Exemple #1
    async def cc_list(self, ctx):
        """Shows custom commands list"""

        response = await CommandObj.get_commands(self.config.guild(ctx.guild))

        if not response:
            await ctx.send(
                _("There are no custom commands in this server."
                  " Use `{}` to start adding some.").format(
                      "{}customcom add".format(ctx.prefix)))

        results = []

        for command, body in response.items():
            responses = body["response"]
            if isinstance(responses, list):
                result = ", ".join(responses)
            elif isinstance(responses, str):
                result = responses
            results.append("{command:<15} : {result}".format(command=command,

        commands = "\n".join(results)

        if len(commands) < 1500:
            await ctx.send(box(commands))
            for page in pagify(commands, delims=[" ", "\n"]):
                await ctx.author.send(box(page))
Exemple #2
 async def economyset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
     """Changes economy module settings"""
     guild = ctx.guild
     if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
         if await bank.is_global():
             slot_min = await self.config.SLOT_MIN()
             slot_max = await self.config.SLOT_MAX()
             slot_time = await self.config.SLOT_TIME()
             payday_time = await self.config.PAYDAY_TIME()
             payday_amount = await self.config.PAYDAY_CREDITS()
             slot_min = await self.config.guild(guild).SLOT_MIN()
             slot_max = await self.config.guild(guild).SLOT_MAX()
             slot_time = await self.config.guild(guild).SLOT_TIME()
             payday_time = await self.config.guild(guild).PAYDAY_TIME()
             payday_amount = await self.config.guild(guild).PAYDAY_CREDITS()
         register_amount = await bank.get_default_balance(guild)
         msg = box(
                 "Minimum slot bid: {}\n"
                 "Maximum slot bid: {}\n"
                 "Slot cooldown: {}\n"
                 "Payday amount: {}\n"
                 "Payday cooldown: {}\n"
                 "Amount given at account registration: {}"
                 slot_min, slot_max, slot_time, payday_amount, payday_time, register_amount
             _("Current Economy settings:"),
         await ctx.send(msg)
Exemple #3
    async def send_leaderboard(self, ctx: commands.Context, data: dict, key: str, top: int):
        """Send the leaderboard from the given data.

        ctx : commands.Context
            The context to send the leaderboard to.
        data : dict
            The data for the leaderboard. This must map `discord.Member` ->
        key : str
            The field to sort the data by. Can be ``wins``, ``total_score``,
            ``games`` or ``average_score``.
        top : int
            The number of members to display on the leaderboard.

        `list` of `discord.Message`
            The sent leaderboard messages.

        if not data:
            await ctx.send("There are no scores on record!")
        leaderboard = self._get_leaderboard(data, key, top)
        ret = []
        for page in pagify(leaderboard):
            ret.append(await ctx.send(box(page, lang="py")))
        return ret
Exemple #4
    async def set_cases(self, ctx: commands.Context, action: str = None):
        """Enables or disables case creation for each type of mod action"""
        guild = ctx.guild

        if action is None:  # No args given
            casetypes = await modlog.get_all_casetypes(guild)
            await ctx.send_help()
            title = _("Current settings:")
            msg = ""
            for ct in casetypes:
                enabled = await ct.is_enabled()
                value = "enabled" if enabled else "disabled"
                msg += "%s : %s\n" % (ct.name, value)

            msg = title + "\n" + box(msg)
            await ctx.send(msg)
        casetype = await modlog.get_casetype(action, guild)
        if not casetype:
            await ctx.send(_("That action is not registered"))

            enabled = await casetype.is_enabled()
            await casetype.set_enabled(True if not enabled else False)

            msg = _("Case creation for {} actions is now {}.").format(
                action, "enabled" if not enabled else "disabled")
            await ctx.send(msg)
Exemple #5
    async def selfrole_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Lists all available selfroles.
        selfroles = await self._valid_selfroles(ctx.guild)
        fmt_selfroles = "\n".join(["+ " + r.name for r in selfroles])

        msg = "Available Selfroles:\n{}".format(fmt_selfroles)
        await ctx.send(box(msg, "diff"))
Exemple #6
    async def discover_guild(
        author: discord.User,
        mod: bool = False,
        permissions: Union[discord.Permissions, dict] = None,
        prompt: str = "",
        discovers which of shared guilds between the bot
        and provided user based on conditions (mod or permissions is an or)

        prompt is for providing a user prompt for selection
        shared_guilds = []
        if permissions is None:
            perms = discord.Permissions()
        elif isinstance(permissions, discord.Permissions):
            perms = permissions
            perms = discord.Permissions(**permissions)

        for guild in self.bot.guilds:
            x = guild.get_member(author.id)
            if x is not None:
                if await self.internal_filter(x, mod, perms):
        if len(shared_guilds) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No Qualifying Shared Guilds")
        if len(shared_guilds) == 1:
            return shared_guilds[0]
        output = ""
        guilds = sorted(shared_guilds, key=lambda g: g.name)
        for i, guild in enumerate(guilds, 1):
            output += "{}: {}\n".format(i, guild.name)
        output += "\n{}".format(prompt)

        for page in pagify(output, delims=["\n"]):
            dm = await author.send(box(page))

        def pred(m):
            return m.author == author and m.channel == dm.channel

            message = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=45)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await author.send(_("You took too long to select. Try again later."))
            return None

            message = int(message.content.strip())
            guild = guilds[message - 1]
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            await author.send(_("That wasn't a valid choice."))
            return None
            return guild
Exemple #7
    async def trivia_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """List available trivia categories."""
        lists = set(p.stem for p in self._all_lists())

        msg = box("**Available trivia lists**\n\n{}".format(", ".join(sorted(lists))))
        if len(msg) > 1000:
            await ctx.author.send(msg)
        await ctx.send(msg)
Exemple #8
 async def _list_global_alias(self, ctx: commands.Context):
     Lists the available global aliases on this bot.
     names = [_("Aliases:")] + sorted(
         ["+ " + a.name for a in await self.unloaded_global_aliases()])
     if len(names) == 0:
         await ctx.send(_("There are no aliases on this server."))
         await ctx.send(box("\n".join(names), "diff"))
Exemple #9
    async def dataconversioncommand(self, ctx: commands.Context, v2path: str):
        Interactive prompt for importing data from Red v2

        Takes the path where the v2 install is

        Overwrites values which have entries in both v2 and v3,
        use with caution.
        resolver = SpecResolver(Path(v2path.strip()))

        if not resolver.available:
            return await ctx.send(
                _("There don't seem to be any data files I know how to "
                  "handle here. Are you sure you gave me the base "
                  "installation path?"))
        while resolver.available:
            menu = _(
                "Please select a set of data to import by number, or 'exit' to exit"
            for index, entry in enumerate(resolver.available, 1):
                menu += "\n{}. {}".format(index, entry)

            menu_message = await ctx.send(box(menu))

            def pred(m):
                return m.channel == ctx.channel and m.author == ctx.author

                message = await self.bot.wait_for("message",
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                return await ctx.send(
                    _("Try this again when you are more ready"))
                if message.content.strip().lower() in [
                        "quit", "exit", "-1", "q", "cancel"
                    return await ctx.tick()
                    message = int(message.content.strip())
                    to_conv = resolver.available[message - 1]
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    await ctx.send(_("That wasn't a valid choice."))
                    async with ctx.typing():
                        await resolver.convert(self.bot, to_conv)
                    await ctx.send(_("{} converted.").format(to_conv))
            await menu_message.delete()
            return await ctx.send(
                _("There isn't anything else I know how to convert here."
                  "\nThere might be more things I can convert in the future."))
Exemple #10
    async def _repo_info(self, ctx, repo_name: Repo):
        Lists information about a single repo
        if repo_name is None:
            await ctx.send(_("There is no repo `{}`").format(repo_name.name))

        msg = _("Information on {}:\n{}").format(repo_name.name,
                                                 repo_name.description or "")
        await ctx.send(box(msg))
Exemple #11
    async def _repo_list(self, ctx):
        Lists all installed repos.
        repos = self._repo_manager.get_all_repo_names()
        repos = sorted(repos, key=str.lower)
        joined = _("Installed Repos:\n\n")
        for repo_name in repos:
            repo = self._repo_manager.get_repo(repo_name)
            joined += "+ {}: {}\n".format(repo.name, repo.short or "")

        for page in pagify(joined, ["\n"], shorten_by=16):
            await ctx.send(box(page.lstrip(" "), lang="diff"))
Exemple #12
    async def _cog_info(self, ctx, repo_name: Repo, cog_name: str):
        Lists information about a single cog.
        cog = discord.utils.get(repo_name.available_cogs, name=cog_name)
        if cog is None:
            await ctx.send(
                _("There is no cog `{}` in the repo `{}`").format(
                    cog_name, repo_name.name))

        msg = _("Information on {}:\n{}\n\nRequirements: {}").format(
            cog.name, cog.description or "", ", ".join(cog.requirements)
            or "None")
        await ctx.send(box(msg))
Exemple #13
 async def triviaset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
     """Manage trivia settings."""
     if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
         settings = self.conf.guild(ctx.guild)
         settings_dict = await settings.all()
         msg = box(
             "**Current settings**\n"
             "Bot gains points: {bot_plays}\n"
             "Answer time limit: {delay} seconds\n"
             "Lack of response timeout: {timeout} seconds\n"
             "Points to win: {max_score}\n"
             "Reveal answer on timeout: {reveal_answer}\n"
             "Payout multiplier: {payout_multiplier}\n"
             "Allow lists to override settings: {allow_override}"
         await ctx.send(msg)
Exemple #14
    async def bankset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """Base command for bank settings"""
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
            if await bank.is_global():
                bank_name = await bank._conf.bank_name()
                currency_name = await bank._conf.currency()
                default_balance = await bank._conf.default_balance()
                if not ctx.guild:
                bank_name = await bank._conf.guild(ctx.guild).bank_name()
                currency_name = await bank._conf.guild(ctx.guild).currency()
                default_balance = await bank._conf.guild(ctx.guild

            settings = _(
                "Bank settings:\n\nBank name: {}\nCurrency: {}\nDefault balance: {}"
            ).format(bank_name, currency_name, default_balance)
            await ctx.send(box(settings))
Exemple #15
 async def _cog_list(self, ctx, repo_name: Repo):
     Lists all available cogs from a single repo.
     installed = await self.installed_cogs()
     installed_str = ""
     if installed:
         installed_str = _("Installed Cogs:\n") + "\n".join([
             "- {}{}".format(i.name,
                             ": {}".format(i.short) if i.short else "")
             for i in installed if i.repo_name == repo_name.name
     cogs = repo_name.available_cogs
     cogs = _("Available Cogs:\n") + "\n".join([
         "+ {}: {}".format(c.name, c.short or "")
         for c in cogs if not (c.hidden or c in installed)
     cogs = cogs + "\n\n" + installed_str
     for page in pagify(cogs, ["\n"], shorten_by=16):
         await ctx.send(box(page.lstrip(" "), lang="diff"))
Exemple #16
    async def findcog(self, ctx: commands.Context, command_name: str):
        Figures out which cog a command comes from. Only works with loaded
        command = ctx.bot.all_commands.get(command_name)

        if command is None:
            await ctx.send(_("That command doesn't seem to exist."))

        # Check if in installed cogs
        cog_name = self.cog_name_from_instance(command.instance)
        installed, cog_installable = await self.is_installed(cog_name)
        if installed:
            msg = self.format_findcog_info(command_name, cog_installable)
            # Assume it's in a base cog
            msg = self.format_findcog_info(command_name, command.instance)

        await ctx.send(box(msg))
Exemple #17
 async def send_table(self):
     """Send a table of scores to the session's channel."""
     table = "+ Results: \n\n"
     for user, score in self.scores.most_common():
         table += "+ {}\t{}\n".format(user, score)
     await self.ctx.send(box(table, lang="diff"))
Exemple #18
    async def send_interactive(self,
                               messages: Iterable[str],
                               box_lang: str = None,
                               timeout: int = 15) -> List[discord.Message]:
        """Send multiple messages interactively.

        The user will be prompted for whether or not they would like to view
        the next message, one at a time. They will also be notified of how
        many messages are remaining on each prompt.

        messages : `iterable` of `str`
            The messages to send.
        box_lang : str
            If specified, each message will be contained within a codeblock of
            this language.
        timeout : int
            How long the user has to respond to the prompt before it times out.
            After timing out, the bot deletes its prompt message.

        messages = tuple(messages)
        ret = []

        more_check = lambda m: (m.author == self.author and m.channel == self.
                                channel and m.content.lower() == "more")

        for idx, page in enumerate(messages, 1):
            if box_lang is None:
                msg = await self.send(page)
                msg = await self.send(box(page, lang=box_lang))
            n_remaining = len(messages) - idx
            if n_remaining > 0:
                if n_remaining == 1:
                    plural = ""
                    is_are = "is"
                    plural = "s"
                    is_are = "are"
                query = await self.send(
                    "There {} still {} message{} remaining. "
                    "Type `more` to continue."
                    "".format(is_are, n_remaining, plural))
                    resp = await self.bot.wait_for("message",
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    await query.delete()
                        await self.channel.delete_messages((query, resp))
                    except (discord.HTTPException, AttributeError):
                        # In case the bot can't delete other users' messages,
                        # or is not a bot account
                        # or chanel is a DM
                        await query.delete()
        return ret