Exemple #1
 def _set_duration(self, new_duration, repeat_ties=False):
     import abjad
     new_duration = Duration(new_duration)
     # change LilyPond multiplier if leaf already has LilyPond multiplier
     if self._get_indicators(Multiplier):
         detach(Multiplier, self)
         multiplier = new_duration.__div__(self.written_duration)
         attach(multiplier, self)
         return select(self)
     # change written duration if new duration is assignable
         self.written_duration = new_duration
         return select(self)
     except exceptions.AssignabilityError:
     # make new notes or tuplets if new duration is nonassignable
     maker = abjad.NoteMaker(repeat_ties=repeat_ties, )
     components = maker(0, new_duration)
     if isinstance(components[0], Leaf):
         tied_leaf_count = len(components) - 1
         tied_leaves = tied_leaf_count * self
         all_leaves = [self] + tied_leaves
         for leaf, component in zip(all_leaves, components):
             leaf.written_duration = component.written_duration
         self._splice(tied_leaves, grow_spanners=True)
         if not inspect(self).has_spanner(abjad.Tie):
             tie = abjad.Tie()
             if tie._attachment_test(self):
                 tie = abjad.Tie(repeat=repeat_ties)
                 attach(tie, all_leaves)
         return select(all_leaves)
         assert isinstance(components[0], abjad.Tuplet)
         tuplet = components[0]
         components = tuplet[:]
         tied_leaf_count = len(components) - 1
         tied_leaves = tied_leaf_count * self
         all_leaves = [self] + tied_leaves
         for leaf, component in zip(all_leaves, components):
             leaf.written_duration = component.written_duration
         self._splice(tied_leaves, grow_spanners=True)
         if not inspect(self).has_spanner(abjad.Tie):
             tie = abjad.Tie()
             if tie._attachment_test(self):
                 tie = abjad.Tie(repeat=repeat_ties)
                 attach(tie, all_leaves)
         multiplier = tuplet.multiplier
         tuplet = abjad.Tuplet(multiplier, [])
         return select(tuplet)
Exemple #2
    def _set_duration(self, new_duration):
        from .Chord import Chord
        from .Note import Note
        from .NoteMaker import NoteMaker
        from .Tuplet import Tuplet
        from abjad.spanners import tie as abjad_tie

        new_duration = Duration(new_duration)
        if self.multiplier is not None:
            multiplier = new_duration.__div__(self.written_duration)
            self.multiplier = multiplier
            return select(self)
            self.written_duration = new_duration
            return select(self)
        except exceptions.AssignabilityError:
        maker = NoteMaker()
        components = maker(0, new_duration)
        new_leaves = select(components).leaves()
        following_leaf_count = len(new_leaves) - 1
        following_leaves = following_leaf_count * self
        all_leaves = [self] + following_leaves
        for leaf, new_leaf in zip(all_leaves, new_leaves):
            leaf.written_duration = new_leaf.written_duration
        logical_tie = self._get_logical_tie()
        logical_tie_leaves = list(logical_tie.leaves)
        for leaf in logical_tie:
            detach(Tie, leaf)
            detach(RepeatTie, leaf)
        if self._parent is not None:
            index = self._parent.index(self)
            next_ = index + 1
            self._parent[next_:next_] = following_leaves
        index = logical_tie_leaves.index(self)
        next_ = index + 1
        logical_tie_leaves[next_:next_] = following_leaves
        if 1 < len(logical_tie_leaves) and isinstance(self, (Note, Chord)):
        if isinstance(components[0], Leaf):
            return select(all_leaves)
            assert isinstance(components[0], Tuplet)
            assert len(components) == 1
            tuplet = components[0]
            multiplier = tuplet.multiplier
            tuplet = Tuplet(multiplier, [])
            return select(tuplet)
Exemple #3
    def _set_duration(self, new_duration, repeat_ties=False):
        from .Chord import Chord
        from .Note import Note
        from .NoteMaker import NoteMaker
        from .Tuplet import Tuplet
        from abjad.spanners import tie as abjad_tie

        new_duration = Duration(new_duration)
        if self.multiplier is not None:
            multiplier = new_duration.__div__(self.written_duration)
            self.multiplier = multiplier
            return select(self)
            self.written_duration = new_duration
            return select(self)
        except exceptions.AssignabilityError:
        maker = NoteMaker(repeat_ties=repeat_ties)
        components = maker(0, new_duration)
        new_leaves = select(components).leaves()
        following_leaf_count = len(new_leaves) - 1
        following_leaves = following_leaf_count * self
        all_leaves = [self] + following_leaves
        for leaf, new_leaf in zip(all_leaves, new_leaves):
            leaf.written_duration = new_leaf.written_duration
        logical_tie = self._get_logical_tie()
        logical_tie_leaves = list(logical_tie.leaves)
        for leaf in logical_tie:
            detach(TieIndicator, leaf)
            detach(RepeatTie, leaf)
        if self._parent is not None:
            index = self._parent.index(self)
            next_ = index + 1
            self._parent[next_:next_] = following_leaves
        index = logical_tie_leaves.index(self)
        next_ = index + 1
        logical_tie_leaves[next_:next_] = following_leaves
        if 1 < len(logical_tie_leaves) and isinstance(self, (Note, Chord)):
        if isinstance(components[0], Leaf):
            return select(all_leaves)
            assert isinstance(components[0], Tuplet)
            assert len(components) == 1
            tuplet = components[0]
            multiplier = tuplet.multiplier
            tuplet = Tuplet(multiplier, [])
            return select(tuplet)