Exemple #1
  def getActivitiesForUser( userl ):
    # is there a better way to do this? importing here is really bad, but can't import at top.
    import projects
    user_projects = projects.models.ProjectMember.getProjectsForUser(userl)
    # now get all the stories for the projects a user is interested in
    activities = [act.mergeChildren() for act in list(Activity.objects.filter(project__in = user_projects).order_by('created').reverse())]

    def combine(u, a, it, acts):
      if a.name == "reordered" and len(acts) > 1:
        return [IterationActivity(project = it.project, user=u, iteration=it, created=acts[0].created, action=a, numstories=len(acts))]
      elif allinstances(acts, StoryActivity):
        # if they are the same action about the same story, together, only show the most recent one
        return [list(acts)[0] for (st,s),acts in groupby(acts, lambda act: (act.story, act.status))]
      #to add other combinations, simply add elif clauses here
        return acts

    if len(activities) > 0:
      # this groups the stories by user, action, and iteration if it is not an iteration activity
      groups = groupby(activities, lambda act: (act.user, act.action, not instanceof(act, [StoryActivity, CommentActivity, PointsChangeActivity]) or act.story.iteration))
      # this goes through the groupings and combines them if necessary
      return reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [combine(u,a,it or stories[0].iteration,list(stories)) for (u,a,it),stories in groups])
      return []
Exemple #2
  def getActivitiesForUser( userl ):
    # try to get from cache first
    activities = cache.get(str(userl.id)+"_activities")
    if activities:
      return activities
      # is there a better way to do this? importing here is really bad, but can't import at top.
      import projects
      user_projects = projects.models.ProjectMember.getProjectsForUser(userl)
      # now get all the stories for the projects a user is interested in
      related_types = {'all':['action','user', 'project'],
                       'storyactivity':['story', 'story__iteration'],
      activities = Activity.objects.filter(project__in = user_projects).order_by('created').reverse().cast(select_related_types=related_types) #depth=2)

      # this gets a little tricky. we want to get all the subtypes of activity without the expense of creating a query per entry.
      # with django newer than 1.2, this could be provided by django-model-utils InheritanceManager, and one solution from the same library
      # with we partially use, is InheritanceCastModel and InheritanceCastMixin. The problem with the latter is that it does not seem to suppo

      def combine(u, a, it, acts):
          if a.name == "reordered" and len(acts) > 1:
            story = acts[0].story
            return [IterationActivity(project = story.project, user=u, iteration=story.iteration, created=story.created, action=a, numstories=len(acts))]
          elif allinstances(acts, StoryActivity):
            # if they are the same action about the same story, together, only show the most recent one
            return [list(acts)[0] for (st,s),acts in groupby(acts, lambda act: (act.story_id, act.status))]
          #to add other combinations, simply add elif clauses here
            return acts
          return acts

      if len(activities) > 0:
        # this groups the stories by user, action, and iteration if it is not an iteration activity
        groups = groupby(activities, lambda act: (act.user_id, act.action, not instanceof(act, [StoryActivity, CommentActivity, PointsChangeActivity]) or act.story.iteration_id))
        # this goes through the groupings and combines them if necessary
        activities = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [combine(u,a,it or stories[0].iteration_id,list(stories)) for (u,a,it),stories in groups])
        cache.set(str(userl.id)+"_activities", activities, 60*10)
        return activities
        return []
Exemple #3
    def getActivitiesForUser(userl):
        # try to get from cache first
        activities = cache.get(str(userl.id) + "_activities")
        if activities:
            return activities
            # is there a better way to do this? importing here is really bad, but can't import at top.
            import projects
            user_projects = projects.models.ProjectMember.getProjectsForUser(

            # now get all the stories for the projects a user is interested in
            related_types = {
                'all': ['action', 'user', 'project'],
                'storyactivity': ['story', 'story__iteration'],
                'commentactivity': ['story'],
                'pointschangeactivity': ['story'],
                'iterationactivity': ['iteration'],
            activities = Activity.objects.filter(
                    select_related_types=related_types)  #depth=2)

            # this gets a little tricky. we want to get all the subtypes of activity without the expense of creating a query per entry.
            # with django newer than 1.2, this could be provided by django-model-utils InheritanceManager, and one solution from the same library
            # with we partially use, is InheritanceCastModel and InheritanceCastMixin. The problem with the latter is that it does not seem to suppo

            def combine(u, a, it, acts):
                    if a.name == "reordered" and len(acts) > 1:
                        story = acts[0].story
                        return [
                    elif allinstances(acts, StoryActivity):
                        # if they are the same action about the same story, together, only show the most recent one
                        return [
                            list(acts)[0] for (st, s), acts in groupby(
                                acts, lambda act: (act.story_id, act.status))
                    #to add other combinations, simply add elif clauses here
                        return acts
                    return acts

            if len(activities) > 0:
                # this groups the stories by user, action, and iteration if it is not an iteration activity
                groups = groupby(
                    activities, lambda act:
                    (act.user_id, act.action,
                     not instanceof(act, [
                         StoryActivity, CommentActivity, PointsChangeActivity
                     ]) or act.story.iteration_id))
                # this goes through the groupings and combines them if necessary
                activities = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [
                    combine(u, a, it or stories[0].iteration_id, list(stories))
                    for (u, a, it), stories in groups
                cache.set(str(userl.id) + "_activities", activities, 60 * 10)
                return activities
                return []