gpt.add_example(Example("""Product Manager, Designed and built an app that got to $10k in sales.""",
"""“Designed and built out a user-facing mobile application that processed over $1 million in transactions, 
increasing revenue by 35% within the first 6 months."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Product Manager, Managed a team of 15 developers that designed and built an app 
that got to $10k in sales, turning the customers vision for the product into a reality.""",
"""“Managed a team of 15 designers and developers, working cross-functionally with Business Operations, 
Marketing, and Sales to launch innovative mobile app that got to $10k in sales within the first month of launch."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Product Manager, Managed a team of 15 developers that designed and built an app 
that got to $10k in sales, turning the customers vision for the product into a reality.""",
"""“Turned a customer idea into a reality, leading development of an app that generated $10k in sales."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Product Manager, Managed a team of 15 developers that designed and built an app 
that got to $10k in sales, turning the customers vision for the product into a reality.""",
"""“Managed a team of 15 developers and designers that built an app that quickly sold $10,000 in the first three 
months. The product is now in top-tier app stores and has been featured on several major tech sites."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Product Manager, Managed a team of 15 developers that designed and built an app 
that got to $10k in sales, turning the customers vision for the product into a reality.""",
"""“MManaged a team of 15 developers, focusing on all aspects of the mobile experience including product design, 
development, QA, and customer support."""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create bullet points for your resume",
                  placeholder="Position applying for, Your experience")

id = "resume-bullet-points"
        "Gone Girl",
        "Prisoners, Dark Places, True Story, Searching, Nightcrawler, The Hidden Face, Shutter Island, Side Effects, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Invisible Guest, The Body, Zodiac, The Prestige, Identity, Seven"

        "Breaking Bad",
        "Better Call Saul, Narcos, Ozark, The Walking Dead, Succession, Peaky Blinders, Power, Sons of Anarchy, The Wire, Bad Blood, Prison Break"

        "How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, The Office, 2 Broken Girls, Seinfeld, Frasier, Modem Family"

        "Toy Story",
        "Monsters Inc, Toy Story 3, Toy Story 4, How to Train Your Dragon, Up, Finding Nemo, Ice Age, Shrek the Third, The Ant Bully, Big Hero, The Lego Movie, American Tail, Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Chicken Run, Adventure of Rocky and Bullwinkle"

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Find similar series/movies",

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
become established more quickly, so they can get growing."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""Our quality, trusted rooting products provide home gardeners with new ways to create more green."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Rooting hormone, promotes root development.""",
"""Rooting hormone is also used to make cuttings of rooted plants and in general to stimulate root growth."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Detangle Spray, softens and detangles hair.""",
"""Detangle spray prevents tangles and leaves hair moisturized. This special detangler spray lubricates 
hair strands to make styling easier. Hair feels soft and lightly nourished. Smells great! For all hair types."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Detangle Spray, softens and detangles hair.""",
"""Detangle Hair Milk Spray helps you eliminate all tangles without the need for a comb or brush. 
This special milky spray lubricates hair strands to make styling easier and more manageable. Hair feels soft, smooth and lightly nourished."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""Detangle Spray,softens and detangles hair.""",
"""Detangle and deters breakage with this lightweight spritz that helps to smooth hair"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create a Meta Description",
                  placeholder="Product, Description of product.")

id = "meta-description"
import sys

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig
from api import demo_web_app

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="davinci",

gpt.add_example(Example('Thank John for the book.',
                        'Dear John, Thank you so much for the book. I really appreciate it. I hope to hang out soon. Your friend, Sarah.'))

gpt.add_example(Example('Tell TechCorp I appreciate the great service.',
                        'To Whom it May Concern, I want you to know that I appreciate the great service at TechCorp. The staff is outstanding and I enjoy every visit. Sincerely, Bill Johnson'))

gpt.add_example(Example('Invoice Kelly Watkins $500 for design consultation.',
                        'Dear Ms. Watkins, This is my invoice for $500 for design consultation. It was a pleasure to work with you. Sincerely, Emily Fields'))

gpt.add_example(Example('Invite Amanda and Paul to the company event Friday night.',
                        'Dear Amanda and Paul, I hope this finds you doing well. I want to invite you to our company event on Friday night. It will be a great opportunity for networking and there will be food and drinks. Should be fun. Best, Ryan'))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Command to email generator",
                  placeholder="Ask RAM Co. if they have new storage units in stock.")

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
        'Neural networks are like',
        'genetic algorithms in that both are systems that learn from experience.'
        'Social media is like',
        'a market in that both are systems that coordinate the actions of many individuals.'
        'A2E is like',
        'lipofuscin in that both are byproducts of the normal operation of a system.'
    Example('Haskell is like', 'LISP in that both are functional languages.'))
        'Quaternions are like',
        'matrices in that both are used to represent rotations in three dimensions.'
    Example('Quaternions are like',
            'octonions in that both are examples of non-commutative algebra.'))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Analogies generator",
                  placeholder="Memes are like")

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“Green Ivy Creative is an independent marketing agency that has launched the world's first AI powered copywriter. 
CopyAi, creates original content from scratch in seconds. With world-class writers on our team, we can create SEO 
friendly content for any business with over 1 million writing samples, including business documents and blog posts. 
We are currently offering a free trial, message us for more info!"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“Need to write content for your website or blog? The team over at CopyAi has developed an AI powered 
copywriter to provide you with professional courses that you can publish on your site."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“What if you could outsource business copy to a human-like, AI assistant? That’s what I did 
when I decided to create CopyAi. The AI formulates winning copy and headlines for my clients 
based on their specific niche and overall brand goal. All of this is done so that my clients 
can laser focus on activities that are more important to them, such as building relationships 
with their customers or focusing on marketing to social media."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“I’m CopyAi. I specialize in generating content for web and social media, so you don’t have to. 
Using my advanced AI personalization technology, I can quickly and easily craft original, high-quality 
copy that converts. Who knew outsourcing could be this easy?"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs """,
"""“Human copywriters are too expensive *and* you can’t trust them. CopyAi writes your copy while you shop or whatever."""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create a product showcase for social media.",
                  placeholder="Product (optional), description of product")

id = "product-showcase"
Exemple #7
        "The lungs and pleura are clear and the cardiomedistinal silhouette is unremarkable. No rib lesions.",
        "Normal chest X-ray."))
        "No mass, haemorrhage or hydrocephalus. Basal ganglia and posterior fossa structures are normal. No established major vessel vascular territory infarct. No intra or extra axial collection. The basal cisterns and foramen magnum are patent. The air cells of the petrous temporal bone are non-opacified. No fracture demonstrated.",
        "Normal CT head"))
        "Low signal intensity foci seen in the posterior aspect of the peripheral zone at the level of the mid gland toward the apex measuring 0.9 cm on the left and 0.9 cm on the right with associated early enhancement and possible restricted diffusion. Findings are concerning for neoplastic foci.",
        "There are a couple of areas which could be cancerous in the outer part of the prostate."
        "Prominent bilobed paramedial extra-axial mass along the convexity centered at the level of the posterior frontal and anterior parietal lobes with prominent posterior dural tail and occlusion of the adjacent superior sagittal sinus. Prominent surrounding reactive edema, left greater than right. Mild lateral shift but no herniation. Smaller extraaxial mass overlying the right mid temporal lobe.",
        "There is one large right-sided mass near the front of the brain, and another smaller one on the same side. These are likely to be tumours, with signs of brain swelling."
        "The heart size is normal and there is no pericardial effusion. The aorta and great vessels are normal in caliber. The central pulmonary arteries are patent with no evidence of embolus. There is no significant mediastinal, hilar, or axillary lymphadenopathy. The trachea and mainstem bronchi are patent. The esophagus is normal in course and caliber. The lungs are clear with no infiltrates, effusions, or masses. There is no pneumothorax. Scans through the upper abdomen are unremarkable. The osseous structures in the chest are intact.",
        "Nothing concerning was found on this scan"))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Translate clinical radiology reports into lay versions",
    placeholder="Lay version",

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
Exemple #8
        """1. Working with numbers
2. Get data out of the spreadsheet
3. Visualize data"""))

        """Houseplants for beginners, 5 houseplants for beginners""", """
2. Jade plant  
3. Devils ivy  
4. Snake plant  
5. English ivy """))

        """Houseplants for beginners, 5 houseplants for beginners""", """
1. Snake plant
2. Geranium
3. Fern
4. Aloe Vera
5. Begonia """))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Create a Listicle",
    "Enter your Topic, What are you making a list for? (i.e.: 3 reasons why AI is changing the marketing game."

id = "listicle-app"
        """Business Growth Hacks for 2021, the best ways to grow your business in 2021""",
        """“Business Growth Hacks For 2021: In this video, I share my thoughts about what the top growth hacks 
for the next few years will be in business. How do you get more customers? How do you profit from your 
ideas? How do you grow a profitable business? These are some of the answers I give"""

        """top plant picks for 2020, the most popular plants viewers chose for 2020, 
and what I think the most popular plants will be in 2021.""",
        """“In my 2020 gardening video I identified the top 20 plants that viewers chose in 2018. 
Now, here's the list of popular plants for 2020. Watch to see which plants are trending and 
don't miss my expectation of what will be hot in the future."""))

        """top plant picks for 2020, the most popular plants viewers chose for 2020, 
and what I think the most popular plants will be in 2021.""",
        """“Neptunia's back with another top 5 video! This time we check out the top 5 plants for 2020. 
I discuss why some of these plants are going to be popular and if they're going to remain popular 
in 2021 (and beyond). Please note that this video doesn't focus on whether or not these plants will 
produce well, but rather, my thoughts on how popular these plants will be over the next few years. 
And even though trends often change, what's popular in one year is often"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create a description for your YouTube video.",
                  placeholder="Title, What is the video about?")

id = "youtube-descript-creator"
#Model works, after insprecting output in dev tools, the formatting issue is a UI issue, not a backend issue.
import os
import sys
API_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..',

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta", temperature=0.85, max_tokens=800)

        'Data Scientist, Experience mining data, optimizing classifiers.',
        'Ebony Moore\n(123) 456-7891\[email protected]\nMay 1, 2018\nDear  Hiring Manager,\nI would like to introduce myself as an applicant for the Data Scientist position at River Tech, a prestigious and reputable name in innovative technology. I am confident in my ability to perform as a Data Scientist at River Tech due to my extensive education and work experience.\nDuring my work experience at Crane & Jenkins, I had an extensive range of responsibilities including selecting features, optimizing classifiers, mining data, expanding the company\'s data by incorporating third-party sources, improving data collection techniques, processing data, and doing ad-hoc analyses. As a Data Scientist, I was required to have excellent communication skills, understanding of algorithms, excellence in the MatLab tool kit, proficiency in GGplot, knowledge of SQL, and excellence in applied statistics. During my eight-year tenure at Crane & Jenkins, I applied these skills daily and performed exceptionally at the company.\nMy abilities as a Data Scientist are rooted in a sturdy education in mathematics. I began with a bachelor\'s degree in computer science from Longford Tech. I followed this with a master\'s degree in statistics and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics. I attribute my success as a Data Scientist in large part to this extensive and in-depth education. I believe my personality has also played a major role in my ability to succeed in this career. I am an extremely analytical, data-oriented, and calculated. Even in my personal life I like to look at the data before making a decision. I like to analyze outcomes.\nI would like to thank you for taking the time to review my application. I look forward to hearing more about River Tech and the details of the Data Scientist position. I feel that my education and experience will ensure my success in this role.\nSincerely,\nEbony Moore'

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Create a cover letter.",
    "Tell me the role you're applying for and what experience makes you a good candidate."
id = "cover-letter-creator"
Exemple #11
gpt.add_example(Example('f of n equals 1 over (b-a) if n is 0 otherwise 5',
                        'f(n) = \\begin{cases} 1/(b-a) &\\mbox{if } n \\equiv 0 \\\ # 5 \\end{cases}'))

# reade file and convert it to source string and target string tuples
#source_folder = "./Training_Samples/source/"
#target_folder = "./Training_Samples/target/"
source_names = [item for item in sorted(glob("./Training_Example/sources/*"))]
target_names = source_names = [
    item for item in sorted(glob("./Training_Example/latex/*"))
# open each file in the Training_Example directory
for src_path, target_path in zip(source_names, target_names):
    # For each files read the RAW and corrosponding Latex Code
    src_RAW = read_file(src_path)
    target_RAW = read_file(target_path)
    # for each pair of RAW and latex prime the GPT model
    for s_RAW, t_RAW in zip(src_RAW, target_RAW):
        gpt.add_example(Example(s_RAW, t_RAW))
    #print (src_RAW)
    #print( "--------------------------")
    #print (target_RAW)

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Text to Manim Class",
                  placeholder="Type Raw Text here")

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
Exemple #12
        'What is Pricing?',
        """Pricing is the process whereby a business sets the price at which it will sell its products and services, and may be part of the business's marketing plan. In setting prices, the business will take into account the price at which it could acquire the goods, the manufacturing cost, the marketplace, competition, market condition, brand, and quality of product."""
        'What is Procurement?',
        """Procurement is the process of finding and agreeing to terms, and acquiring goods, services, or works from an external source, often via a tendering or competitive bidding process"""
        'What is Flexport?',
        """Flexport delivers deep visibility and control, low and predictable supply chain costs, with faster and more reliable transit times. All from a powerful technology platform."""
# gpt.add_example(Example('The log of two times x', '\\log{2x}'))
# gpt.add_example(
#     Example('x squared plus y squared plus equals z squared', 'x^2 + y^2 = z^2'))
# gpt.add_example(
#     Example('The sum from zero to twelve of i squared', '\\sum_{i=0}^{12} i^2'))
# gpt.add_example(Example('E equals m times c squared', 'E = mc^2'))
# gpt.add_example(Example('H naught of t', 'H_0(t)'))
# gpt.add_example(Example('f of n equals 1 over (b-a) if n is 0 otherwise 5',
#                         'f(n) = \\begin{cases} 1/(b-a) &\\mbox{if } n \\equiv 0 \\\ # 5 \\end{cases}'))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Hello Flexport Team, my name is GPT-3",
                  button_text="Run this awesome AI!",

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
API_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..')

from api import GPT, Example, UIConfig

# Construct GPT object and show some examples
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

##Generate feature to benefit for product

gpt.add_example(Example("""The girl took the dog for a very long walk""",
"""The girl took the dog for a long walk."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""The girl took the dog for a very long walk""",
"""The girl took the dog on a long walk"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""If a robot can have rights it should have rights""",
"""If a robot can have rights, then it should have rights"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Simplify your sentences",
                  placeholder="Enter your sentence here")

id = "simplify-sentences"
Software Engineering, and Product Development."""))

        """The difference between data science and data analysis""",
        """“Data science is a buzzword in programming. What does it actually mean? As far as I can tell, data analysis 
is the process of deriving insights from data. Data are information that already has some meaning to somebody. 
Data science is the process of finding that meaning."""))

        """The difference between data science and data analysis""",
        """“What is data science? What does it mean to be a data scientist? And how should one approach the data science 
life? In this article, we'll take a look at the different kinds of tasks that make up 'data science' and see what 
skills you need to become a real-world data scientist."""))

        """The difference between data science and data analysis""",
        """“Data science is a new and popular term that people use to refer to the work of applying statistical analysis, 
machine learning algorithms, data visualization etc. on ever increasing amounts of data collected through the internet. 
In order to be valuable this data needs to collected, cleaned, transformed into information then assembled and modeled . 
Data science can also involve extracting knowledge from unstructured sources like text and images."""

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create an introduction to your essay.",
                  placeholder="What is the essay about?")

id = "essay-intro"
Section: Dataframes and Series
Takeaway: You can have quite a bit of fun with the different series and dataframe methods. 
Put some time into playing around with them and see what you come up with!"""))

        """Pandas for python, The features of pandas and how to use them.""",
        """Section: Getting ready to start
Section: Understanding Pandas Dataframes & Series
Section: How to read, write and process data in Pandas
Section: Explore and manipulate your dataframe
Section: How to import data into Pandas and format it correctly
Takeaway: By finishing this blog you will be able to use pandas for manipulating and processing datasets"""

        """Pandas for python, The features of pandas and how to use them.""",
        """Section: Fundamentals
Sections: Get familiar with the Pandas DataFrame object
Section: Basics of Intro Stats
Takeaway: Use Pandas to do advanced data analysis and data wrangling tasks, and make your data science life easier.
Section: After dinner relaxation drinks made easy with this one simple trick (where the author 
shows that there's no need for hard liquor when it comes to making a great mixed drink)"""

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create blog outlines",
                  placeholder="Enter your blog title, enter what it is about")
id = "blog-outline-app"
        """ai powered plant care""",
        """Bot powered plant care. AI can do a pretty good job at automated gardening. Whether one 
is tracking growth rate/light, or anticipating number of waterings needed, etc. Tesla has 
already released a couple of their nature-inspired patents in this area (one for hydroponics 
and one for aeroponics).
iota will be the backbone of the new data economy"""))

        """ai powered plant care""",
        """Using computer vision, machine learning, and natural language understanding 
to provide an AI powered plant care assistant. The startup could automate monitoring 
conditions, and suggest what to do next. A recommendation system coupled with a chatbot 
interface could help the user see what is wrong when a plant is not doing well, and offer 
suggestions for how to fix it. I feel this startup can be used at any scale from a small 
garden up to a commercial greenhouse."""))

        """ai powered plant care""",
        """Plant care AI will alert us when plants need water, sun, etc. It will tell when 
they are thirsty and remind us to water or transplant them."""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Generate new ideas for the next great start up.",
    placeholder="What are you passions, hobbies, or inspirations?")

id = "start-up-ideas"
Proof: [Customer Proof 'It's just so much easier to have one less thing to take care of. I stay organized, and I can always have my music on me.']
Proposal: [Special Offer] get a $50 Apple gift card when you buy AirPods."""

        """AirPods Max, Introducing AirPods Max — a perfect balance of exhilarating high-fidelity audio 
and the effortless magic of AirPods. The ultimate personal listening experience is here.""",
        """Problem: Your old headphones don't seal out loud noises well enough.
Promise: AirPods Max create an immersive listening experience that lets you immerse yourself in your music.
Proof: [Customer Proof 'I can't even describe how cool these things are, they just are.']
Proposal: It's time for you to grab the future of headphones today!"""))

        """AirPods Max, Introducing AirPods Max — a perfect balance of exhilarating high-fidelity audio 
and the effortless magic of AirPods. The ultimate personal listening experience is here.""",
        """Problem: When you’re deep into your music, nothing should stop you from losing yourself in the moment.
Promise: AirPods Max use one charge to last three times longer than AirPods. Want even more? Our multi-device power case is also included 
so you can charge both your AirPods Max and your iPhone for an hour of playtime with just one charge.
Proof: [Customer Proof 'Some people can’t hear well with small earbuds. With AirPods Max, their mom could hear their music again.']
Proposal: Give your ears the pleasure they deserve and find out what headphones are really supposed to sound like with AirPods Max today!"""

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Create Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal for your product",
    placeholder="Enter product description and name")

id = "prob-prom-proof"
Exemple #18
    Example('a candle with soy wax',
            'Soy wax candle means no added chemicals!'))

        'organic dog treats',
        'Stop treating your dog to fillers and additives! Your dog deserves better. Check out our selection of organic dog treats!'

        'inventory sale',
        'SO many items marked down and ready to save you money! Check out our sale.'

    Example('ice cube mold',
            'Create perfect ice cubes with this new ice cube mold!'))

    Example('kitty litter',
            'Litter that clumps for easy clean up and stays smelling fresh.'))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    "Create an attention grabbing hook for your products or blog posts.",
    placeholder="Product (optional), description of product")

id = "short-text-hook"
Exemple #19
        """10 tools for every data scientist, Here are ten tools that every data scientist should know and use.""",
        """Today I wanted to share my list of ten tools that every data scientist should know and use. 
This list will definitely not be comprehensive, but it is a good place to start when you are getting started."""

        """10 tools for every data scientist, Here are ten tools that every data scientist should know and use.""",
        """When you start collecting data for analysis, whether it be for fun or profit you’ll begin to 
realize there are a lot of tools that are out there. It can be difficult to find the right one, 
so I put together this list of ten essential tools that every data scientist should know and use. 
If you’re new to this field, I hope this helps you as you gather and analyze your data."""

        """10 tools for every data scientist, Here are ten tools that every data scientist should know and use.""",
        """Whether you work in marketing, business intelligence or any field that relies on data analysis, using the right 
tools will improve your productivity and your effectiveness. In this post, we review ten of the most useful tools 
for data scientists so that you do not have to waste time searching for them."""

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Write your blog intro",
                  button_text="Brainstorm away",
                  placeholder="Write a title and a short description")

id = "blog-intro-app"
Exemple #20
        """diamond ring, This lovely promise ring for her shimmers with a diamond accent set in a pretty sterling silver band.""",
        """It's about to get real between you two. #engagement"""))

        """diamond ring, A cluster of round diamonds is flanked by rows of additional round diamonds in this elegant 
engagement ring for her, crafted in 10K white gold. More diamonds grace the profile for a touch of sparkle from every angle. 
The ring totals 1/3 carat in diamond weight.""",
        """Her dazzling smile is only outshone by her new ring!"""))

        """diamond ring, A cluster of round diamonds is flanked by rows of additional round diamonds in this elegant 
engagement ring for her, crafted in 10K white gold. More diamonds grace the profile for a touch of sparkle from every angle. 
The ring totals 1/3 carat in diamond weight.""",
        """Sheer sparkle in a traditional style"""))

        """diamond ring, A cluster of round diamonds is flanked by rows of additional round diamonds in this elegant 
engagement ring for her, crafted in 10K white gold. More diamonds grace the profile for a touch of sparkle from every angle. 
The ring totals 1/3 carat in diamond weight.""",
        """Diamonds found in nature are 100% natural and conflict-free."""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create a catchy e-mail subject line",
                  placeholder="Product (optional), Description of product.")
id = "catchy-subject-line"
Exemple #21
        'What is the most popular music in Haiti? What are its characteristics?',
        "Kompa is the most popular music in Haiti, known as Haiti's national music. Kompa is characterized by several elements: its steady brass orchestra, which maintains a danceable beat, a big band feel, and a solid melody; its space for musical improvisation over the orchestral backbone; and its spicy Latin-esque rhythm. Generally, in instrumental compas direct, a sultry saxophone is the leading voice – it aims to tell a piercing yet captivating story. Lyrics for konpa dirèk are normally written in any of the languages of Haiti or the neighboring Caribbean islands: Creole, French, Spanish, English, or Portuguese."

        'What is the most popular music in Haiti? What are its characteristics?',
        "Kompa is the most popular music in Haiti, known as Haiti's national music. Kompa is characterized by several elements: its steady brass orchestra, which maintains a danceable beat, a big band feel, and a solid melody; its space for musical improvisation over the orchestral backbone; and its spicy Latin-esque rhythm. Generally, in instrumental compas direct, a sultry saxophone is the leading voice – it aims to tell a piercing yet captivating story. Lyrics for konpa dirèk are normally written in any of the languages of Haiti or the neighboring Caribbean islands: Creole, French, Spanish, English, or Portuguese. Kompa makes use of the tambour and conga instruments, which gives Kompa its own unique style and taste. What also gives Kompa its unique style is the fact that its mixed between African Vodun music along with Western and Catholic influences as well."
        'Tell me about Marc Anthony and his influence on Salsa Romantica in New York and the US',
        "Born in 1968 to Puerto Rican parents, Marco Antonio Muñiz, known professionally as Marc Anthony, grew up in East Harlem. Together, the three albums, Otra Nota, Todo a Su Tiempo, and Contra La Corriente, established Marc Anthony as one of the top-selling singer in the history of Salsa, able to sell out Madison Square Garden and prestigious venues internationally. The two-time Grammy Award and five-time Latin Grammy Award winner has sold over 12 million albums worldwide. According to Anthony, renowned Puerto Rican percussionist and bandleader Tito Puente in particular wielded a profound personal and professional influence throughout his life. "

        'Who is La India in the world of Salsa music?',
        "La India was born on March 9, 1969 as Linda Viera Caballero in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, and raised in the Bronx, New York City, USA. Known as  'The Princess Of Salsa' garnering three Grammy Award and two Latin Grammy Award nominations, La India is perhaps the most famous female salsa singer and songwriter."

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="NYC Carribbean Music Virtual Tour AI Powered Chat Assistant. ",
    "Who was Tito Puente and what his influence on the music of New York?")

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
gpt = GPT(engine="curie-instruct-beta",

#Create a call to action for product

        """CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs""",
        """Sign up now and use CopyAi to automate your company blog!"""))

        """CopyAi, an AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs""",
        """Try CopyAi risk-free for 10 days"""))

    Example("""rooting hormone that will build stronger roots faster.""",
            """Get 3X faster plant growth today (CLICK HERE)."""))

    Example("""rooting hormone that will build stronger roots faster.""",
            """Go check out the best rooting hormone"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create a Call-To-Action for your product.",
                  placeholder="Product (optional), description of product")

id = "call-to-action"
Exemple #23
        'custom website design',
        'New idea: start a referall program for customers who refer their friends.'

        'running shoes',
        'New idea: Customer gets a free pair of socks with running shoes purchase.'

    Example('1978 35mm film camera',
            'New idea: include a roll of film with the camera.'))

        'coffee bean grinder',
        'New idea: host a workshop about the different brewing methods of coffee.'

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Generate new ideas for the growth of your product",
    placeholder="Product (optional), description of product")

id = "growth-ideas"
        'Graphical restaurant table reservation',
        'You need privacy in a corner seat for a special date or need the central table for making a great announcement. But in restaurants it’s difficult to get the exact seating arrangement for what you’ve planned. With a graphical restaurant reservation app, you can choose the desired seats or table and book them for a specific time.'

        'Virtual study group app',
        'Students can meet up on a common forum and prepare for their exams along with other students that are studying for the same subject matter.  The app can provide them with study material, tools, discussion helps, guides etc.'

        'Language learning app',
        'More and more people are learning new things for broader life experiences and to enhance their skill-set. You can take advantage by creating an app that can help users learn the A, B, C, Ds of new languages and then progress as per their knowledge level. This new app idea in 2020 can even facilitate audio features for users to learn the correct pronunciation of words.'

        'Karaoke app',
        'Everyone has a pop star fantasy, even if they are not much of a singer. With a karaoke app, the user can sing and use filters to sound like their singing idols. Plus, amateur singers can also practice on the app.'

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="App Idea Generation App",
                  placeholder="An App for...")

demo_web_app(gpt, config)
Exemple #25
gpt.add_example(Example("""I am the founder and CEO of a tech start up.""",
"""“I'm the Founder and CEO of a fast growing tech start up in Austin. Previous experience 
includes over 10 years in aerospace engineering, 3 years as a startup co-founder 
and 2 years of angel investing."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am the founder and CEO of a tech start up.""",
"""“💻Founder & CEO of a Tech Start Up aiming to help FinTechs & many more. We're looking into many areas, 
including Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Augmented Reality. We are well 
connected in the digital industry & ready to solve any problems you have. Don't hesitate to contact us!
💰 🛠️
📲 [email protected] (215) 559"""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am a UX designer at Apple""",
"""“I am a UX designer at Apple. Obsessed with technology, design, and identity. I've led product 
design efforts for YouTube Music since the beginning of 2018 and was previously a designer at 
Airbnb and Facebook."""))

gpt.add_example(Example("""I am a UX designer at Apple""",
"""“Hi, I'm a UX designer at Apple. I'm currently working with different teams on watchOS, macOS, tvOS and iOS. 
Have released 2 major Mac apps which are top 100 in Utilities and Education categories respectively.
I'm also working on a website to teach people how to code. Right now it's geared towards beginners, 
but eventually I'd like it to be a helpful resource for anyone interested in learning how to code"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Create a bio for your social handles",
                  placeholder="A little bit about who you are.")

id = "social-bio"
        """CopyAi, An AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs.""",
        """Get professional copy for your website, sales page and social media messages in less"""

        """CopyAi, An AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs.""",
        """Create sales generating content in minutes."""))

        """CopyAi, An AI powered copywriter for small businesses and entrepreneurs.""",
        """We write your content in less than 60 seconds."""))

    Example("""Halldon, We create websites that make you money.""",
            """The Internet Needs a New Kind of Website"""))

    Example("""Halldon, We create websites that make you money.""",
            """Good Websites Make Money"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(
    description="Create Landing Page Hero Text.",
    placeholder="Enter a product (optional) and a description of the product.")

id = "web-landing-app"
    Example("""The benefits of e-mail campaigns""",
            """email marketing tools to increase customer base"""))

    Example("""The benefits of e-mail campaigns""",
            """how to grow my email list quickly"""))

    Example("""The benefits of e-mail campaigns""",
            """marketing automation strategies"""))

    Example("""The best camera gear on the market""",
            """our favorite camera gear for filmmakers"""))

    Example("""The best camera gear on the market""",
            """how to make money as a photographer"""))

    Example("""The best camera gear on the market""",
            """the best canon lenses for beginners"""))

# Define UI configuration
config = UIConfig(description="Brainstorm topics",
                  placeholder="What is your topic?")

id = "brainstorm-topics-app"