Exemple #1
def get_place_info(request, id):
        search get the details of the curr ent
    if 'excluded_blood' in request.session :
        bloods_out_ids = request.session['excluded_blood']
    else :
       bloods_out_ids = [] #
    alerts = Alert.objects\
        .values('blood__blood', 'blood')\
    # iterate throw out the choices
    choices = dict(Blood.BLOOD_TYPE)
    data = []
    for item in alerts:
        # get the blood choice name , A+, O+ ...
        bType = choices[item['blood__blood']]
        data.append({'type': bType, 'count': item['count']})

    t = get_template('home/organization/organization_popup.html')
    html = t.render(Context({'alerts': data}))
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request, {'html' : html})
Exemple #2
def send_via_mail_to(request):
        send email to list of freinds
    :param request:
        in the square represented by :
        west < longitude < east
        north < latitude < south
    idAlert = int(request.POST['id'])
    emails = request.POST['list']
    text = request.POST['text']
    listMails = emails.rstrip('#').split('#')
    alert = Alert.objects.get(id=idAlert)
    # email
    path = reverse("public_show_alert", args=(idAlert,))
    subject = "BloodOn team team,"
    message = ''
    if len(text):
        message += '%s \n,' % text
    message += 'This message has been sent from <href ="http://%s">BloodOn Inc</href>, ' \
               'Because Some one need blood , the %s, ' \
               'at %s \n ' % (settings.SITE_PATH, alert.date_for, alert.organization.name)
    message += '\n for more detail please refer to : <href ="http://%s%s">BloodOn' \
               'Inc</href> \n' % (settings.SITE_PATH,  path)
    messageMail = (subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, listMails)
    send_mass_mail((messageMail,), fail_silently=False)
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request, {'success' : True})
Exemple #3
def get_event(request, day, month, year):
    start = datetime.combine(datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day)), time(00, 00))
    end = start + timedelta(1)
    try :
        organizations = request.session['bounded_organizations']
    except :
        organizations = [] #= organizations

    bloods_out_ids = request.session['excluded_blood'] #
    alerts = Alert.objects\
        .values('blood__blood', 'blood')\
        .filter(date_for__gte=start, date_for__lt=end, organization_id__in = organizations)\
    # iterate throw out the choices
    choices = dict(Blood.BLOOD_TYPE)
    data = []
    for item in alerts:
        # get the blood choice name , A+, O+ ...
        bType = choices[item['blood__blood']]
        data.append({'type': bType, 'count': item['count']})
    t = get_template('home/calendar/calendar_tooltip.html')
    html = t.render(Context({'alerts': data}))
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request, {'html' : html})
Exemple #4
def get_place_details(request, id, page):
    if 'excluded_blood' in request.session :
        bloods_out_ids = request.session['excluded_blood']
    else :
       bloods_out_ids = [] #
        search get the details of the current
    alerts = Alert.objects\
            .exclude(blood_id__in=bloods_out_ids).filter(organization__id__iexact=id)[int(page):int(page) + 10]
    t = get_template('home/organization/organization_detail.html')
    html = t.render(Context({'alerts': alerts}))
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request, {'html': html})
Exemple #5
def send_map_data(request, organizations_dictionary_by_ids):
    # save request
    request.session['map_view'] = request.GET['center']
    request.session['map_zoom'] = request.GET['zoom']
    organizations_ids = organizations_dictionary_by_ids.keys ()
    request.session['bounded_organizations'] = organizations_ids
    if 'excluded_blood' in request.session :
        bloods_out_ids = request.session['excluded_blood']
    else :
       bloods_out_ids = [] #
    # add date filter
    alerts = Alert.objects.exclude(blood_id__in=bloods_out_ids).filter(organization_id__in=organizations_ids)
        .values('organization__id', 'organization__name', 'organization__latitude', 'organization__longitude')\
    calendar = {}
    result = organizations_dictionary_by_ids
    for item in alerts :
        organization = item.organization
        id = organization.id
        day = item.date_for.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")

        if not 'count' in result[id]:
            result[id]['count'] = 0

        result[id]["count"] += 1
        if not day in  calendar :
            calendar[day] = 0
        calendar[day] += 1

    # build a dictionary of organization
    # loop throw out alerts
    # return two dictionary
    alerts = Alert.objects.filter(date_for__gte=start, date_for__lte=end)
    field = lambda alert: str(alert.date_for.day) + '_' + str(alert.date_for.month)
    alerts_ = dict(
            [(day, list(items)) for day, items in groupby(alerts, field)]
    return null
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request, {'html': result , 'calendar' : calendar })
Exemple #6
def index(request):
    organizations_dictionary_by_ids = search_organization_arround(request)
    ids = organizations_dictionary_by_ids.keys()
    alerts = Alert.objects.filter(organization_id__in=ids).reverse().order_by("date_for")[0:20]
    list = []  #
    for alert in alerts:  # populate list
                "id": alert.id,
                "blood": alert.blood.get_blood_display(),
                "organization": alert.organization.name,
                "date": alert.date_for.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"),
    # recipe_list_json =  #dump list as JSON
    # return HttpResponse(json.dumps(list), 'application/javascript')
    # data  = serializers.serialize('json', alerts, use_natural_foreign_keys =True, fields=('blood','organization'))
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request, list)
Exemple #7
def get_event_details(request, day, month, year, page):
    start = datetime.combine(datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day)), time(00, 00))
    end = start + timedelta(1)
    try :
        organizations = request.session['bounded_organizations']
    except :
        organizations = [] #= organizations

    bloods_out_ids = request.session['excluded_blood'] #
    page = int(page)
    alerts = Alert.objects\
            .filter(date_for__gte=start, date_for__lt=end, organization_id__in = organizations)[page: page + 10]
    t = get_template('home/organization/organization_detail.html')
    html = t.render(Context({'alerts': alerts}))
    return bloodon_renderAsJson(request,
                                 'html': html,
                                 'at' : date_tag(start, "D d M Y").encode('utf-8')