Exemple #1
 def test_constant(self):
     x = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="x")
     y = MyVariable("y")
     z = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="z")
     e = op1(op1(x, y), y)
     g = FunctionGraph([y], [e])
     PatternOptimizer((op1, z, "1"), (op2, "1", z)).optimize(g)
     assert str(g) == "FunctionGraph(Op1(Op2(y, z), y))"
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, type, data, name=None):
     Constant.__init__(self, type, data, name)
     self.tag.unique_value = None
     if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.ndim > 0:
         flat_data = data.ravel()
         if flat_data.shape[0]:
             if (flat_data == flat_data[0]).all():
                 self.tag.unique_value = flat_data[0]
Exemple #3
 def test_constant_merging(self):
     x = MyVariable("x")
     y = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="y")
     z = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="z")
     e = op1(op2(x, y), op2(x, y), op2(x, z))
     g = FunctionGraph([x, y, z], [e])
     strg = str(g)
     assert (strg == "FunctionGraph(Op1(*1 -> Op2(x, y), *1, *1))"
             or strg == "FunctionGraph(Op1(*1 -> Op2(x, z), *1, *1))")
Exemple #4
 def test_identical_constant_args(self):
     x = MyVariable("x")
     y = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="y")
     z = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="z")
     with config.change_flags(compute_test_value="off"):
         e1 = op1(y, z)
     g = FunctionGraph([x, y, z], [e1])
     strg = str(g)
     assert strg == "FunctionGraph(Op1(y, y))" or strg == "FunctionGraph(Op1(z, z))"
Exemple #5
 def test_constant_merging(self):
     x = MyVariable("x")
     y = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="y")
     z = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="z")
     e = op1(op2(x, y), op2(x, y), op2(x, z))
     g = FunctionGraph([x, y, z], [e], clone=False)
     out_var = g.outputs[0]
     var_1, var_2, var_3 = out_var.owner.inputs
     assert var_1 is var_2
     assert var_2 is var_3
Exemple #6
    def test_identical_constant_args(self):
        x = MyVariable("x")
        y = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="y")
        z = Constant(MyType(), 2, name="z")
        e1 = op1(y, z)
        g = FunctionGraph([x, y, z], [e1], clone=False)

        assert g.outputs[0].owner.op == op1
        input_1 = g.outputs[0].owner.inputs[0]
        assert input_1 is g.outputs[0].owner.inputs[1]
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, type, data, name=None):
     assert isinstance(data, slice)
     # Numpy ndarray aren't hashable, so get rid of them.
     if isinstance(data.start, np.ndarray):
         assert data.start.ndim == 0
         assert str(data.start.dtype) in integer_dtypes
         data = slice(int(data.start), data.stop, data.step)
     elif isinstance(data.stop, np.ndarray):
         assert data.stop.ndim == 0
         assert str(data.stop.dtype) in integer_dtypes
         data = slice(data.start, int(data.stop), data.step)
     elif isinstance(data.step, np.ndarray):
         assert data.step.ndim == 0
         assert str(data.step.dtype) in integer_dtypes
         data = slice(data.start, int(data.stop), data.step)
     Constant.__init__(self, type, data, name)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, type, data, name=None):
        data_shape = np.shape(data)

        if len(data_shape) != type.ndim or any(
                ds != ts for ds, ts in zip(np.shape(data), type.shape)
                if ts is not None):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Shape of data ({data_shape}) does not match shape of type ({type.shape})"

        # We want all the shape information from `data`
        new_type = type.clone(shape=data_shape)

        assert not any(s is None for s in new_type.shape)

        Constant.__init__(self, new_type, data, name)
Exemple #9
def test_opwiseclinker_constant():
    x, y, z = inputs()
    x = Constant(tdouble, 7.2, name="x")
    e = add(mul(x, y), mul(y, z))
    lnk = OpWiseCLinker().accept(FunctionGraph([y, z], [e]))
    fn = make_function(lnk)
    res = fn(1.5, 3.0)
    assert res == 15.3
Exemple #10
def test_c_fail_error():
    x, y, z = inputs()
    x = Constant(tdouble, 7.2, name="x")
    e = add_fail(mul(x, y), mul(y, z))
    lnk = OpWiseCLinker().accept(FunctionGraph([y, z], [e]))
    fn = make_function(lnk)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        fn(1.5, 3.0)
Exemple #11
def test_none_Constant():
    # FIXME: This is a poor test.

    # Tests equals
    # We had an error in the past with unpickling

    o1 = Constant(NoneTypeT(), None, name="NoneConst")
    o2 = Constant(NoneTypeT(), None, name="NoneConst")
    assert o1.equals(o2)
    assert NoneConst.equals(o1)
    assert o1.equals(NoneConst)
    assert NoneConst.equals(o2)
    assert o2.equals(NoneConst)

    # This trigger equals that returned the wrong answer in the past.
    import pickle

    import aesara

    x = vector("x")
    y = argmax(x)
    kwargs = {}
    # We can't pickle DebugMode
    if aesara.config.mode in ["DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE"]:
        kwargs = {"mode": "FAST_RUN"}
    f = aesara.function([x], [y], **kwargs)
Exemple #12
def test_pre_greedy_local_optimizer():

    empty_fgraph = FunctionGraph([], [])

    x = MyVariable("x")
    y = MyVariable("y")
    c1 = Constant(MyType(), 1, "c1")
    c2 = Constant(MyType(), 2, "c2")
    o1 = op2(c1, c2)
    o3 = op1(c1, y)
    o2 = op1(o1, c2, x, o3, o1)

    assert o2.owner.inputs[0].owner is not None
    assert o2.owner.inputs[4].owner is not None

    # This should fold `o1`, because it has only `Constant` arguments, and
    # replace it with the `Constant` result
    cst = pre_greedy_local_optimizer(empty_fgraph, [constant_folding], o2)

    assert cst.owner.inputs[0].owner is None
    assert cst.owner.inputs[1] is c2
    assert cst.owner.inputs[2] is x
    assert cst.owner.inputs[3] is o3
    assert cst.owner.inputs[4] is cst.owner.inputs[0]

    # We're going to do it again, except this time `o1` is
    # in the `fgraph`, so it shouldn't be folded
    fg = FunctionGraph([], [o1], clone=False)
    o2 = op1(o1, c2, x, o3, o1)

    cst = pre_greedy_local_optimizer(fg, [constant_folding], o2)

    assert cst.owner.inputs[0] is o1
    assert cst.owner.inputs[4] is cst.owner.inputs[0]

    # What exactly is this supposed to test?
    ms = MakeSlice()(1)
    cst = pre_greedy_local_optimizer(empty_fgraph, [constant_folding], ms)

    assert isinstance(cst, SliceConstant)

    # Make sure constant of slice signature is hashable.
    assert isinstance(hash(cst.signature()), int)
Exemple #13
def test_pre_constant_merge():

    empty_fgraph = FunctionGraph([], [])

    x = MyVariable("x")
    y = MyVariable("y")
    c1 = Constant(MyType(), 1, "c1")
    c2 = Constant(MyType(), 1, "c1")
    o1 = op2(c1, x)
    o2 = op1(o1, y, c2)

    assert c1 is not c2

    res = pre_constant_merge(empty_fgraph, [o2])

    assert [o2] == res
    assert o2.owner.inputs[2] is c1

    o2 = op1(o1, y, c2)
    fg = FunctionGraph([x, y], [o2], clone=False)

    assert o2.owner in fg.apply_nodes

    res = pre_constant_merge(fg, [o2])

    assert res == [o2]
    assert o2.owner.inputs[2] is c2

    # What is this supposed to test?
    ms = MakeSlice()(1)
    res = pre_constant_merge(empty_fgraph, [ms])

    assert res == [ms]

    const_slice = SliceConstant(type=slicetype, data=slice(1, None, 2))

    assert isinstance(const_slice, Constant)

    adv = AdvancedSubtensor()(matrix(), [2, 3], const_slice)

    res = pre_constant_merge(empty_fgraph, adv)
    assert res == [adv]
Exemple #14
def test_clinker_literal_inlining():
    x, y, z = inputs()
    z = Constant(tdouble, 4.12345678)
    e = add(mul(add(x, y), div(x, y)), bad_sub(bad_sub(x, y), z))
    lnk = CLinker().accept(FunctionGraph([x, y], [e]))
    fn = make_function(lnk)
    assert abs(fn(2.0, 2.0) + 0.12345678) < 1e-9
    code = lnk.code_gen()
    # print "=== Code generated ==="
    # print code
    assert "4.12345678" in code  # we expect the number to be inlined
Exemple #15
 def make_node(self, x, index):
     assert isinstance(x.type, TypedListType)
     if not isinstance(index, Variable):
         if isinstance(index, slice):
             index = Constant(SliceType(), index)
             return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.type()])
             index = at.constant(index, ndim=0, dtype="int64")
             return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.ttype()])
     if isinstance(index.type, SliceType):
         return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.type()])
     elif isinstance(index, TensorVariable) and index.ndim == 0:
         assert index.dtype == "int64"
         return Apply(self, [x, index], [x.ttype()])
         raise TypeError("Expected scalar or slice as index.")
Exemple #16
def test_MatrixSlice():
    from aesara.graph.basic import Constant

    cache = {}

    n = sy.Symbol('n', integer=True)
    X = sy.MatrixSymbol('X', n, n)

    Y = X[1:2:3, 4:5:6]
    Yt = aesara_code_(Y, cache=cache)

    s = Scalar('int64')
    assert tuple(Yt.owner.op.idx_list) == (slice(s, s, s), slice(s, s, s))
    assert Yt.owner.inputs[0] == aesara_code_(X, cache=cache)
    # == doesn't work in Aesara like it does in SymPy. You have to use
    # equals.
    assert all(Yt.owner.inputs[i].equals(Constant(s, i)) for i in range(1, 7))

    k = sy.Symbol('k')
    aesara_code_(k, dtypes={k: 'int32'})
    start, stop, step = 4, k, 2
    Y = X[start:stop:step]
    Yt = aesara_code_(Y, dtypes={n: 'int32', k: 'int32'})
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, type, data, name=None):
     Constant.__init__(self, type, data, name)
Exemple #18
def MyConstant(data):
    return Constant(MyType(), data=data)
Exemple #19
SliceType.Constant = SliceConstant

class NoneTypeT(Generic):
    Inherit from Generic to have c code working.

    def filter(self, x, strict=False, allow_downcast=None):
        if x is None:
            return x
            raise TypeError("Expected None!")

    def may_share_memory(a, b):
        # None never share memory between object, in the sence of DebugMode.
        # Python None are singleton
        return False

none_type_t = NoneTypeT()

# This is a variable instance. It can be used only once per fgraph.
# So use NoneConst.clone() before using it in an Aesara graph.
# Use NoneConst.equals(x) to check if two variable are NoneConst.
NoneConst = Constant(none_type_t, None, name="NoneConst")

__all__ = ["make_slice", "slicetype", "none_type_t", "NoneConst"]
Exemple #20
 def test_constant(self):
     x, y, z = inputs()
     y = Constant(tdouble, 2.0)
     e = mul(add(x, y), div(x, y))
     fn = perform_linker(FunctionGraph([x], [e])).make_function()
     assert fn(1.0) == 1.5
Exemple #21
 def make_node(self, path):
     if isinstance(path, str):
         path = Constant(Generic(), path)
     return Apply(self, [path],
                  [tensor(self.dtype, shape=self.broadcastable)])
Exemple #22
def MyConstant(name, data=None):
    return Constant(MyType(), data, name=name)