Exemple #1
 def on_update(self, updates, original):
     # check if we are trying to kill and item that is contained in normal non takes package
     if is_item_in_package(original):
         raise SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError(message='This item is in a package' +
                                                         ' it needs to be removed before the item can be killed')
     super().on_update(updates, original)
Exemple #2
 def on_update(self, updates, original):
     # check if we are trying to kill and item that is contained in normal non takes package
     if is_item_in_package(original):
         raise SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError(message='This item is in a package' +
                                                         ' it needs to be removed before the item can be killed')
     updates['pubstatus'] = PUB_STATUS.CANCELED
     super().on_update(updates, original)
 def _validate_item(self, original):
     Raises an exception if the item is linked in a non-take package, the idea being that you don't whant to
     inadvertently remove thing from packages, this force that to be done as a conscious action.
     :param original:
     :raise: An exception or nothing
     if is_item_in_package(original):
         raise SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError(message="This item is in a package" +
                                                         " it needs to be removed before the item can be spiked")
 def _validate_item(self, original):
     Raises an exception if the item is linked in a non-take package, the idea being that you don't whant to
     inadvertently remove thing from packages, this force that to be done as a conscious action.
     :param original:
     :raise: An exception or nothing
     if is_item_in_package(original):
         raise SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError(
             message="This item is in a package" +
             " it needs to be removed before the item can be spiked")
Exemple #5
 def on_update(self, updates, original):
     # check if we are trying to kill and item that is contained in normal non takes package
     if is_item_in_package(original):
         raise SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError(
             message='This item is in a package' +
             ' it needs to be removed before the item can be killed')
     updates['pubstatus'] = PUB_STATUS.CANCELED
     super().on_update(updates, original)
    def validate_delete_action(self, doc, allow_all_types=False):
        """Runs on delete of archive item.

        Overriding to validate the item being killed is actually eligible for kill. Validates the following:
            1. Is item of type Text?
            2. Is item a Broadcast Script?
            3. Does item acts as a Master Story for any of the existing broadcasts?
            4. Is item available in production or part of a normal package?
            5. Is the associated Digital Story is available in production or part of normal package?
            6. If item is a Take then is any take available in production or part of normal package?

        :param doc: represents the article in archived collection
        :type doc: dict
        :param allow_all_types: represents if different types of documents are allowed to be killed
        :type doc: bool
        :raises SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError() if any of the above validation conditions fail.

        bad_req_error = SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError

        id_field = doc[config.ID_FIELD]
        item_id = doc["item_id"]

        doc["item_id"] = id_field
        doc[config.ID_FIELD] = item_id

        if not allow_all_types and doc[ITEM_TYPE] != CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT:
            raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                "Only Text articles are allowed to be Killed in Archived repo")

        if is_genre(doc, BROADCAST_GENRE):
            raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                "Killing of Broadcast Items isn't allowed in Archived repo"))

        if get_resource_service(
                    doc, True):
            raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                "Can't kill as this article acts as a Master Story for existing broadcast(s)"

        if get_resource_service(ARCHIVE).find_one(req=None,
            raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                "Can't Kill as article is still available in production"))

        if not allow_all_types and is_item_in_package(doc):
            raise bad_req_error(
                message=_("Can't kill as article is part of a Package"))

        takes_package_id = self._get_take_package_id(doc)
        if takes_package_id:
            if get_resource_service(ARCHIVE).find_one(req=None,
                raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                    "Can't Kill as the Digital Story is still available in production"

            req = ParsedRequest()
            req.sort = '[("%s", -1)]' % config.VERSION
            takes_package = list(
                self.get(req=req, lookup={"item_id": takes_package_id}))
            if not takes_package:
                raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                    "Digital Story of the article not found in Archived repo"))

            takes_package = takes_package[0]
            if not allow_all_types and is_item_in_package(takes_package):
                raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                    "Can't kill as Digital Story is part of a Package"))

            for takes_ref in self._get_package_refs(takes_package):
                if takes_ref[RESIDREF] != doc[GUID_FIELD]:
                    if get_resource_service(ARCHIVE).find_one(
                            req=None, _id=takes_ref[RESIDREF]):
                        raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                            "Can't Kill as Take(s) are still available in production"

                    take = list(
                                 lookup={"item_id": takes_ref[RESIDREF]}))
                    if not take:
                        raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                            "One of Take(s) not found in Archived repo"))

                    if not allow_all_types and is_item_in_package(take[0]):
                        raise bad_req_error(message=_(
                            "Can't kill as one of Take(s) is part of a Package"

        doc["item_id"] = item_id
        doc[config.ID_FIELD] = id_field
Exemple #7
    def on_delete(self, doc):
        Overriding to validate the item being killed is actually eligible for kill. Validates the following:
            1. Is item of type Text?
            2. Is item a Broadcast Script?
            3. Does item acts as a Master Story for any of the existing broadcasts?
            4. Is item available in production or part of a normal package?
            5. Is the associated Digital Story is available in production or part of normal package?
            6. If item is a Take then is any take available in production or part of normal package?
        :param doc: represents the article in archived collection
        :type doc: dict
        :raises SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError() if any of the above validation conditions fail.

        bad_req_error = SuperdeskApiError.badRequestError

        id_field = doc[config.ID_FIELD]
        item_id = doc['item_id']

        doc['item_id'] = id_field
        doc[config.ID_FIELD] = item_id

        if doc[ITEM_TYPE] != CONTENT_TYPE.TEXT:
            raise bad_req_error(message='Only Text articles are allowed to Kill in Archived repo')

        if is_genre(doc, BROADCAST_GENRE):
            raise bad_req_error(message="Killing of Broadcast Items isn't allowed in Archived repo")

        if get_resource_service('archive_broadcast').get_broadcast_items_from_master_story(doc, True):
            raise bad_req_error(message="Can't kill as this article acts as a Master Story for existing broadcast(s)")

        if get_resource_service(ARCHIVE).find_one(req=None, _id=doc[GUID_FIELD]):
            raise bad_req_error(message="Can't Kill as article is still available in production")

        if is_item_in_package(doc):
            raise bad_req_error(message="Can't kill as article is part of a Package")

        takes_package_service = TakesPackageService()
        takes_package_id = takes_package_service.get_take_package_id(doc)
        if takes_package_id:
            if get_resource_service(ARCHIVE).find_one(req=None, _id=takes_package_id):
                raise bad_req_error(message="Can't Kill as the Digital Story is still available in production")

            req = ParsedRequest()
            req.sort = '[("%s", -1)]' % config.VERSION
            takes_package = list(self.get(req=req, lookup={'item_id': takes_package_id}))
            if not takes_package:
                raise bad_req_error(message='Digital Story of the article not found in Archived repo')

            takes_package = takes_package[0]
            if is_item_in_package(takes_package):
                raise bad_req_error(message="Can't kill as Digital Story is part of a Package")

            for takes_ref in takes_package_service.get_package_refs(takes_package):
                if takes_ref[RESIDREF] != doc[GUID_FIELD]:
                    if get_resource_service(ARCHIVE).find_one(req=None, _id=takes_ref[RESIDREF]):
                        raise bad_req_error(message="Can't Kill as Take(s) are still available in production")

                    take = list(self.get(req=None, lookup={'item_id': takes_ref[RESIDREF]}))
                    if not take:
                        raise bad_req_error(message='One of Take(s) not found in Archived repo')

                    if is_item_in_package(take[0]):
                        raise bad_req_error(message="Can't kill as one of Take(s) is part of a Package")

        doc['item_id'] = item_id
        doc[config.ID_FIELD] = id_field