Exemple #1
 def check_occupancy(atoms, ref_pos, Al_pos):
     """ This function checks the number of close-framework atoms around some reference position (ref_pos), with an
     radius cutoff determined by the difference between ref_pos and Al_pos.
     :param ref_pos:
     :param Al_pos:
     cf_atoms = 0
     distances = mic(ref_pos - atoms.positions, atoms.cell)
     distances = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1)
     for dist in distances:
         mic(ref_pos - atoms.positions, atoms.cell)
         if dist <= 4:  # np.linalg.norm(mic(ref_pos - Al_pos, atoms.cell))
             cf_atoms += 1
     return cf_atoms
def wrapped_displacement_vectors(r_x: np.ndarray,
                                 r_y: np.ndarray,
                                 lattice: np.ndarray,
                                 remove_self_interaction=True) -> np.ndarray:
    """ Find all displacement vectors between atom/s at position/s r_x
    and atom/s at position/s r_y, in the minimum image convention.

    wrapped_vectors = [[r0 - r0], [r1 - r0], ... [r_Ny - r_Nx]]

    :return wrapped_vectors: Displacement vectors between positions r_x and r_y, in the
     minimum image convention.
    displacement_vectors = []
    for i in range(r_x.shape[0]):
        for j in range(r_y.shape[0]):
            displacement_vectors.append(r_y[j, :] - r_x[i, :])

    if remove_self_interaction:
        zeros = (displacement_vectors == np.array([0., 0., 0.])).all(-1)
        non_zeros = [not x for x in zeros]
        displacement_vectors = np.asarray(displacement_vectors)
        displacement_vectors = displacement_vectors[non_zeros, :]

    # Apply minimum image convention to these vectors
    # TODO(Alex) Check this works as expected
    wrapped_vectors = mic(displacement_vectors, lattice, pbc=True)
    return wrapped_vectors
Exemple #3
    def _insert_ExtraFrameworkAtoms(self,
        """ Hidden function doing the insertion
        atoms, vec_translate = self.recentering_atoms(ini_atoms, mid_AlAl)
        mid_AlAl = np.matmul([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], atoms.cell)

        if skip_rotation is False:
            EF_atoms = self.rotate_EF_based_on_Als(atoms, EF_atoms, ref_list)

        EF_atoms_ini = copy.deepcopy(EF_atoms)
        EF_atoms_radius = self.get_cluster_radius(EF_atoms)
        if EF_atoms_radius == 0:  # true for single atom EF-cluster
            EF_atoms_radius = 1.5

        max_count, closest_distance = 1000, zeolite_dist_cutoff + EF_atoms_radius  # radius of Si atom ~ 1.5 Ang
        for d_thres in np.arange(min_cutoff, max_cutoff, 0.5):
            count = 0
            while count < max_count:
                my_EF_atoms = copy.deepcopy(EF_atoms_ini)
                u_dir, step_size = self._get_random_dir(
                    atoms), d_thres * np.random.random_sample()
                trial_pos = np.array(mid_AlAl + u_dir * step_size)

                EF_atoms_cop = np.sum(my_EF_atoms.positions,
                                      0) / len(my_EF_atoms)
                my_EF_atoms.translate(trial_pos - EF_atoms_cop)

                if skip_rotation is False:
                    my_EF_atoms = self.rotate_EF_away_from_Als(
                        my_EF_atoms, u_dir, ref_index)
                    my_EF_atoms = self.rotate_EF_based_on_Als(
                        atoms, my_EF_atoms, ref_list)

                # print(np.linalg.norm(u_dir))
                EF_atoms_cop = np.sum(my_EF_atoms.positions,
                                      0) / len(my_EF_atoms)
                distances = mic(EF_atoms_cop - atoms.positions, atoms.cell)
                distances = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1)

                if min(distances) > closest_distance:
                    new_atoms = atoms + my_EF_atoms
                    new_atoms.translate(-1 * vec_translate)
                    return new_atoms
                    count += 1

        atoms.translate(-1 * vec_translate)
        return None
Exemple #4
 def get_cluster_radius(EF_atoms):
     """ This function returns the averaged distance between atoms on the extra-framework cluster and the
     center-of-mass coordinate, which is used to represent/approximate the cluster size.
     :param EF_atoms: extra-framework cluster
     EF_center = EF_atoms.get_center_of_mass()
     distances = mic(EF_center - EF_atoms.positions, EF_atoms.cell)
     distances = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1)
     return np.mean(distances)
Exemple #5
    def rotate_EF_away_from_Als(self, EF_atoms, u_dir, ref_index=None):
        """ This function rotates the ExtraFramework atoms again, after the "rotate_EF_based_on_Als" function, such that
         the ExtraFramework oxygen is pointing aways from the Al-Al vector.
        :param EF_atoms: extra-framework atoms
        :param u_dir: direction to move the ExtraFramework atoms away from
        :param ref_index:
        EF_center = EF_atoms.get_center_of_mass()
        if ref_index is not None:
            vec_ref = mic(EF_atoms.positions[ref_index] - EF_center,
            O_index = [
                atom.index for atom in EF_atoms
                if atom.symbol not in self.TM_list
            vec_ref = mic(EF_atoms.positions[O_index] - EF_center,

        EF_atoms.rotate(vec_ref, u_dir, center=EF_center)
        return EF_atoms
Exemple #6
    def get_mid_AlAl(atoms, AlAl_dist_cutoff=9):
        """ This function returns a coordinate in between 2Al
        Al_index = [a.index for a in atoms if a.symbol in ['Al']]

        shifting_dirs = []
        all_coor = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1],
                    [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1],
                    [1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, -1],
                    [-1, -1, -1], [1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [-1, 1,
                                                          0], [-1, -1, 0],
                    [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, -1], [0, -1, 1], [0, -1, -1], [1, 0, 1],
                    [1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, -1]]

        cell_param = list(atoms.get_cell())
        for possible_coor in all_coor:
            temp_vec = [
                possible_coor[i] * np.array(cell_param[i]) for i in range(3)
            sum_each_dir = np.zeros(3)
            for i in range(3):
                sum_each_dir[i] = np.sum([a[i] for a in temp_vec])
            # print([possible_coor[i] * np.array(cell_param[i]) for i in range(3)])
            # print([np.sum(possible_coor[i] * np.array(cell_param[i]) for i in range(3))])
            shifting_dirs.append(np.sum(possible_coor[i] * np.array(cell_param[i]) for i in range(3)))
        # print(shifting_dirs)
        assert len(all_coor) == len(shifting_dirs)

        Al1_positions, mid_AlAl_positions = [], []
            Al1_positions.append(atoms.get_positions()[Al_index[0]] +
            for possible_dir in shifting_dirs
        # print(Al1_positions)

        for Al1_position in Al1_positions:
            if abs(
                    np.linalg.norm(Al1_position - atoms.get_positions()[
                        Al_index[1]])) < AlAl_dist_cutoff:
                    mic(0.5 *
                        (Al1_position + atoms.get_positions()[Al_index[1]]),
        return mid_AlAl_positions
def test_neighbor_kernel():
    tol = 1e-7

    # two atoms
    a = ase.Atoms('CC',
                  positions=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1, 1, 1]],
                  cell=[10, 10, 10],
    i, j, d = neighbor_list("ijd", a, 1.1)
    assert (i == np.array([0, 1])).all()
    assert (j == np.array([1, 0])).all()
    assert np.abs(d - np.array([np.sqrt(3 / 4), np.sqrt(3 / 4)])).max() < tol

    # test_neighbor_list
    for pbc in [True, False, [True, False, True]]:
        a = ase.Atoms('4001C', cell=[29, 29, 29])
        j, dr, i, abs_dr, shift = neighbor_list("jDidS", a, 1.85)

        assert (np.bincount(i) == np.bincount(j)).all()

        r = a.get_positions()
        dr_direct = mic(r[j] - r[i], a.cell)
        assert np.abs(r[j] - r[i] + shift.dot(a.cell) - dr_direct).max() < tol

        abs_dr_from_dr = np.sqrt(np.sum(dr * dr, axis=1))
        abs_dr_direct = np.sqrt(np.sum(dr_direct * dr_direct, axis=1))

        assert np.all(np.abs(abs_dr - abs_dr_from_dr) < 1e-12)
        assert np.all(np.abs(abs_dr - abs_dr_direct) < 1e-12)

        assert np.all(np.abs(dr - dr_direct) < 1e-12)

    # test_neighbor_list_atoms_outside_box
    for pbc in [True, False, [True, False, True]]:
        a = ase.Atoms('4001C', cell=[29, 29, 29])
        a.positions[100, :] += a.cell[0, :]
        a.positions[200, :] += a.cell[1, :]
        a.positions[300, :] += a.cell[2, :]
        j, dr, i, abs_dr, shift = neighbor_list("jDidS", a, 1.85)

        assert (np.bincount(i) == np.bincount(j)).all()

        r = a.get_positions()
        dr_direct = mic(r[j] - r[i], a.cell)
        assert np.abs(r[j] - r[i] + shift.dot(a.cell) - dr_direct).max() < tol

        abs_dr_from_dr = np.sqrt(np.sum(dr * dr, axis=1))
        abs_dr_direct = np.sqrt(np.sum(dr_direct * dr_direct, axis=1))

        assert np.all(np.abs(abs_dr - abs_dr_from_dr) < 1e-12)
        assert np.all(np.abs(abs_dr - abs_dr_direct) < 1e-12)

        assert np.all(np.abs(dr - dr_direct) < 1e-12)

    # test_small_cell
    a = ase.Atoms('C', positions=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], cell=[1, 1, 1], pbc=True)
    i, j, dr, shift = neighbor_list("ijDS", a, 1.1)
    assert np.bincount(i)[0] == 6
    assert (dr == shift).all()

    i, j = neighbor_list("ij", a, 1.5)
    assert np.bincount(i)[0] == 18

    i = neighbor_list("i", a, 1.1)
    assert len(i) == 0

    a.set_pbc([True, False, False])
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, 1.1)
    assert np.bincount(i)[0] == 2

    a.set_pbc([True, False, True])
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, 1.1)
    assert np.bincount(i)[0] == 4

    # test_out_of_cell_small_cell
    a = ase.Atoms('CC',
                  positions=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.1, 0.5, 0.5]],
                  cell=[1, 1, 1],
    i1, j1, r1 = neighbor_list("ijd", a, 1.1)
    a.set_cell([2, 1, 1])
    i2, j2, r2 = neighbor_list("ijd", a, 1.1)

    assert (i1 == i2).all()
    assert (j1 == j2).all()
    assert np.abs(r1 - r2).max() < tol

    # test_out_of_cell_large_cell
    a = ase.Atoms('CC',
                  positions=[[9.5, 0.5, 0.5], [10.1, 0.5, 0.5]],
                  cell=[10, 10, 10],
    i1, j1, r1 = neighbor_list("ijd", a, 1.1)
    a.set_cell([20, 10, 10])
    i2, j2, r2 = neighbor_list("ijd", a, 1.1)

    assert (i1 == i2).all()
    assert (j1 == j2).all()
    assert np.abs(r1 - r2).max() < tol

    # test_hexagonal_cell
    for sx in range(3):
        a = ase.lattice.hexagonal.Graphite('C',
                                           latticeconstant=(2.5, 10.0),
                                           size=[sx + 1, sx + 1, 1])
        i = neighbor_list("i", a, 1.85)
        assert np.all(np.bincount(i) == 3)

    # test_first_neighbors
    i = [1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3]
    assert (first_neighbors(5, i) == np.array([0, 0, 4, 4, 7, 7])).all()
    i = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    assert (first_neighbors(6, i) == np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])).all()

    # test_multiple_elements
    a = molecule('HCOOH')
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, 1.85)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([2, 3, 1, 1, 1])).all()

    cutoffs = {(1, 6): 1.2}
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, cutoffs)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1])).all()

    cutoffs = {(6, 8): 1.4}
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, cutoffs)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([1, 2, 1])).all()

    cutoffs = {('H', 'C'): 1.2, (6, 8): 1.4}
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, cutoffs)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([1, 3, 1, 0, 1])).all()

    cutoffs = [0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5]
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, cutoffs)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1])).all()

    cutoffs = [0.7, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5]
    i = neighbor_list("i", a, cutoffs)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([2, 3, 1, 1, 1])).all()

    # test_noncubic
    a = bulk("Al", cubic=False)
    i, j, d = neighbor_list("ijd", a, 3.1)
    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.array([12])).all()
    assert np.abs(d - [2.86378246] * 12).max() < tol

    # test pbc
    nat = 10
    atoms = ase.Atoms(numbers=range(nat),
                      cell=[(0.2, 1.2, 1.4), (1.4, 0.1, 1.6),
                            (1.3, 2.0, -0.1)])
    atoms.set_scaled_positions(3 * np.random.random((nat, 3)) - 1)

    for p1 in range(2):
        for p2 in range(2):
            for p3 in range(2):
                atoms.set_pbc((p1, p2, p3))
                i, j, d, D, S = neighbor_list("ijdDS", atoms,
                                              atoms.numbers * 0.2 + 0.5)
                c = np.bincount(i, minlength=len(atoms))
                atoms2 = atoms.repeat((p1 + 1, p2 + 1, p3 + 1))
                i2, j2, d2, D2, S2 = neighbor_list("ijdDS", atoms2,
                                                   atoms2.numbers * 0.2 + 0.5)
                c2 = np.bincount(i2, minlength=len(atoms))
                c2.shape = (-1, nat)
                dd = d.sum() * (p1 + 1) * (p2 + 1) * (p3 + 1) - d2.sum()
                dr = np.linalg.solve(
                    (atoms.positions[1] - atoms.positions[0]).T).T + np.array(
                        [0, 0, 3])
                assert abs(dd) < 1e-10
                assert not (c2 - c).any()

    c = 0.0058
    i, j, d = primitive_neighbor_list('ijd', [True, True, True],
                                      np.eye(3) * 7.56,
                                      np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.99875]]),
                                      [c, c],
    assert np.all(i == [0, 1])
    assert np.all(j == [1, 0])
    assert np.allclose(d, [0.00945, 0.00945])

    # Empty atoms object
    i, D, d, j, S = neighbor_list("iDdjS", ase.Atoms(), 1.0)
    assert i.dtype == int
    assert j.dtype == int
    assert d.dtype == float
    assert D.dtype == float
    assert S.dtype == int
    assert i.shape == (0, )
    assert j.shape == (0, )
    assert d.shape == (0, )
    assert D.shape == (0, 3)
    assert S.shape == (0, 3)

    # Check that only a scalar (not a tuple) is returned if we request a single
    # argument.
    i = neighbor_list("i", ase.Atoms(), 1.0)
    assert i.dtype == int
    assert i.shape == (0, )
Exemple #8
def get_d2min_config(config0, config, config_format, cutoff, dimension=2):
    """ Get the d2min field of a configuration refer to one configuration.
        config0: str, reference configuration, should be supported by ASE.io
        config: str, current configuration
        config_format: str, format of configuration, e.g. 'lammps-dump'
        cutoff: double, cutoff to build neighbor list
        Natom array of tuple (d2min, J, eta_s) sorted in the order of atom id.

    # read atoms from configurations
    atoms0 = read(config0, format=config_format)
    atoms = read(config, format=config_format)
    if dimension == 2:
        atoms0.set_pbc([True, True, False])
        atoms.set_pbc([True, True, False])
    elif dimension == 3:

    #natoms = len(atoms0.positions)

    d2mins = []
    eta_ss = []
    Js = []

    # build neighbour list on reference configuration using cutoff
    # neighbour list is sorted according to i
    ilist, jlist, Dlist0 = neighbor_list('ijD', atoms0, cutoff)
    nbonds = len(ilist)
    bonds0 = []
    bonds = []
    current_id = 0
    cell = atoms.get_cell()
    #neighbors = []
    for i, j, D0 in zip(ilist, jlist, Dlist0):
        if i == current_id:
            dr = atoms.positions[j] - atoms.positions[i]
            dr = mic(dr, cell)
            #distance = np.sqrt(sum(dr*dr))
            d2min, J, eta_s = get_d2min(bonds0, bonds)
            dr = atoms.positions[j] - atoms.positions[i]
            dr = mic(dr, cell)
            current_id = i
    # for the last atom
    d2min, J, eta_s = get_d2min(bonds0, bonds)

    return (d2mins, Js, eta_ss)
Exemple #9
def find_descriptor(file):
    #read file into ASE atoms object
    my_atoms = read(file)
    symbols = my_atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    #find nearest neighbour vectors
    FirstAtom, SecondAtom, vects = nl.neighbor_list(['i', 'j', 'D'],
    #ensure periodic boundary conditions are kept
    cell = my_atoms.get_cell()
    newvects = nl.mic(vects, cell, pbc=[True, True, True])
    #work out symmetry functions for each particle
    descriptors = []
    for i in range(len(symbols)):
        #find indices of neighburs of i
        indices = [a for a, x in enumerate(FirstAtom) if x == i]
        #find vectors between i and its neighbours
        neigh_vec = np.array([newvects[b] for b in indices])
        #sum each function over all the neighbours
        f1 = 0
        f2 = 0
        s1 = 0
        s2 = 0
        s3 = 0
        t1 = 0
        t2 = 0
        t3 = 0
        t4 = 0
        fo1 = 0
        fo2 = 0
        fo3 = 0
        fo4 = 0
        fo5 = 0
        ff1 = 0
        ff2 = 0
        ff3 = 0
        ff4 = 0
        ff5 = 0
        ff6 = 0
        bfo = 0
        #for each neighbouring particle to particle i:
        for j, n in enumerate(neigh_vec):
            #normalise the vector connecting i to j
            vector = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
            #split into x, y and z
            x, y, z = vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]
            #Work out all symmetry functions
            first_1 = 0.5 * x + 0.866025 * y
            first_2 = z
            f1 += first_1
            f2 += first_2
            second_1 = 0.540062 * x**2 - 0.801784 * x * y + 0.0771517 * y**2 - 0.617213 * z**2
            second_2 = 0.92582 * x * y + 0.534522 * y**2 - 0.534522 * z**2
            second_3 = 0.707107 * x * z + 1.22474 * y * z
            s1 += second_1
            s2 += second_2
            s3 += second_3
            third_1 = 0.53619 * x**3 + 0.121136 * x**2 * y - 1.32882 * x * y**2 + 0.121136 * y**3 - 0.279751 * x * z**2 - 0.484544 * y * z**2
            third_2 = 0.312772 * x**2 * y + 0.722315 * x * y**2 + 0.312772 * y**3 - 0.722315 * x * z**2 - 1.25109 * y * z**2
            third_3 = 1.12916 * x**2 * z - 1.15045 * x * y * z + 0.464948 * y**2 * z - 0.531369 * z**3
            third_4 = 1.78227 * x * y * z + 1.02899 * y**2 * z - 0.342997 * z**3
            t1 += third_1
            t2 += third_2
            t3 += third_3
            t4 += third_4
            fourth_1 = 0.285044 * x**4 + 0.542539 * x**3 * y - 0.432264 * x**2 * y**2 - 0.97657 * x * y**3 + 0.15975 * y**4 - 1.278 * x**2 * z**2 + 1.30209 * x * y * z**2 - 0.526235 * y**2 * z**2 + 0.300706 * z**4
            fourth_2 = 1.19161 * x**3 * y - 0.893343 * x**2 * y**2 - 0.63434 * x * y**3 + 0.16087 * y**4 + 0.893343 * x**2 * z**2 - 1.67181 * x * y * z**2 - 0.0718782 * y**2 * z**2 - 0.136911 * z**4
            fourth_3 = 1.14953 * x**3 * z + 0.48431 * x**2 * y * z - 2.33014 * x * y**2 * z + 0.48431 * y**3 * z - 0.372822 * x * z**3 - 0.645746 * y * z**3
            fourth_4 = 0.518321 * x**2 * y**2 + 0.598506 * x * y**3 + 0.172774 * y**4 - 0.518321 * x**2 * z**2 - 1.79552 * x * y * z**2 - 1.55496 * y**2 * z**2 + 0.345547 * z**4
            fourth_5 = 0.854242 * x**2 * y * z + 1.97279 * x * y**2 * z + 0.854242 * y**3 * z - 0.657596 * x * z**3 - 1.13899 * y * z**3
            fo1 += fourth_1
            fo2 += fourth_2
            fo3 += fourth_3
            fo4 += fourth_4
            fo5 += fourth_5
            fifth_1 = 0.240391 * x**5 - 0.509292 * x**4 * y - 0.876962 * x**3 * y**2 + 1.23302 * x**2 * y**3 - 0.077379 * x * y**4 - 0.0589707 * y**5 - 1.52695 * x**3 * z**2 - 0.643317 * x**2 * y * z**2 + 3.09516 * x * y**2 * z**2 - 0.643317 * y**3 * z**2 + 0.247613 * x * z**4 + 0.428878 * y * z**4
            fifth_2 = 0.96686 * x**4 * y + 0.964265 * x**3 * y**2 - 1.72842 * x**2 * y**3 - 0.727203 * x * y**4 + 0.234432 * y**5 - 0.964265 * x**3 * z**2 - 0.615905 * x**2 * y * z**2 + 1.47042 * x * y**2 * z**2 - 0.615905 * y**3 * z**2 + 0.237062 * x * z**4 + 0.410603 * y * z**4
            fifth_3 = 0.900562 * x**4 * z + 0.400687 * x**3 * y * z - 0.0495722 * x**2 * y**2 * z - 2.00344 * x * y**3 * z + 0.437888 * y**4 * z - 1.7846 * x**2 * z**3 + 1.60275 * x * y * z**3 - 0.859252 * y**2 * z**3 + 0.264385 * z**5
            fifth_4 = 0.17967 * x**3 * y**2 + 0.518662 * x**2 * y**3 + 0.419229 * x * y**4 + 0.103732 * y**5 - 0.17967 * x**3 * z**2 - 1.55599 * x**2 * y * z**2 - 3.05439 * x * y**2 * z**2 - 1.55599 * y**3 * z**2 + 0.598899 * x * z**4 + 1.03732 * y * z**4
            fifth_5 = 3.13679 * x**3 * y * z - 2.06432 * x**2 * y**2 * z - 1.33807 * x * y**3 * z + 0.519245 * y**4 * z + 0.688106 * x**2 * z**3 - 1.79872 * x * y * z**3 - 0.350385 * y**2 * z**3 - 0.0337721 * z**5
            fifth_6 = 1.77394 * x**2 * y**2 * z + 2.04837 * x * y**3 * z + 0.591312 * y**4 * z - 0.591312 * x**2 * z**3 - 2.04837 * x * y * z**3 - 1.77394 * y**2 * z**3 + 0.236525 * z**5
            ff1 += fifth_1
            ff2 += fifth_2
            ff3 += fifth_3
            ff4 += fifth_4
            ff5 += fifth_5
            ff6 += fifth_6
            beta_fourth = 0.365148 * x**4 - 1.09545 * x**2 * y**2 + 0.365148 * y**4 - 1.09545 * x**2 * z**2 - 1.09545 * y**2 * z**2 + 0.365148 * z**4
            bfo += beta_fourth
        #arrange all functions at each order into vector, and find magnitude of each vector
        first_order = np.linalg.norm(np.array([f1, f2]))
        second_order = np.linalg.norm(np.array([s1, s2, s3]))
        third_order = np.linalg.norm(np.array([t1, t2, t3, t4]))
        fourth_order = np.linalg.norm(np.array([fo1, fo2, fo3, fo4, fo5]))
        fifth_order = np.linalg.norm(np.array([ff1, ff2, ff3, ff4, ff5, ff6]))
        beta_fourth_order = np.linalg.norm(np.array([bfo]))
        #arrange descriptors into list of 6 components
        desc = [
            first_order, second_order, third_order, fourth_order, fifth_order,
        #append descriptor for particle i into overall descriptor list
    #write parameters to seperate file to be used for machine learning
    with open('quenched_sym_run0-19.txt', 'ab') as file:
        pickle.dump(descriptors, file)
    return descriptors
Exemple #10
# test_neighbor_list
for pbc in [True, False, [True, False, True]]:
    a = ase.Atoms('4001C', cell=[29, 29, 29])
    j, dr, i, abs_dr, shift = neighbor_list("jDidS", a, 1.85)

    assert (np.bincount(i) == np.bincount(j)).all()

    r = a.get_positions()
    dr_direct = mic(r[j] - r[i], a.cell)
    assert np.abs(r[j] - r[i] + shift.dot(a.cell) - dr_direct).max() < tol

    abs_dr_from_dr = np.sqrt(np.sum(dr * dr, axis=1))
    abs_dr_direct = np.sqrt(np.sum(dr_direct * dr_direct, axis=1))

    assert np.all(np.abs(abs_dr - abs_dr_from_dr) < 1e-12)
    assert np.all(np.abs(abs_dr - abs_dr_direct) < 1e-12)

    assert np.all(np.abs(dr - dr_direct) < 1e-12)

# test_neighbor_list_atoms_outside_box
for pbc in [True, False, [True, False, True]]:
    a = ase.Atoms('4001C', cell=[29, 29, 29])
Exemple #11
    vec_translate = np.matmul([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], atoms.get_cell()) - TM_pos

    Al_index = [atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Al']
    TM_index = [atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == TM_type]
    TM_pos = atoms.get_positions()[TM_index]

    vec = np.random.normal(size=(3, ))
    vec = vec / np.linalg.norm(vec)

    oh_pos = [TM_pos[0] + vec * 2, TM_pos[0] + vec * 3]
    oh_atoms = Atoms('OH', positions=oh_pos)

    oh_cop = np.sum(oh_atoms.positions, 0) / len(oh_atoms)
    distances = mic(oh_cop - oh_atoms.positions, atoms.cell)
    distances = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1)

    while min(distances) < tol:
        vec = np.random.normal(size=(3, ))
        vec = vec / np.linalg.norm(vec)
        oh_pos = [TM_pos[0] + vec * 2, TM_pos[0] + vec * 3]
        oh_cop = np.sum(oh_atoms.positions, 0) / len(oh_atoms)

        oh_atoms.translate(oh_pos - oh_cop)
        oh_cop = np.sum(oh_atoms.positions, 0) / len(oh_atoms)

        distances = mic(oh_cop - oh_atoms.positions, atoms.cell)
        distances = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=1)

    new_atoms = atoms + Atoms('OH', positions=oh_pos)
Exemple #12
def obtain_parameters(file):

    atomsGeTe = read(file)
    symbols = atomsGeTe.get_chemical_symbols()

    FirstAtom, SecondAtom, vects = nl.neighbor_list(['i', 'j', 'D'],

    cell = atomsGeTe.get_cell()
    newvects = nl.mic(vects, cell, pbc=[True, True, True])

    descriptors = []

    # This returns the seperated Ge Te vectors between their repective nearest neighbours

    for j in range(len(symbols)):

        indices = [c for c, atom in enumerate(FirstAtom) if atom == j]
        vectors = np.array([newvects[i] for i in indices])

        ord1_fn_1 = []
        ord1_fn_2 = []

        ord2_fn_1 = []
        ord2_fn_2 = []
        ord2_fn_3 = []

        ord3_fn_1 = []
        ord3_fn_2 = []
        ord3_fn_3 = []
        ord3_fn_4 = []

        ord4_fn_1 = []
        ord4_fn_2 = []
        ord4_fn_3 = []
        ord4_fn_4 = []
        ord4_fn_5 = []

        ord5_fn_1 = []
        ord5_fn_2 = []
        ord5_fn_3 = []
        ord5_fn_4 = []
        ord5_fn_5 = []
        ord5_fn_6 = []

        b_ord4_fn_1 = []

        #List of the symmetry adapted functions for alpha and beta GeTe

        for a, i in enumerate(vectors):

            mag_vector = np.linalg.norm(i)

            x, y, z = i[0] / mag_vector, i[1] / mag_vector, i[2] / mag_vector

            o1_f1 = 0.5 * x**1 + 0.866025 * y**1
            o1_f2 = 1 * z**1

            o2_f1 = 0.540062 * x**2 + -0.801784 * x**1 * y**1 + 0.0771517 * y**2 + -0.617213 * z**2
            o2_f2 = 0.92582 * x**1 * y**1 + 0.534522 * y**2 + -0.534522 * z**2
            o2_f3 = 0.707107 * x**1 * z**1 + 1.22474 * y**1 * z**1

            o3_f1 = 0.53619 * x**3 + 0.121136 * x**2 * y**1 + -1.32882 * x**1 * y**2 + 0.121136 * y**3 + -0.279751 * x**1 * z**2 + -0.484544 * y**1 * z**2
            o3_f2 = 0.312772 * x**2 * y**1 + 0.722315 * x**1 * y**2 + 0.312772 * y**3 + -0.722315 * x**1 * z**2 + -1.25109 * y**1 * z**2
            o3_f3 = 1.12916 * x**2 * z**1 + -1.15045 * x**1 * y**1 * z**1 + 0.464948 * y**2 * z**1 + -0.531369 * z**3
            o3_f4 = 1.78227 * x**1 * y**1 * z**1 + 1.02899 * y**2 * z**1 + -0.342997 * z**3

            o4_f1 = +0.285044 * x**4 + 0.542539 * x**3 * y**1 + -0.432264 * x**2 * y**2 + -0.97657 * x**1 * y**3 + 0.15975 * y**4 + -1.278 * x**2 * z**2 + 1.30209 * x**1 * y**1 * z**2 + -0.526235 * y**2 * z**2 + 0.300706 * z**4
            o4_f2 = +1.19161 * x**3 * y**1 + -0.893343 * x**2 * y**2 + -0.63434 * x**1 * y**3 + 0.16087 * y**4 + 0.893343 * x**2 * z**2 + -1.67181 * x**1 * y**1 * z**2 + -0.0718782 * y**2 * z**2 + -0.136911 * z**4
            o4_f3 = +1.14953 * x**3 * z**1 + 0.48431 * x**2 * y**1 * z**1 + -2.33014 * x**1 * y**2 * z**1 + 0.48431 * y**3 * z**1 + -0.372822 * x**1 * z**3 + -0.645746 * y**1 * z**3
            o4_f4 = +0.518321 * x**2 * y**2 + 0.598506 * x**1 * y**3 + 0.172774 * y**4 + -0.518321 * x**2 * z**2 + -1.79552 * x**1 * y**1 * z**2 + -1.55496 * y**2 * z**2 + 0.345547 * z**4
            o4_f5 = +0.854242 * x**2 * y**1 * z**1 + 1.97279 * x**1 * y**2 * z**1 + 0.854242 * y**3 * z**1 + -0.657596 * x**1 * z**3 + -1.13899 * y**1 * z**3

            o5_f1 = +0.240391 * x**5 + -0.509292 * x**4 * y**1 + -0.876962 * x**3 * y**2 + 1.23302 * x**2 * y**3 + -0.077379 * x**1 * y**4 + -0.0589707 * y**5 + -1.52695 * x**3 * z**2 + -0.643317 * x**2 * y**1 * z**2 + 3.09516 * x**1 * y**2 * z**2 + -0.643317 * y**3 * z**2 + 0.247613 * x**1 * z**4 + 0.428878 * y**1 * z**4
            o5_f2 = +0.96686 * x**4 * y**1 + 0.964265 * x**3 * y**2 + -1.72842 * x**2 * y**3 + -0.727203 * x**1 * y**4 + 0.234432 * y**5 + -0.964265 * x**3 * z**2 + -0.615905 * x**2 * y**1 * z**2 + 1.47042 * x**1 * y**2 * z**2 + -0.615905 * y**3 * z**2 + 0.237062 * x**1 * z**4 + 0.410603 * y**1 * z**4
            o5_f3 = +0.900562 * x**4 * z**1 + 0.400687 * x**3 * y**1 * z**1 + -0.0495722 * x**2 * y**2 * z**1 + -2.00344 * x**1 * y**3 * z**1 + 0.437888 * y**4 * z**1 + -1.7846 * x**2 * z**3 + 1.60275 * x**1 * y**1 * z**3 + -0.859252 * y**2 * z**3 + 0.264385 * z**5
            o5_f4 = +0.17967 * x**3 * y**2 + 0.518662 * x**2 * y**3 + 0.419229 * x**1 * y**4 + 0.103732 * y**5 + -0.17967 * x**3 * z**2 + -1.55599 * x**2 * y**1 * z**2 + -3.05439 * x**1 * y**2 * z**2 + -1.55599 * y**3 * z**2 + 0.598899 * x**1 * z**4 + 1.03732 * y**1 * z**4
            o5_f5 = +3.13679 * x**3 * y**1 * z**1 + -2.06432 * x**2 * y**2 * z**1 + -1.33807 * x**1 * y**3 * z**1 + 0.519245 * y**4 * z**1 + 0.688106 * x**2 * z**3 + -1.79872 * x**1 * y**1 * z**3 + -0.350385 * y**2 * z**3 + -0.0337721 * z**5
            o5_f6 = +1.77394 * x**2 * y**2 * z**1 + 2.04837 * x**1 * y**3 * z**1 + 0.591312 * y**4 * z**1 + -0.591312 * x**2 * z**3 + -2.04837 * x**1 * y**1 * z**3 + -1.77394 * y**2 * z**3 + 0.236525 * z**5

            b_o4_f1 = +0.365148 * x**4 + -1.09545 * x**2 * y**2 + 0.365148 * y**4 + -1.09545 * x**2 * z**2 + -1.09545 * y**2 * z**2 + 0.365148 * z**4

            # symmetry adapted functions will be calculated for one neighour







            # this will append each set of values to a list

#This returns the sum of all the neighbours for each symmetry adapted function

        s11 = sum(ord1_fn_1)
        s12 = sum(ord1_fn_2)

        s21 = sum(ord2_fn_1)
        s22 = sum(ord2_fn_2)
        s23 = sum(ord2_fn_3)

        s31 = sum(ord3_fn_1)
        s32 = sum(ord3_fn_2)
        s33 = sum(ord3_fn_3)
        s34 = sum(ord3_fn_4)

        s41 = sum(ord4_fn_1)
        s42 = sum(ord4_fn_2)
        s43 = sum(ord4_fn_3)
        s44 = sum(ord4_fn_4)
        s45 = sum(ord4_fn_5)

        s51 = sum(ord5_fn_1)
        s52 = sum(ord5_fn_2)
        s53 = sum(ord5_fn_3)
        s54 = sum(ord5_fn_4)
        s55 = sum(ord5_fn_5)
        s56 = sum(ord5_fn_6)

        sb1 = sum(b_ord4_fn_1)

        #This calucates the magnitude of each of the symmetry adapted function and concatenates them into one descriptor

        component_1 = np.sqrt(s11**2 + s12**2)
        component_2 = np.sqrt(s21**2 + s22**2 + s23**2)
        component_3 = np.sqrt(s31**2 + s32**2 + s33**2 + s34**2)
        component_4 = np.sqrt(s41**2 + s42**2 + s43**2 + s44**2 + s45**2)
        component_5 = np.sqrt(s51**2 + s52**2 + s53**2 + s54**2 + s55**2 +
        component_6 = np.sqrt(sb1**2)

        descr = [
            component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,


#This function output a 500 componet 1d array, with each element containing a 6 componet descriptor for each particle in the configuration

    with open('symmetry_adapted_GeTe_quenched.txt', 'ab') as filehandle:

        # store the data as binary data stream

        pickle.dump(descriptors, filehandle)

    return descriptors