Exemple #1
def show(model, model_type, tokenizer, sentence_a, sentence_b=None):

    if sentence_b:
        vis_html = """
          <span style="user-select:none">
            Attention: <select id="filter">
              <option value="all">All</option>
              <option value="aa">Sentence A -> Sentence A</option>
              <option value="ab">Sentence A -> Sentence B</option>
              <option value="ba">Sentence B -> Sentence A</option>
              <option value="bb">Sentence B -> Sentence B</option>
          <div id='vis'></div> 
        vis_html = """
          <div id='vis'></div> 

    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
    vis_js = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'model_view.js')).read()
    attn_data = get_attention(model, model_type, tokenizer, sentence_a, sentence_b)
    params = {
        'attention': attn_data,
        'default_filter': "all"
    display(Javascript('window.params = %s' % json.dumps(params)))
def show(model, tokenizer, text):
    vis_html = """
      <div id='vis'></div>
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
    vis_js = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'model_view.js')).read()
    attn_data = get_attention(model, tokenizer, text)
    params = {'attention': attn_data, 'default_filter': "all"}
    display(Javascript('window.params = %s' % json.dumps(params)))
Exemple #3
def show(model, tokenizer, text, module='encoder'):
    vis_html = """
      <span style="user-select:none">
        Layer: <select id="layer"></select>
      <div id='vis'></div>
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
    vis_js = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'head_view.js')).read()
    attn_data = get_attention(model, tokenizer, text)
    params = {'attention': attn_data[module], 'default_filter': "all"}
    display(Javascript('window.params = %s' % json.dumps(params)))
Exemple #4
 def test_xlnet_attn(self):
     tokenizer = XLNetTokenizer.from_pretrained('xlnet-large-cased')
     model = XLNetModel.from_pretrained('xlnet-large-cased')
     text = 'Bert is a yellow muppet character'
     attn_data = get_attention(model, 'xlnet', tokenizer, text, include_queries_and_keys=False)['all']
     tokens = [' Bert', ' is', ' a', ' yellow', ' ', 'm', 'up', 'pet', ' character', '[SEP]', '[CLS]']
     self.assertEqual(attn_data['left_text'], tokens)
     self.assertEqual(attn_data['right_text'], tokens)
     seq_len = len(tokens)
     layer = 0
     head = 0
     att_matrix = attn_data['attn'][layer][head]
     for i in range(seq_len):
         sum_probs = sum(att_matrix[i])
         self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_probs, 1, 4)
Exemple #5
def show(model, model_type, tokenizer, sentence_a, sentence_b=None):
    if sentence_b:
        vis_html = """
          <span style="user-select:none">
            Layer: <select id="layer"></select>
            Head: <select id="att_head"></select>
            Attention: <select id="filter">
              <option value="all">All</option>
              <option value="aa">Sentence A -> Sentence A</option>
              <option value="ab">Sentence A -> Sentence B</option>
              <option value="ba">Sentence B -> Sentence A</option>
              <option value="bb">Sentence B -> Sentence B</option>
          <div id='vis'></div>
        vis_html = """
          <span style="user-select:none">
            Layer: <select id="layer"></select>
            Head: <select id="att_head"></select>
          <div id='vis'></div>
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
    vis_js = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'neuron_view.js')).read()
    attn_data = get_attention(model,
    if model_type == 'gpt2':
        bidirectional = False
        bidirectional = True
    params = {
        'attention': attn_data,
        'default_filter': "all",
        'bidirectional': bidirectional
    display(Javascript('window.params = %s' % json.dumps(params)))
Exemple #6
 def test_gpt2_attn(self):
     model = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2')
     tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
     text = 'Bert is a yellow muppet character'
     attn_data = get_attention(model, 'gpt2', tokenizer, text, include_queries_and_keys=False)['all']
     tokens = ['B', 'ert', ' is', ' a', ' yellow', ' m', 'uppet', ' character']
     self.assertEqual(attn_data['left_text'], tokens)
     self.assertEqual(attn_data['right_text'], tokens)
     seq_len = len(tokens)
     layer = 0
     head = 0
     att_matrix = attn_data['attn'][layer][head]
     for i in range(seq_len):
         for j in range(seq_len):
             if i >= j:
                 self.assertNotEqual(att_matrix[i][j], 0)
                 self.assertEqual(att_matrix[i][j], 0)
         sum_probs = sum(att_matrix[i])
         self.assertAlmostEqual(sum_probs, 1, 4)
def show(model, tokenizer, text):
    vis_html = """
      <span style="user-select:none">
        Layer: <select id="layer"></select>
        Head: <select id="att_head"></select>
      <div id='vis'></div>
    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
    vis_js = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'neuron_view.js')).read()
    attn_data = get_attention(model, tokenizer, text, include_queries_and_keys=True)
    params = {
        'attention': attn_data,
        'default_filter': "all",
        'bidirectional': False
    display(Javascript('window.params = %s' % json.dumps(params)))
Exemple #8
    def test_roberta_attn(self):
        model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained('roberta-base')
        tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('roberta-base')
        sentence1 = 'The quickest brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
        sentence2 = "the quick brown fox jumped over the laziest dog"
        attn_data = get_attention(model, 'roberta', tokenizer, sentence1, sentence2,
        tokens_1 = ['[CLS]', 'The', ' quickest', ' brown', ' fox', ' jumped', ' over', ' the', ' lazy', ' dog',
        tokens_2 = ['[SEP]', 'the', ' quick', ' brown', ' fox', ' jumped', ' over', ' the', ' laz', 'iest', ' dog',
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['left_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['right_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['aa']['left_text'], tokens_1)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['aa']['right_text'], tokens_1)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['ab']['left_text'], tokens_1)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['ab']['right_text'], tokens_2)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['ba']['left_text'], tokens_2)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['ba']['right_text'], tokens_1)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['bb']['left_text'], tokens_2)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['bb']['right_text'], tokens_2)

        attn_all = attn_data['all']['attn']
        attn_aa = attn_data['aa']['attn']
        attn_ab = attn_data['ab']['attn']
        attn_ba = attn_data['ba']['attn']
        attn_bb = attn_data['bb']['attn']
        num_layers = len(attn_all)
        for layer in range(num_layers):
            attn_all_layer = torch.tensor(attn_all[layer])
            num_heads, seq_len, _ = attn_all_layer.size()
            # Check that probabilities sum to one
            sum_probs = attn_all_layer.sum(dim=-1)
            expected = torch.ones(num_heads, seq_len, dtype=torch.float32)
            self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(sum_probs, expected))
            # Reassemble attention from components and verify is correct
            attn_aa_layer = torch.tensor(attn_aa[layer])
            attn_ab_layer = torch.tensor(attn_ab[layer])
            attn_ba_layer = torch.tensor(attn_ba[layer])
            attn_bb_layer = torch.tensor(attn_bb[layer])
            top_half = torch.cat((attn_aa_layer, attn_ab_layer), dim=-1)
            bottom_half = torch.cat((attn_ba_layer, attn_bb_layer), dim=-1)
            whole = torch.cat((top_half, bottom_half), dim=-2)
            # assert self.assertAlmostEqual(torch.sum(torch.abs(whole - attn_all[layer])), 0)
            self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(whole, attn_all_layer))

        sentence1 = 'The quickest brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
        sentence2 = None
        attn_data = get_attention(model, 'roberta', tokenizer, sentence1, sentence2,
        tokens_1 = ['[CLS]', 'The', ' quickest', ' brown', ' fox', ' jumped', ' over', ' the', ' lazy', ' dog',
        tokens_2 = []
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['left_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
        self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['right_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
        self.assertTrue('aa' not in attn_data)

        attn_all = attn_data['all']['attn']
        num_layers = len(attn_all)
        for layer in range(num_layers):
            attn_all_layer = torch.tensor(attn_all[layer])
            num_heads, seq_len, _ = attn_all_layer.size()
            # Check that probabilities sum to one
            sum_probs = attn_all_layer.sum(dim=-1)
            expected = torch.ones(num_heads, seq_len, dtype=torch.float32)
            self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(sum_probs, expected))
Exemple #9
    def test_bert_attn(self):
        config = BertConfig.from_json_file('fixtures/config.json')
        tokenizer = BertTokenizer('fixtures/vocab.txt')
        for model_class in (BertModel, BertForSequenceClassification, BertForQuestionAnswering):
            model = model_class(config)
            sentence1 = 'The quickest brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
            sentence2 = "the quick brown fox jumped over the laziest elmo"
            attn_data = get_attention(model, 'bert', tokenizer, sentence1, sentence2,
            tokens_1 = ['[CLS]', 'the', 'quick', '##est', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog',
            tokens_2 = ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', 'la', '##zie', '##st', '[UNK]',
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['left_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['right_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['aa']['left_text'], tokens_1)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['aa']['right_text'], tokens_1)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['ab']['left_text'], tokens_1)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['ab']['right_text'], tokens_2)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['ba']['left_text'], tokens_2)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['ba']['right_text'], tokens_1)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['bb']['left_text'], tokens_2)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['bb']['right_text'], tokens_2)

            attn_all = attn_data['all']['attn']
            attn_aa = attn_data['aa']['attn']
            attn_ab = attn_data['ab']['attn']
            attn_ba = attn_data['ba']['attn']
            attn_bb = attn_data['bb']['attn']
            num_layers = len(attn_all)
            for layer in range(num_layers):
                attn_all_layer = torch.tensor(attn_all[layer])
                num_heads, seq_len, _ = attn_all_layer.size()
                # Check that probabilities sum to one
                sum_probs = attn_all_layer.sum(dim=-1)
                expected = torch.ones(num_heads, seq_len, dtype=torch.float32)
                self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(sum_probs, expected))
                # Reassemble attention from components and verify is correct
                attn_aa_layer = torch.tensor(attn_aa[layer])
                attn_ab_layer = torch.tensor(attn_ab[layer])
                attn_ba_layer = torch.tensor(attn_ba[layer])
                attn_bb_layer = torch.tensor(attn_bb[layer])
                top_half = torch.cat((attn_aa_layer, attn_ab_layer), dim=-1)
                bottom_half = torch.cat((attn_ba_layer, attn_bb_layer), dim=-1)
                whole = torch.cat((top_half, bottom_half), dim=-2)
                # assert self.assertAlmostEqual(torch.sum(torch.abs(whole - attn_all[layer])), 0)
                self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(whole, attn_all_layer))
        for model_class in (BertModel, BertForSequenceClassification, BertForQuestionAnswering):
            model = model_class(config)
            sentence1 = 'The quickest brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
            sentence2 = None
            attn_data = get_attention(model, 'bert', tokenizer, sentence1, sentence2,
            tokens_1 = ['[CLS]', 'the', 'quick', '##est', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog',
            tokens_2 = []
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['left_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
            self.assertEqual(attn_data['all']['right_text'], tokens_1 + tokens_2)
            self.assertTrue('aa' not in attn_data)

            attn_all = attn_data['all']['attn']
            num_layers = len(attn_all)
            for layer in range(num_layers):
                attn_all_layer = torch.tensor(attn_all[layer])
                num_heads, seq_len, _ = attn_all_layer.size()
                # Check that probabilities sum to one
                sum_probs = attn_all_layer.sum(dim=-1)
                expected = torch.ones(num_heads, seq_len, dtype=torch.float32)
                self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(sum_probs, expected))