def produce_cosmic_ray_masks(hdulist, inputs, fnm): mask, clean = detect_cosmics(hdulist[0].data, sigfrac=0.15, sigclip=4, objlim=4, cleantype='idw') if(inputs['PLOTMASKS']): plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor']='white' plt.rcParams['font.size']=18 print 'PLOTTING CR MASKS' # plots to test out code # print 'TRIMSEC', hdulist[0].header['TRIMSEC'] # print 'trimsec', trimsec # print np.sum(mask), np.size(hdulist[0].data[trimsec].ravel()) plt.figure(figsize=(23,6)) plt.suptitle(fnm.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) trimsec = utilities.parse_region_keyword(hdulist[0].header['TRIMSEC']) ax = plt.subplot(131) #print np.percentile((hdulist[0].data), 99.9) #plt.imshow(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], interpolation = 'none', cmap='jet', vmin = np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 0.5), vmax = np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 99.5)) plt.imshow(np.log10(hdulist[0].data[trimsec]), interpolation = 'none', cmap='jet', vmin = np.log10(np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 0.5)), vmax = np.log10(np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 99.5))) plt.ylim(4096,0) plt.xlim(0, 4096) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(132, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) #plt.imshow([trimsec]==1,hdulist[0].data[trimsec]), interpolation = 'none', cmap='jet', vmin = np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 0.5), vmax = np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 99.5)) plt.imshow(np.log10([trimsec]==1,hdulist[0].data[trimsec])), interpolation = 'none', cmap='jet', vmin = np.log10(np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 0.5)), vmax = np.log10(np.percentile(hdulist[0].data[trimsec], 99.5))) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel('Pixel (%1.2f arcsec/pixel)'%hdulist[0].header['PIXSCALE']) plt.subplot(133, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plt.imshow(mask[trimsec], interpolation = 'none', cmap='gray_r') plt.colorbar() #plt.subplot(224, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) #plt.imshow(clean[trimsec], interpolation = 'none', cmap='jet', vmin = np.percentile(clean, 0.5), vmax = np.percentile(clean, 99.5)) #plt.colorbar() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95) #plt.savefig(outfnm) return mask
def cosmic_rays1(self,maskflag=4,sigclip=0.5,sigfrac=0.001,objlim=10.0,gain=1.0,readnoise=0.1,pssl=0.0,niter=4,sepmed=True,cleantype='medmask',cr_nthresh=3.0,satlevel=60000): start=time.time() maskflag=maskflag | self.bad_flag mask,_=astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(,inmask=self.mask,sigclip=sigclip,sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim,gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, satlevel=self.saturate, pssl=pssl,niter=niter,sepmed=sepmed, cleantype=cleantype,verbose=True) #fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, #psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=True) if cr_nthresh is not None and cr_nthresh > 0: tmpmask=( > cr_nthresh*self.sky_rms) & ( < self.saturate) mask=mask & tmpmask flags=mask*maskflag count=mask.sum() if self.flags is not None: self.flags = np.bitwise_or(self.flags,flags) else: self.flags=flags if self.mask is not None: self.mask = self.mask | (flags > 0) else: self.mask = flags > 0 if self.weight is not None: tmpmask=flags>0 self.weight[tmpmask]=0 print('cosmic ray time: ',time.time()-start) print('cosmic ray pixels: ', count) return count
def normalize(fitsname, output=None, cr_remove=True, multiextension=True, masterflat="masterflat.fits", masterbias="masterbias.fits", cr_options=None): ''' Flat field, bias subtraction, and cosmic ray removal with astroscrappy. Parameters: ----------- fitsname: either string or 2d array, if string then name of fits file, if 2d array, then the output of arrange_fits output: string, name of file to write out to (optional) if None, then just returns the array cr_remove: boolean, if true, the subtract cosmics multiextension: boolean, if true, then masterflat: str, name of fits file with master flat (optional) if None, then make a master flat from files in flatdir masterbias: str, name of fits file with master bias (optional) if None, then make a master bias from files in biasdir :cr_options: dict, keys should be keywords of detect_cosmics from astroscrappy, overrides defaults below Returns: -------- :normalized_data: 2d numpy array, rows are spectral, columns are spatial ''' if masterbias is None: bias = make_masterbias() else: bias = fits.getdata(masterbias) if masterflat is None: flat = make_masterflat() else: flat = fits.getdata(masterflat) if multiextension: raw_data = multiextension_to_array(fitsname) header =[0].header header.extend(deimos_cards(raw_data.shape)) else: raw_data = fits.getdata(fitsname) header = fits.getheader(fitsname) if cr_remove: flat_mask = get_slitmask(flat) kwargs = {'verbose': True, 'inmask': flat_mask, 'cleantype': 'medmask', 'sigclip': 0.5, 'sigfrac': 0.1, 'niter': 4} if cr_options is not None: for key, value in cr_options.items(): kwargs[key] = value mask, cleaned = detect_cosmics(raw_data, **kwargs) normed_data = (cleaned - bias) / flat else: normed_data = (raw_data - bias) / flat if output is not None: fits.writeto(output, data=normed_data, header=header, clobber=True) return normed_data
def get_cr_mask_astroscrappy(d, gain=2.2, readnoise=10.0, sigclip=5, sigfrac = 0.3, objlim = 5.0): c = astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(d, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim, cleantype='medmask', psfmodel="gaussx") return c[0]
def crreject(scifiles): for f in scifiles: # run lacosmicx hdu ='st' + f.replace('.txt', '.fits')) readnoise = 3.5 # figure out what pssl should be approximately d = hdu[2].data.copy() dsort = np.sort(d.ravel()) nd = dsort.shape[0] # Calculate the difference between the 16th and 84th percentiles to be # robust against outliers dsig = (dsort[0.84 * nd] - dsort[0.16 * nd]) / 2.0 pssl = (dsig * dsig - readnoise * readnoise) mask = d == 0.0 crmask, _cleanarr = detect_cosmics(d, inmask=mask, sigclip=4.0, objlim=1.0, sigfrac=0.05, gain=1.0, readnoise=readnoise, pssl=pssl) tofits(f[:-4] + '.lamask.fits', np.array(crmask, dtype=np.uint8), hdr=hdu['SCI'].header.copy())
def make_masterbias(output="masterbias.fits", biasdir="bias/", remove_cr=True): ''' Creates a median bias file from fits files found in biasdir. ''' bias_files = glob.glob(biasdir + "*.fits") # arbitrarily taking the first exposure as the header info hdulist =[0]) primary_header = hdulist[0].header headers = [hdu.header for hdu in hdulist[1:9]] bias_data = [] # axis 0 is different exposures, axis 1 is different CCDs # axis 2, 3 are y, x for i, f in enumerate(bias_files): bias_data.append(np.array([ for hdu in[1:9]])) bias_data = np.array(bias_data) # if we have more bias frames, we should cr subtract before medianing biases bias = np.nanmedian(bias_data, axis=0) if remove_cr: masks = [] cr_cleaned = [] for frame in bias: mask, cleaned = detect_cosmics(frame, verbose=True, cleantype='medmask', sigclip=0.2) masks.append(mask) cr_cleaned.append(cleaned) bias = np.array(cr_cleaned) bias = multiextension_to_array(data_arrays=bias, headers=headers) if output is not None: header = primary_header header.extend(deimos_cards(bias.shape)) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=bias, header=header) hdu.writeto(output, clobber=True) return bias
def combine(do_cti=False, doreduce=True, doshifts=True): if do_cti: os.system('stis_cti --crds_update') if doreduce: # Defringing didn't seem to converge because of the low S/N stistools.ocrreject.ocrreject('oc0102070_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_crc.fits') iraf.normspflat(inflat='oc0102070_crc.fits', outflat='oc0102070_nsp.fits', do_cal='no') iraf.imcalc(input='oc0102070_nsp.fits', output='temp_nsp.fits', equals='if(x .lt. 250) then 1 else im1') iraf.imcopy('temp_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]') #iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #for each image for im in ['oc0102050_flc', 'oc0102060_flc']: outbase = 'blue' if im[:-4] == 'oc0102060': outbase = 'red' #reset the aperture table to the newer file (we maybe should check this) pyfits.setval(im + '.fits', 'APERTAB', value='oref$y2r1559to_apt.fits') pyfits.setval(im + '.fits', 'SPTRCTAB', value='oref$qa31608go_1dt.fits') # fixpix any negative values. In principle some of this noise # could be real, but I have found that is often not the case hdu = + '.fits') mask1 = hdu[1].data < -20 mask2 = hdu[4].data < -20 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + 'mask1.fits', mask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase + 'mask2.fits', mask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[1]', outbase + 'mask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[4]', outbase + 'mask2.fits') # Subtract off the median value hdu = + '.fits', mode='update') hdu[1].data -= np.median(hdu[1].data) hdu[4].data -= np.median(hdu[4].data) readnoise1 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[1].data)) readnoise2 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[4].data)) # Cosmic ray reject both images using scrappy # Make sure to treat the noise in a sensible way crmask1, clean1 = detect_cosmics(hdu[1].data, readnoise=readnoise1, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') crmask2, clean2 = detect_cosmics(hdu[4].data, readnoise=readnoise2, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') hdu.flush() hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask1.fits', crmask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask2.fits', crmask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) # Run fixpix on the frames iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[1]', outbase + '_crmask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im + '[4]', outbase + '_crmask2.fits') if outbase == 'red': iraf.mkfringeflat('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', beg_scale=0.6, end_scale=1.5, scale_step=0.01, beg_shift=-3.0, end_shift=3.0, shift_step=0.05) iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #Run x2d on the flt frame stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102060_dfr.fits', output=im[:-4] + 'x2d.fits') else: stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102050_flc.fits', output=im[:-4] + 'x2d.fits') h =[:-4] + 'x2d.fits', mode='update') #Replace all of the bad pixels in the image by -666 based on the DQ array #save them to a new file #Throw away bad reference file pixels and saturated pixels. None of the other error codes #were in the first file so I haven't included them here, but we might want to d = h[3].data badpix = logical_and( bitwise_and(d, 256) == 256, bitwise_and(d, 512) == 512) h[1].data[badpix] = -10000 d = h[6].data badpix = logical_and( bitwise_and(d, 256) == 256, bitwise_and(d, 512) == 512) h[4].data[badpix] = -10000 h.flush() # Trim the images for i in range(1, 7): h[i].data = h[i].data[100:-100, 100:-100] h[i].header['CRPIX1'] -= 100 h[i].header['CRPIX2'] -= 100 h.flush() h.close() # Combine the images iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcombine) iraf.imcombine(input=im[:-4] + 'x2d[1],' + im[:-4] + 'x2d[4]', output=outbase + '_com.fits', reject='crreject') hdu = + '_com.fits') mask = hdu[0].data == 0.0 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + '_mask.fits', mask.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(outbase + '_com.fits', outbase + '_mask.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.apall(input=outbase + '_com', output='13dh_' + outbase, review='no', nsum=-500, b_order=1, b_function='legendre', b_niterate=30, b_naverage=-21, nfind=1, t_order=3, background='median', weights='variance', skybox=100) iraf.splot(outbase + '[SCI]')
sigclip = 3 elif fitsfile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM'] == 'VIS': objlim = 7 sigclip = 3 niter = 4 elif fitsfile[0].header['HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM'] == 'NIR': gain = 2.12 ron = 8 frac = 0.0001 objlim = 45 sigclip = 30 niter = 10 # try: # crmask, clean_arr = astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(fitsfile[0].data, inmask = fitsfile[2].data.astype("bool")) # except: crmask, clean_arr = astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(fitsfile[0].data, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=frac, objlim=objlim, cleantype='medmask', niter=niter, sepmed=True, verbose=True) # Replace data array with cleaned image fitsfile[0].data = clean_arr # Try to retain info of corrected pixel if extension is present. try: fitsfile[2].data[crmask] = 16 #Flag value for removed cosmic ray except: print("No bad-pixel extension present. No flag set for corrected pixels") # Update file fitsfile.writeto(n[:-5]+"cosmicced.fits", output_verify='fix') # Moving original file dirname = objectname+"/backup"
def _rem_cr_array(data, err, index, **kwargs): for i in range(data.shape[0]): mask = err[i] == missing data[i] = asc.detect_cosmics(data[i], inmask=mask, **kwargs)[1] del mask
def combine(do_cti=False, doreduce=True, doshifts=True): if do_cti: os.system('stis_cti --crds_update') if doreduce: # Defringing didn't seem to converge because of the low S/N stistools.ocrreject.ocrreject('oc0102070_flc.fits','oc0102070_crc.fits') iraf.normspflat(inflat='oc0102070_crc.fits',outflat='oc0102070_nsp.fits', do_cal='no') iraf.imcalc(input='oc0102070_nsp.fits', output='temp_nsp.fits', equals='if(x .lt. 250) then 1 else im1') iraf.imcopy('temp_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits[1][1:250,*]') #iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #for each image for im in ['oc0102050_flc','oc0102060_flc']: outbase = 'blue' if im[:-4] == 'oc0102060': outbase = 'red' #reset the aperture table to the newer file (we maybe should check this) pyfits.setval(im +'.fits','APERTAB',value='oref$y2r1559to_apt.fits') pyfits.setval(im +'.fits', 'SPTRCTAB', value='oref$qa31608go_1dt.fits') # fixpix any negative values. In principle some of this noise # could be real, but I have found that is often not the case hdu = '.fits') mask1 = hdu[1].data < -20 mask2 = hdu[4].data < -20 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase+'mask1.fits', mask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase+'mask2.fits', mask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[1]', outbase+'mask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[4]', outbase+'mask2.fits') # Subtract off the median value hdu = '.fits', mode='update') hdu[1].data -= np.median(hdu[1].data) hdu[4].data -= np.median(hdu[4].data) readnoise1 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[1].data)) readnoise2 = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(hdu[4].data)) # Cosmic ray reject both images using scrappy # Make sure to treat the noise in a sensible way crmask1, clean1 = detect_cosmics(hdu[1].data, readnoise=readnoise1, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') crmask2, clean2 = detect_cosmics(hdu[4].data, readnoise=readnoise2, sigclip=5, objlim=5, sigfrac=0.8, fsmode='median', psfmodel='gaussy', psffwhm=2., cleantype='idw') hdu.flush() hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask1.fits', crmask1.astype('i'), clobber=True) fits.writeto(outbase + '_crmask2.fits', crmask2.astype('i'), clobber=True) # Run fixpix on the frames iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[1]', outbase+'_crmask1.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(im+'[4]', outbase+'_crmask2.fits') if outbase=='red': iraf.mkfringeflat('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_nsp.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', beg_scale=0.6, end_scale=1.5, scale_step=0.01, beg_shift=-3.0, end_shift=3.0,shift_step=0.05) iraf.defringe('oc0102060_flc.fits', 'oc0102070_frr.fits', 'oc0102060_dfr.fits') #Run x2d on the flt frame stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102060_dfr.fits',output=im[:-4]+'x2d.fits') else: stistools.x2d.x2d(input='oc0102050_flc.fits',output=im[:-4]+'x2d.fits') h =[:-4]+'x2d.fits', mode='update') #Replace all of the bad pixels in the image by -666 based on the DQ array #save them to a new file #Throw away bad reference file pixels and saturated pixels. None of the other error codes #were in the first file so I haven't included them here, but we might want to d = h[3].data badpix = logical_and(bitwise_and(d,256) == 256,bitwise_and(d,512) == 512) h[1].data[badpix] = -10000 d = h[6].data badpix = logical_and(bitwise_and(d,256) == 256,bitwise_and(d,512) == 512) h[4].data[badpix] = -10000 h.flush() # Trim the images for i in range(1,7): h[i].data = h[i].data[100:-100, 100:-100] h[i].header['CRPIX1'] -= 100 h[i].header['CRPIX2'] -= 100 h.flush() h.close() # Combine the images iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcombine) iraf.imcombine(input=im[:-4]+'x2d[1],'+im[:-4]+'x2d[4]', output=outbase+'_com.fits', reject='crreject') hdu = +'_com.fits') mask = hdu[0].data == 0.0 hdu.close() fits.writeto(outbase+'_mask.fits', mask.astype('i'), clobber=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.fixpix(outbase+'_com.fits', outbase+'_mask.fits') iraf.unlearn(iraf.apall) iraf.apall(input=outbase+'_com',output='13dh_'+outbase, review='no', nsum = -500, b_order = 1, b_function='legendre',b_niterate=30, b_naverage = -21, nfind=1,t_order=3,background='median',weights='variance', skybox=100 ) iraf.splot(outbase+'[SCI]')
def process_file(filename, night=None, site=None, fram=None, verbose=False, replace=False, base='photometry'): if not posixpath.exists(filename): return None if site is None: # Simple heuristics to derive the site name for _ in ['auger', 'cta-n', 'cta-s0', 'cta-s1']: if _ in filename: site = _ break # Rough but fast checking of whether the file is already processed if not replace and posixpath.exists( posixpath.splitext( posixpath.join(base, site, '/'.join(filename.split('/')[-4:]))) [0] + '.cat'): return header = fits.getheader(filename) if header['IMAGETYP'] != 'object': return ccd = header.get('CCD_NAME') fname = header.get('FILTER', 'unknown') time = parse_iso_time(header['DATE-OBS']) target = header.get('TARGET', -1) if fname not in ['B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'z', 'N']: return if fname == 'N' and site == 'cta-n': effective_fname = 'R' else: effective_fname = fname if night is None: if header.get('LONGITUD') is not None: night = get_night(time, lon=header['LONGITUD']) else: night = get_night(time, site=site) dirname = '%s/%s/%s/%05d/%s' % (base, site, night, target, ccd) basename = posixpath.splitext(posixpath.split(filename)[-1])[0] basename = dirname + '/' + basename catname = basename + '.cat' if not replace and posixpath.exists(catname): return if verbose: print(filename, site, night, ccd, fname, effective_fname) image = fits.getdata(filename).astype(np.double) if fram is None: fram = Fram() # Basic calibration darkname = fram.find_image('masterdark', header=header, debug=False) flatname = fram.find_image('masterflat', header=header, debug=False) if darkname: dark = fits.getdata(darkname) else: dcname = fram.find_image('dcurrent', header=header, debug=False) biasname = fram.find_image('bias', header=header, debug=False) if dcname and biasname: bias = fits.getdata(biasname) dc = fits.getdata(dcname) dark = bias + header['EXPOSURE'] * dc else: dark = None if flatname: flat = fits.getdata(flatname) else: flat = None if dark is None or flat is None: survey.save_objects(catname, None) return image, header = calibrate.calibrate(image, header, dark=dark) image0 = image.copy() image *= np.median(flat) / flat # Basic masking mask = image > 50000 mask |= dark > np.median(dark) + 10.0 * np.std(dark) cmask = np.zeros_like(mask) # WCS + catalogue wcs = WCS(header) pixscale = np.hypot(wcs.pixel_scale_matrix[0, 0], wcs.pixel_scale_matrix[0, 1]) gain = header.get('GAIN', 1.0) if gain > 100: gain /= 1000 ra0, dec0, sr0 = survey.get_frame_center(header=header) if 'WF' in header['CCD_NAME']: if header['CCD_NAME'] in ['WF6', 'WF7', 'WF8']: cat = fram.get_stars( ra0, dec0, sr0, limit=100000, catalog='gaia', extra=['g<15', 'good=1 and var=0 and multi_30=0']) else: cat = fram.get_stars( ra0, dec0, sr0, limit=100000, catalog='gaia', extra=['g<15', 'good=1 and var=0 and multi_70=0']) else: cat = fram.get_stars(ra0, dec0, sr0, catalog='atlas', extra=[], limit=100000) # Cosmic rays if not 'WF' in header['CCD_NAME']: obj0 = survey.get_objects_sep(image, mask=mask, wcs=wcs, minnthresh=3, edge=10, use_fwhm=True, sn=10, verbose=False) cmask, cimage = astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(image0, inmask=mask, gain=gain, readnoise=10, psffwhm=np.median( obj0['fwhm']), satlevel=50000, verbose=False) cimage /= gain # Object extraction if ccd == 'C0': obj = survey.get_objects_sep(image, mask=mask | cmask, wcs=wcs, edge=10, aper=5, verbose=False, sn=5) else: obj = survey.get_objects_sextractor(image, mask=mask | cmask, wcs=wcs, gain=gain, edge=10, aper=3.0, minarea=3.0, r0=0, sn=3, verbose=False, _tmpdir='tmp/', extra_params=['FLUX_MAX']) # Match with catalogue match = Match(width=image.shape[1], height=image.shape[0]) sr = pixscale * np.median(obj['fwhm']) if not match.match(obj=obj, cat=cat, sr=sr, filter_name=effective_fname, order=0, bg_order=None, color_order=None, verbose=False) or match.ngoodstars < 10: # if verbose: # print(match.ngoodstars, 'good matches, retrying without spatial term') # if not match.match(obj=obj, cat=cat, sr=sr, filter_name=effective_fname, order=0, bg_order=None, color_order=None, verbose=False) or match.ngoodstars < 10: if verbose: print('Matching failed for', filename, ':', match.ngoodstars, 'good matches') survey.save_objects(catname, None) return if verbose: print(match.ngoodstars, 'good matches, std =', match.std) # Store results try: os.makedirs(dirname) except: pass obj['mag_limit'] = match.mag_limit obj['color_term'] = match.color_term obj['filename'] = filename obj['site'] = site obj['night'] = night obj['ccd'] = ccd obj['filter'] = fname obj['cat_filter'] = effective_fname obj['time'] = time obj['mag_id'] = match.mag_id obj['good_idx'] = match.good_idx obj['calib_mag'] = match.mag obj['calib_magerr'] = match.magerr obj['std'] = match.std obj['nstars'] = match.ngoodstars survey.save_objects(catname, obj, header=header)
def __cosmics(ccddata): # ccddata: CCDData instance = detect_cosmics([1]
def cosmicrays(infile, sigclip=5.0, sigfrac=0.2, objlim=2.0, niter = 4, \ overwrite=False): print('\n#############################') print('Cosmicray removing.') inhdl = inhdr = inhdl[0].header scidata = inhdl[0].data basename = inhdr['FRAMEID'] crname = basename + '.cr.fits' maskname = basename + '.mask.fits' if not fi.check_version(inhdl): inhdl.close() return crname, maskname, False inhdl.close() if os.path.isfile(crname): if not overwrite: print('\t Cosmicray-removed frame already exits. ' + crname) print('\t This procedure is skipped.') inhdl.close() return crname, maskname, True print('Cosmicray removing for ' + str(inhdr['FRAMEID'])) nx = scidata.shape[1] ny = scidata.shape[0] # Cosmicray removing print('\t L.A.Cosmic') #fitdata = scidata - residualdata crmask, cleandata = \ astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(scidata, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, \ objlim=objlim, gain=1.0, readnoise=4.0, satlevel=np.inf, \ pssl=0.0, niter=niter, sepmed=False, cleantype='medmask', \ fsmode='median', verbose=True) # Writing output files cleanhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=cleandata) #cleanhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=cleandata) cleanhdl = fits.HDUList([cleanhdu]) cleanhdl[0].header = inhdr cleanhdl[0].header['LACO_VER'] = (astroscrappy.__version__, \ 'Python script version of LACOSMIC') crmaskint = crmask.astype(np.uint8) maskhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=crmaskint) #maskhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=fitdata) maskhdl = fits.HDUList([maskhdu]) maskhdl[0].header = inhdr maskhdl[0].header['LACO_VER'] = (astroscrappy.__version__, \ 'Python script version of LACOSMIC') cleanhdl.writeto(crname, overwrite=overwrite) maskhdl.writeto(maskname, overwrite=overwrite) cleanhdl.close() maskhdl.close() print('\t Cleaned image ' + crname) print('\t Mask image: ' + maskname) return crname, maskname, True
def bdf_process(ccd, output=None, mbiaspath=None, mdarkpath=None, mflatpath=None, trim_fits_section=None, calc_err=False, unit='adu', gain=None, gain_key="GAIN", gain_unit=u.electron / u.adu, rdnoise=None, rdnoise_key="RDNOISE", rdnoise_unit=u.electron, dark_exposure=None, data_exposure=None, exposure_key="EXPTIME", exposure_unit=u.s, dark_scale=False, normalize_exposure=False, normalize_average=False, flat_min_value=None, flat_norm_value=None, do_crrej=False, crrej_kwargs=None, propagate_crmask=False, verbose_crrej=False, verbose_bdf=True, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, dtype="float32", uncertainty_dtype="float32"): ''' Do bias, dark and flat process. Parameters ---------- ccd: CCDData The ccd to be processed. output : path-like or None, optional. The path if you want to save the resulting ``ccd`` object. Default is ``None``. mbiaspath, mdarkpath, mflatpath : path-like, optional. The path to master bias, dark, flat FITS files. If ``None``, the corresponding process is not done. trim_fits_section: str, optional Region of ``ccd`` to be trimmed; see ``ccdproc.subtract_overscan`` for details. Default is ``None``. calc_err : bool, optional. Whether to calculate the error map based on Poisson and readnoise error propagation. unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` or str, optional. The units of the data. Default is ``'adu'``. gain, rdnoise : None, float, optional The gain and readnoise value. These are all ignored if ``calc_err=False``. If ``calc_err=True``, it automatically seeks for suitable gain and readnoise value. If ``gain`` or ``readnoise`` is specified, they are interpreted with ``gain_unit`` and ``rdnoise_unit``, respectively. If they are not specified, this function will seek for the header with keywords of ``gain_key`` and ``rdnoise_key``, and interprete the header value in the unit of ``gain_unit`` and ``rdnoise_unit``, respectively. gain_key, rdnoise_key : str, optional See ``gain``, ``rdnoise`` explanation above. These are all ignored if ``calc_err=False``. gain_unit, rdnoise_unit : astropy Unit, optional See ``gain``, ``rdnoise`` explanation above. These are all ignored if ``calc_err=False``. dark_exposure, data_exposure : None, float, astropy Quantity, optional The exposure times of dark and data frame, respectively. They should both be specified or both ``None``. These are all ignored if ``mdarkpath=None``. If both are not specified while ``mdarkpath`` is given, then the code automatically seeks for header's ``exposure_key``. Then interprete the value as the quantity with unit ``exposure_unit``. If ``mdkarpath`` is not ``None``, then these are passed to ``ccdproc.subtract_dark``. exposure_key : str, optional The header keyword for exposure time. Ignored if ``mdarkpath=None``. exposure_unit : astropy Unit, optional. The unit of the exposure time. Ignored if ``mdarkpath=None``. flat_min_value : float or None, optional min_value of `ccdproc.flat_correct`. Minimum value for flat field. The value can either be None and no minimum value is applied to the flat or specified by a float which will replace all values in the flat by the min_value. Default is ``None``. flat_norm_value : float or None, optional norm_value of `ccdproc.flat_correct`. If not ``None``, normalize flat field by this argument rather than the mean of the image. This allows fixing several different flat fields to have the same scale. If this value is negative or 0, a ``ValueError`` is raised. Default is ``None``. crrej_kwargs : dict or None, optional If ``None`` (default), uses some default values defined in ``~.misc.LACOSMIC_KEYS``. It is always discouraged to use default except for quick validity-checking, because even the official L.A. Cosmic codes in different versions (IRAF, IDL, Python, etc) have different default parameters, i.e., there is nothing which can be regarded as default. To see all possible keywords, do ``print(astroscrappy.detect_cosmics.__doc__)`` Also refer to propagate_crmask : bool, optional Whether to save (propagate) the mask from CR rejection (``astroscrappy``) to the CCD's mask. Default is ``False``. output_verify : str Output verification option. Must be one of ``"fix"``, ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or ``"exception"``. May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception" (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``). See the astropy documentation below: dtype : str or `numpy.dtype` or None, optional Allows user to set dtype. See `numpy.array` ``dtype`` parameter description. If ``None`` it uses ``np.float64``. Default is ``None``. ''' def _add_and_print(s, header, verbose): header.add_history(s) if verbose: print(s) # Set strings for header history & print (if verbose_bdf) str_bias = "Bias subtracted using {}" str_dark = "Dark subtracted using {}" str_dscale = "Dark scaling {} using {}" str_flat = "Flat corrected using {}" str_trim = "Trim by FITS section {}" str_grd = "From {}, {} = {:.3f} [{}]" # str_grd.format(user/header_key, gain/rdnoise, val, unit) str_e0 = ("Readnoise propagated with Poisson noise (using gain above)" + " of source.") str_ed = "Poisson noise from subtracted dark was propagated." str_ef = "Flat uncertainty was propagated." str_nexp = "Normalized by the exposure time." str_navg = "Normalized by the average value of the frame." str_cr = ("Cosmic-Ray rejected by astroscrappy (v {}), " + "with parameters: {}") # Initial setting proc = CCDData(ccd) hdr_new = proc.header # Add PROCESS key try: _ = hdr_new["PROCESS"] except KeyError: hdr_new["PROCESS"] = ("", "The processed history: see comment.") hdr_new["PROCVER"] = (ccdproc.__version__, "ccdproc version used for processing.") hdr_new.add_comment("PROCESS key can be B (bias), D (dark), F (flat), " + "T (trim), W (WCS astrometry), C(CRrej).") # Set for BIAS if mbiaspath is None: do_bias = False mbias = CCDData(np.zeros_like(ccd), unit=proc.unit) else: do_bias = True mbias =, unit=unit) hdr_new["PROCESS"] += "B" _add_and_print(str_bias.format(mbiaspath), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Set for DARK if mdarkpath is None: do_dark = False mdark = CCDData(np.zeros_like(ccd), unit=proc.unit) else: do_dark = True mdark =, unit=unit) hdr_new["PROCESS"] += "D" _add_and_print(str_dark.format(mdarkpath), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) if dark_scale: _add_and_print(str_dscale.format(dark_scale, exposure_key), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Set for FLAT if mflatpath is None: do_flat = False mflat = CCDData(np.ones_like(ccd), unit=proc.unit) else: do_flat = True mflat = hdr_new["PROCESS"] += "F" _add_and_print(str_flat.format(mflatpath), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Set gain and rdnoise if at least one of calc_err and do_crrej is True. if calc_err or do_crrej: if gain is None: gain_Q = get_from_header(hdr_new, gain_key, unit=gain_unit, verbose=False, default=1.) gain_from = gain_key else: if not isinstance(gain, u.Quantity): gain_Q = gain * gain_unit else: gain_Q = gain gain_from = "User" _add_and_print( str_grd.format(gain_from, "gain", gain_Q.value, gain_Q.unit), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) if rdnoise is None: rdnoise_Q = get_from_header(hdr_new, rdnoise_key, unit=rdnoise_unit, verbose=False, default=1.) rdnoise_from = rdnoise_key else: if not isinstance(rdnoise, u.Quantity): rdnoise_Q = rdnoise * rdnoise_unit else: rdnoise_Q = rdnoise rdnoise_from = "User" _add_and_print( str_grd.format(rdnoise_from, "rdnoise", rdnoise_Q.value, rdnoise_Q.unit), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Do TRIM if trim_fits_section is not None: proc = trim_image(proc, trim_fits_section) mbias = trim_image(mbias, trim_fits_section) mdark = trim_image(mdark, trim_fits_section) mflat = trim_image(mflat, trim_fits_section) hdr_new["PROCESS"] += "T" _add_and_print(str_trim.format(trim_fits_section), hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Do BIAS if do_bias: proc = subtract_bias(proc, mbias) # Do DARK if do_dark: proc = subtract_dark(proc, mdark, dark_exposure=dark_exposure, data_exposure=data_exposure, exposure_time=exposure_key, exposure_unit=exposure_unit, scale=dark_scale) # Make UNCERT extension before doing FLAT # It is better to make_errmap a priori because of mathematical and # computational convenience. See ``if do_flat:`` clause below. if calc_err: err = make_errmap(proc, gain_epadu=gain, subtracted_dark=mdark) proc.uncertainty = StdDevUncertainty(err) _add_and_print(str_e0, hdr_new, verbose_bdf) if do_dark: _add_and_print(str_ed, hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Do FLAT if do_flat: # Flat error propagation is done automatically by # ``ccdproc.flat_correct``if it has the uncertainty attribute. proc = flat_correct(proc, mflat, min_value=flat_min_value, norm_value=flat_norm_value) if calc_err and mflat.uncertainty is not None: _add_and_print(str_ef, hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Normalize by the exposure time (e.g., ADU per sec) if normalize_exposure: if data_exposure is None: data_exposure = hdr_new[exposure_key] proc = proc.divide(data_exposure) # uncertainty will also be.. _add_and_print(str_nexp, hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Normalize by the mean value if normalize_average: avg = np.mean( proc = proc.divide(avg) _add_and_print(str_navg, hdr_new, verbose_bdf) # Do CRREJ if do_crrej: import astroscrappy from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics from .misc import LACOSMIC_KEYS if crrej_kwargs is None: crrej_kwargs = LACOSMIC_KEYS warn("You are not specifying CR-rejection parameters and blindly" + " using defaults. It can be dangerous.") if (("B" in hdr_new["PROCESS"]) + ("D" in hdr_new["PROCESS"]) + ("F" in hdr_new["PROCESS"])) < 2: warn("L.A. Cosmic should be run AFTER B/D/F process. " + f"You are running it with {hdr_new['PROCESS']}. " + "See") # remove the fucxing cosmic rays crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics(, inmask=proc.mask, gain=gain_Q.value, readnoise=rdnoise_Q.value, **crrej_kwargs, verbose=verbose_crrej) # create the new ccd data object # astroscrappy automatically does the gain correction, so return # back to avoid confusion. = cleanarr / gain_Q.value if propagate_crmask: if proc.mask is None: proc.mask = crmask else: proc.mask = proc.mask + crmask hdr_new["PROCESS"] += "C" _add_and_print(str_cr.format(astroscrappy.__version__, crrej_kwargs), hdr_new, verbose_crrej) proc = CCDData_astype(proc, dtype=dtype, uncertainty_dtype=uncertainty_dtype) proc.header = hdr_new if output is not None: if verbose_bdf: print(f"Writing FITS to {output}... ", end='') proc.write(output, output_verify=output_verify, overwrite=overwrite) if verbose_bdf: print(f"Saved.") return proc
if (uinst_filt[i].split('/')[0] == 'WFC3'): ext_list = [1, 3] for k in np.arange(len(ext_list)): if (k % 2 == 0): print("Writing " + 'f' + ufilt[i][1:4] + '_%02d_sci%1d.fits' % (j + 1, 1 + k // 2) + "...") sci, hdr = fits.getdata(str(np.array(img)[order][j]), ext=ext_list[k], header=True) # dq = fits.getdata(str(np.array(img)[order][j]), ext=ext_list[k+1], header=False) # cr = (dq >= ip.cr_thre) # if (np.sum(cr) >= 1): # sci[cr] = ip.cr_mask epadu = hd0['CCDGAIN'] crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics(sci, gain=epadu, cleantype='medmask') fits.writeto('f' + ufilt[i][1:4] + '_%02d_sci%1d.fits' % (j + 1, 1 + k // 2), cleanarr / epadu, hdr, overwrite=True) f.write(str(np.array(img)[order][j])) f.write('\t') f.write('f' + ufilt[i][1:4] + '_%02d_sci%1d.fits' % (j + 1, 1 + k // 2)) f.write('\n') else: continue f.close()
def remove_cr(data): ''' Removes high value pixels which are presumed to be cosmic ray hits. ''' m, imdata = detect_cosmics(data, readnoise=20., gain=1.4, sigclip=5., sigfrac=.5, objlim=6.) return imdata
def cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65535.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False): r""" Identify cosmic rays through the lacosmic technique. The lacosmic technique identifies cosmic rays by identifying pixels based on a variation of the Laplacian edge detection. The algorithm is an implementation of the code describe in van Dokkum (2001) [1]_ as implemented by McCully (2014) [2]_. If you use this algorithm, please cite these two works. Parameters ---------- ccd : `~ccdproc.CCDData` or `numpy.ndarray` Data to have cosmic ray cleaned. sigclip : float, optional Laplacian-to-noise limit for cosmic ray detection. Lower values will flag more pixels as cosmic rays. Default: 4.5. sigfrac : float, optional Fractional detection limit for neighboring pixels. For cosmic ray neighbor pixels, a lapacian-to-noise detection limit of sigfrac * sigclip will be used. Default: 0.3. objlim : float, optional Minimum contrast between Laplacian image and the fine structure image. Increase this value if cores of bright stars are flagged as cosmic rays. Default: 5.0. pssl : float, optional Previously subtracted sky level in ADU. We always need to work in electrons for cosmic ray detection, so we need to know the sky level that has been subtracted so we can add it back in. Default: 0.0. gain : float, optional Gain of the image (electrons / ADU). We always need to work in electrons for cosmic ray detection. Default: 1.0 readnoise : float, optional Read noise of the image (electrons). Used to generate the noise model of the image. Default: 6.5. satlevel : float, optional Saturation level of the image (electrons). This value is used to detect saturated stars and pixels at or above this level are added to the mask. Default: 65535.0. niter : int, optional Number of iterations of the LA Cosmic algorithm to perform. Default: 4. sepmed : bool, optional Use the separable median filter instead of the full median filter. The separable median is not identical to the full median filter, but they are approximately the same and the separable median filter is significantly faster and still detects cosmic rays well. Default: True cleantype : str, optional Set which clean algorithm is used: - ``"median"``: An umasked 5x5 median filter. - ``"medmask"``: A masked 5x5 median filter. - ``"meanmask"``: A masked 5x5 mean filter. - ``"idw"``: A masked 5x5 inverse distance weighted interpolation. Default: ``"meanmask"``. fsmode : str, optional Method to build the fine structure image: - ``"median"``: Use the median filter in the standard LA Cosmic \ algorithm. - ``"convolve"``: Convolve the image with the psf kernel to calculate \ the fine structure image. Default: ``"median"``. psfmodel : str, optional Model to use to generate the psf kernel if fsmode == 'convolve' and psfk is None. The current choices are Gaussian and Moffat profiles: - ``"gauss"`` and ``"moffat"`` produce circular PSF kernels. - The ``"gaussx"`` and ``"gaussy"`` produce Gaussian kernels in the x \ and y directions respectively. Default: ``"gauss"``. psffwhm : float, optional Full Width Half Maximum of the PSF to use to generate the kernel. Default: 2.5. psfsize : int, optional Size of the kernel to calculate. Returned kernel will have size psfsize x psfsize. psfsize should be odd. Default: 7. psfk : `numpy.ndarray` (with float dtype) or None, optional PSF kernel array to use for the fine structure image if ``fsmode == 'convolve'``. If None and ``fsmode == 'convolve'``, we calculate the psf kernel using ``psfmodel``. Default: None. psfbeta : float, optional Moffat beta parameter. Only used if ``fsmode=='convolve'`` and ``psfmodel=='moffat'``. Default: 4.765. verbose : bool, optional Print to the screen or not. Default: False. Notes ----- Implementation of the cosmic ray identification L.A.Cosmic: Returns ------- nccd : `~ccdproc.CCDData` or `numpy.ndarray` An object of the same type as ccd is returned. If it is a `~ccdproc.CCDData`, the mask attribute will also be updated with areas identified with cosmic rays masked. crmask : `numpy.ndarray` If an `numpy.ndarray` is provided as ccd, a boolean ndarray with the cosmic rays identified will also be returned. References ---------- .. [1] van Dokkum, P; 2001, "Cosmic-Ray Rejection by Laplacian Edge Detection". The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 113, Issue 789, pp. 1420-1427. doi: 10.1086/323894 .. [2] McCully, C., 2014, "Astro-SCRAPPY", Examples -------- 1) Given an numpy.ndarray object, the syntax for running cosmicrar_lacosmic would be: >>> newdata, mask = cosmicray_lacosmic(data, sigclip=5) #doctest: +SKIP where the error is an array that is the same shape as data but includes the pixel error. This would return a data array, newdata, with the bad pixels replaced by the local median from a box of 11 pixels; and it would return a mask indicating the bad pixels. 2) Given an `~ccdproc.CCDData` object with an uncertainty frame, the syntax for running cosmicrar_lacosmic would be: >>> newccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, sigclip=5) # doctest: +SKIP The newccd object will have bad pixels in its data array replace and the mask of the object will be created if it did not previously exist or be updated with the detected cosmic rays. """ from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics if isinstance(ccd, np.ndarray): data = ccd crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics( data, inmask=None, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, satlevel=satlevel, pssl=pssl, niter=niter, sepmed=sepmed, cleantype=cleantype, fsmode=fsmode, psfmodel=psfmodel, psffwhm=psffwhm, psfsize=psfsize, psfk=psfk, psfbeta=psfbeta, verbose=verbose) return cleanarr, crmask elif isinstance(ccd, CCDData): crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics(, inmask=ccd.mask, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, satlevel=satlevel, pssl=pssl, niter=niter, sepmed=sepmed, cleantype=cleantype, fsmode=fsmode, psfmodel=psfmodel, psffwhm=psffwhm, psfsize=psfsize, psfk=psfk, psfbeta=psfbeta, verbose=verbose) # create the new ccd data object nccd = ccd.copy() = cleanarr if nccd.mask is None: nccd.mask = crmask else: nccd.mask = nccd.mask + crmask return nccd else: raise TypeError('ccd is not a CCDData or ndarray object.')
def cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False): r""" Identify cosmic rays through the lacosmic technique. The lacosmic technique identifies cosmic rays by identifying pixels based on a variation of the Laplacian edge detection. The algorithm is an implementation of the code describe in van Dokkum (2001) :ref:[1]_ as implemented by McCully (2014) [2]_. If you use this algorithm, please cite these two works. Parameters ---------- ccd: `~ccdproc.CCDData` or `~numpy.ndarray` Data to have cosmic ray cleaned sigclip : float, optional Laplacian-to-noise limit for cosmic ray detection. Lower values will flag more pixels as cosmic rays. Default: 4.5. sigfrac : float, optional Fractional detection limit for neighboring pixels. For cosmic ray neighbor pixels, a lapacian-to-noise detection limit of sigfrac * sigclip will be used. Default: 0.3. objlim : float, optional Minimum contrast between Laplacian image and the fine structure image. Increase this value if cores of bright stars are flagged as cosmic rays. Default: 5.0. pssl : float, optional Previously subtracted sky level in ADU. We always need to work in electrons for cosmic ray detection, so we need to know the sky level that has been subtracted so we can add it back in. Default: 0.0. gain : float, optional Gain of the image (electrons / ADU). We always need to work in electrons for cosmic ray detection. Default: 1.0 readnoise : float, optional Read noise of the image (electrons). Used to generate the noise model of the image. Default: 6.5. satlevel : float, optional Saturation of level of the image (electrons). This value is used to detect saturated stars and pixels at or above this level are added to the mask. Default: 65536.0. niter : int, optional Number of iterations of the LA Cosmic algorithm to perform. Default: 4. sepmed : boolean, optional Use the separable median filter instead of the full median filter. The separable median is not identical to the full median filter, but they are approximately the same and the separable median filter is significantly faster and still detects cosmic rays well. Default: True cleantype : {'median', 'medmask', 'meanmask', 'idw'}, optional Set which clean algorithm is used:\n 'median': An umasked 5x5 median filter\n 'medmask': A masked 5x5 median filter\n 'meanmask': A masked 5x5 mean filter\n 'idw': A masked 5x5 inverse distance weighted interpolation\n Default: "meanmask". fsmode : {'median', 'convolve'}, optional Method to build the fine structure image:\n 'median': Use the median filter in the standard LA Cosmic algorithm 'convolve': Convolve the image with the psf kernel to calculate the fine structure image. Default: 'median'. psfmodel : {'gauss', 'gaussx', 'gaussy', 'moffat'}, optional Model to use to generate the psf kernel if fsmode == 'convolve' and psfk is None. The current choices are Gaussian and Moffat profiles. 'gauss' and 'moffat' produce circular PSF kernels. The 'gaussx' and 'gaussy' produce Gaussian kernels in the x and y directions respectively. Default: "gauss". psffwhm : float, optional Full Width Half Maximum of the PSF to use to generate the kernel. Default: 2.5. psfsize : int, optional Size of the kernel to calculate. Returned kernel will have size psfsize x psfsize. psfsize should be odd. Default: 7. psfk : float numpy array, optional PSF kernel array to use for the fine structure image if fsmode == 'convolve'. If None and fsmode == 'convolve', we calculate the psf kernel using 'psfmodel'. Default: None. psfbeta : float, optional Moffat beta parameter. Only used if fsmode=='convolve' and psfmodel=='moffat'. Default: 4.765. verbose : boolean, optional Print to the screen or not. Default: False. {log} Notes ----- Implementation of the cosmic ray identification L.A.Cosmic: Returns ------- nccd : `~ccdproc.CCDData` or `~numpy.ndarray` An object of the same type as ccd is returned. If it is a `~ccdproc.CCDData`, the mask attribute will also be updated with areas identified with cosmic rays masked. crmask : `~numpy.ndarray` If an `~numpy.ndarray` is provided as ccd, a boolean ndarray with the cosmic rays identified will also be returned. References ---------- .. [1] van Dokkum, P; 2001, "Cosmic-Ray Rejection by Laplacian Edge Detection". The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 113, Issue 789, pp. 1420-1427. doi: 10.1086/323894 .. [2] McCully, C., 2014, "Astro-SCRAPPY", Examples -------- 1) Given an numpy.ndarray object, the syntax for running cosmicrar_lacosmic would be: >>> newdata, mask = cosmicray_lacosmic(data, sigclip=5) #doctest: +SKIP where the error is an array that is the same shape as data but includes the pixel error. This would return a data array, newdata, with the bad pixels replaced by the local median from a box of 11 pixels; and it would return a mask indicating the bad pixels. 2) Given an `~ccdproc.CCDData` object with an uncertainty frame, the syntax for running cosmicrar_lacosmic would be: >>> newccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, sigclip=5) # doctest: +SKIP The newccd object will have bad pixels in its data array replace and the mask of the object will be created if it did not previously exist or be updated with the detected cosmic rays. """ from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics if isinstance(ccd, np.ndarray): data = ccd crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics( data, inmask=None, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, satlevel=satlevel, pssl=pssl, niter=niter, sepmed=sepmed, cleantype=cleantype, fsmode=fsmode, psfmodel=psfmodel, psffwhm=psffwhm, psfsize=psfsize, psfk=psfk, psfbeta=psfbeta, verbose=verbose) return cleanarr, crmask elif isinstance(ccd, CCDData): crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics(, inmask=ccd.mask, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, satlevel=satlevel, pssl=pssl, niter=niter, sepmed=sepmed, cleantype=cleantype, fsmode=fsmode, psfmodel=psfmodel, psffwhm=psffwhm, psfsize=psfsize, psfk=psfk, psfbeta=psfbeta, verbose=verbose) # create the new ccd data object nccd = ccd.copy() = cleanarr if nccd.mask is None: nccd.mask = crmask else: nccd.mask = nccd.mask + crmask return nccd else: raise TypeError('ccddata is not a CCDData or ndarray object')
infile = args.infile mccd =, unit='electron') if os.path.basename(infile).startswith('H'): ccd = blue_process(infile, masterbias=mccd, oscan_correct=args.oscan) elif os.path.basename(infile).startswith('R'): ccd = red_process(infile, masterbias=mccd, oscan_correct=args.oscan) else: exit('Are you sure this is an HRS file?') if args.cray: from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics(, inmask=None, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) = cleanarr if ccd.mask == None: ccd.mask = crmask else: ccd.mask = ccd.mask * crmask if args.flat: order_frame =, unit=u.adu) flat_frame = ccd=flatfield_science(ccd, flat_frame, order_frame, median_filter_size=None, interp=True) outfile = 'p'+infile ccd.write(outfile, clobber=True)
def run_astroscrappy( filename, psffwhm, contrast=5, cr_threshold=4.5, niter=4, inmask=None, sigfrac=0.3, readnoise=10, satlevel=50000, pssl=0.0, sepmed=True, cleantype='medmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False, outLevel=1 ): """Run astroscrappy to remove cosmics""" imagelist = np.atleast_1d(filename) psffwhm = np.atleast_1d(psffwhm) for i, ima in enumerate(imagelist): path, filename_ext = os.path.split(ima) if path: folder = path + "/" else: folder = "" filename2 = os.path.splitext(filename_ext)[0] # Make copy of original image if outLevel == 2: cp_p(ima, folder + filename2 + "_CR_notcleaned.fits") hdulist = hdr = hdulist[0].header saturate = np.min([satlevel, hdr.get('SATURATE', 50000)]) gain = hdr.get('GAIN', 1) readnoise = hdr.get('RN', readnoise) crmask, cleanarr = detect_cosmics( hdulist[0].data, inmask=inmask, sigclip=cr_threshold, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=contrast, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, satlevel=saturate, pssl=pssl, niter=niter, sepmed=sepmed, cleantype=cleantype, fsmode=fsmode, psfmodel=psfmodel, psffwhm=psffwhm[i], psfsize=psfsize, psfk=psfk, psfbeta=psfbeta, verbose=verbose) # Create image cleaned from cosmic rays hdulist[0].data = cleanarr hdulist.writeto(ima, overwrite=True) if outLevel == 2: # Create mask of cosmic rays hdulist[0].data = np.asarray(crmask, dtype=np.int16) hdulist.writeto( folder + filename2 + "_CRmask.fits", overwrite=True)
from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics print('\tCosmic-ray removal...') half_cbox_targ = inputs.cbox_size_targ // 2 inmask = np.zeros_like(image).astype(bool) inmask[y_targ-half_cbox_targ:y_targ+half_cbox_targ, \ x_targ-half_cbox_targ:x_targ+half_cbox_targ] = True # detect_cosmics erroneously erases the target because it is kind of # tiny bright point. Hence, I used the inmask to protect the target region. crmask, image_cr = detect_cosmics(image, \ inmask=inmask, \ psfmodel='moffat', \ satlevel=np.infty,\ readnoise=inputs.RONOISE,\ # sepmed=False,\ cleantype='medmask',\ # fsmode='median',\ verbose=False) # print(detect_cosmics.__doc__) # To reproduce the most similar behavior to the original LA Cosmic # (written in IRAF), set inmask = None, satlevel = np.inf, sepmed=False, # cleantype='medmask', and fsmode='median'. # cleantype='meanmask' (default) seems to make 'holes' in CR-detected region.. # * inmask[y,x] near the target should be set, especially when the observation # was made in non-sidereal tracking mode. The CR-rejection may misunderstand # the target as a point-like cosmic-ray. image_reduc = image_cr.copy()
from import fits import astroscrappy as ascr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np test ='ESPRE.2019-05-23T00:17:14.397.fits') data = test[1].data med = np.median(data) std = np.std(data) mask, clean = ascr.detect_cosmics(data) sel = np.s_[6200:7000, 800:2200] plt.imshow(data[sel], vmin=med - std, vmax=med + std) #plt.imshow(clean[sel], vmin=med-std, vmax=med+std) #plt.imshow(mask[sel])