def ode_sim(t_final):
    y0 = get_initial()  # initial conditions from
    t0 = 0.0
    param = new_param()

    ecoli_ode = lambda t, x: rhs(t, x, param)
    model = Explicit_Problem(ecoli_ode, y0, t0)  # Create an Assimulo problem = 'E Coli ODE'
    sim = CVode(model)  # Create the solver CVode

    sim.rtol = 1e-8
    sim.atol = 1e-8
#    pdb.set_trace()
    t, y = sim.simulate(t_final)  # Use the .simulate method to simulate and provide the final time

    # Plot
    met_labels = ["ACCOA", "ACEx", "ACO", "ACP", "ADP", "AKG", "AMP", "ASP", "ATP", "BPG", "CAMP", "CIT", "COA", "CYS",
                  "DAP", "E4P", "ei", "eiia", "eiiaP", "eiicb", "eiicbP", "eiP", "F6P", "FDP", "FUM", "G6P", "GAP",
                  "GL6P", "GLCx", "GLX", "HCO3", "hpr", "hprP", "icd", "icdP", "ICIT", "KDPG", "MAL", "MG", "MN", "NAD",
                  "NADH", "NADP", "NADPH", "OAA", "P", "PEP", "PGA2", "PGA3", "PGN", "PYR", "PYRx", "Q", "QH2", "R5P",
                  "RU5P", "S7P", "SUC", "SUCCOA", "SUCx", "tal", "talC3", "tkt", "tktC2", "X5P", "Px", "Pp", "GLCp",
                  "ACEp", "ACE", "Hc", "Hp", "FAD", "FADH2", "O2", "FEED"]

    for i in y:
        if i.any() < 0:
            print i

    plt.plot([t, t], [y[:, i] for i in [4, 9]], label=["ADP", "ATP"])
    plt.title('Metabolite Concentrations Over Time')

    return model, sim
Exemple #2
def simulate_ode(fun, y_initial, tf, opts):
    "function to run CVode solver on given problem"
    # get options
    ode_opts, ode_system_options = opts
    # iter, discretization_method, atol, rtol, time_points = ode_opts
    iter = ode_opts["iter"]
    discretization_method = ode_opts["discr"]
    atol = ode_opts["atol"]
    rtol = ode_opts["rtol"]
    time_points = ode_opts["time_points"]
        display_progress = ode_opts["display_progress"]
    except KeyError:
        display_progress = True
        verbosity = ode_opts["verbosity"]
    except KeyError:
        verbosity = 10

    # define explicit assimulo problem
    prob = Explicit_Problem(lambda t, x: fun(t, x, ode_system_options),

    # create solver instance
    solver = CVode(prob)

    # set solver options
    solver.iter, solver.discr, solver.atol, solver.rtol, solver.display_progress, solver.verbosity = \
        iter, discretization_method, atol, rtol, display_progress, verbosity

    # simulate system
    time_course, y_result = solver.simulate(tf, time_points)

    return time_course, y_result, prob, solver
Exemple #3
 def x_cvode(self,params):
     from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem
     from assimulo.solvers import CVode
     func = self.create_dx(self.create_input_vector(params))
     problem = Explicit_Problem(lambda t,x:func(t,x)['f'](), [1.0,1.0,1.0],0)
     sim = CVode(problem)
     t,x = sim.simulate(250,len(self.time)-1)
     dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(x,
     return dataframe
Exemple #4
 def s_cvode(self,params):
     from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem
     from assimulo.solvers import CVode
     func = self.create_ds(self.create_input_vector(params))
     s0 = np.ones(21)
     problem = Explicit_Problem(lambda t,s:func(t,s),s0,1900)
     sim = CVode(problem)
     t,s = sim.simulate(1900+250,self.time.shape[0]-1)
     dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(
     return dataframe
Exemple #5
def simulate_prob(t_start, t_stop, x0, p, ncp, with_plots=False):
    """Simulates the problem using Assimulo.

        t_start (double): Simulation start time.
        t_stop (double): Simulation stop time.
        x0 (list): Initial value.
        p (list): Problem specific parameters.
        ncp (int): Number of communication points.
        with_plots (bool): Plots the solution.

        tuple: (t,y). Time vector and solution at each time.


    # Assimulo
    # Define the right-hand side
    def f(t, y):
        xd_1 = p[0] * y[0]
        xd_2 = p[1] * (y[1] - y[0]**2)
        return np.array([xd_1, xd_2])

    # Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0=x0, name='Planar ODE')

    # Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    # Sets the solver parameters
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-12
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-11

    # Simulate
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(tfinal=t_stop, ncp=ncp)

    # Plot
    if with_plots:
        x1 = y[:, 0]
        x2 = y[:, 1]
        plt.title('Planar ODE')
        plt.plot(t, x1, 'b')
        plt.plot(t, x2, 'k')
        plt.legend(['x1', 'x2'])
        plt.xlim(t_start, t_stop)
        plt.xlabel('Time (s)')

    return t, y.T
Exemple #6
     def solve_ode(self):
         #Get initial conditions vector
         #Instantiate reactor as ODE class
         self._rode = AssimuloODE(self._r,self._r.z_in,self.y0)  
         #Define the CVode solver
         self.solver = CVode(self._rode) 
         #Solver parameters
         self.solver.atol = self.atol         
         self.solver.rtol = self.rtol         
         self.solver.iter = self.iter
         self.solver.discr = self.discr
         self.solver.linear_solver = self.linear_solver
         self.solver.maxord = self.order
         self.solver.maxsteps = self.max_steps
         self.solver.inith = self.first_step_size
         self.solver.minh = self.min_step_size
         self.solver.maxh = self.max_step_size
         self.solver.maxncf = self.max_conv_fails
         self.solver.maxnef = self.max_nonlin_iters
         self.solver.stablimdet = self.bdf_stability
         self.solver.verbosity = 50
         #Solve the equations
         z, self.values = self.solver.simulate(self._r.z_out,self.grid-1) 
         #Convert axial coordinates list to array
         self._z = np.array(z)
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Demonstration of the use of CVode by solving the
    linear test equation :math:`\dot y = - y`
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Define the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name=r'CVode Test Example: $\dot y = - y$')

    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-4]  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-4  #Default 1e-6

    t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(5, 100)  #Simulate 5 seconds
    t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(7)  #Simulate 2 seconds more

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t1, y1, color="b")
        P.plot(t2, y2, color="r")

    #Basic test[-1]), 0.00347746, 5), 0.0222169642893, 3)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #8
def doSimulate():

    theta0 = 1.0  # radianer, startvinkel från lodrätt

    tfinal = 3

    title = 'k = {0}, stretch = {1}, {2}'.format(k, stretch, solver)

    r0 = 1.0 + stretch
    x0 = r0 * np.sin(theta0)
    y0 = -r0 * np.cos(theta0)
    t0 = 0.0

    y_init = np.array([x0, y0, 0, 0])

    ElasticSpring = Explicit_Problem(rhs, y_init, t0)
    if solver.lower() == "cvode":
        sim = CVode(ElasticSpring)
    elif solver.lower() == "bdf_2":
        sim = BDF_2(ElasticSpring)
    elif solver.lower() == "ee":
        sim = EE(ElasticSpring)
        sim == None
        raise ValueError('Expected "CVode", "EE" or "BDF_2"')
    sim.report_continuously = False

    npoints = 100 * tfinal

    #t,y = sim.simulate(tfinal,npoints)
        #for i in [1]:
        t, y = sim.simulate(tfinal)
        xpos, ypos = y[:, 0], y[:, 1]
        plt.plot(xpos, ypos)
        plt.plot(xpos[0], ypos[0], 'or')
    except Explicit_ODE_Exception as e:
        print("for the case {0}.".format(title))
Exemple #9
	def setUp(self):
		Configures the solver
		#Define an explicit solver 
		simSolver = CVode(self) 
		#Create a CVode solver
		#Sets the parameters 
		#simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
		#simSolver.report_continuously = True
		simSolver.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
		simSolver.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
		#simSolver.discr = 'Adams' 
		simSolver.atol = [1e-6]	#Default 1e-6 
		simSolver.rtol = 1e-6 	#Default 1e-6
		#simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True # activates step events
		#simSolver.maxh = 1.0
		#simSolver.store_event_points = True
		self.simSolver = simSolver
Exemple #10
 def s_cvode_natural(self,params):
     from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem
     from assimulo.solvers import CVode
     problem = Explicit_Problem(lambda t,x,p:self.create_dx(p)(t,x)['f'](),
                                [params[p] for p in self.params])
     sim = CVode(problem)
     sim.report_continuously = True
     t,x = sim.simulate(250,self.time.shape[0]-1)
     dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(x,
     d = {}
     sens = np.array(sim.p_sol)
     for i,col in enumerate(self.cols):
         for j,param in enumerate(
             d['{0},{1}'.format(col,param)] = sens[j,:,i]
     dataframe_sens = pandas.DataFrame(d,index=self.time)
     return dataframe_sens
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    The same as example :doc:`EXAMPLE_cvode_basic`  but now integrated backwards in time.
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Define the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        ydot = -y[0]
        return N.array([ydot])

    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(
        name=r'CVode Test Example (reverse time): $\dot y = - y$ ')

    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = [1e-8]  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-8  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.backward = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(0)  #Simulate 5 seconds (t0=5 -> tf=0)

    #print 'y(5) = {}, y(0) ={}'.format(y[0][0],y[-1][0])

    #Basic test[-1]), 4.00000000, 3)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y, color="b")

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #12
    def generate_integrator(self, y0=None, name='---', verbosity=50):
        """Initializes CVODE integrator

        y0 : list or numpy.array
            Initial values
        name : str
            Name of the assimulo problem
        verbosity : int
            Verbosity of the integrator. Possible values = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
        if y0 is None:
            y0 = np.zeros(len(self.model.cpdNames))
        self.problem = Explicit_Problem(self.f, y0=y0, name=name)
        self.integrator = CVode(self.problem)
        self.integrator.atol = 1e-8
        self.integrator.rtol = 1e-8
        self.integrator.verbosity = verbosity
Exemple #13
    def prepareSimulation(self, params=None):
        if params == None:
            params = AttributeDict({
                'absTol': 1e-6,
                'relTol': 1e-6,

        #Define an explicit solver
        simSolver = CVode(self)
        #Create a CVode solver
        #Sets the parameters
        #simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
        simSolver.report_continuously = True
        simSolver.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
        simSolver.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
        #simSolver.discr = 'Adams'
        simSolver.atol = [params.absTol]  #Default 1e-6
        simSolver.rtol = params.relTol  #Default 1e-6
        simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True  # activates step events
        #simSolver.maxh = 1.0
        simSolver.store_event_points = True
        self.simSolver = simSolver
Exemple #14
	def prepareSimulation(self, params = None):
		if params == None:
			params = AttributeDict({
				'absTol' : 1e-6, 
				'relTol' : 1e-6,
		#Define an explicit solver 
		simSolver = CVode(self) 
		#Create a CVode solver
		#Sets the parameters 
		#simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
		simSolver.report_continuously = True
		simSolver.iter = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
		simSolver.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
		#simSolver.discr = 'Adams' 
		simSolver.atol = [params.absTol]	#Default 1e-6 
		simSolver.rtol = params.relTol 	#Default 1e-6		
		simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True # activates step events
		#simSolver.maxh = 1.0
		simSolver.store_event_points = True
		self.simSolver = simSolver
Exemple #15
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example of the use of CVode for a differential equation
    with a iscontinuity (state event) and the need for an event iteration.
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    #Create an instance of the problem
    exp_mod = Extended_Problem()  #Create the problem

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create the solver

    exp_sim.verbosity = 0
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        10.0, 1000)  #Simulate 10 seconds with 1000 communications points

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y)

    #Basic test[-1][0], 8.0)[-1][1], 3.0)[-1][2], 2.0)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #16
    def setUp(self):
		Configures the solver
        #Define an explicit solver
        simSolver = CVode(self)
        #Create a CVode solver
        #Sets the parameters
        #simSolver.verbosity = LOUD
        #simSolver.report_continuously = True
        simSolver.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
        simSolver.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
        #simSolver.discr = 'Adams'
        simSolver.atol = [1e-6]  #Default 1e-6
        simSolver.rtol = 1e-6  #Default 1e-6
        #simSolver.problem_info['step_events'] = True # activates step events
        #simSolver.maxh = 1.0
        #simSolver.store_event_points = True
        self.simSolver = simSolver
Exemple #17
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This example shows how to use Assimulo and CVode for simulating sensitivities
    for initial conditions.

    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= -(k_{01}+k_{21}+k_{31}) y_1 + k_{12} y_2 + k_{13} y_3 + b_1\\
       \dot y_2 &= k_{21} y_1 - (k_{02}+k_{12}) y_2 \\
       \dot y_3 &= k_{31} y_1 - k_{13} y_3
    with the parameter dependent inital conditions 
    :math:`y_1(0) = 0, y_2(0) = 0, y_3(0) = 0` . The initial values are taken as parameters :math:`p_1,p_2,p_3`
    for the computation of the sensitivity matrix, 
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def f(t, y, p):
        y1, y2, y3 = y
        k01 = 0.0211
        k02 = 0.0162
        k21 = 0.0111
        k12 = 0.0124
        k31 = 0.0039
        k13 = 0.000035
        b1 = 49.3

        yd_0 = -(k01 + k21 + k31) * y1 + k12 * y2 + k13 * y3 + b1
        yd_1 = k21 * y1 - (k02 + k12) * y2
        yd_2 = k31 * y1 - k13 * y3

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1, yd_2])

    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for y
    p0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    yS0 = N.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1.]])

    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name='Example: Computing Sensitivities')

    #Sets the options to the problem
    exp_mod.yS0 = yS0

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Sets the paramters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-7
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-6
    exp_sim.pbar = [
        1, 1, 1
    ]  #pbar is used to estimate the tolerances for the parameters
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True  #Need to be able to store the result using the interpolate methods
    exp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'  #Defines the sensitvity method used
    exp_sim.suppress_sens = False  #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(400)  #Simulate 400 seconds

    #Basic test[-1][0], 1577.6552477, 5)[-1][1], 611.9574565, 5)[-1][2], 2215.88563217, 5)[0][1][0], 1.0)

    if with_plots:
        title_text = r"Sensitivity w.r.t.  ${}$"
        legend_text = r"$\mathrm{{d}}{}/\mathrm{{d}}{}$"
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 2])
                                     'p_1'), legend_text.format('y_1', 'p_2'),
                  legend_text.format('y_1', 'p_3')))
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 2])
                                     'p_1'), legend_text.format('y_2', 'p_2'),
                  legend_text.format('y_2', 'p_3')))
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(exp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 2])
                                     'p_1'), legend_text.format('y_3', 'p_2'),
                  legend_text.format('y_3', 'p_3')))
        P.title('ODE Solution')
        P.plot(t, y)

        return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #18
	# pretend that boundary conditions change at t_tot=5.0
	if t_tot == 5.0:
		num_eqn = 10.0
		# write dydt code
		f = open('', mode='w')
		f.write('import numpy as np\n')
		f.write('def dydt(t, y): # define function:\n')
		f.write('	dydt = np.zeros((len(y)))\n')
		f.write('	num_eqn = ' + str(num_eqn) + '\n')
		f.write('	if num_eqn == 1:\n')
		f.write('		dydt[0] = y[0]*0.1\n')
		f.write('	else:\n')
		f.write('		dydt[0] = y[0]*0.2\n')
		f.write('	return(dydt)')
		test_numba_func = importlib.reload(test_numba_func) # imports updated version
		dydt = test_numba_func.dydt
		dydt = jit(f8[:](f8, f8[:]), nopython=True)(dydt)
	mod = Explicit_Problem(dydt, y_rec[count, 1])
	mod_sim = CVode(mod) # define a solver instance
	t_array, res = mod_sim.simulate(t)
	t_tot += 1.0
	count += 1
	y_rec[count, 0] = t_tot+t
	y_rec[count, 1] = res[-1]

plt.plot(y_rec[:, 0], y_rec[:, 1])
Exemple #19
        return c_dots

### Mesh
N = 60
X = 165e-6 # [m]

### Initial conditions
c_init = 1000.0 # [mol/m^3]
c_centered = c_init*numpy.ones( N, dtype='d' )

exp_mod = MyProblem( N, X, c_centered, 'ce only model, explicit CVode' )
#exp_mod = MyProblem( N, X, numpy.linspace(c_init-c_init/5.,c_init+c_init/5.,N), 'ce only model, explicit CVode' )

# Set the ODE solver
exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver

#Set the parameters
exp_sim.iter  = 'Newton' #Default 'FixedPoint'
exp_sim.discr = 'BDF' #Default 'Adams'
exp_sim.atol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6
exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5 #Default 1e-6

exp_mod.set_j_vec( 1.e-4 )
t1, y1 = exp_sim.simulate(100, 100)

exp_mod.set_j_vec( 0.0 )
t2, y2 = exp_sim.simulate(200, 100)

#exp_mod.set_j_vec( 0.0 )
Exemple #20
#Initial values
y0 = [N.pi/2.0, 0.0] #Initial states
t0 = 0.0             #Initial time
switches0 = [True]   #Initial switches

#Create an Assimulo Problem
mod = Explicit_Problem(pendulum, y0, t0, sw0=switches0)

mod.state_events = state_events #Sets the state events to the problem
mod.handle_event = handle_event #Sets the event handling to the problem = 'Pendulum with events'   #Sets the name of the problem

#Create an Assimulo solver (CVode)
sim = CVode(mod)

#Specifies options
sim.discr = 'Adams'     #Sets the discretization method
sim.iter = 'FixedPoint' #Sets the iteration method
sim.rtol = 1.e-8        #Sets the relative tolerance
sim.atol = 1.e-6        #Sets the absolute tolerance

ncp = 200     #Number of communication points
tfinal = 10.0 #Final time

t, y = sim.simulate(tfinal, ncp) #Simulate

Exemple #21
from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem
from assimulo.solvers import CVode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def rhs(t,y):
    k = 1000 
    L = k*(math.sqrt(y[0]**2+y[1]**2)-1)/math.sqrt(y[0]**2+y[1]**2)
    result = numpy.array([y[2],y[3],-y[0]*L,-y[1]*L-1])
    return result
t0 = 0
y0 = numpy.array([0.8,-0.8,0,0])

model = Explicit_Problem(rhs,y0,t0) = 'task1'

sim = CVode(model)

tfinal = 70

(t,y) = sim.simulate(tfinal)


Exemple #22
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    An example for CVode with scaled preconditioned GMRES method
    as a special linear solver.
    Note, how the operation Jacobian times vector is provided.
    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= y_2 \\
       \dot y_2 &= -9.82
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the Jacobian*vector product
    def jacv(t, y, fy, v):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return, v)

    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(
        f, y0, name='Example using the Jacobian Vector product')

    exp_mod.jacv = jacv  #Sets the Jacobian

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'  #Change linear solver
    #exp_sim.options["usejac"] = False

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    #Basic tests[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #23
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example for the use of the stability limit detection algorithm
    in CVode.
    .. math::
        \dot y_1 &= y_2 \\
        \dot y_2 &= \mu ((1.-y_1^2) y_2-y_1) \\
        \dot y_3 &= sin(ty_2)

    with :math:`\mu=\frac{1}{5} 10^3`.

    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    class Extended_Problem(Explicit_Problem):
        order = []
        def handle_result(self, solver, t, y):
            Explicit_Problem.handle_result(self, solver, t, y)
    eps = 5.e-3
    my = 1./eps
    #Define the rhs
    def f(t,y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = my*((1.-y[0]**2)*y[1]-y[0])
        yd_2 = N.sin(t*y[1])
        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1, yd_2])
    y0 = [2.0,-0.6, 0.1] #Initial conditions
    #Define an Assimulo problem
    exp_mod = Extended_Problem(f,y0, 
                          name = "CVode: Stability problem")
    #Define an explicit solver
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod) #Create a CVode solver
    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.stablimdet = True
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(2.0) #Simulate 2 seconds
    if with_plots:
        P.ylabel("State: $y_1$")

    #Basic test
    x1 = y[:,0]
    assert N.abs(x1[-1]-1.8601438) < 1e-1 #For test purpose
    return exp_mod, exp_sim
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem
        solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        ''' *******DELETE LATER '''''''''
#        problem.handle_event = handle_event
#        problem.state_events = state_events
#        problem.init_mode = init_mode

        solver.handle_result = self.handle_result
 = 'Simple Explicit Example'
        simulation = CVode(solver)  # Create a RungeKutta34 solver
        # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5

        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = 0
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # Create Solver and set settings
#        noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0)))

#        solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions,
#                       abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol)
        # solver.settings.JAC = None   #Add user-dependent jacobian here

        '''Initialize problem '''
#        solver.init(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0)
        nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.t_cur = self.t0
        self.y_cur = self.y0
        state_event = False
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen
        if nOutputIntervals > 0:
            # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:)
            if(gridWidth <> None):
                dOutput = gridWidth
                dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals
            dOutput = Tend

        outputStepCounter = long(1)
        nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend)

        while self.t_cur < Tend:

            # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment
            if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent:
                time_event = False
                self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint
                time_event = True
                self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent

#                #Integrator step
#                self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur)
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                state_event = False
                # Simulate

                # take a step to next output point:
                t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur)  # 5, 10) #5, 10  self.t_cur self.t_cur  2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds
                # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate
                # points before it! So take last values:
                self.t_cur = t_new[-1]
                self.y_cur = y_new[-1]
                state_event = False

                import sys
                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
#            except CVodeRootException, info:
#                self.t_cur = info.t
#                self.y_cur = info.y
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                time_event = False
#                state_event = True
            # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks
            if time_event or state_event:
                event_info = [state_event, time_event]
                if not self.handle_event(self, event_info):
                solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)

                nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)
                # If no timeEvent happens:
                if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur:
                    nextTimeEvent = None

            if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint:
                # Write output if not happened before:
                if not time_event and not state_event:
                    self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur)
                outputStepCounter += 1
                nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend)

    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) = 'CVode'
        # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.state_events = self.state_events
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        simulation = CVode(problem)

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5
        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # '''Initialize problem '''
        # self.t_cur = self.t0
        # self.y_cur = self.y0

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
        simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals)  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
    def make_explicit_sim(self):
        explicit_sim = CVode(self.explicit_problem)
        explicit_sim.iter = 'Newton'
        explicit_sim.discr = 'BDF'
        explicit_sim.rtol = 1e-7
        explicit_sim.atol = 1e-7
        explicit_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'
        explicit_sim.suppress_sens = True
        explicit_sim.report_continuously = False
        explicit_sim.usesens = False
        explicit_sim.verbosity = 50

        if self.use_jac and self.model_jac is not None:
            explicit_sim.usejac = True

            explicit_sim.usejac = False

        return explicit_sim
Exemple #27
def RunModel(flagD,th,STIM,xoutS,xoutG,dataS,dataG,kTCleak,kTCmaxs, inds_to_watch = []):
    # going to return [tout_all,xoutG_all,xoutS_all]

# This function runs the model and outputs timecourse simulation results.
# Required Inputs:
# flagD: 1 for deterministic simulations, 0 for stochastic simulations.
# th: simulation time (hours)
# STIM: stimulus vector
# Outputs:
# tout_all: n-by-1 vector of time values (seconds)
# xoutG_all: n-by-g matrix of species (g) through time (n) (g indices lines up to gm tab in Names.xls sheet)
# xoutS_all: n-by-p matrix of speices (p) through time (n) (p indices lines up to PARCDL tab in Names.xls sheet)

    # %% RUN

    N_STEPS = int(N_STEPS)


    # % for PARCDL
    kbR0 = float(open(pathi + "i_kbR0.txt").read())

    kTL = []
    with open(pathi + 'i_kTLF.txt') as f:
        for line in f:
    kTL = np.array(kTL)

    kC173 = float(open(pathi + "i_kC173.txt").read())
    kC82 = float(open(pathi + "i_kC82.txt").read())
    kA77 = float(open(pathi + "i_kA77.txt").read())*5
    # ^ forgot to add the *5 to this line and spent sooooo long looking for this mistake lol

    kA87 = float(open(pathi + "i_kA87.txt").read())
    Rt = float(open(pathi + "i_Rt.txt").read())
    EIF4Efree = float(open(pathi + "i_EIF4Efree.txt").read())
    kDDbasal = float(open(pathi + "i_kDDbasal.txt").read())
    Vc = dataS.kS[2]

    # % for gm

    if len(kTCleak)==0:
      for line in open(pathi + "i_kTCleakF.txt").readlines():
      kTCleak = np.matrix.transpose(np.matrix(kTCleak))

    if len(kTCmaxs)==0:
      for line in open(pathi + "i_kTCmaxsF.txt").readlines():
      kTCmaxs = np.matrix.transpose(np.matrix(kTCmaxs))
      kTCmaxs = np.array(kTCmaxs)

    # % modifying data.S structure

    # % modifying data.G structure

    # %species

    if len(xoutS) == 0:
        xoutS = []

        with open(pathi + 'i_xoutF.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
            spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
            for row in spamreader:
                x = ', '.join(row)
                x = x.split(',')

                to_append = []
                for item in x:


        xoutS = np.matrix(xoutS)
        xoutS = xoutS[24,:]

    if len(xoutG) == 0:
        if flagD:
            xoutG = dataG.x0gm_mpc_D
            xoutG = dataG.x0gm_mpc

            xoutG[indsD] = dataG.x0gm_mpc_D[indsD]
            xoutG[indsD+141] = dataG.x0gm_mpc_D[indsD+141]
            xoutG[indsD+141*2] = dataG.x0gm_mpc_D[indsD+141*2]

    # % Apply STIM
    Etop = STIM[len(STIM)-1]

    STIM = STIM[0:len(STIM)-1]

    # code for logical
    if np.any(STIM):

        xoutS[0,STIM.astype(bool)] = STIM[STIM.astype(bool)]

    dataS.kS[452] = Etop

    # NOTE - matlab code
    # % Instantiation
    # t0 = 0;
    # optionscvodes = CVodeSetOptions('UserData', dataS,...
    #                           'RelTol',1.e-3,...
    #                           'LinearSolver','Dense',...
    #                           'JacobianFn',@Jeval774);
    # CVodeInit(@createODEs, 'BDF', 'Newton', t0, xoutS', optionscvodes);
    # %ODE15s options
    # %optionsode15s=odeset('RelTol',1e-3,'Jacobian',@Jeval774ode15s);

    tout_all = np.zeros(shape=(N_STEPS+1))
    xoutG_all = np.zeros(shape=(N_STEPS+1,len(xoutG)))
    xoutS_all = np.zeros(shape=(N_STEPS+1,xoutS.shape[1]))
    tout_all[0] = 0
    xoutG_all[0,:] = np.matrix.transpose(xoutG)
    xoutS_all[0,:] = xoutS

    # % Starting simulations
    print("... Starting Sims")
    start_time = time.time()

    for i in range(0,int(N_STEPS)+1):

        # gm
        [xginN,xgacN,AllGenesVecN,xmN,vTC] = gm(flagD,dataG,ts,xoutG,xoutS);

        xoutG = np.append(np.append(np.squeeze(np.asarray(xgacN)),np.squeeze(np.asarray(xginN))),np.squeeze(np.asarray(xmN)))
        # NOTE - matrix to array syntax
        xoutG = np.matrix.transpose(np.matrix(xoutG))

        dataS.mMod=xmN*(1E9/(Vc*6.023E+23)); #convert mRNAs from mpc to nM

        xoutG_all[i,:] = np.matrix.transpose(xoutG)

            xoutS_all[i,:] = np.squeeze(np.asarray(xoutS))
            xoutS_all[i,:] = np.squeeze(np.asarray(xoutS[1]))

        if xoutS[0,103]<xoutS[0,105]:
            print("Apoptosis happened")
            tout_all = tout_all[0:i+1]
            xoutG_all = xoutG_all[0:i+1]
            xoutS_all = xoutS_all[0:i+1]
            return [tout_all, xoutG_all, xoutS_all]

        # scipy.odeint -- takes forever
        # xoutS = odeint(createODEs, xoutS_all[i,:],np.array([ts_up-ts, ts_up]), args=(dataS.kS,dataS.VvPARCDL,dataS.VxPARCDL,dataS.S_PARCDL,dataS.mExp_nM.as_matrix(),dataS.mMod,dataS.flagE))

        # assimulo -- much faster
        ode_start_time = time.time()
        exp_mod = MyProblem(y0=xoutS_all[i,:],dataS=dataS, Jeval774 = Jeval774)
        exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)


        exp_sim.re_init(ts_up-ts,xoutS_all[i,:] )
        t1, xoutS = exp_sim.simulate(ts_up, 1)


        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - ode_start_time))

        print("Percent complete: " + str(i/N_STEPS))

        # xoutG_all[i,:] = np.matrix.transpose(xoutG);

            tout_all[i+1] = ts_up

        ts_up = ts_up + ts

    print("ODEs done")
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

    return [tout_all, xoutG_all, xoutS_all]
Exemple #28
    yd =, y) + b

    return yd

#def rhs(t,y):
#    A =np.array([[0, 1],[-2, -1]])
#, y)
#    return yd

def L(y, k):
    norm = ln.norm(y[0:2])
    return k * (norm - 1) / norm

y0 = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
t0 = 0.0

model = Explicit_Problem(rhs, y0, t0)  # Create an Assimulo problem = 'Linear Test ODE'  # Specifies the name of problem

sim = CVode(model)

tfinal = 100.0  #Specify the final time

t, y = sim.simulate(
    tfinal)  #Use the .simulate method to simulate and provide the final time
Exemple #29
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Example for demonstrating the use of a user supplied Jacobian
    .. math::
       \dot y_1 &= y_2 \\
       \dot y_2 &= -9.82
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, y):
        yd_0 = y[1]
        yd_1 = -9.82
        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1])

    #Defines the Jacobian
    def jac(t, y):
        j = N.array([[0, 1.], [0, 0]])
        return j

    #Defines an Assimulo explicit problem
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0, name='Example using analytic Jacobian')
    exp_mod.jac = jac  #Sets the Jacobian

    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)  #Create a CVode solver

    #Set the parameters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'  #Default 'FixedPoint'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'  #Default 'Adams'
    exp_sim.atol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6
    exp_sim.rtol = 1e-5  #Default 1e-6

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y, linestyle="dashed", marker="o")  #Plot the solution

    #Basic tests[-1][0], -121.75000000, 4)[-1][1], -49.100000000)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        problem = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0) = 'CVode'
        # solver.rhs = self.right_hand_side
        problem.handle_result = self.handle_result
        problem.state_events = self.state_events
        problem.handle_event = self.handle_event
        problem.time_events = self.time_events
        problem.finalize = self.finalize

        simulation = CVode(problem)

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5
        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = self.verbosity
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # '''Initialize problem '''
        # self.t_cur = self.t0
        # self.y_cur = self.y0

        # Calculate nOutputIntervals:
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Check for feasible input parameters
        if nOutputIntervals == 0:
            print 'Error: gridWidth too high or nIntervals set to 0! Continue with nIntervals=1'
            nOutputIntervals = 1
        # Perform simulation
        simulation.simulate(Tend, nOutputIntervals)  # to get the values: t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate
    def simulate(self, Tend, nIntervals, gridWidth):

        # define assimulo problem:(has to be done here because of the starting value in Explicit_Problem
        solver = Explicit_Problem(self.rhs, self.y0)
        ''' *******DELETE LATER '''''''''
#        problem.handle_event = handle_event
#        problem.state_events = state_events
#        problem.init_mode = init_mode

        solver.handle_result = self.handle_result
 = 'Simple Explicit Example'
        simulation = CVode(solver)  # Create a RungeKutta34 solver
        # simulation.inith = 0.1 #Sets the initial step, default = 0.01

        # Change multistep method: 'adams' or 'VDF'
        if self.discr == 'Adams':
            simulation.discr = 'Adams'
            simulation.maxord = 12
            simulation.discr = 'BDF'
            simulation.maxord = 5

        # Change iteration algorithm: functional(FixedPoint) or newton
        if self.iter == 'FixedPoint':
            simulation.iter = 'FixedPoint'
            simulation.iter = 'Newton'

        # Sets additional parameters
        simulation.atol = self.atol
        simulation.rtol = self.rtol
        simulation.verbosity = 0
        if hasattr(simulation, 'continuous_output'):
            simulation.continuous_output = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used
        elif hasattr(simulation, 'report_continuously'):
            simulation.report_continuously = False  # default 0, if one step approach should be used

        # Create Solver and set settings
#        noRootFunctions = np.size(self.state_events(self.t0, np.array(self.y0)))

#        solver = sundials.CVodeSolver(RHS = self.f, ROOT = self.rootf, SW = [False]*noRootFunctions,
#                       abstol = self.atol, reltol = self.rtol)
        # solver.settings.JAC = None   #Add user-dependent jacobian here

        '''Initialize problem '''
#        solver.init(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.handle_result(self.t0, self.y0)
        nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t0, self.y0)
        self.t_cur = self.t0
        self.y_cur = self.y0
        state_event = False
        if gridWidth <> None:
            nOutputIntervals = int((Tend - self.t0) / gridWidth)
            nOutputIntervals = nIntervals
        # Define step length depending on if gridWidth or nIntervals has been chosen
        if nOutputIntervals > 0:
            # Last point on grid (does not have to be Tend:)
            if(gridWidth <> None):
                dOutput = gridWidth
                dOutput = (Tend - self.t0) / nIntervals
            dOutput = Tend

        outputStepCounter = long(1)
        nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + dOutput, Tend)

        while self.t_cur < Tend:

            # Time-Event detection and step time adjustment
            if nextTimeEvent is None or nextOutputPoint < nextTimeEvent:
                time_event = False
                self.t_cur = nextOutputPoint
                time_event = True
                self.t_cur = nextTimeEvent

#                #Integrator step
#                self.y_cur = solver.step(self.t_cur)
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                state_event = False
                # Simulate

                # take a step to next output point:
                t_new, y_new = simulation.simulate(self.t_cur)  # 5, 10) #5, 10  self.t_cur self.t_cur  2. argument nsteps Simulate 5 seconds
                # t_new, y_new are both vectors of the time and states at t_cur and all intermediate
                # points before it! So take last values:
                self.t_cur = t_new[-1]
                self.y_cur = y_new[-1]
                state_event = False

                import sys
                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
#            except CVodeRootException, info:
#                self.t_cur = info.t
#                self.y_cur = info.y
#                self.y_cur = np.array(self.y_cur)
#                time_event = False
#                state_event = True
            # Depending on events have been detected do different tasks
            if time_event or state_event:
                event_info = [state_event, time_event]
                if not self.handle_event(self, event_info):
                solver.init(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)

                nextTimeEvent = self.time_events(self.t_cur, self.y_cur)
                # If no timeEvent happens:
                if nextTimeEvent <= self.t_cur:
                    nextTimeEvent = None

            if self.t_cur == nextOutputPoint:
                # Write output if not happened before:
                if not time_event and not state_event:
                    self.handle_result(nextOutputPoint, self.y_cur)
                outputStepCounter += 1
                nextOutputPoint = min(self.t0 + outputStepCounter * dOutput, Tend)

Exemple #32
def run_simulation(filename, start_time, save_output, temp, RH, RO2_indices,
                   H2O, input_dict, simulation_time, batch_step):

    from assimulo.solvers import RodasODE, CVode  #Choose solver accoring to your need.
    from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem

    # In this function, we import functions that have been pre-compiled for use in the ODE solver
    # The function that calculates the RHS of the ODE is also defined within this function, such
    # that it can be used by the Assimulo solvers

    # The variables passed to this function are defined as follows:

    # define the ODE function to be called
    def dydt_func(t, y):
        This function defines the right-hand side [RHS] of the ordinary differential equations [ODEs] to be solved
        • t - time variable [internal to solver]
        • y - array holding concentrations of all compounds in both gas and particulate [molecules/cc]
        dydt - the dy_dt of each compound in both gas and particulate phase [molecules/cc.sec]

        # Calculate time of day
        time_of_day_seconds = start_time + t

        # make sure the y array is not a list. Assimulo uses lists
        y_asnumpy = numpy.array(y)

        #Calculate the concentration of RO2 species, using an index file created during parsing
        RO2 = numpy.sum(y[RO2_indices])

        #Calculate reaction rate for each equation.
        # Note that H2O will change in parcel mode
        # The time_of_day_seconds is used for photolysis rates - need to change this if want constant values
        rates = evaluate_rates_fortran(RO2, H2O, temp, time_of_day_seconds)
        # Calculate product of all reactants and stochiometry for each reaction [A^a*B^b etc]
        reactants = reactants_fortran(y_asnumpy)
        #Multiply product of reactants with rate coefficient to get reaction rate
        reactants = numpy.multiply(reactants, rates)
        # Now use reaction rates with the loss_gain matri to calculate the final dydt for each compound
        # With the assimulo solvers we need to output numpy arrays
        dydt = loss_gain_fortran(reactants)

        return dydt

    # define jacobian function to be called
    def jacobian(t, y):
        This function defines Jacobian of the ordinary differential equations [ODEs] to be solved
        • t - time variable [internal to solver]
        • y - array holding concentrations of all compounds in both gas and particulate [molecules/cc]
        dydt_dydt - the N_compounds x N_compounds matrix of Jacobian values

        # Different solvers might call jacobian at different stages, so we have to redo some calculations here
        # Calculate time of day
        time_of_day_seconds = start_time + t

        # make sure the y array is not a list. Assimulo uses lists
        y_asnumpy = numpy.array(y)

        #Calculate the concentration of RO2 species, using an index file created during parsing
        RO2 = numpy.sum(y[RO2_indices])

        #Calculate reaction rate for each equation.
        # Note that H2O will change in parcel mode
        rates = evaluate_rates_fortran(RO2, H2O, temp, time_of_day_seconds)
        # Now use reaction rates with the loss_gain matrix to calculate the final dydt for each compound
        # With the assimulo solvers we need to output numpy arrays
        dydt_dydt = jacobian_fortran(rates, y_asnumpy)
        return dydt_dydt


    #import static compilation of Fortran functions for use in ODE solver
    print("Importing pre-compiled Fortran modules")
    from rate_coeff_f2py import evaluate_rates as evaluate_rates_fortran
    from reactants_conc_f2py import reactants as reactants_fortran
    from loss_gain_f2py import loss_gain as loss_gain_fortran
    from jacobian_f2py import jacobian as jacobian_fortran

    # 'Unpack' variables from input_dict
    species_dict = input_dict['species_dict']
    species_dict2array = input_dict['species_dict2array']
    species_initial_conc = input_dict['species_initial_conc']
    equations = input_dict['equations']

    #Specify some starting concentrations [ppt]
    Cfactor = 2.55e+10  #ppb-to-molecules/cc

    # Create variables required to initialise ODE
    num_species = len(species_dict.keys())
    y0 = [0] * num_species  #Initial concentrations, set to 0
    t0 = 0.0  #T0

    # Define species concentrations in ppb
    # You have already set this in the front end script, and now we populate the y array with those concentrations
    for specie in species_initial_conc.keys():
        y0[species_dict2array[specie]] = species_initial_conc[
            specie] * Cfactor  #convert from pbb to molcules/cc

    #Set the total_time of the simulation to 0 [havent done anything yet]
    total_time = 0.0

    # Now run through the simulation in batches.
    # I do this to enable testing of coupling processes. Some initial investigations with non-ideality in
    # the condensed phase indicated that even defining a maximum step was not enough for ODE solvers to
    # overshoot a stable region. It also helps with in-simulation debugging. Its up to you if you want to keep this.
    # To not run in batches, just define one batch as your total simulation time. This will reduce any overhead with
    # initialising the solvers
    # Set total simulation time and batch steps in seconds

    # Note also that the current module outputs solver information after each batch step. This can be turned off and the
    # the batch step change for increased speed
    #simulation_time= 3600.0
    t_array = []
    time_step = 0
    number_steps = int(
        simulation_time /
        batch_step)  # Just cycling through 3 steps to get to a solution

    # Define a matrix that stores values as outputs from the end of each batch step. Again, you can remove
    # the need to run in batches. You can tell the Assimulo solvers the frequency of outputs.
    y_matrix = numpy.zeros((int(number_steps), len(y0)))

    print("Starting simulation")

    # In the following, we can
    while total_time < simulation_time:

        if total_time == 0.0:
            #Define an Assimulo problem
            #Define an explicit solver
            exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(dydt_func, y0, t0, name=filename)

            y0 = y_output[
                -1, :]  # Take the output from the last batch as the start of this
            exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(dydt_func, y0, t0, name=filename)

        # Define ODE parameters.
        # Initial steps might be slower than mid-simulation. It varies.
        #exp_mod.jac = dydt_jac
        # Define which ODE solver you want to use
        exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
        tol_list = [1.0e-3] * num_species
        exp_sim.atol = tol_list  #Default 1e-6
        exp_sim.rtol = 0.03  #Default 1e-6
        exp_sim.inith = 1.0e-6  #Initial step-size
        #exp_sim.discr = 'Adams'
        exp_sim.maxh = 100.0
        # Use of a jacobian makes a big differece in simulation time. This is relatively
        # easy to define for a gas phase - not sure for an aerosol phase with composition
        # dependent processes.
        exp_sim.usejac = True  # To be provided as an option in future update.
        #exp_sim.fac1 = 0.05
        #exp_sim.fac2 = 50.0
        exp_sim.report_continuously = True
        exp_sim.maxncf = 1000
        #Sets the parameters
        t_output, y_output = exp_sim.simulate(
            batch_step)  #Simulate 'batch' seconds
        total_time += batch_step
        )  # Save the output from the end step, of the current batch, to a matrix
        y_matrix[time_step, :] = y_output[-1, :]

        #now save this information into a matrix for later plotting.
        time_step += 1

    # Do you want to save the generated matrix of outputs?
    if save_output: + '_output', y_matrix)
        df = pd.DataFrame(y_matrix)
        df.to_csv(filename + "_output_matrix.csv")
        w = csv.writer(open(filename + "_output_names.csv", "w"))
        for specie, number in species_dict2array.items():
            w.writerow([specie, number])

    with_plots = True

    #Plot the change in concentration over time for a given specie. For the user to change / remove
    #In a future release I will add this as a seperate module
    if with_plots:

                   numpy.log10(y_matrix[:, species_dict2array['APINENE']]),
                   numpy.log10(y_matrix[:, species_dict2array['PINONIC']]),
            P.legend(loc='upper left')
            P.ylabel("Concetration log10[molecules/cc]")
            P.xlabel("Time [seconds] since start of simulation")
                "There is a problem using Matplotlib in your environment. If using this within a docker container, you will need to transfer the data to the host or configure your container to enable graphical displays. More information can be found at "
Exemple #33
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    Simulations for the Gyro (Heavy Top) example in Celledoni/Safstrom: 
        Journal of Physics A, Vol 39, 5463-5478, 2006
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def curl(v):
        return array([[0, v[2], -v[1]], [-v[2], 0, v[0]], [v[1], -v[0], 0]])

    #Defines the rhs
    def f(t, u):
        Simulations for the Gyro (Heavy Top) example in Celledoni/Safstrom: 
        Journal of Physics A, Vol 39, 5463-5478, 2006
        I1 = 1000.
        I2 = 5000.
        I3 = 6000.
        u0 = [0, 0, 1.]
        pi = u[0:3]
        Q = (u[3:12]).reshape((3, 3))
        Qu0 = dot(Q, u0)
        f = array([Qu0[1], -Qu0[0], 0.])
        f = 0
        omega = array([pi[0] / I1, pi[1] / I2, pi[2] / I3])
        pid = dot(curl(omega), pi) + f
        Qd = dot(curl(omega), Q)
        return hstack([pid, Qd.reshape((9, ))])

    def energi(state):
        energi = []
        for st in state:
            Q = (st[3:12]).reshape((3, 3))
            pi = st[0:3]
            u0 = [0, 0, 1.]
            Qu0 = dot(Q, u0)
            V = Qu0[2]  # potential energy
            T = 0.5 * (pi[0]**2 / 1000. + pi[1]**2 / 5000. + pi[2]**2 / 6000.)
        return energi

    #Initial conditions
    y0 = hstack([[1000. * 10, 5000. * 10, 6000 * 10], eye(3).reshape((9, ))])

    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, y0, name="Gyroscope Example")

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Sets the parameters
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.maxord = 2  #Sets the maxorder
    exp_sim.atol = 1.e-10
    exp_sim.rtol = 1.e-10

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(0.1)

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y / 10000.)
        P.ylabel('States, scaled by $10^4$')

    #Basic tests[-1][0], 692.800241862)[-1][8], 7.08468221e-1)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #34
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This is the same example from the Sundials package (cvsRoberts_FSA_dns.c)

    This simple example problem for CVode, due to Robertson, 
    is from chemical kinetics, and consists of the following three 

    .. math:: 
       \dot y_1 &= -p_1 y_1 + p_2 y_2 y_3 \\
       \dot y_2 &= p_1 y_1 - p_2 y_2 y_3 - p_3 y_2^2 \\
       \dot y_3 &= p_3  y_2^2
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def f(t, y, p):
        p3 = 3.0e7

        yd_0 = -p[0] * y[0] + p[1] * y[1] * y[2]
        yd_1 = p[0] * y[0] - p[1] * y[1] * y[2] - p3 * y[1]**2
        yd_2 = p3 * y[1]**2

        return N.array([yd_0, yd_1, yd_2])

    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for y

    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,
                               name='Sundials test example: Chemical kinetics')

    #Sets the options to the problem
    exp_mod.p0 = [0.040, 1.0e4]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    exp_mod.pbar = [0.040, 1.0e4]

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)

    #Sets the paramters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.rtol = 1.e-4
    exp_sim.atol = N.array([1.0e-8, 1.0e-14, 1.0e-6])
    exp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'  #Defines the sensitvity method used
    exp_sim.suppress_sens = False  #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(
        4, 400)  #Simulate 4 seconds with 400 communication points

    if with_plots:
        import pylab as P
        P.plot(t, y)

    #Basic test[-1][0], 9.05518032e-01, 4)[-1][1], 2.24046805e-05, 4)[-1][2], 9.44595637e-02, 4)
        exp_sim.p_sol[0][-1][0], -1.8761,
        2)  #Values taken from the example in Sundials[1][-1][0], 2.9614e-06, 8)

    return exp_mod, exp_sim
Exemple #35
    ydot[3] = -y[1] * lambda_fkt(y[0], y[1]) - 1
    return ydot
#    ydot = -y[0]
#    return np.array([ydot])
def lambda_fkt(y1, y2):
    k = 100
    return k * (np.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2) - 1) / np.sqrt(y1**2 + y2**2)
#Define an Assimulo problem
exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f, 4) = 'Simple BDF-2 Example'

#Define another Assimulo problem
def pend(t,y):
    #g=9.81    l=0.7134354980239037
    return np.array([y[1],-gl*np.sin(y[0])])
#pend_mod=Explicit_Problem(pend, y0=np.array([2.*np.pi,1.]))
pend_mod=Explicit_Problem(f, y0=np.array([1., 0., 0., 0.]))'Nonlinear Pendulum'

#Define an explicit solver
#exp_sim = BDF_2(pend_mod) #Create a BDF solver
exp_sim = CVode(pend_mod)
t, y = exp_sim.simulate(10)
Exemple #36
def run_simulation(filename, save_output, start_time, temp, RH, RO2_indices,
                   H2O, PInit, y_cond, input_dict, simulation_time, batch_step,

    from assimulo.solvers import RodasODE, CVode, RungeKutta4, LSODAR  #Choose solver accoring to your need.
    from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem

    # In this function, we import functions that have been pre-compiled for use in the ODE solver
    # The function that calculates the RHS of the ODE is also defined within this function, such
    # that it can be used by the Assimulo solvers

    # The variables passed to this function are defined as follows:

    # define the ODE function to be called
    def dydt_func(t, y):
        This function defines the right-hand side [RHS] of the ordinary differential equations [ODEs] to be solved
        • t - time variable [internal to solver]
        • y - array holding concentrations of all compounds in both gas and particulate [molecules/cc]
        dydt - the dy_dt of each compound in both gas and particulate phase [molecules/cc.sec]

        dy_dt = numpy.zeros((total_length_y, 1), )

        # Calculate time of day
        time_of_day_seconds = start_time + t

        # make sure the y array is not a list. Assimulo uses lists
        y_asnumpy = numpy.array(y)
        Model_temp = temp
        #Calculate the concentration of RO2 species, using an index file created during parsing
        RO2 = numpy.sum(y[RO2_indices])

        #Calculate reaction rate for each equation.
        # Note that H2O will change in parcel mode
        # The time_of_day_seconds is used for photolysis rates - need to change this if want constant values
        rates = evaluate_rates_fortran(RO2, H2O, Model_temp,
        # Calculate product of all reactants and stochiometry for each reaction [A^a*B^b etc]
        reactants = reactants_fortran(y_asnumpy[0:num_species - 1])
        #Multiply product of reactants with rate coefficient to get reaction rate
        reactants = numpy.multiply(reactants, rates)
        # Now use reaction rates with the loss_gain matri to calculate the final dydt for each compound
        # With the assimulo solvers we need to output numpy arrays
        dydt_gas = loss_gain_fortran(reactants)

        dy_dt[0:num_species - 1, 0] = dydt_gas

        # Change the saturation vapour pressure of water
        # Need to re-think the change of organic vapour pressures with temperature.
        # At the moment this is kept constant as re-calulation using UManSysProp very slow
        sat_vap_water = numpy.exp((-0.58002206E4 / Model_temp) + 0.13914993E1 - \
        (0.48640239E-1 * Model_temp) + (0.41764768E-4 * (Model_temp**2.0E0))- \
        (0.14452093E-7 * (Model_temp**3.0E0)) + (0.65459673E1 * numpy.log(Model_temp)))
        sat_vp[-1] = (numpy.log10(sat_vap_water * 9.86923E-6))
        Psat = numpy.power(10.0, sat_vp)

        # Convert the concentration of each component in the gas phase into a partial pressure using the ideal gas law
        # Units are Pascals
        Pressure_gas = (y_asnumpy[0:num_species, ] /
                        NA) * 8.314E+6 * Model_temp  #[using R]

        core_mass_array = numpy.multiply(ycore_asnumpy / NA, core_molw_asnumpy)

        ####### Calculate the thermal conductivity of gases according to the new temperature ########
        K_water_vapour = (
            5.69 + 0.017 *
            (Model_temp - 273.15)) * 1e-3 * 4.187  #[W/mK []has to be in W/m.K]
        # Use this value for all organics, for now. If you start using a non-zero enthalpy of
        # vapourisation, this needs to change.
        therm_cond_air = K_water_vapour

        #F2c) Extract the current gas phase concentrations to be used in pressure difference calculations
        C_g_i_t = y_asnumpy[0:num_species, ]
        #Set the values for oxidants etc to 0 as will force no mass transfer
        C_g_i_t = C_g_i_t[include_index]


        total_SOA_mass,aw_array,size_array,dy_dt_calc = dydt_partition_fortran(y_asnumpy,ycore_asnumpy,core_dissociation, \
        core_mass_array,y_density_array_asnumpy,core_density_array_asnumpy,ignore_index_fortran,y_mw,Psat, \
        DStar_org_asnumpy,alpha_d_org_asnumpy,C_g_i_t,N_perbin,gamma_gas_asnumpy,Latent_heat_asnumpy,GRAV, \


        # Add the calculated gains/losses to the complete dy_dt array
        dy_dt[0:num_species + (num_species_condensed * num_bins),
              0] += dy_dt_calc[:]


        #F4) Now calculate the change in water vapour mixing ratio.
        #To do this we need to know what the index key for the very last element is
        #print "elapsed time=", elapsedTime
        dydt_func.total_SOA_mass = total_SOA_mass
        dydt_func.size_array = size_array
        dydt_func.temp = Model_temp
        dydt_func.RH = Pressure_gas[-1] / (Psat[-1] * 101325.0)
        dydt_func.water_activity = aw_array

        return dy_dt


    #import static compilation of Fortran functions for use in ODE solver
    print("Importing pre-compiled Fortran modules")
    from rate_coeff_f2py import evaluate_rates as evaluate_rates_fortran
    from reactants_conc_f2py import reactants as reactants_fortran
    from loss_gain_f2py import loss_gain as loss_gain_fortran
    from partition_f2py import dydt_partition as dydt_partition_fortran

    # 'Unpack' variables from input_dict
    species_dict = input_dict['species_dict']
    species_dict2array = input_dict['species_dict2array']
    species_initial_conc = input_dict['species_initial_conc']
    equations = input_dict['equations']
    num_species = input_dict['num_species']
    num_species_condensed = input_dict['num_species_condensed']
    y_density_array_asnumpy = input_dict['y_density_array_asnumpy']
    y_mw = input_dict['y_mw']
    sat_vp = input_dict['sat_vp']
    Delta_H = input_dict['Delta_H']
    Latent_heat_asnumpy = input_dict['Latent_heat_asnumpy']
    DStar_org_asnumpy = input_dict['DStar_org_asnumpy']
    alpha_d_org_asnumpy = input_dict['alpha_d_org_asnumpy']
    gamma_gas_asnumpy = input_dict['gamma_gas_asnumpy']
    Updraft = input_dict['Updraft']
    GRAV = input_dict['GRAV']
    Rv = input_dict['Rv']
    Ra = input_dict['Ra']
    R_gas = input_dict['R_gas']
    R_gas_other = input_dict['R_gas_other']
    cp = input_dict['cp']
    sigma = input_dict['sigma']
    NA = input_dict['NA']
    kb = input_dict['kb']
    Lv_water_vapour = input_dict['Lv_water_vapour']
    ignore_index = input_dict['ignore_index']
    ignore_index_fortran = input_dict['ignore_index_fortran']
    ycore_asnumpy = input_dict['ycore_asnumpy']
    core_density_array_asnumpy = input_dict['core_density_array_asnumpy']
    y_cond = input_dict['y_cond_initial']
    num_bins = input_dict['num_bins']
    core_molw_asnumpy = input_dict['core_molw_asnumpy']
    core_dissociation = input_dict['core_dissociation']
    N_perbin = input_dict['N_perbin']
    include_index = input_dict['include_index']

    # pdb.set_trace()

    #Specify some starting concentrations [ppt]
    Cfactor = 2.55e+10  #ppb-to-molecules/cc

    # Create variables required to initialise ODE
    y0 = [0] * (num_species + num_species_condensed * num_bins
                )  #Initial concentrations, set to 0
    t0 = 0.0  #T0

    # Define species concentrations in ppb fr the gas phase
    # You have already set this in the front end script, and now we populate the y array with those concentrations
    for specie in species_initial_conc.keys():
        if specie is not 'H2O':
            y0[species_dict2array[specie]] = species_initial_conc[
                specie] * Cfactor  #convert from pbb to molcules/cc
        elif specie is 'H2O':
            y0[species_dict2array[specie]] = species_initial_conc[specie]

    # Now add the initial condensed phase [including water]
    y0[num_species:num_species +
       ((num_bins) * num_species_condensed)] = y_cond[:]

    #Set the total_time of the simulation to 0 [havent done anything yet]
    total_time = 0.0

    # Define a 'key' that represents the end of the composition variables to track
    total_length_y = len(y0)
    key = num_species + ((num_bins) * num_species) - 1


    # Now run through the simulation in batches.
    # I do this to enable testing of coupling processes. Some initial investigations with non-ideality in
    # the condensed phase indicated that even defining a maximum step was not enough for ODE solvers to
    # overshoot a stable region. It also helps with in-simulation debugging. Its up to you if you want to keep this.
    # To not run in batches, just define one batch as your total simulation time. This will reduce any overhead with
    # initialising the solvers
    # Set total simulation time and batch steps in seconds

    # Note also that the current module outputs solver information after each batch step. This can be turned off and the
    # the batch step change for increased speed
    # simulation_time= 3600.0
    # batch_step=300.0
    t_array = []
    time_step = 0
    number_steps = int(
        simulation_time /
        batch_step)  # Just cycling through 3 steps to get to a solution

    # Define a matrix that stores values as outputs from the end of each batch step. Again, you can remove
    # the need to run in batches. You can tell the Assimulo solvers the frequency of outputs.
    y_matrix = numpy.zeros((int(number_steps), len(y0)))
    # Also define arrays and matrices that hold information such as total SOA mass
    SOA_matrix = numpy.zeros((int(number_steps), 1))
    size_matrix = numpy.zeros((int(number_steps), num_bins))

    print("Starting simulation")

    # In the following, we can
    while total_time < simulation_time:

        if total_time == 0.0:
            #Define an Assimulo problem
            #Define an explicit solver
            exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(dydt_func, y0, t0, name=filename)

            y0 = y_output[
                -1, :]  # Take the output from the last batch as the start of this
            exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(dydt_func, y0, t0, name=filename)

        # Define ODE parameters.
        # Initial steps might be slower than mid-simulation. It varies.
        #exp_mod.jac = dydt_jac
        # Define which ODE solver you want to use
        exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
        tol_list = [1.0e-2] * len(y0)
        exp_sim.atol = tol_list  #Default 1e-6
        exp_sim.rtol = 1.0e-4  #Default 1e-6
        exp_sim.inith = 1.0e-6  #Initial step-size
        #exp_sim.discr = 'Adams'
        exp_sim.maxh = 100.0
        # Use of a jacobian makes a big differece in simulation time. This is relatively
        # easy to define for a gas phase - not sure for an aerosol phase with composition
        # dependent processes.
        exp_sim.usejac = False  # To be provided as an option in future update.
        #exp_sim.fac1 = 0.05
        #exp_sim.fac2 = 50.0
        exp_sim.report_continuously = True
        exp_sim.maxncf = 1000
        #Sets the parameters
        t_output, y_output = exp_sim.simulate(
            batch_step)  #Simulate 'batch' seconds
        total_time += batch_step
        )  # Save the output from the end step, of the current batch, to a matrix
        y_matrix[time_step, :] = y_output[-1, :]
        SOA_matrix[time_step, 0] = dydt_func.total_SOA_mass
        size_matrix[time_step, :] = dydt_func.size_array
        print("SOA [micrograms/m3] = ", dydt_func.total_SOA_mass)

        #now save this information into a matrix for later plotting.
        time_step += 1

    if save_output is True:

            "Saving the model output as a pickled object for later retrieval")
        # save the dictionary to a file for later retrieval - have to do each seperately.
        with open(filename + '_y_output.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
            pickle.dump(y_matrix, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        with open(filename + '_t_output.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
            pickle.dump(t_array, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        with open(filename + '_SOA_output.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
            pickle.dump(SOA_matrix, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        with open(filename + '_size_output.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
            pickle.dump(size_matrix, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        with open(filename + 'include_index.pickle', 'wb') as handle:

    #Plot the change in concentration over time for a given specie. For the user to change / remove
    #In a future release I will add this as a seperate module
    if plot_mass is True:
            P.plot(t_array, SOA_matrix[:, 0], marker='o')
            P.ylabel("SOA mass [micrograms/m3]")
            P.xlabel("Time [seconds] since start of simulation")
                "There is a problem using Matplotlib in your environment. If using this within a docker container, you will need to transfer the data to the host or configure your container to enable graphical displays. More information can be found at "
Exemple #37
def mySolve(xf,boltz_eqs,rtol,atol,verbosity=50):
    """Sets the main options for the ODE solver and solve the equations. Returns the
    array of x,y points for all components.
    If numerical instabilities are found, re-do the problematic part of the evolution with smaller steps"""
    boltz_solver = CVode(boltz_eqs)  #Define solver method
    boltz_solver.rtol = rtol
    boltz_solver.atol = atol
    boltz_solver.verbosity = verbosity
    boltz_solver.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'
    boltz_solver.maxh = xf/300.
    xfinal = xf
    xres = []
    yres = []
    sw = boltz_solver.sw[:]
    while xfinal <= xf:
            boltz_solver.sw = sw[:]
            x,y = boltz_solver.simulate(xfinal)
            xres += x
            for ypt in y: yres.append(ypt)
            if xfinal == xf: break   #Evolution has been performed until xf -> exit            
        except Exception,e:
            print e
            if not e.t or 'first call' in e.msg[e.value]:
                logger.error("Error solving equations:\n "+str(e))
                return False
            xfinal = max(e.t*random.uniform(0.85,0.95),boltz_eqs.t0+boltz_solver.maxh)  #Try again, but now only until the error
            logger.warning("Numerical instability found. Restarting evolution from x = "
                           +str(boltz_eqs.t0)+" to x = "+str(xfinal))
        xfinal = xf  #In the next step try to evolve from xfinal -> xf
        sw = boltz_solver.sw[:]
        x0 = float(x[-1])
        y0 = [float(yval) for yval in y[-1]]
Exemple #38
def ode_gen(t, y, num_speci, num_eqn, rindx, pindx, rstoi, pstoi, H2Oi, TEMP,
            RO2_indices, num_sb, Psat, mfp, accom_coeff, surfT, y_dens,
            N_perbin, DStar_org, y_mw, x, core_diss, Varr, Vbou, RH, rad0,
            Vol0, end_sim_time, pconc, save_step, rbou, therm_sp, Cw,
            light_time, light_stat, nreac, nprod, prodn, reacn, new_partr, MV,
            nucv1, nucv2, nucv3, inflectDp, pwl_xpre, pwl_xpro, inflectk,
            nuc_comp, ChamR, Rader, PInit, testf, kwgt):

    # ----------------------------------------------------------
    # inputs

    # t - suggested time step length (s)
    # num_speci - number of components
    # num_eqn - number of equations
    # Psat - saturation vapour pressures (molecules/cm3 (air))
    # y_dens - components' densities (g/cc)
    # y_mw - components' molecular weights (g/mol)
    # x - radii of particle size bins (um) (excluding walls)
    # therm_sp - thermal speed of components (m/s)
    # DStar_org - gas-phase diffusion coefficient of components (m2/s)
    # Cw - concentration of wall (molecules/cm3 (air))
    # light_time - times (s) of when lights on and lights off (corresponding to light
    # 				status in light_stat)
    # light_stat - order of lights on (1) and lights off (0)
    # chamA - chamber area (m2)
    # nreac - number of reactants per equation
    # nprod - number of products per equation
    # pindx - indices of equation products (cols) in each equation (rows)
    # prodn - pindx no. of columns
    # reacn - rindx no. of columns
    # rindx - index of reactants per equation
    # rstoi - stoichometry of reactants per equation
    # pstoi - stoichometry of products
    # pconc - concentration of seed particles (#/cc (air)) (1)
    # new_partr - radius of two ELVOC molecules together in a newly nucleating
    # particle (cm)
    # MV - molar volume (cc/mol) (1D array)
    # nuc_comp - index of the nucleating component
    # ChamR - spherical equivalent radius of chamber (below eq. 2 Charan (2018)) (m)
    # Rader - flag of whether or not to use Rader and McMurry approach
    # PInit - pressure inside chamber (Pa)
    # testf - flag to say whether in normal mode (0) or testing mode (1)
    # kgwt - mass transfer coefficient for vapour-wall partitioning (cm3/molecule.s)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------

    if testf == 1:
        return (0, 0, 0, 0)  # return dummies

    R_gas = si.R  # ideal gas constant (kg.m2.s-2.K-1.mol-1)
    NA = si.Avogadro  # Avogadro's number (molecules/mol)

    step = 0  # ode time interval step number
    t0 = t  # remember original suggested time step (s)
    # final +1 for ELVOC in newly nucleating particles
    y0 = np.zeros((num_speci + num_sb * num_speci))
    y0[:] = y[:]  # initial concentrations (molecules/cc (air))
    y00 = np.zeros((num_speci + num_sb * num_speci))
    y00[:] = y[:]  # initial concentrations (molecules/cc (air))

    # initial volumes of particles in size bins at start of time steps
    if num_sb > 1:
        Vstart = np.zeros((num_sb - 1))
        Vstart[:] = Vol0[:] * N_perbin
        Vstart = 0.0
    sumt = 0.0  # total time integrated over (s)

    # record initial values
    if num_sb > 0:
        # particle-phase concentrations (molecules/cc (air))
        yp = np.transpose(y[num_speci:-(num_speci)].reshape(
            num_sb - 1, num_speci))
        yp = 0.0
    [t_out, y_mat, Nresult,
     x2] = recording(y, N_perbin, x, step, sumt, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                     int(end_sim_time / save_step), num_speci, num_sb,
                     y_mw[:, 0], y_dens[:, 0] * 1.0e-3, yp, Vbou)

    tnew = 0.46875  # relatively small time step (s) for first bit
    # number concentration of nucleated particles formed (# particles/cc (air))
    new_part_sum1 = 0.0

    save_count = int(1)  # count on number of times saving code called
    # count in number of time steps since time interval was last reduced
    tinc_count = 10

    from rate_valu_calc import rate_valu_calc  # function to update rate coefficients
    print('starting ode solver')

    while sumt < end_sim_time:  # step through time intervals to do ode

        # increase time step if time step not been decreased for 10 steps
        if tinc_count == 0 and tnew < t0:
            tnew = tnew * 2.0

        # check whether lights on or off
        timediff = sumt - np.array(light_time)
        timedish = (timediff == np.min(timediff[timediff >= 0])
                    )  # reference time index
        lightm = (
            np.array(light_stat))[timedish]  # whether lights on or off now

        # update reaction rate coefficients
        reac_coef = rate_valu_calc(RO2_indices, y[H2Oi], TEMP, lightm, y)

        y0[:] = y[:]  # update initial concentrations (molecules/cc (air))
        # update particle volumes at start of time step (um3)
        Vstart = Varr * N_perbin
        redt = 1  # reset time reduction flag
        t = tnew  # reset integration time (s)

        if num_sb > 1:
            # update partitioning coefficients
            [kimt, kelv_fac
             ] = kimt_calc(y, mfp, num_sb, num_speci, accom_coeff, y_mw, surfT,
                           R_gas, TEMP, NA, y_dens, N_perbin, DStar_org,
                           x.reshape(1, -1) * 1.0e-6, Psat, therm_sp, H2Oi)

        # ensure no confusion that components are present due to low value fillers for
        # concentrations (molecules/cc (air))
        y0[y0 == 1.0e-40] = 0.0
        # enter a while loop that continues to decrease the time step until particle
        # size bins don't change by more than one size bin (given by moving centre)
        while redt == 1:
            print('cumulative time', sumt)

            # numba compiler to convert to machine code
            @jit(f8[:](f8, f8[:]), nopython=True)
            # ode solver -------------------------------------------------------------
            def dydt(t, y):

                # empty array to hold rate of change (molecules/cc(air).s)
                dydt = np.zeros((len(y)))
                # gas-phase rate of change ------------------------------------
                for i in range(num_eqn):  # equation loop

                    # gas-phase rate of change (molecules/cc (air).s)

                    gprate = ((y[rindx[i, 0:nreac[i]]]**
                               rstoi[i, 0:nreac[i]]).prod()) * reac_coef[i]
                    dydt[rindx[i, 0:nreac[i]]] -= gprate  # loss of reactants
                    dydt[pindx[i, 0:nprod[i]]] += gprate  # gain of products

                if num_sb > 1:

                    # -----------------------------------------------------------
                    for ibin in range(num_sb - 1):  # size bin loop

                        Csit = y[num_speci * (ibin + 1):num_speci * (ibin + 2)]
                        # sum of molecular concentrations per bin (molecules/cc (air))
                        conc_sum = np.zeros((1))
                        if pconc > 0.0:  # if seed particles present
                            conc_sum[0] = ((Csit[0:-1].sum()) +
                                           Csit[-1] * core_diss)
                            conc_sum[0] = Csit.sum()
                        # prevent numerical error due to division by zero
                        ish = conc_sum == 0.0
                        conc_sum[ish] = 1.0e-40

                        # particle surface gas-phase concentration (molecules/cc (air))
                        Csit = (Csit / conc_sum) * Psat[:, 0] * kelv_fac[ibin]
                        # partitioning rate (molecules/cc.s)
                        dydt_all = kimt[:, ibin] * (y[0:num_speci] - Csit)

                        # gas-phase change
                        dydt[0:num_speci] -= dydt_all
                        # particle-phase change
                        dydt[num_speci * (ibin + 1):num_speci *
                             (ibin + 2)] += dydt_all

                # -----------------------------------------------------------
                # gas-wall partitioning eq. 14 of Zhang et al.
                # (2015) (
                # acp-15-4197-2015.pdf) (molecules/cc.s (air))

                # concentration at wall (molecules/cc (air))
                Csit = y[num_speci * num_sb:num_speci * (num_sb + 1)]
                Csit = (Psat[:, 0] * (Csit / Cw))

                # eq. 14 of Zhang et al. (2015)
                # (
                # acp-15-4197-2015.pdf) (molecules/cc.s (air))
                dydt_all = (kwgt * Cw) * (y[0:num_speci] - Csit)

                # gas-phase change
                dydt[0:num_speci] -= dydt_all
                # wall concentration change
                dydt[num_speci * num_sb:num_speci * (num_sb + 1)] += dydt_all

                return (dydt)

            mod = Explicit_Problem(dydt, y0)
            mod_sim = CVode(mod)  # define a solver instance
            mod_sim.atol = 1.0e-3  # absolute tolerance
            mod_sim.rtol = 1.0e-3  # relative tolerance
            mod_sim.discr = 'BDF'  # the integration approach, default is 'Adams'
            t_array, res = mod_sim.simulate(t)

            y = res[-1, :]

            # low value filler for concentrations (molecules/cc (air)) to prevent
            # numerical errors
            y0[y0 == 0.0] = 1.0e-40
            y[y == 0.0] = 1.0e-40

            if num_sb > 1 and (N_perbin > 1.0e-10).sum() > 0:

                # call on the moving centre method for rebinning particles
                (N_perbin, Varr, y[num_speci::], x, redt, t, tnew) = movcen(
                    N_perbin, Vbou,
                    np.transpose(y[num_speci::].reshape(num_sb, num_speci)),
                    (np.squeeze(y_dens * 1.0e-3)), num_sb, num_speci, y_mw, x,
                    Vol0, t, t0, tinc_count, y0[num_speci::], MV)
                redt = 0

            # if time step needs reducing then reset gas-phase concentrations to their
            # values preceding the ode, this will already have been done inside moving
            # centre module for particle-phase
            if redt == 1:
                y[0:num_speci] = y0[0:num_speci]

            # start counter to determine when to next try increasing time interval
            if redt == 1:
                tinc_count = 10
            if redt == 0 and tinc_count > -1:
                tinc_count -= 1
            if tinc_count == -1:
                tinc_count = 10

        sumt += t  # total time covered (s)
        step += 1  # ode time interval step number

        if num_sb > 1:
            if (N_perbin > 1.0e-10).sum() > 0:
                # coagulation
                # y indices due to final element in y being number of ELVOC molecules
                # contributing to newly nucleated particles
                [N_perbin, y[num_speci:-(num_speci)], x, Gi, eta_ai,
                 Varr] = coag(
                     RH, TEMP, x * 1.0e-6, (Varr * 1.0e-18).reshape(1, -1),
                     y_mw.reshape(-1, 1), x * 1.0e-6,
                     np.transpose(y[num_speci::].reshape(num_sb, num_speci)),
                     (N_perbin).reshape(1, -1), t,
                     (Vbou * 1.0e-18).reshape(1, -1), num_speci, 0,
                     (np.squeeze(y_dens * 1.0e-3)), rad0, PInit)

                # particle loss to walls
                [N_perbin, y[num_speci:-(num_speci)]
                 ] = wallloss(N_perbin.reshape(-1,
                                               1), y[num_speci:-(num_speci)],
                              Gi, eta_ai, x * 2.0e-6, y_mw, Varr * 1.0e-18,
                              num_sb, num_speci, TEMP, t, inflectDp, pwl_xpre,
                              pwl_xpro, inflectk, ChamR, Rader)

            # particle nucleation
            if sumt < 3600.0 and pconc == 0.0:
                [N_perbin, y, x[0], Varr[0],
                 new_part_sum1] = nuc(sumt, new_part_sum1, N_perbin, y,
                                      y_mw.reshape(-1, 1),
                                      np.squeeze(y_dens * 1.0e-3), num_speci,
                                      x[0], new_partr, t, MV, nucv1, nucv2,
                                      nucv3, nuc_comp)

        if sumt >= save_step * save_count:  # save at every time step given by save_step (s)

            if num_sb > 0:
                # particle-phase concentrations (molecules/cc (air))
                yp = np.transpose(y[num_speci:-(num_speci)].reshape(
                    num_sb - 1, num_speci))
                yp = 0.0

            # record new values
            [t_out, y_mat, Nresult,
             x2] = recording(y, N_perbin, x, save_count, sumt,
                             y_mat, Nresult, x2, t_out,
                             int(end_sim_time / save_step), num_speci, num_sb,
                             y_mw[:, 0], y_dens[:, 0] * 1.0e-3, yp, Vbou)
            save_count += int(1)

    return (t_out, y_mat, Nresult, x2)
Exemple #39
#  Initial conditions.  The vector X0 is passed into the solver
v0 = 45
theta = 30
theta = np.radians(theta)
X0 = np.array([0, v0 * np.cos(theta), 1, v0 * np.sin(theta)])

#  Time at start of simulation
t0 = 0.0

#  Create a model object with our equations and initial conditions
model = Explicit_Problem(no_drag, X0, t0)

#  Bind event functions to model
model.state_events = events
model.handle_event = handle_event

#  Create simulation object
sim = CVode(model)

#  Run simulation
t, X = sim.simulate(5, 100)


#print(t[-1], X[-1, :])

#  Plot results
plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 2], '.')
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This is the same example from the Sundials package (cvsRoberts_FSA_dns.c)
    Its purpose is to demonstrate the use of parameters in the differential equation.

    This simple example problem for CVode, due to Robertson
    is from chemical kinetics, and consists of the system:
    .. math:: 
       \dot y_1 &= -p_1 y_1 + p_2 y_2 y_3 \\
       \dot y_2 &= p_1 y_1 - p_2 y_2 y_3 - p_3 y_2^2 \\
       \dot y_3 &= p_3  y_ 2^2
    on return:
       - :dfn:`exp_mod`    problem instance
       - :dfn:`exp_sim`    solver instance
    def f(t, y, p):
        yd_0 = -p[0]*y[0]+p[1]*y[1]*y[2] 
        yd_1 = p[0]*y[0]-p[1]*y[1]*y[2]-p[2]*y[1]**2 
        yd_2 = p[2]*y[1]**2
        return N.array([yd_0,yd_1,yd_2])
    def jac(t,y, p):
        J = N.array([[-p[0], p[1]*y[2], p[1]*y[1]],
                     [p[0], -p[1]*y[2]-2*p[2]*y[1], -p[1]*y[1]],
                     [0.0, 2*p[2]*y[1],0.0]])
        return J
    def fsens(t, y, s, p):
        J = N.array([[-p[0], p[1]*y[2], p[1]*y[1]],
                     [p[0], -p[1]*y[2]-2*p[2]*y[1], -p[1]*y[1]],
                     [0.0, 2*p[2]*y[1],0.0]])
        P = N.array([[-y[0],y[1]*y[2],0],
                     [y[0], -y[1]*y[2], -y[1]**2],
    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [1.0,0.0,0.0]          #Initial conditions for y
    #Create an Assimulo explicit problem
    exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(f,y0, name='Robertson Chemical Kinetics Example')
    exp_mod.rhs_sens = fsens
    exp_mod.jac = jac
    #Sets the options to the problem
    exp_mod.p0 = [0.040, 1.0e4, 3.0e7]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    exp_mod.pbar = [0.040, 1.0e4, 3.0e7]

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (CVode)
    exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
    #Sets the solver paramters
    exp_sim.iter = 'Newton'
    exp_sim.discr = 'BDF'
    exp_sim.rtol = 1.e-4
    exp_sim.atol = N.array([1.0e-8, 1.0e-14, 1.0e-6])
    exp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS' #Defines the sensitvity method used
    exp_sim.suppress_sens = False       #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.
    exp_sim.report_continuously = True

    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(4,400) #Simulate 4 seconds with 400 communication points
    #Basic test[-1][0], 9.05518032e-01, 4)[-1][1], 2.24046805e-05, 4)[-1][2], 9.44595637e-02, 4)[0][-1][0], -1.8761, 2) #Values taken from the example in Sundials[1][-1][0], 2.9614e-06, 8)[2][-1][0], -4.9334e-10, 12)
    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)
    return exp_mod, exp_sim