Exemple #1
# Author: Alex Ksikes

import web

from app.helpers import utils
from app.helpers import formatting

# connect to database
db = web.database(dbn='mysql',

# in development debug error messages and reloader
web.config.debug = True

# in develpment template caching is set to false
cache = False

# template global functions
globals = utils.get_all_functions(formatting)

# set global base template
view = web.template.render('app/views', cache=cache, globals=globals)

# in production the internal errors are emailed to us
web.config.email_errors = ''
Exemple #2
import web

from app.helpers import misc
from app.helpers import utils

# connect to the mailer database.
db = web.database(dbn='mysql', db='mailer', user='******', passwd='password')

# in development debug error messages and reloader.
web.config.debug = False

# in develpment template caching is set to false.
cache = True

# global used template functions.
globals = utils.get_all_functions(misc)

# the domain where the site is hosted.
site_domain = 'www.your_domain.com'

# set global base template.
view = web.template.render('app/views', cache=cache, globals=globals)

# used as a salt.
encryption_key = 'a random string'

# in production the internal errors could be emailed to us.
web.config.email_errors = ''

# email of the sender.
# IMPORTANT: make sure SPF and reverse DNS are setup to avoid mails being marked as spam.
Exemple #3
# connect to database
# ==============Online Product:==============
# db = web.database(dbn='mysql', db='xxxxx', user='******', passwd='xxxxx')
# ==============Product Dev:==============
# db = web.database(dbn='mysql', db='xxxxx-dev', user='******', passwd='xxxxx')
# ==============Local Dev:==============
db = web.database(dbn="mysql", db="dbname", user="******", passwd="pwd")

# in development debug error messages and reloader
web.config.debug = True

# in develpment template caching is set to false
cache = False

# global used template functions
globals = utils.get_all_functions(misc)

# the domain where to get the forms from
# site_domain = ''#本地开发测试用
site_domain = "xxxx"  # 你的域名

# the site name where to get the forms from
site_name = "xxxx"  # 你的网站名称

# email settings
# mail_sender = 'Biu <*****@*****.**>' #请填写你用来发邮件的gmail邮箱
mail_sender = None  # 请填写你用来发邮件的gmail邮箱

# set global base template
view = web.template.render("app/views", cache=cache, globals=globals)
Exemple #4
import web
import cgi

from app.helpers import utils, formatting

db = web.database(dbn='mysql', db='compiler', user='******', passwd='miku', charset=None)

cache = False

web.config.debug = True

# template global functions
globals_ = utils.get_all_functions(formatting)

# set global base template
view = web.template.render('app/views', cache=cache, globals=globals_)

# Maximum input we will accept when REQUEST_METHOD is POST
# 0 ==> unlimited input
cgi.maxlen = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10MB