Exemple #1
def databaseFactory(dbName: str,
                    permission: str,
                    version: Optional[str] = None):
    Return an appropriate object for interacting with a database file.

    dbName: str
        Path to db file, e.g. `baseCase.h5`
    permission: str
        String defining permission, `r` for read only. See armi.bookeeping.db.permissions
    version: str, optional
        Version of database you want to read or write. In many cases ARMI will 
        auto-detect. For advanced users.
    This is not a proper factory, as the different database versions do not present a
    common interface. However, this is useful code, since it at least creates an object
    based on some knowledge of how to probe around. This allows client code to just
    interrogate the type of the returned object to figure out to do based on whatever it

    import h5py

    # if it's not an hdf5 file, we dont even know where to start...
    if os.path.splitext(dbName)[1] != ".h5":
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown database format for {}".format(dbName))

    if permission in permissions.Permissions.read:
        if version is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot specify version when reading a database.")

        # probe for the database version. We started adding these with "database 3", so if
        # databaseVersion is not present, assume it's the "old" version
        version = "2"
        tempDb = h5py.File(dbName, "r")
        if "databaseVersion" in tempDb.attrs:
            version = tempDb.attrs["databaseVersion"]
        del tempDb

        majorversion = version.split(".")[0] if version else "2"
        if majorversion == "2":
            return XTViewDatabase(dbName, permission)

        if majorversion == "3":
            return Database3(dbName, permission)

        raise ValueError(
            "Unable to determine Database version for {}".format(dbName))

    elif permission in permissions.Permissions.write:
        majorversion = version.split(".")[0] if version else "3"
        if majorversion == "2":
            return XTViewDatabase(dbName, permission)
        if majorversion == "3":
            return Database3(dbName, permission)
Exemple #2
    def test_variousTypesWork(self):
        with Database3(self.dbName, "r") as db:
            r2 = db.load(1, 3)

        b1 = self.r.core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL)
        b2 = r2.core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL)

        self.assertIsInstance(b1.p.mgFlux, numpy.ndarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(b2.p.mgFlux, numpy.ndarray)
        assert_allclose(b1, b2)

        c1 = b1.getComponent(Flags.FUEL)
        c2 = b2.getComponent(Flags.FUEL)

        self.assertIsInstance(c1.p.numberDensities, dict)
        self.assertIsInstance(c2.p.numberDensities, dict)
        keys1 = set(c1.p.numberDensities.keys())
        keys2 = set(c2.p.numberDensities.keys())
        self.assertEqual(keys1, keys2)

        numDensVec1, numDensVec2 = [], []
        for k in keys1:

        assert_allclose(numDensVec1, numDensVec2)
Exemple #3
    def test_readWritten(self):

        with Database3(self.dbName, "r") as db:
            r2 = db.load(0, 0, self.cs, self.bp)

        for a1, a2 in zip(self.r.core, r2.core):
            # assemblies assign a name based on assemNum at initialization
            self.assertEqual(a1.name, a2.name)
            assert_equal(a1.spatialLocator.indices, a2.spatialLocator.indices)
            self.assertEqual(a1.p.assemNum, a2.p.assemNum)
            self.assertEqual(a1.p.serialNum, a2.p.serialNum)

            for b1, b2 in zip(a1, a2):
                # blocks assign a name based on assemNum at initialization
                self.assertEqual(b1.name, b2.name)
                self.assertEqual(b1.p.serialNum, b2.p.serialNum)

                for c1, c2 in zip(sorted(b1), sorted(b2)):
                    self.assertEqual(c1.name, c2.name)
                    self.assertEqual(c1.p.serialNum, c2.p.serialNum)

                # volume is pretty difficult to get right. it relies upon linked dimensions
                v1 = b1.getVolume()
                v2 = b2.getVolume()
                assert_allclose(v1, v2)
                self.assertEqual(b1.p.serialNum, b2.p.serialNum)

                self.r.core.childrenByLocator[0, 0, 0].p.serialNum,
                r2.core.childrenByLocator[0, 0, 0].p.serialNum,
Exemple #4
    def test_readWithoutInputs(self):
        with Database3(self.dbName, "r") as db:
            r2 = db.load(0, 0)

        for b1, b2 in zip(self.r.core.getBlocks(), r2.core.getBlocks()):
            for c1, c2 in zip(sorted(b1), sorted(b2)):
                self.assertEqual(c1.name, c2.name)

        for bi, b in enumerate(r2.core.getBlocks()):
            assert_allclose(b.p.flux, 1e6 * bi)
Exemple #5
def databaseFactory(dbName: str, permission: str, version: Optional[str] = None):
    Return an appropriate object for interacting with a database file.

    This is not a proper factory, as the different database versions do not present a
    common interface. However, this is useful code, since it at least creates an object
    based on some knowledge of how to probe around. This allows client code to just
    interrogate the type of the returned object to figure out to do based on whatever it

    import h5py

    # if it's not an hdf5 file, we dont even know where to start...
    if os.path.splitext(dbName)[1] != ".h5":
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown database format for {}".format(dbName))

    if permission in permissions.Permissions.read:
        if version is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot specify version when reading a database.")

        # probe for the database version. We started adding these with "database 3", so if
        # databaseVersion is not present, assume it's the "old" version
        version = "2"
        tempDb = h5py.File(dbName, "r")
        if "databaseVersion" in tempDb.attrs:
            version = tempDb.attrs["databaseVersion"]
        del tempDb

        if version == "2":
            return XTViewDatabase(dbName, permission)

        if version == "3":
            return Database3(dbName, permission)

        raise ValueError("Unable to determine Database version for {}".format(dbName))

    elif permission in permissions.Permissions.write:
        version = version or "3"
        if version == "2":
            return XTViewDatabase(dbName, permission)
        if version == "3":
            return Database3(dbName, permission)
Exemple #6
    def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node):
        """Loads from db if necessary."""
        if self.cs["loadStyle"] == "fromDB" and self.cs["loadFromDBEveryNode"]:
            if cycle == 0 and node == 0:
                # skip at BOL because interactBOL handled it.
                with Database3(self.cs["reloadDBName"], "r") as db:
                    r = db.load(cycle, node, self.cs, self.r.blueprints, self.r.geom)

                self.o.reattach(r, self.cs)
Exemple #7
    def test_growToFullCoreWithCS(self):
        with Database3(self.dbName, "r") as db:
            r = db.load(0, 0, allowMissing=True)


        self.assertEqual(r.core.numRings, 9)
        self.assertEqual(r.p.cycle, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(r.core.assembliesByName), 217)
        self.assertEqual(len(r.core.circularRingList), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(r.core.blocksByName), 1085)
Exemple #8
    def invoke(self):
        from armi.bookkeeping.db.database3 import Database3

        if all(
            li is None
            for li in [self.args.blueprints, self.args.geom, self.args.settings]
                "No settings, blueprints, or geometry files specified; "
                "nothing to do."
            return -1

        bp = None
        settings = None
        geom = None

        if self.args.blueprints is not None:
            with open(self.args.blueprints, "r") as f:
                bp = f.read()

        if self.args.geom is not None:
            with open(self.args.geom, "r") as f:
                geom = f.read()

        if self.args.settings is not None:
            with open(self.args.settings, "r") as f:
                settings = f.read()

        db = Database3(self.args.h5db, "a")

        with db:
            # Not calling writeInputsToDb, since it makes too many assumptions about
            # where the inputs are coming from, and which ones we want to write.
            # Instead, we assume that we know where to store them, and do it ourselves.
            for data, key in [
                (bp, "blueprints"),
                (geom, "geomFile"),
                (settings, "settings"),
                if data is not None:
                    del db.h5db["inputs/" + key]
                    db.h5db["inputs/" + key] = data
Exemple #9
    def invoke(self):
        from armi.bookkeeping.db.database3 import Database3

        db = Database3(self.args.h5db, "r")

        with db:
            settings, geom, bp = db.readInputsFromDB()

        settingsExt = ".yaml"
        if settings.lstrip()[0] == "<":
            settingsExt = ".xml"

        settingsPath = self.args.output_base + "_settings" + settingsExt
        bpPath = self.args.output_base + "_blueprints.yaml"

        geomPath = None
        if geom:
            geomExt = ".xml" if geom.lstrip()[0] == "<" else ".yaml"
            geomPath = self.args.output_base + "_geom" + geomExt

        bail = False
        for path in [settingsPath, bpPath, geomPath]:
            if os.path.exists(settingsPath):
                runLog.error("`{}` already exists. Aborting.".format(path))
                bail = True
        if bail:
            return -1

        for path, data, inp in [
            (settingsPath, settings, "settings"),
            (bpPath, bp, "blueprints"),
            (geomPath, geom, "geometry"),
            if path is None:
            runLog.info("Writing {} to `{}`".format(inp, path))
            if isinstance(data, bytes):
                data = data.decode()
            with open(path, "w") as f: