def get_initial_implementation(definition):
    Always starts implementation with definition
    :param definition: function definition.
    :return: code
    signature = get_signature(definition)
    indent = helpers.get_indent_from_definition(definition)

    return [indent + "def " + signature + ":"]
def add_code_to_implementation(current_implementation, bool_expression, definition, the_output):
    Given definition and expression gets the function implementation.
    :param bool_expression: a boolean expression that can be evaluated.
    :param definition:   def function(input1, input2, ...).
    :return: string list with implementation.
    signature = get_signature(definition)
    indent = helpers.get_indent_from_definition(definition)
    if bool_expression and len(bool_expression) > 0:

        new_code = get_code_piece(bool_expression, indent, the_output)
        return current_implementation + new_code
        warnings.warn('Function: ' + signature + ' has no boolean expression; cannot be implemented', UserWarning)
        return current_implementation