter.FIRST, arrowshape=(70, 9, 2)) self._draw_hand(seconds_angle + 180, 18, fill='red', arrow=tkinter.LAST, arrowshape=(8, 5, 5), width=2) self._draw_hand(seconds_angle + 180, 20, fill='red') # Draw the four larger tick marks at noon, 3, 6, and 9. for i in range(0, 12, 3): angle = math.radians(i / 12 * 360) outer_length = 90 inner_length = 70 self.canvas.create_line( math.cos(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * inner_length + self.width / 2, math.cos(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, math.sin(angle) * outer_length + self.width / 2, width = 5 ) if not forced: self.canvas.after(self.interval, self.refresh)
import a1 print(a1.seconds_difference(1800.0, 3600.0)) print(a1.seconds_difference(3600.0, 1800.0)) print(a1.seconds_difference(1800.0, 2160.0)) print(a1.seconds_difference(1800.0, 1800.0)) print(a1.hours_difference(1800.0, 3600.0)) print(a1.hours_difference(3600.0, 1800.0)) print(a1.hours_difference(1800.0, 2160.0)) print(a1.hours_difference(1800.0, 1800.0)) print(a1.to_float_hours(0, 15, 0)) print(a1.to_float_hours(2, 45, 9)) print(a1.to_float_hours(1, 0, 36)) print(a1.get_hours(3800)) print(a1.get_minutes(3800)) print(a1.get_seconds(3800)) print(a1.time_to_utc(+0.5, 12.0)) print(a1.time_to_utc(+1, 12.0)) print(a1.time_to_utc(-1, 12.0)) print(a1.time_to_utc(-11, 18.0)) print(a1.time_to_utc(-1, 0.0)) print(a1.time_to_utc(-1, 23.0)) # ^ last test in time_to_utc