def fit(self, X, axis=None):
     accumulated fit of scaler
     :param X:
     :param axis:
     self.axis = axis if axis != None else tuple(range(len(X.shape) - 1))
     if isinstance(self.axis, int):
         self.axis = (self.axis, )
     aX = AutoScaler.void_scale(
         X, self.offset,
         self.threshold) if self.do_void_scale == True else X
     self.sum0 = (~np.isnan(aX)).sum(axis=self.axis) + self.sum0
     self.sum1 = (bn.nansum(aX, axis=self.axis[0])
                  if len(self.axis) == 1 and aX.dtype == np.float64 else
                  np.nansum(aX, axis=self.axis)) + self.sum1
     aX = aX * aX
     self.sum2 = (bn.nansum(aX.astype(np.float64), axis=self.axis[0])
                  if len(self.axis) == 1 and aX.dtype == np.float64 else
                  np.nansum(aX, axis=self.axis)) + self.sum2
     self.mean = self.sum1 / self.sum0
     self.std = np.sqrt(self.sum2 / self.sum0 - self.mean * self.mean)
     self.fitted = True
     return self
Exemple #2
 def __count_nuc_per_position(self, mat):
     nuc_counts = {}
     nuc_counts["A"] = bn.nansum((mat == 1).astype(int), axis=0)
     nuc_counts["C"] = bn.nansum((mat == 2).astype(int), axis=0)
     nuc_counts["G"] = bn.nansum((mat == 3).astype(int), axis=0)
     nuc_counts["T"] = bn.nansum((mat == 4).astype(int), axis=0)
     return nuc_counts
Exemple #3
def test_memory_leak():
    import resource

    arr = np.arange(1).reshape((1, 1))

    starting = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

    for i in range(1000):
        for axis in [None, 0, 1]:
            bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanargmax(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanargmin(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmedian(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmean(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmin(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmax(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanvar(arr, axis=axis)

    ending = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

    diff = ending - starting
    diff_bytes = diff * resource.getpagesize()
    # For 1.3.0 release, this had value of ~100kB
    assert diff_bytes == 0
def srebin(oldWave, newWave, oldFlux, kind='linear'):
    nPix = len(newWave)  #Number of pixels in new binned spectrum
    newFlux = np.zeros(len(newWave))  #Set up array to store rebinned fluxes
    interpObj = interp1d(
        oldWave, oldFlux, kind=kind, bounds_error=False
    )  #Create a 1D linear interpolation object for finding the flux density at any given wavelength
    #wavebindiffs = newWave[1:] - newWave[:-1] #Calculate difference in wavelengths between each pixel on the new wavelength grid
    wavebindiffs = np.diff(
    )  #Calculate difference in wavelengths between each pixel on the new wavelength grid
    wavebindiffs = np.hstack(
        [wavebindiffs, wavebindiffs[-1]]
    )  #Reflect last difference so that wavebindiffs is the same size as newWave
    wavebinleft = newWave - 0.5 * wavebindiffs  #Get left side wavelengths for each bin
    wavebinright = newWave + 0.5 * wavebindiffs  #get right side wavelengths for each bin
    fluxbinleft = interpObj(wavebinleft)
    fluxbinright = interpObj(wavebinright)
    for i in range(nPix):  #Loop through each pixel on the new wavelength grid
        useOldWaves = (oldWave >= wavebinleft[i]) & (
            oldWave <= wavebinright[i]
        )  #Find old wavelength points that are inside the new bin
        nPoints = bn.nansum(useOldWaves)
        wavePoints = np.zeros(nPoints + 2)
        fluxPoints = np.zeros(nPoints + 2)
        wavePoints[0] = wavebinleft[i]
        wavePoints[1:-1] = oldWave[useOldWaves]
        wavePoints[-1] = wavebinright[i]
        fluxPoints[0] = fluxbinleft[i]
        fluxPoints[1:-1] = oldFlux[useOldWaves]
        fluxPoints[-1] = fluxbinright[i]
        newFlux[i] = 0.5 * bn.nansum((fluxPoints[:-1] + fluxPoints[1:]) *
                                     np.diff(wavePoints)) / wavebindiffs[i]
    return newFlux
Exemple #5
def switch_hidden(x, nloci, maxMOI,
                  alleles_definitions_RR_arr: List[np.ndarray],
                  state: SiteInstanceState, rand: np.random.RandomState):
    Update the hidden/inferred alleles for the samples

    NOTE: Update takes place entirely via side-effects/in-place updates to the
    state (this function doesn't currently return anything)

    :param x: The index of the sample ID to update
    :param nloci: The number of loci in the dataset
    :param maxMOI: The maximum multiplicity of infection in the whole dataset
    :param alleles_definitions_RR_arr: ?
    :param state: The current state of the algorithm
    :param rand: The random number generator to use

    # Section A: If number of inferred alleles > 0
    # It will probably be more efficient to sum the two seperately, because concatenation
    # could induce memory-related performance cost, if a new memory block is being created behind the scenes.
    inferred_allele_count = bn.nansum(state.hidden0) + bn.nansum(state.hiddenf)
    if inferred_allele_count <= 0:

    sh_state = _setup_initial_state(x, nloci, maxMOI,
                                    alleles_definitions_RR_arr, state, rand)
    is_reinfection = state.classification[x] == SampleType.REINFECTION.value
    if is_reinfection:
        _update_reinfection(state, sh_state, x, maxMOI)
        _update_recrudescence(state, sh_state, x, maxMOI)
Exemple #6
def test_memory_leak() -> None:
    import resource

    arr = np.arange(1).reshape((1, 1))

    n_attempts = 3
    results = []

    for _ in range(n_attempts):
        starting = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

        for _ in range(1000):
            for axis in [None, 0, 1]:
                bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanargmax(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanargmin(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmedian(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmean(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmin(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmax(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanvar(arr, axis=axis)

        ending = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

        diff = ending - starting
        diff_bytes = diff * resource.getpagesize()
        # For 1.3.0 release, this had value of ~100kB
        if diff_bytes:

    assert len(results) < n_attempts
def weighted_mean(_line):
    max_weight = 50
    # print _line.shape
    median_2d = bottleneck.nanmedian(_line, axis=1).reshape(_line.shape[0],1).repeat(_line.shape[1], axis=1)
    std = bottleneck.nanstd(_line, axis=1)
    std_2d = std.reshape(_line.shape[0],1).repeat(_line.shape[1], axis=1)
    weight_2d = numpy.fabs(std_2d / (_line - median_2d))
#    weight_2d[weight_2d > max_weight] = max_weight
    weight_2d[numpy.isinf(weight_2d)] = max_weight
    for i in range(3):
        avg = bottleneck.nansum(_line*weight_2d, axis=1)/bottleneck.nansum(weight_2d, axis=1)
        avg_2d = avg.reshape(_line.shape[0],1).repeat(_line.shape[1], axis=1)
        std = numpy.sqrt(bottleneck.nansum(((_line - avg_2d)**2 * weight_2d), axis=1)/bottleneck.nansum(weight_2d, axis=1))
        std_2d = std.reshape(_line.shape[0],1).repeat(_line.shape[1], axis=1)
        weight_2d = numpy.fabs(std_2d / (_line - avg_2d))
        #weight_2d[weight_2d > max_weight] = max_weight
        weight_2d[numpy.isinf(weight_2d)] = max_weight
    return bottleneck.nansum(_line*weight_2d, axis=1)/bottleneck.nansum(weight_2d, axis=1)
Exemple #8
def compute_entropy(U):

    HGauss0 = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi)

    nSingVals = U.shape[1]
    H = np.empty(nSingVals, dtype='float64')

    for iBasisVector in range(nSingVals):

        kde = KDE(np.abs(U[:, iBasisVector]))

        pdf = kde.density
        x =

        dx = x[1] - x[0]

        # Calculate the Gaussian entropy
        pdfMean = nansum(x * pdf) * dx
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            sigma = np.sqrt(nansum(((x - pdfMean)**2) * pdf) * dx)
        HGauss = HGauss0 + np.log(sigma)

        # Calculate vMatrix entropy
        pdf_pos = (pdf > 0)
        HVMatrix = -np.sum(xlogy(pdf[pdf_pos], pdf[pdf_pos])) * dx

        # Returned entropy is difference between V-Matrix entropy and Gaussian entropy of similar width (sigma)
        H[iBasisVector] = HVMatrix - HGauss

    return H
Exemple #9
    def MH_cluster_params(self, old_params, cells, trans_prob=False):
        """ Update cluster parameters

            old_parameter (float): old val of cluster parameter
            data (np.array): data for cells in the cluster

            np.array: New cluster parameter
            float: Sum of MH decision paramters A
            int: Number of declined MH updates

        # Propose new parameter from normal distribution
        std = np.random.choice(self.param_proposal_sd, size=self.muts_total)
        a = (TMIN - old_params) / std
        b = (TMAX - old_params) / std
        new_params = truncnorm.rvs(a, b, loc=old_params, scale=std) \

        A = self._get_log_A(new_params, old_params, cells, a, b, std,
        u = np.log(np.random.random(self.muts_total))

        decline = u >= A
        new_params[decline] = old_params[decline]

        if trans_prob:
            A[decline] = np.log(-1 * np.expm1(A[decline]))
            return new_params, bn.nansum(A), bn.nansum(decline)
            return new_params, np.nan, bn.nansum(decline)
Exemple #10
def expectation(gamma, alpha):
    """calculates the components needed for loglikelihood for each iteration of gamma and alpha

    gamma: np matrix of the estimated 'true' methylation proportions
    alpha: np matrix of estimated mixing proportions"""

    individuals, tissues = alpha.shape
    sites = gamma.shape[1]

    # pre-defines probability matrices
    p0 = np.zeros((tissues, sites, individuals))
    p1 = np.zeros((tissues, sites, individuals))

    for n in range(individuals):
        for j in range(sites):
            p0_j = (1 - gamma[:, j]) * alpha[n, :]
            p0_j = p0_j / (bn.nansum(p0_j))

            p1_j = (gamma[:, j]) * alpha[n, :]
            p1_j = p1_j / (bn.nansum(p1_j))

            p0[:, j, n] = p0_j
            p1[:, j, n] = p1_j

    return p0, p1
Exemple #11
 def _calc_ll(self, x, theta, flat=False):
     ll_FN = theta * self._Bernoulli_FN(x)
     ll_FP = (1 - theta) * self._Bernoulli_FP(x)
     ll_full = np.log(ll_FN + ll_FP)
     if flat:
         return bn.nansum(ll_full)
         return bn.nansum(ll_full, axis=1)
Exemple #12
 def update_parameters(self, step_no=None):
     # Iterate over all populated clusters
     declined_t = np.zeros(len(self.cells_per_cluster), dtype=int)
     for i, cl_id in enumerate(self.cells_per_cluster):
         self.parameters[cl_id], _, declined = self.MH_cluster_params(
             np.argwhere(self.assignment == cl_id).flatten())
         declined_t[i] = declined
     return bn.nansum(declined_t), bn.nansum(self.muts_total - declined_t)
Exemple #13
    def _get_ltrans_prob_size_ratio_split(self, ltrans_prob_size,
        n_j = bn.nansum(self.rg_assignment) + 1
        n_i = self.rg_assignment.size + 2 - n_j

        # Eq. 5 paper, first term
        norm = bn.nansum(1 / np.append(cluster_size, [n_i, n_j]))
        ltrans_prob_rev = np.log(1 / n_i / norm) + np.log(1 / n_j / norm)
        return ltrans_prob_rev - ltrans_prob_size[0]
async def internal_periodic_callback():
    if sv_streamctrl.is_activated and sv_streamctrl.is_receiving:
        sv_rt.metadata, sv_rt.image = sv_streamctrl.get_stream_data(-1)
        sv_rt.thresholded_image, sv_rt.aggregated_image, sv_rt.reset = sv_imageproc.update(
            sv_rt.metadata, sv_rt.image)

    if sv_rt.image.shape == (1, 1):
        # skip client update if the current image is dummy

    _, metadata = sv_rt.image, sv_rt.metadata
    thr_image, reset, aggr_image = sv_rt.thresholded_image, sv_rt.reset, sv_rt.aggregated_image





    # Deactivate auto histogram range if aggregation is on
    if = []

    im_block1 = aggr_image[sv_zoom1.y_start:sv_zoom1.y_end,
    total_sum_zoom1 = bn.nansum(im_block1)

    im_block2 = aggr_image[sv_zoom2.y_start:sv_zoom2.y_end,
    total_sum_zoom2 = bn.nansum(im_block2)

    # Update total intensities plots
        [bn.nansum(aggr_image), total_sum_zoom1, total_sum_zoom2])

    if sv_streamctrl.is_activated and sv_streamctrl.is_receiving:
        # Update histograms
        if reset:
            sv_hist.update([im_block1, im_block2])
            im_block1 = thr_image[sv_zoom1.y_start:sv_zoom1.y_end,
            im_block2 = thr_image[sv_zoom2.y_start:sv_zoom2.y_end,
            sv_hist.update([im_block1, im_block2], accumulate=True)

Exemple #15
 def get_lprior_full(self):
     lprior = self.DP_a_prior.logpdf(self.DP_a) \
         + bn.nansum(self.CRP_prior[
             np.fromiter(self.cells_per_cluster.values(), dtype=int)]
     if not self.beta_prior_uniform:
         cl_ids = np.fromiter(self.cells_per_cluster.keys(), dtype=int)
         lprior += bn.nansum(
     return lprior
Exemple #16
def ms_int(n_th, ranges, first_pt, last_pt, beta_c, theta_sq, divlR2, fovR2):

       Compute the multiple integral for nth order scattering with a recursive
       python routine--note this does not contain the tau^(n-1)/tau(n-1)! term 
       or factors for P(180,n)/P(180) and overlap function.  
       See 'http:\\' for details.
       n_th    = order of scattering.
       ranges  = range vector (column vector, in meters).
       first_pt= range index at which to start computation.
                 optical depth below firstR does not contribute to computed result.
       last_pt = range index of the turn-around slab (ie range to single scatter).
       beta_c  = scattering cross section at each range (column vector).
       divergence * range to single scatter/(2*lambda))^2.  q=
       (pi*divl*ranges(last_pt)/(lambda*2))^2; diveregence in radains
       and range in meters, lambda in microns.  fovR2 = (pi*full
       field-of-view * range to single scatter/(2*lambda))^2.  fovR2 =
       (pi*fov*ranges(last_pt)/2)^2; fov in radians and range in
       meters, lambda in microns.

    dr = ranges[1] - ranges[0]
    npts = last_pt - first_pt + 1
    kern = np.zeros_like(ranges)
    if n_th == 2:  #do innermost range and particle size integrals
        for i in range(first_pt, last_pt):  # integrate over range
            kern[i-first_pt] = np.exp(-fovR2 \
                    /(theta_sq[i] * (ranges[last_pt]-ranges[i])**2  + divlR2))

        #no contribution at first_pt
        ms_integral = dr * (nansum(beta_c[first_pt:last_pt] * kern[0:npts-1]) \
            -beta_c[last_pt] * kern[npts-1]/2)

    else:  #do one of outer integrals
        n_th = n_th - 1
        sint = np.zeros_like(ranges)
        for i in range(first_pt, last_pt):
            s = divlR2 + theta_sq[i] * (ranges[last_pt] - ranges[i])**2
            sint[i] = ms_int(n_th, ranges, i, last_pt, beta_c, theta_sq, s,

        first_term = beta_c[first_pt] * sint[first_pt] / 2.0
        if np.isnan(first_term):
            first_term = 0.0
        last_term = beta_c[last_pt] * sint[last_pt] / 2.0
        if np.isnan(last_term):
            last_term = 0.0
        ms_integral = dr * (nansum(beta_c[first_pt:last_pt] * sint[first_pt:last_pt])\
            -first_term - last_term)
        #-beta_c[first_pt] * sint[first_pt]/2.0-beta_c[last_pt]*sint[last_pt]/2.0)

    return ms_integral
Exemple #17
def compute_aurocs_default(sum_in, study_ct_uniq, pheno, study_col, ct_col,
    """Helper function to compute AUROCs from votes matrix of cells

        sum_in {np.ndarray} -- votes matrix, cells x cell types votes
        study_ct_uniq {vector} -- vector of study_id|cell_type labels
        pheno {pd.DataFrame} -- dataframe wtih study_ct, study_id and ct_col for all cells
        study_col {str} -- String name of study_col in pheno
        ct_col {str} -- Stirng name of cell type col in pheno

        pd.DataFrame -- ROCs for cell type x cell type labels
    cell_nv = pd.DataFrame(index=study_ct_uniq)
    if compute_p:
        cell_p = pd.DataFrame(index=study_ct_uniq)
    for ct in study_ct_uniq:
        predicts_tmp = sum_in.copy()
        study, cellT = (pheno[pheno.study_ct == ct].drop_duplicates()[[
            study_col, ct_col
        ]].values[0])  # Don't want to split string in case of charcter issues
        slicer = pheno[study_col] == study
        pheno2 = pheno[slicer]
        predicts_tmp = predicts_tmp[slicer]
        predicts_tmp = bottleneck.nanrankdata(predicts_tmp, axis=0)

        filter_mat = np.zeros_like(predicts_tmp)
        filter_mat[pheno2.study_ct == ct] = 1

        predicts_tmp[filter_mat == 0] = 0

        n_p = bottleneck.nansum(filter_mat, axis=0)
        nn = filter_mat.shape[0] - n_p
        p = bottleneck.nansum(predicts_tmp, axis=0)
        roc = (p / n_p - (n_p + 1) / 2) / nn
        cell_nv[ct] = roc
        if compute_p:
            U = roc * n_p * nn
            Z = (np.abs(U - (n_p * nn / 2))) / np.sqrt(n_p * nn *
                                                       (n_p + nn + 1) / 12)
            P = stats.norm.sf(Z)
            cell_p[ct] = P
        del predicts_tmp, filter_mat
    if compute_p:
        return cell_nv, cell_p
    return cell_nv
Exemple #18
def ms_sums(diameter, beta, depol, multiple_scatter_parameters, ms_obj):
    '''  ms_sums(diameter,beta,depol,multiple_scatter_parameters,ms_obj):

             diameter = particle diameter profile or profiles
             beta     = extinction or backscatter cross section profile or profiles
             depol    = depolarization profile or profiles
             ms_obj   = summed profiles
               "       .diameter_ice
               "       .diameter_water
               "       .beta_ice
               "       .beta_water
               "       .n_samples_ice
               "       .n_samples_water  '''
    is_ice = np.zeros_like(beta)
    is_water = np.zeros_like(beta)
    is_ice[depol >= multiple_scatter_parameters['h2o_depol_threshold']] = 1.0
    is_water[depol < multiple_scatter_parameters['h2o_depol_threshold']] = 1.0

    #diameter_ice = diameter * is_ice
    #diameter_water = diameter * is_water
    beta_ice = beta * is_ice
    beta_water = beta * is_water

    #compute diameter * beta for ice and water components
    if not diameter == None:
        diameter_ice = diameter * beta * is_ice
        diameter_water = diameter * beta * is_water
    #if diameter is not supplied from lidar-radar retrieval get it from constants in multiple_scatter_parameters
        diameter_ice = hau.Z_Array(
            np.ones_like(beta) *
            multiple_scatter_parameters['mode_diameter_ice'] * beta * is_ice)
        diameter_water = hau.Z_Array(
            np.ones_like(beta) *
            multiple_scatter_parameters['mode_diameter_water'] * beta *

    if ms_obj == None:
        ms_obj = hau.Time_Z_Group()
        setattr(ms_obj, 'beta_ice', hau.Z_Array(nansum(beta_ice, 0)))
        setattr(ms_obj, 'beta_water', hau.Z_Array(nansum(beta_water, 0)))
        setattr(ms_obj, 'diameter_ice', hau.Z_Array(nansum(diameter_ice, 0)))
        setattr(ms_obj, 'diameter_water',
                hau.Z_Array(nansum(diameter_water, 0)))
        setattr(ms_obj, 'n_samples_ice',
                hau.Z_Array(sum(~np.isnan(beta_ice) * is_ice, 0)))
        setattr(ms_obj, 'n_samples_water',
                hau.Z_Array(sum(~np.isnan(beta_water) * is_water, 0)))
        ms_obj.beta_ice += nansum(beta_ice, 0)
        ms_obj.beta_water += nansum(beta_water, 0)
        ms_obj.diameter_ice += nansum(diameter_ice, 0)
        ms_obj.diameter_water += nansum(diameter_water, 0)
        ms_obj.n_samples_ice += sum(~np.isnan(beta) * is_ice, 0)
        ms_obj.n_samples_water += sum(~np.isnan(beta) * is_water, 0)

    return ms_obj
Exemple #19
def calcOnOffParamMat(onMatIn, offMatIn, maskedMat):
    Calculation of vector of SFED values
    onMat : array_like
        freq-time mat of On data
    offMat : array_like
        freq-time mat of Off data
        the SEFD value
        power on    
        power off

    assert len(onMatIn) == len(
        offMatIn), "both vectors should have the same size"
    assert len(onMatIn) == len(
        maskedMat), "mask vector should have the same size as the others"

    onMat = onMatIn
    offMat = offMatIn

    unq = np.unique(maskedMat)
    assert len(unq) == 2, "mask vector should be a binary"
    assert np.all(unq == np.array([0, 1])), "mask vector should be a binary"

    onMat[maskedMat == 1] = np.nan
    offMat[maskedMat == 1] = np.nan
    maskedArrOkNsamps = maskedMat.shape[1] - maskedMat.sum(axis=1)


    tmpMat = numpy.divide(offMat, (onMat - offMat))

    onoffparam = bn.nanmedian(tmpMat, axis=1)

    powOn = np.sqrt(bn.nansum(onMat * onMat, axis=1)) / maskedArrOkNsamps
    powOff = np.sqrt(bn.nansum(offMat * offMat, axis=1)) / maskedArrOkNsamps

    return onoffparam, powOn, powOff
Exemple #20
    def derive_transmission_2_tapers(self, x_0, show_progress=False, **kwargs):
        derive transmission between two tapers with equal parameters. Following eq (3) from Crespo-Ballesteros M, Yang Y, Toropov N, Sumetsky M. Four-port SNAP microresonator device. Opt Lett 2019;44:3498.
        z_0 is the position of the input taper

        taper_D = self.D()
        taper_S = self.S()
        T = np.zeros((len(self.lambdas), len(self.x)))
        U = -2 * self.k0**2 * self.ERV * (1e-3) / self.R_0
        eigvals, eigvecs = self.solve_Shrodinger(U)
        ind_0 = np.argmin(abs(self.x - x_0))
        for ii, wavelength in enumerate(self.lambdas):
            if ii % 50 == 0 and show_progress:
                print('Deriving T for wl={}, {} of {}'.format(
                    wavelength, ii, len(self.lambdas)))
            E = -2 * self.k0**2 * (wavelength - self.lambda_0) / self.lambda_0
            G = bn.nansum(
                np.transpose(eigvecs[:, ind_0]) * (eigvecs) /
                (E - eigvals + 1j * self.res_width_norm +
                 (eigvecs[:, ind_0]**2 + eigvecs**2) * taper_D), 1)
            ComplexTransmission = (taper_S - 1j * self.taper_Csquared * G)  ##
            T[ii, :] = abs(ComplexTransmission)**2
        self.need_to_update_transmission = False
        self.transmission = T
        if np.amax(T) > 1:
                'Some error in the algorimth! Transmission became larger than 1'
        return self.x, self.lambdas, self.transmission
Exemple #21
    def _update_inhibition_radius(self):
        """Set the inhibition radius from the average receptive field size.

        The average receptive field size is the distance of the connected
        synapses with respect to to their input column. In other words, it is
        the distance between a column and its input source averaged across all
        connected synapses. The distance used is the Euclidean distance. Refer
        to the initialization of self.syn_dist for more details.

            - This should only be called after phase 1.
            - The minimum inhibition radius is lower-bounded by 1.
        self.inhibition_radius = max(
            bn.nansum(self.syn_dist * self.syn_c) /
            max(bn.nansum(self.syn_c), 1), 1)
Exemple #22
def pairwise_covariance(x_mat, y=None, correlation=False):
    x_mat = x_mat.copy()
    x_nan = np.isnan(x_mat)
    if y is not None:
        if y.shape[0] != 1:
            assert y.shape == x_mat.shape, 'y and x_mat should be of the same shape if y has more than 1 rows'
            y_mat = y
            y_mat = np.tile(y, (x_mat.shape[0], 1))
        y_nan = np.isnan(y_mat)
        x_mat[y_nan] = np.nan
        y_mat[x_nan] = np.nan
        pw_multiply = np.multiply(
            x_mat - bn.nanmean(x_mat, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1),
            y_mat - bn.nanmean(y_mat, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1))
        cov = bn.nansum(pw_multiply, axis=1) / (
            pw_multiply.shape[1] - np.isnan(pw_multiply).sum(axis=1) - 1)
        if correlation:
            return cov / np.multiply(bn.nanstd(x_mat, axis=1, ddof=1),
                                     bn.nanstd(y_mat, axis=1, ddof=1))
        return cov
        if correlation:
            return pd.DataFrame(x_mat).T.corr().values
        return pd.DataFrame(x_mat).T.cov().values
Exemple #23
    def fast_helper(data, distances, rlimit, numan):
        size = data.shape
        rstep = rlimit / numan

        r1 = 0.0
        r2 = float(rstep) # we need to cast this as a float so that numba
                          # doesn't complain

        r_vec = np.zeros(numan,dtype=np.float32)
        mean_vec = np.zeros(numan,dtype=np.float32)
        error_vec = np.zeros(numan,dtype=np.float32)

        for k in range(numan):
            anlist = []
            for i in range(size[0]):
                for j in range(size[1]):
                    if distances[i,j] > r1:
                        if distances[i,j] <= r2:
            anarray = np.array(anlist,dtype=np.float32)
            mean_vec[k] = bn.nansum(anarray)
            error_vec[k] = bn.nanstd(anarray)
            r_vec[k] = (r1 + r2)*0.5
            r1 = r2
            r2 += rstep

        return np.array([r_vec,mean_vec,error_vec])
def compute_varrat(featdictrow):
	Returns the variance ratio and number of significant harmonics


	varrat: float
		(varinit - sum(var_of_sines)) / varinit, where var_of_sines = Amp ** 2 / 2

	significant_harmonics: int
		number of harmonics of f1 that is not nan
    tab = featdictrow['frequencies']
    peak1 = tab[tab['num'] == 1]

    amps = np.array(peak1['amplitude'])
    significant_harmonics = int(
        np.sum((peak1['harmonic'] > 0) & ~np.isnan(peak1['amplitude'])))

    varrat = (featdictrow['variance'] -
              nansum(amps**2 / 2)) / featdictrow['variance']
    if np.isnan(varrat):
        varrat = 1

    return varrat, significant_harmonics
Exemple #25
	def _update_inhibition_radius(self):
		Sets the inhibition radius based off the average receptive field size.
		The average receptive field size is the distance of the connected
		synapses with respect to to their input column. In other words, it is
		the distance between a column and its input source averaged across all
		connected synapses. The distance used is the Euclidean distance. Refer
		to the initialization of self.syn_dist for more details.
			- This should only be called after phase 1.
			- The minimum inhibition radius is lower-bounded by 1.		
		self.inhibition_radius = max(bn.nansum(self.syn_dist * self.syn_c) /
			max(bn.nansum(self.syn_c), 1), 1)
Exemple #26
def numba_cent(data, distances, maxd, numan):

    size = data.shape
    rstep = maxd / numan
    r1 = 0.0
    r2 = rstep
    stdarr = np.zeros(numan,dtype=np.float32)
    rarr = np.zeros(numan,dtype=np.float32)
    outarr = np.zeros(numan,dtype=np.float32)

    for k in range(numan):
        anlist = []
        for i in range(size[0]):
            for j in range(size[1]):
                if distances[i,j] > r1:
                    if distances[i,j] <= r2:
#                    outarr[k] += data[i,j]

        anarray = np.array(anlist,dtype=np.float32)
        outarr[k] = bn.nansum(anarray)
        stdarr[k] = bn.nanstd(anarray)
        rarr[k] = (r1 + r2)*0.5
        r1 = r2
        r2 += rstep
    return np.array([rarr,outarr,stdarr])
Exemple #27
 def get_qs(self, state):
     logging.debug("Getting q-values for state %s" % str(state))
     self.q_searches += 1
     state = int(state)
     dist = 0
     distances = None
     table_ind = self._state_to_table.get(state)
     nsa = np.zeros(self.n_acts)
     sum_q = np.zeros(self.n_acts)
     if table_ind is not None:
         ind_nsa, ind_qs = self.table[table_ind]
         nsa += ind_nsa
         sum_q += np.nan_to_num(ind_qs) * nsa
     missing_qs = nsa == 0
     while np.any(missing_qs):
         dist += 1
         if dist == 5:
             distances = self.get_table_hamming_distances(state)
         if dist > self.n_z:
             self.dists += dist
             return np.zeros(self.n_acts)
         neighbours = self.get_table_hamming_neighbours(
             state, dist, distances)
         neighbours_nsa, neighbours_qs = self.table[neighbours]
         nsa[missing_qs] += np.sum(neighbours_nsa, 0)[missing_qs]
         sum_q[missing_qs] += (bn.nansum(neighbours_nsa * neighbours_qs,
         missing_qs = nsa == 0
     self.dists += dist
     return sum_q / nsa
Exemple #28
def normalize_cells(X, ranked=True):

    Scale matrix sthat all cells (rows) sum to 1 and have l2-norm of 1

        X {array} -- Cell x gene matrix (sparse or dense)

    Keyword Arguments:
        ranked {bool} -- Indicator whether to rank cells (default: {True})

        np.ndarray -- Cells x genes matrix of normalized cells
    if sparse.issparse(X):
        res = X.toarray()
        res = X
    if ranked:
        res = bottleneck.rankdata(res, axis=1)

    avg = np.mean(res, axis=1)
    res -= avg[:, None]

    norm = np.sqrt(bottleneck.nansum(res**2, axis=1))[:, None]
    res /= norm
    return res
Exemple #29
def _pixel_distribution(dataset, tolerance=0.001, min_frames=1000):
    """Estimate the distribution of pixel intensities for each channel.

    tolerance : float
        The maximum relative error in the estimates that must be
        achieved for termination.
    min_frames: int
        The minimum number of frames that must be evaluated before

    mean_est : array
        Mean intensities of each channel.
    var_est :
        Variances of the intensity of each channel.
    # TODO: separate distributions for each plane
    sums = np.zeros(dataset.frame_shape[-1]).astype(float)
    sum_squares = np.zeros_like(sums)
    counts = np.zeros_like(sums)
    t = 0
    for frame in it.chain.from_iterable(dataset):
        for plane in frame:
            if t > 0:
                mean_est = sums / counts
                var_est = (sum_squares / counts) - (mean_est ** 2)
            if t > min_frames and np.all(
                    np.sqrt(var_est / counts) / mean_est < tolerance):
            # im = np.concatenate(
            #     [np.expand_dims(x, 0) for x in plane],
            #     axis=0).astype(float)  # NOTE: integers overflow
            # sums += im.sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0)
            # sum_squares += (im ** 2).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0)
            # cnt +=[0] * im.shape[1])
            sums += np.nan_to_num(nansum(nansum(plane, axis=0), axis=0))
            sum_squares += np.nan_to_num(
                nansum(nansum(plane ** 2, axis=0), axis=0))
            counts += np.isfinite(plane).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0)
            t += 1
    assert np.all(mean_est > 0)
    assert np.all(var_est > 0)
    return mean_est, var_est
Exemple #30
    def GreenFunction(self, eigvals, eigvecs, wavelength, x1, x2):
        ind_1 = np.argmin(abs(self.x - x1))
        ind_2 = np.argmin(abs(self.x - x2))

        E = -2 * self.k0**2 * (wavelength - self.lambda_0) / self.lambda_0
        return bn.nansum(
            eigvecs[:, ind_1] * eigvecs[:, ind_2] /
            (E - eigvals + 1j * self.res_width_norm), 1)
Exemple #31
    def _rg_get_split_prob(self, cells):
        std = np.random.choice(self.param_proposal_sd,
                               size=(2, self.muts_total))
        a = (0 - self.rg_params_split) / std
        b = (1 - self.rg_params_split) / std

        i = cells[0]
        cl_i = self.assignment[i]
        j = cells[-1]
        cl_j = self.assignment[j]
        S = cells[1:-1]
        # Get paramter transition probabilities
        prob_param_i = bn.nansum(
                self.parameters[cl_i], self.rg_params_split[0],
                np.append(S[np.argwhere(self.rg_assignment == 0)], i), a[0],
                b[0], std[0], True))
        prob_param_j = bn.nansum(
                self.parameters[cl_j], self.rg_params_split[1],
                np.append(S[np.argwhere(self.rg_assignment == 1)], j), a[1],
                b[1], std[1], True))

        # Get assignment transition probabilities
        ll = self._rg_get_ll(cells[1:-1],
                             (self.parameters[cl_i], self.parameters[cl_j]))
        n = cells.size
        prob_assign = np.zeros(S.size)

        assign = np.where(self.assignment[S] == cl_i, 0, 1)
        # Iterate over all obersavtions k != [i,j]
        for obs in range(S.size):
            self.rg_assignment[obs] = -1
            n_j = bn.nansum(self.rg_assignment) + 2
            n_i = n - n_j - 1

            # Get normalized log probs of assigning an obs. to clusters i or j
            log_post = ll[obs] + self.log_CRP_prior([n_i, n_j], n, self.DP_a)
            log_probs = self._normalize_log(log_post)
            # assign to original cluster and add probability
            self.rg_assignment[obs] = assign[obs]
            prob_assign[obs] = log_probs[assign[obs]]

        return prob_param_i + prob_param_j + bn.nansum(prob_assign)
Exemple #32
 def _get_lprior_ratio_merge(self, cells):
     """ [eq. 8 in Jain and Neal, 2007]
     n = cells.size
     n_j = bn.nansum(self.rg_assignment) + 1
     n_i = n - n_j
     # Cluster priors
     lprior_rate = gammaln(n) - np.log(self.DP_a)
     if n_i > 0:
         lprior_rate -= gammaln(n_i)
     if n_j > 0:
         lprior_rate -= gammaln(n_j)
     # Parameter priors
     if not self.beta_prior_uniform:
         cl_ids = self.assignment[[cells[0], cells[-1]]]
         lprior_rate += \
                 bn.nansum(self.param_prior.logpdf(self.rg_params_merge)) \
             - bn.nansum(self.param_prior.logpdf(self.parameters[cl_ids]))
     return lprior_rate
Exemple #33
 def _get_lprior_ratio_split(self, cells):
     """ [eq. 7 in Jain and Neal, 2007]
     n = self.rg_assignment.size + 2
     n_j = bn.nansum(self.rg_assignment) + 1
     n_i = n - n_j
     # Cluster assignment prior
     lprior_rate = np.log(self.DP_a) - gammaln(n)
     if n_i > 0:
         lprior_rate += gammaln(n_j)
     if n_j > 0:
         lprior_rate += gammaln(n_i)
     # Cluster parameter prior
     if not self.beta_prior_uniform:
         cl_id = self.assignment[cells[0]]
         lprior_rate += \
                 bn.nansum(self.param_prior.logpdf(self.rg_params_split)) \
             - bn.nansum(self.param_prior.logpdf(self.parameters[cl_id]))
     return lprior_rate
Exemple #34
def solo(p,slaydict,name,output_file,size,par0,fixed,flare):
    '''This is the minimizing function that is called by cutting_session. It
    constructs the necessary model galaxies, computes the moments of the
    lines, and returns a reduce chi squared value quantifying the goodness of

    The reduced chi-squared is computed across all moments and all heights. So
    if you are fitting 3 heights that each have N radial bins (as they should,
    if using correctly binned data) then the chi-squared will be computed with
    3x3xN points (three from moments, three from heights).

    pl = list(p)
    pars = [par0[j] if j in fixed else pl.pop(0) for j in range(len(par0))]

    chis = np.array([])
    if flare:
        flarepars = {'h_zR':pars[-1],'ftype':flare}
        flarepars = None

    output_file.write(str('{:11.4f} '*len(pars)).format(*pars))

    for z in slaydict.keys():
        simfile = make_boring([pars[0]],[pars[1]],name=name,size=size,z=z,
        radii, m1, m2, m3 = moments_notice(slaydict[z][0],simfile,

        for moment in [m1]:#m1,m2,m3]:
            red_chi = (moment[0] - moment[2])/moment[1]
            output_file.write('{:11.4f} '.format(bn.nansum(red_chi**2)))
            chis = np.r_[chis,red_chi]

    value = bn.nansum(chis**2)/(chis.size - p.size - 1)
    print 'v_r: {}\nh_rot: {}\nkappa_0: {}\nh_dust: {}\nz_dust: {}\nvalue: {}\n'.\
    return value
Exemple #35
def _pixel_distribution(dataset, tolerance=0.001, min_frames=1000):
    """Estimate the distribution of pixel intensities for each channel.

    tolerance : float
        The maximum relative error in the estimates that must be
        achieved for termination.
    min_frames: int
        The minimum number of frames that must be evaluated before

    mean_est : array
        Mean intensities of each channel.
    var_est :
        Variances of the intensity of each channel.


    # TODO: separate distributions for each plane
    sums = np.zeros(dataset.frame_shape[-1]).astype(float)
    sum_squares = np.zeros_like(sums)
    counts = np.zeros_like(sums)
    t = 0
    for frame in it.chain.from_iterable(dataset):
        for plane in frame:
            if t > 0:
                mean_est = sums / counts
                var_est = (sum_squares / counts) - (mean_est**2)
            if t > min_frames and np.all(
                    np.sqrt(var_est / counts) / mean_est < tolerance):
            sums += np.nan_to_num(nansum(nansum(plane, axis=0), axis=0))
            sum_squares += np.nan_to_num(
                nansum(nansum(plane**2, axis=0), axis=0))
            counts += np.isfinite(plane).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0)
            t += 1
    assert np.all(mean_est > 0)
    assert np.all(var_est > 0)
    return mean_est, var_est
Exemple #36
 def _normalize_log_probs(probs):
     max_i = bn.nanargmax(probs)
         exp_probs = np.exp(probs[np.arange(probs.size) != max_i] \
             - probs[max_i])
     except FloatingPointError:
         exp_probs = np.exp(
             np.clip(probs[np.arange(probs.size) != max_i] - probs[max_i],
                     log_EPSILON, 0))
     probs_norm = probs - probs[max_i] - np.log1p(bn.nansum(exp_probs))
     return np.exp(np.clip(probs_norm, log_EPSILON, 0))
def create_mom0(outpath):
    npix = hp.nside2npix(1024)
    cK2nh = 1.28821496912415 * 1.822e18
    with tables.open_file(outpath, mode="a") as store:
            shape=(npix, 1),
        for i, row in enumerate(store.root.survey.iterrows()):
            store.root.mom0[i] = bn.nansum(row) * cK2nh
Exemple #38
def create_mom0_from_table(table):
        Create a moment-0 map from a given EBHIS pytable
        nside = 1024
        mom0 = np.zeros(12*nside**2, dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        for i, row in enumerate(table.iterrows()):
            if not (i % 100000):
                print i
            mom0[row['HPXINDEX']] = bn.nansum(row['DATA'])

        return mom0
Exemple #39
    def score(self, NAFac=1, sizeFac=1e-4):
        # We need also to include NAFac, number of reactions in the model
        # for the sizeFac

        # time 1 only is taken into account
        #self.diff = np.square(self.measures[self.time] - self.simulated[self.time])
        diff = self.measures[self.time] - self.simulated[self.time]
        diff *= diff

        N = diff.shape[0] * diff.shape[1]
        Nna = np.isnan(diff).sum()
        N-= Nna

        #nInTot = number of edges on in global model
        #nInTot = len(self.model.reactions)
        nInTot = self.nInputs # should be correct
        nDataPts = diff.shape[0] * diff.shape[1]
        nDataP = N # N points excluding the NA if any

        #NAPen = NAFac * sum(self.simulated.isnull())

        # nInTot: number of inputs of expanded miodel
        # nInputs: number of inputs of cut model

        # In CNO:
        # nDataPts = number of points irrespective of NA
        # nDataP  sum(![[timeIndex]]))
        # nInputs = number of inputs of the cut model

        # for now, ketassume it is the same as the number of reactions
        # TODO AND gates should count for 1 edge
        nInputs = self.number_edges

        sizePen = nDataPts * sizeFac * nInputs / float(nInTot)
        #self.debug("nDataPts=%s" % nDataPts)
        #self.debug("nInputs=%s" % nInputs)
        #self.debug("nInTot=%s" % nInTot)
        #self.debug('sizePen=%s' %sizePen)

        # TODO
        deviationPen = bn.nansum(diff) / 2. # to be in agreement with CNO but wrong
        self.diff = diff / 2.
        #self.debug("deviationPen=%s"% deviationPen)
        #self.debug("Nna=%s"% Nna)
        #self.debug("nDataP=%s"% nDataP)

        deviationPen  /= float(nDataP)
        #self.debug("deviationPen=%s"% deviationPen)
        S = deviationPen + sizePen / nDataP
        return S
Exemple #40
	def _phase1(self):
		Execute phase 1 of the SP region. This phase is used to compute the
		Note - This should only be called once the input has been updated.
		# Compute the connected synapse mask
		self.syn_c = self.p >= self.syn_th
		# Compute the overlaps
		self.overlap[:, 1:] = self.overlap[:, :-1] # Shift
		self.overlap[:, 0] = bn.nansum(self.x[self.syn_map] * self.syn_c, 1)
		self.overlap[:, 0][self.overlap[:, 0] < self.seg_th] = 0
		self.overlap[:, 0] = self.overlap[:, 0] * self.boost
Exemple #41
def group_mean(x, groups, axis=0):
    Mean with groups along an axis.
    x : ndarray
        Input data.
    groups : list
        List of group membership of each element along the axis.
    axis : int, {default: 0}
        axis along which the mean is calculated
    idx : ndarray
        An array with the same shape as the input array where every element is
        replaced by the group mean along the given axis.


    # Find set of unique groups
    ugroups = unique_group(groups)

    # Convert groups to a numpy array
    groups = np.asarray(groups)

    # Loop through unique groups and normalize
    xmean = np.nan * np.zeros(x.shape)
    for group in ugroups:
        idx = groups == group
        idxall = [slice(None)] * x.ndim
        idxall[axis] = idx
        if idx.sum() > 0:
            norm = 1.0 * (~np.isnan(x[idxall])).sum(axis)
            ns = bn.nansum(x[idxall], axis=axis) / norm
            xmean[idxall] = np.expand_dims(ns, axis)

    return xmean
Exemple #42
    def score(self):
          Akt Hsp27   NFkB  Erk p90RSK Jnk cJun
 [1,] 0.0081  0.00 0.7396 0.04 0.0144   0    0
 [2,] 0.0324  0.09 0.0100 0.00 0.0000   0    0
 [3,] 0.0081  0.09 0.0100 0.04 0.0144   0    0
 [4,] 0.0081  0.00 0.7396 0.00 0.0000   0    0
 [5,] 0.0324  0.09 0.0100 0.00 0.0000   0    0
 [6,] 0.0081  0.09 0.0100 0.00 0.0000   0    0
 [7,] 0.0000  0.00 0.0000 0.04 0.0144   0    0
 [8,] 0.0000  0.09 0.0100 0.00 0.0000   0    0
 [9,] 0.0000  0.09 0.0100 0.04 0.0144   0    0
[1] "------------"
[1] 0.03805909

         1    0    0    1    1    0    0
 [2,]    1    1    1    0    0    0    0
 [3,]    1    1    1    1    1    0    0
 [4,]    1    0    0    0    0    0    0
 [5,]    1    1    1    0    0    0    0
 [6,]    1    1    1    0    0    0    0
 [7,]    0    0    0    1    1    0    0
 [8,]    0    1    1    0    0    0    0
 [9,]    0    1    1    1    1    0    0

 "nDataPts= 63"
[1] "nInputs= 13" okay
[1] "nInTot= 22"    okay
[1] "deviationPen= 2.394"
[1] "NAPen= 0"
[1] "sizePen= 0.00372272727272727"  okay
[1] 0.03805909

        For T2 --> 0.03805909
        # time 1 only is taken into account
        #self.diff = np.square(self.measures[self.time] - self.simulated[self.time])
        diff1 = (self.measures[self.time] - self.simulated[self.time])**2
        if self._params['include_time_zero'] is True:
            diff0 = (self.measures[0] - self.simulated[0])**2
            diff0 = 0

        # FIXME we could have an option to ignore time 0
        diff = diff1 + diff0

        N = diff.shape[0] * diff.shape[1]

        # FIXME Another issue with CNOR is that NAs are takem from the simulated data only, not the data itself...

        Nna1 = np.isnan(diff1).sum()
        Nna0 = np.isnan(diff0).sum()
        #we should check for NA is the measured and simulated data so in the diff as above but in cnor, htis is
        # coming from the simulated data only....

        Nna1 = np.isnan(self.simulated[self.time]).sum()

        # FIXME in cNOR, NAs at time 0 are ignored. why ?
        Nna = np.isnan(self.measures[self.time]).sum()
        N-= Nna

        #nInTot = number of edges on in global model
        #nInTot = len(self.model.reactions)
        nInTot = self.nInputs # should be correct
        nDataPts = diff.shape[0] * diff.shape[1]
        nDataP = N # N points excluding the NA if any

        #NAPen = NAFac * sum(self.simulated[self.time].isnull())
        # nInTot: number of inputs of expanded miodel
        # nInputs: number of inputs of cut model

        # In CNO:
        # nDataPts = number of points irrespective of NA
        # nDataP  sum(![[timeIndex]]))
        # nInputs = number of inputs of the cut model

        # for now, ketassume it is the same as the number of reactions
        # TODO AND gates should count for 1 edge
        nInputs = self.number_edges

        # sizePen should be same as in CNOR
        sizePen = nDataPts * self._params.sizeFac * nInputs / float(nInTot)
        debug = self.debug_score
        if debug:
            print("nDataPts=%s" % nDataPts)
            print("nInputs=%s" % nInputs)
            print("nInTot=%s" % nInTot)
            print('sizePen=%s' %sizePen)

            print('diff0=%s', (bn.nansum(diff0)) )
            print('diff1=%s', (bn.nansum(diff1 )))

        # TODO
        self.diff0 = diff0
        self.diff1 = diff1

        deviationPen = (bn.nansum(diff1) + bn.nansum(diff0))/ 2.
        #self.diff = diff / 2.

        #if self._params['include_time_zero'] is True:
        #    deviationPen *=2 # does not really matter but agrees with CNOR

        if debug:
            print("deviationPen=%s"% deviationPen)
            print("Nna=(%s %s)"% (Nna0, Nna1))
            print("nDataP=%s"% nDataP)

            print("deviationPen=%s"% deviationPen)

        if nDataP !=0:
            deviationPen  /= float(nDataP)
            S = deviationPen + sizePen / nDataP
            S = deviationPen

        self._na_contrib  = Nna/float(nDataPts)
        S = (S + self._params.NAFac * Nna1/float(nDataPts))

        #print self._previous_fit
        if debug:
            print("score=%s" %S)
        return S
Exemple #43
def correlation(arr1, arr2, axis=None):
    Correlation between two Numpy arrays along the specified axis.
    This is not a cross correlation function. If the two input arrays have
    shape (n, m), for example, then the output will have shape (m,) if axis
    is 0 and shape (n,) if axis is 1.
    arr1 : Numpy ndarray
        Input array.
    arr2 : Numpy ndarray
        Input array.        
    axis : {int, None}, optional
        The axis along which to measure the correlation. The default, axis
        None, flattens the input arrays before finding the correlation and
        returning it as a scalar.
    corr : Numpy ndarray, scalar
        The correlation between `arr1` and `arr2` along the specified axis.
    Make two Numpy arrays:
    >>> a1 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    >>> a2 = np.array([[2, 1], [4, 3]])
    >>> a1
    array([[1, 2],
           [3, 4]])
    >>> a2
    array([[2, 1],
           [4, 3]])
    Find the correlation between the two arrays along various axes:       
    >>> correlation(a1, a2)
    >>> correlation(a1, a2, axis=0)
    array([ 1.,  1.])
    >>> correlation(a1, a2, axis=1)
    array([-1., -1.])

    mask = np.logical_or(np.isnan(arr1), np.isnan(arr2))
    if mask.any():
        # arr1 and/or arr2 contain NaNs, so use slower NaN functions if needed
        if axis == None:
            x1 = arr1.flatten()
            x2 = arr2.flatten()
            idx = ~mask.flatten()
            x1 = x1[idx]
            x2 = x2[idx]
            x1 = x1 - x1.mean()
            x2 = x2 - x2.mean()        
            num = (x1 * x2).sum()
            den = np.sqrt((x1**2).sum() * (x2**2).sum()) 
            x1 = arr1.copy()
            x2 = arr2.copy()
            np.putmask(x1, mask, np.nan)
            np.putmask(x2, mask, np.nan)
            if axis == 0:
                x1 = x1 - bn.nanmean(x1, axis)
                x2 = x2 - bn.nanmean(x2, axis)              
                idx = [slice(None)] * x1.ndim
                idx[axis] = None
                x1 = x1 - bn.nanmean(x1, axis)[idx]
                x2 = x2 - bn.nanmean(x2, axis)[idx]           
            num = bn.nansum(x1 * x2, axis)
            den = np.sqrt(bn.nansum(x1**2, axis) * bn.nansum(x2**2, axis))
        # Neither arr1 or arr2 contains nans, so use faster non-nan functions
        if axis == None:
            x1 = arr1.flatten()
            x2 = arr2.flatten()
            x1 = x1 - x1.mean()
            x2 = x2 - x2.mean()        
            num = (x1 * x2).sum()
            den = np.sqrt((x1**2).sum() * (x2**2).sum()) 
            x1 = arr1
            x2 = arr2
            if axis == 0:
                x1 = x1 - x1.mean(axis)
                x2 = x2 - x2.mean(axis)              
                idx = [slice(None)] * x1.ndim
                idx[axis] = None   
                x1 = x1 - x1.mean(axis)[idx]
                x2 = x2 - x2.mean(axis)[idx]           
            num = np.sum(x1 * x2, axis)
            den = np.sqrt(np.sum(x1**2, axis) * np.sum(x2**2, axis))                
    return num / den 
Exemple #44
def nansum(array, axis=None):
    if isinstance(axis, tuple):
        array = _move_tuple_axes_first(array, axis=axis)
        axis = 0
    return bt.nansum(array, axis=axis)
 def _jll(self, X, i):
     n_ij = self._n_ij[i] - 0.5 * bn.nansum(((X - self.theta_[i, :]) ** 2) /
                                           (self.sigma_[i, :]), 1)
     n_ij[np.isnan(n_ij)] = 0
     return self._logprior[i] + n_ij
Exemple #46
    def simulate(self, tick=1, debug=False, reactions=None):

        # pandas is very convenient but slower than numpy
        # The dataFrame instanciation is costly as well.
        # For small models, it has a non-negligeable cost.

        # inhibitors will be changed if not ON
        #self.tochange = [x for x in self.model.nodes() if x not in self.stimuli_names
        #            and x not in self.and_gates]

        # what about a species that is both inhibited and measured
        testVal = 1e-3

        values = self.values.copy()

        if self.debug:
            self.debug_values = []
        self.residuals = []
        self.penalties = []

        self.count = 0
        self.nSp = len(values)
        residual = 1.

        frac = 1.2
        # #FIXME +1 is to have same resrults as in CellnOptR
        # It means that if due to the cycles, you may not end up with same results.
        # this happends if you have cyvles with inhbititions
        # and an odd number of edges. 
        if reactions is None:
            reactions = self.model.buffer_reactions
        self.number_edges = len(reactions)

        # 10 % time here
        #predecessors = self.reactions_to_predecessors(reactions)
        predecessors = defaultdict(collections.deque)
        for r in reactions:
            k,v = self._reac2pred[r]

        # speed up
        keys = self.values.keys()
        length_predecessors = dict([(node, len(predecessors[node])) for node in keys])

        #self._length_predecessors = length_predecessors
        # if there is an inhibition/drug, the node is 0
        values = self.values.copy()
        for inh in self.inhibitors_names:
            if length_predecessors[inh] == 0:
                #values[inh] = np.array([np.nan for x in range(0,self.N)])
                #values[inh] = np.array([0 for x in range(0,self.N)])
                values[inh] = np.zeros(self.N)

        while (self.count < self.nSp * frac +1.) and residual > testVal: 
            self.previous = values.copy()
            #self.X0 = pd.DataFrame(self.values)
            #self.X0 = self.values.copy()
            # compute AND gates first. why
            for node in self.and_gates:
                # replace na by large number so that min is unchanged
                if length_predecessors[node] != 0:
                    # not a min anymore but a consensus
                    #values[node] = np.nanmin(np.array([values[x].copy() for x in
                    #    predecessors[node]]), axis=0)
                    #print(np.array([values[x].copy() for x in
                    #    predecessors[node]]))
                    # TODO/TODO
                    # TODO/TODO
                    # TODO/TODO
                    dummy = np.array([values[x].copy() for x in

                    values[node] = consensus2(dummy.transpose())
                    values[node] = self.previous[node]

            for node in self.tochange:
                # easy one, just the value of predecessors
                #if len(self.predecessors[node]) == 1:
                #    self.values[node] = self.values[self.predecessors[node][0]].copy()
                if length_predecessors[node] == 0:
                    pass # nothing to change

                    # TODO/TODO
                    # TODO/TODO
                    # here the nagative edges are not 1-x anymore but just -x
                    dummy = np.array([values[x] if (x,node) not in self.toflip
                        else - values[x] for x in  predecessors[node]])
                    # TODO/TODO not an AND but a consensus
                    # TODO/TODO
                    # TODO/TODO
                    values[node] = accept_anything(dummy.transpose())

                # take inhibitors into account
                # TODO/TODO do we want to change this behaviour ?
                # TODO/TODO
                # TODO/TODO
                if node in self.inhibitors_names:
                    values[node] *=  1- self.inhibitors[node].values
            # 30 % of the time is here 
            # here NAs are set automatically to zero because of the int16 cast
            # but it helps speeding up a bit the code by removig needs to take care
            # of NAs. if we use sumna, na are ignored even when 1 is compared to NA            
            self.m1 = np.array([self.previous[k] for k in self.previous.keys() ], dtype=np.int16)
            self.m2 = np.array([values[k] for k in self.previous.keys() ], dtype=np.int16)
            residual = bn.nansum(np.square(self.m1 - self.m2))

            # TODO stop criteria should account for the length of the species to the
            # the node itself so count < nSp should be taken into account whatever is residual.
            if self.debug:
            self.count += 1

        if self.debug is True:
            # add the latest values simulated in the while loop

        # Need to set undefined values to NAs
        self.simulated[self.time] = np.array([values[k] 
            for k in ], dtype=float)#.transpose()

        self.prev = {}
        self.prev[self.time] = np.array([self.previous[k] 
            for k in ], dtype=float)#.transpose()

        mask = self.prev[self.time] != self.simulated[self.time]
        self.simulated[self.time][mask] = np.nan

        self.simulated[self.time] = self.simulated[self.time].transpose()
Exemple #47
 def compute(self, today, assets, out, base, weight):
     out[:] = nansum(base * weight, axis=0) / nansum(weight, axis=0)
def run_wbm(k_s, k_g, et):
    """ Run the WBM with the specified parameters.

		k_s: Soil residence time (days).
		k_g: Groundwater residence time (days).
		et:  Correction factor applied to the ET data (dimensionless).
		Pandas dataframe of monthly river flows.
    # Define dicts storing number of days in each period. One dict for leap years
    # the other for non-leap years
    days_in_month_dict = {1:31, 2:28, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 6:30, 7:31, 8:31, 9:30,
                          10:31, 11:30, 12:31}
    days_in_month_lpyr_dict = {1:31, 2:29, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 6:30, 7:31, 8:31, 
                               9:30, 10:31, 11:30, 12:31}
    # Validate user input
    # Get array indices for bounding box
    xmin_idx, xmax_idx, ymin_idx, ymax_idx = get_grid_indices(xmin, xmax, 
                                                              ymin, ymax)
    # Open H5 file
    h5 = h5py.File(in_h5_path, 'r')
    # Get soil properties
    fc, sat, bfi = io.read_soil_properties(h5, xmin_idx, xmax_idx, ymin_idx, 

    # Get LU grid
    lu_grid = io.read_land_use(h5, lu_grid_path, xmin_idx, xmax_idx, ymin_idx, 
    # Get soil and groundwater time constant grids
    k_s = np.ones(shape=bfi.shape)*k_s
    k_g = np.ones(shape=bfi.shape)*k_g
    # Water between fc and sat
    phi = sat - fc
    # Loop over models
    for model in models:  
        # Initial water level mid-way between fc and sat
        surf_lev = (fc + sat)/2.
        gw_lev = np.zeros(shape=phi.shape)
        # Dict to store data
        data_dict = {'Date':[],
        # Loop over years
        for year in range(st_yr, end_yr+1):
            for month in range(1, 13):                
                # Get date
                date =, month, 1)
                # Get number of days in month, allowing for leap years
                if calendar.isleap(year):
                    days_in_month = days_in_month_lpyr_dict[month]
                    days_in_month = days_in_month_dict[month]
                # Get met data
                pptn, pet = io.read_met_data(h5, model, xmin_idx, xmax_idx,
                                             ymin_idx, ymax_idx, year, month)

                # Correct grass reference PET for land use and apply ET
                # correction factor
                pet = pet*lu_grid*et
                # Convert from mm/month to mm/day
                pptn = pptn/days_in_month
                pet = pet/days_in_month
                # Calculate HER
                her = pptn - pet # mm/day
                # Get drainage params for this time step
                drainage_params = dr.calculate_drainage(her, surf_lev, gw_lev, 
                                                        fc, days_in_month, phi,
                                                        k_s, k_g, bfi)
                # NB: the net_her value returned here is for the whole month
                # i.e. mm/month NOT mm/day like her, above
                net_her, of, ssf, gwf, surf_lev, gw_lev = drainage_params
                # Calculate monthly runoff
                ro = of + ssf + gwf
                # Apply mask
                ro[mask!=site_code] = np.nan
                of[mask!=site_code] = np.nan
                ssf[mask!=site_code] = np.nan
                gwf[mask!=site_code] = np.nan
                # Calculate monthly total in m3/s
                ro_mon = 1000.*bn.nansum(ro)/(days_in_month*24*60*60)
                of_mon = 1000.*bn.nansum(of)/(days_in_month*24*60*60)
                ssf_mon = 1000.*bn.nansum(ssf)/(days_in_month*24*60*60)
                gwf_mon = 1000.*bn.nansum(gwf)/(days_in_month*24*60*60)
                # Append to data dict
    # Close file
    # Build df
    df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
    del df['Date']
    return df
Exemple #49
	def interpolateFine(self, **kwargs):
		interpolate NaNs (empty points) in matrix.
		In contrast to  :py:func:`interpolateFast` this function is comparatively slow.
		Therefore it can take a some minutes to finish interpolation on mergeMatrices that have reslutions > 30 in each basisDimension.
		However this function enables you to:
			* blurring between points (*focusExponent*). Thus it is possible to get smooth intersections between heavy scattered values.
			* extrapolate
			* limit the maximum interpolation/extrapolation distance (related to the unit of the chosen basisDimension)
			* weight distances in each basisDimension
		**Optional kwargs** ("keyword arguments") are:

		==================     ===============  =========    ================
		Keyword	               Type             Default      Description
		==================     ===============  =========    ================
		*mergeName*            list(mergeDim)   [{all}]      one or more merge-dims to do the method on
		*focusExponent*        float            10           blurring between points (sharpness will increase with increasing focusExponent)
		*evalPointDensity*     bool             True         weights the moments: 'moment = pointDensity*moment'
		*maxDistance*          dict             {None}       {basisName:maxDistance,..}
		*distanceFactor*       dict             {1}          {basisName:factor,..}
		==================     ===============  =========    ================
		.. math::
			moment = 1/distance^{focusExponent}
		mergeNames = deepcopy(self.mergeNames)
		focus_exponent = 5
		eval_pointDesity = True
		max_interpolate_distance_dict = {}
		basis_distance_factor_dict = {}
		basis_distance_factor = []
		max_interpolate_distance =[]
		for b in self._basis_dim:
			max_interpolate_distance_dict[] = None
			basis_distance_factor_dict[] = 1

		for key in kwargs:
			if key == "mergeName":
				mergeNames = []
				if type(kwargs[key]) != list and type(kwargs[key]) != tuple:
					kwargs[key] = [ kwargs[key] ]
				for m in kwargs[key]:
					if m not in self.mergeNames:
						raise KeyError("ERROR: mergeName '%s' not known" %m)
			elif key == "method":
				if kwargs[key] not in ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]:
					raise KeyError("ERROR: method '%s' not known" %kwargs[key])
					method = kwargs[key]
			elif key == "focusExponent":
					focus_exponent = float(abs(kwargs[key]))
			elif key == "evalPointDensity":
				eval_pointDesity = bool(kwargs[key])
			elif key == "maxDistance":
				for i in dict(kwargs[key]):
					if i not in max_interpolate_distance_dict.keys():
						raise KeyError("basisName '%s' in maxDistance not known" %i)
					max_interpolate_distance_dict[i] = kwargs[key][i]
			elif key == "distanceFactor":
				for i in dict(kwargs[key]):
					if i not in basis_distance_factor_dict.keys():
						raise KeyError("basisName '%s' in distanceFactor not known" %i)
					basis_distance_factor_dict[i] = kwargs[key][i]
				raise KeyError("keyword '%s' not known" %key)

		max_moment = 1 / ( 0.5 **focus_exponent )
		momentMatrix = deepcopy(self.mergeMatrix[0])

		#generate list from dict sorted via indices
		for i in basis_distance_factor_dict:
			for n,b in enumerate(self._basis_dim):
				if == i:
					basis_distance_factor[n] = basis_distance_factor_dict[i]
		for i in max_interpolate_distance_dict:
			for n,b in enumerate(self._basis_dim):
				if == i:
					max_interpolate_distance[n] = max_interpolate_distance_dict[i]
		#normalize distances
		sumB = float(sum(basis_distance_factor))
		for n in range(len(basis_distance_factor)):
			basis_distance_factor[n] /= sumB
		#prepare regarded-array-slice
		n_regarded_cells = []
		regarded_cell_range = []
		abs_max_interpolation_dist = 0
		pos_corr = []
		for n,b in enumerate(self._basis_dim):
			if max_interpolate_distance[n] != None:
				cell_len = (b._include_range[1]-b._include_range[0]) / b.resolution
				nCells = int(max_interpolate_distance[n] /cell_len)
				if nCells == 0:
					nCells = 1
				abs_max_interpolation_dist += nCells

		abs_max_interpolation_dist **= 0.5
		print abs_max_interpolation_dist
			for m in mergeNames:
				merge_index = self.mergeNames.index(m)
				print "--> interpolate matrix %s" %m
				mergeM = self.mergeMatrix[merge_index]
				new_mergeM = deepcopy(mergeM)
				densityM = self.densityMatrix[merge_index]
				status_counter = 0
				next_status = int(mergeM.size/100)
				#len_matrix = len(mergeM)
				for nPoi, poi in enumerate(np.ndindex( mergeM.shape ) ):
					for n,b in enumerate(self._basis_dim):
						# only work with a part of the matrix depending on the size
						# of the regarded cell range
						if max_interpolate_distance[n] != None:
							start = poi[n] - n_regarded_cells[n]
							if start < 0:
								start= 0
							stop = poi[n] + n_regarded_cells[n]
							if stop > b.resolution-1:
								stop= b.resolution-1
							regarded_cell_range[n] = slice(start, stop)
							pos_corr[n] = start
							regarded_cell_range[n] = slice(None,None)
					t_regarded_cell_range = tuple(regarded_cell_range)
					sliced_moment_matrix = momentMatrix[t_regarded_cell_range]
					for mergePosition,mergeValue in np.ndenumerate(
						#empty merge-positions have no moment
						if np.isnan(mergeValue):
							sliced_moment_matrix[mergePosition] = 0
							#calc distance of each mergePoint to each mergePoint
							distance = 0
							for k in range(self.nBasis):
								distance += (abs(poi[k] -
								(mergePosition[k] + pos_corr[k]) )*
									basis_distance_factor[k]) **2
							distance = distance**0.5
							if distance == 0:
								#above point of interest
								sliced_moment_matrix[mergePosition] = max_moment
							elif (max_interpolate_distance[n] != None and
									distance > abs_max_interpolation_dist):
								#no moments if to far away from existant points
								sliced_moment_matrix[mergePosition] = np.nan
								#calc moments
								sliced_moment_matrix[mergePosition] = 1 / (
									distance **focus_exponent )
					if eval_pointDesity:
						#multiply moment with number of points
						sliced_moment_matrix *= densityM[t_regarded_cell_range]
					##normalize moments that sum(moments)=1
					nansum = bn.nansum(sliced_moment_matrix)
					if nansum != 0:
						sliced_moment_matrix /= nansum
						new_mergeM[poi] = bn.nansum(
							mergeM[t_regarded_cell_range] * sliced_moment_matrix )
					status_counter += 1
					if status_counter == next_status:
						#print status
						_utils.statusBar(nPoi+1, mergeM.size)
						status_counter = 0
				self.mergeMatrix[merge_index] = new_mergeM
		except KeyboardInterrupt:
			print "...interrupted"
		print "done"
def parallel_compute(queue, shmem_buffer, shmem_results, size_x, size_y, len_filelist, operation):
    #queue, shmem_buffer, shmem_results, size_x, size_y, len_filelist = worker_args

    buffer = shmem_as_ndarray(shmem_buffer).reshape((size_x, size_y, len_filelist))
    result_buffer = shmem_as_ndarray(shmem_results).reshape((size_x, size_y))

    while (True):
        cmd_quit, line = queue.get()
        if (cmd_quit):

        if (operation == "median"):
            result_buffer[line,:] = numpy.median(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

        elif (operation == "medsigclip"):
            # Do not use (yet), is slow as hell 
            # (maskedarrays are pure python, not C as all the rest)

            #print buffer[line,:,:].shape
            _sigma_plus  = numpy.ones(shape=(buffer.shape[1],buffer.shape[2])) * 1e9
            _sigma_minus = numpy.ones(shape=(buffer.shape[1],buffer.shape[2])) * 1e9
            _median = numpy.median(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

            nrep = 3
            valid_pixels =[line,:,:])

            for rep in range(nrep):

                _median_2d = _median.reshape(_median.shape[0],1).repeat(buffer.shape[2], axis=1)
                _min = _median_2d - 3 * _sigma_minus
                _max = _median_2d + 3 * _sigma_plus

                #valid_pixels =[line,:,:], _min, _max)
                valid = (buffer[line,:,:] > _min) & (buffer[line,:,:] < _max)

                valid_pixels =[line,:,:], mask=valid)
                #valid_pixels =[line,:,:], valid)

                #print _min.shape, valid.shape, valid_pixels.shape

                #if (numpy.sum(valid, axis=1).any() <= 0):
                #    break

                #_median = numpy.median(buffer[line,:,:][valid], axis=1)
                _median = numpy.median(valid_pixels, axis=1)
                if (rep < nrep-1):
                    #_sigma_plus = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(buffer[line,:,:][valid], 84) - _median
                    #_sigma_minus = _median - scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(buffer[line,:,:][valid], 16) 
                    _sigma_plus = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(valid_pixels, 84) - _median
                    _sigma_minus = _median - scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(valid_pixels, 16) 

            result_buffer[line,:] = _median

        elif (operation == "medclip"):
            intermediate = numpy.sort(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)
            result_buffer[line,:] = numpy.median(intermediate[:,1:-2], axis=1)

        elif (operation == "min"):
            result_buffer[line,:] = numpy.min(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

        elif (operation == "max"):
            result_buffer[line,:] = numpy.max(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

        elif (operation == "nanmean"):
            result_buffer[line,:] = scipy.stats.nanmean(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

        elif (operation == "nanmedian"):
            #print "nanmedian"
            result_buffer[line,:] = scipy.stats.nanmedian(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

        elif (operation == ""):
            x = numpy.array(buffer[line,:,:], dtype=numpy.float32)
            result_buffer[line,:] = bottleneck.nanmean(x, axis=1)

        elif (operation == ""):
            #print "nanmedian"
            x = numpy.array(buffer[line,:,:], dtype=numpy.float32)
            result_buffer[line,:] = bottleneck.nanmedian(x, axis=1)
            #result_buffer[line,:] = scipy.stats.nanmedian(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)

        elif (operation == ""):
            x = numpy.array(buffer[line,:,:], dtype=numpy.float32)
            result_buffer[line,:] = bottleneck.nansum(x, axis=1)

            result_buffer[line,:] = numpy.mean(buffer[line,:,:], axis=1)             

Exemple #51
    def _fit(self, X, y):
        self.X, y = self._check_params(X, y)
        n, p = X.shape
        self.y = y.reshape((n, 1))

        # list of selected features
        S = []
        # list of all features
        F = range(p)

        if self.n_features != 'auto':
            feature_mi_matrix = np.zeros((self.n_features, p))
            feature_mi_matrix = np.zeros((n, p))
        feature_mi_matrix[:] = np.nan
        S_mi = []

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # check a range of ks (3-10), and choose the one with the max median MI
        k_min = 3
        k_max = 11
        xy_MI = np.zeros((k_max-k_min, p))
        xy_MI[:] = np.nan
        for i, k in enumerate(range(k_min, k_max)):
            xy_MI [i, :] = mi.get_first_mi_vector(self, k)
        xy_MI = bn.nanmedian(xy_MI, axis=0)

        # choose the best, add it to S, remove it from F
        S, F = self._add_remove(S, F, bn.nanargmax(xy_MI))

        # notify user
        if self.verbose > 0:
            self._print_results(S, S_mi)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        while len(S) < self.n_features:
            # loop through the remaining unselected features and calculate MI
            s = len(S) - 1
            feature_mi_matrix[s, F] = mi.get_mi_vector(self, F, s)

            # make decision based on the chosen FS algorithm
            fmm = feature_mi_matrix[:len(S),F]
            if self.method == 'JMI':
                selected = F[bn.nanargmax(bn.nansum(fmm, axis=0))]
            elif self.method == 'JMIM':
                selected = F[bn.nanargmax(bn.nanmin(fmm, axis=0))]
            elif self.method == 'MRMR':
                MRMR = xy_MI[F] - bn.nanmean(fmm, axis=0)
                selected = F[bn.nanargmax(MRMR)]

            # record the JMIM of the newly selected feature and add it to S
            S_mi.append(bn.nanmax(bn.nanmin(fmm, axis=0)))
            S, F = self._add_remove(S, F, selected)

            # notify user
            if self.verbose > 0:
                self._print_results(S, S_mi)

            # if n_features == 'auto', let's check the S_mi to stop
            if self.n_features == 'auto' and len(S) > 10:
                # smooth the 1st derivative of the MI values of previously sel
                MI_dd = signal.savgol_filter(S_mi[1:],9,2,1)
                # does the mean of the last 5 converge to 0?
                if np.abs(np.mean(MI_dd[-5:])) < 1e-3:

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # SAVE RESULTS
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.n_features_ = len(S)
        self.support_ = np.zeros(p, dtype=np.bool)
        self.support_[S] = 1
        self.ranking_ = S
        self.mi_ = S_mi

        return self
Exemple #52
    def _simulate(self, reactions=None, time=None, ntic=None):

        # pandas is very convenient but slower than numpy
        # The dataFrame instanciation is costly as well.
        # For small models, it has a non-negligeable cost.

        # inhibitors will be changed if not ON
        #self.tochange = [x for x in self.model.nodes() if x not in self.stimuli_names
        #            and x not in self.and_gates]

        if time is None:
            time = self.time
        # what about a species that is both inhibited and measured
        testVal = 1e-3
        import copy
        #values = copy.deepcopy(self.values)
        values = self.values  # !! reference but should be reset when calling _init_values / simulate()

        if self.debug:
            self.debug_values = [values.copy()]
        self.residuals = []
        self.penalties = []

        self.count = 0
        self.nSp = len(values)
        residual = 1.

        frac = 1.2
        # _shift is set to +1 FIXME +1 is to have same results as in CellnOptR
        # It means that if due to the cycles, you may not end up with same results.
        # this happends if you have cyvles with inhbititions
        # and an odd number of edges. 
        if reactions is None:
            reactions = self.model.buffer_reactions
        self.number_edges = len([r for r in reactions]) + sum([this.count('^') for this in reactions])

        # 10 % time here
        #predecessors = self.reactions_to_predecessors(reactions)
        predecessors = defaultdict(collections.deque)
        for r in reactions:
            k, v = self._reac2pred[r]

        # speed up
        keys = sorted(self.values.keys())
        length_predecessors = dict([(node, len(predecessors[node])) for node in keys])

        #self._length_predecessors = length_predecessors
        # if there is an inhibition/drug, the node is 0

        # FIXME is this required ??
        for inh in self.inhibitors_names:
            if length_predecessors[inh] == 0:
                #values[inh] = np.array([np.nan for x in range(0,self.N)])
                values[inh] = np.zeros(self.N)

        # to get same results as in cnor, it is sometimes required
        # to add one more count.
        # to have same results at time 0 as in LiverDream, +3 is required

        if ntic is None:
            ntic = self.nSp * frac + self._shift
        else: # we want to use the ntic as unique stopping criteria
            testVal = -1

        while ((self.count < ntic) and residual > testVal):
            self.previous = values.copy()
            #self.X0 = pd.DataFrame(self.values)
            #self.X0 = self.values.copy()
            # compute AND gates first. why

            # an paradoxical effects induced by drugs ?
            # should be first before updating other nodes
            #for inh in self.paradoxical.keys():
            #    if node in self.paradoxical[inh]:
            #        values[node][(self.inhibitors[inh]==1).values] = 1
            #    #values[inh][(self.inhibitors[inh]==1).values] = 1

            for node in self.and_gates:
                # replace na by large number so that min is unchanged
                # THere are always predecessors
                if length_predecessors[node] != 0:
                    values[node] = bn.nanmin(np.array([self.previous[x] for x in predecessors[node]]), axis=0)
                    #assert 1==0, "%s %s" % (node, predecessors[node])
                    values[node] = self.previous[node]

            for node in self.tochange:
                # easy one, just the value of predecessors
                #if len(self.predecessors[node]) == 1:
                #    self.values[node] = self.values[self.predecessors[node][0]].copy()
                if length_predecessors[node] == 0:
                    pass # nothing to change
                    dummy = np.array([self.previous[x] if (x,node) not in self.toflip
                        else 1 - self.previous[x] for x in  predecessors[node]])
                        values[node] = bn.nanmax(dummy,  axis=0)
                        # in some simple cases, we must reset the type. why.
                        values[node] = bn.nanmax(dummy.astype('int'), axis=0)

                # take inhibitors into account
                if node in self.inhibitors_names and node not in self.inhibitors_failed:
                    # if inhibitors is on (1), multiply by 0
                    # if inhibitors is not active, (0), does nothing.
                    values[node] *= 1 - self.inhibitors[node].values

                # an paradoxical effects induced by drugs ?
                for inh in self.paradoxical.keys():
                    if node in self.paradoxical[inh]:
                        values[node][(self.inhibitors[inh]==1).values] = 1
                for inh in self.repressors.keys():
                    if node in self.repressors[inh]:
                        values[node][(self.inhibitors[inh]==1).values] = 0

            # here NAs are set automatically to zero because of the int16 cast
            # but it helps speeding up a bit the code by removig needs to take care
            # of NAs. if we use sumna, na are ignored even when 1 is compared to NA            
            self.m1 = np.array([self.previous[k] for k in keys ], dtype=np.int16)
            self.m2 = np.array([values[k] for k in keys ], dtype=np.int16)
            residual = bn.nansum(np.square(self.m1 - self.m2))
            #residual = np.nansum(np.square(self.m1 - self.m2))

            # TODO stop criteria should account for the length of the species to the
            # the node itself so count < nSp should be taken into account whatever is residual.
            if self.debug:
            if self.stopcount :
                if self.count <10:
            self.count += 1

        #if self.debug is True:
        #    # add the latest values simulated in the while loop
        #    self.debug_values.append(values.copy())

        #self._values2 = values

        # Need to set undefined values to NAs

        mask = self.m1 != self.m2
        data = np.array([values[k] for k in keys], dtype=float) 
        data[mask] = np.nan
        self.dd = data

        indices = [keys.index(x) for x in]

        if time == 0:
            self.simulated[0] = data[indices,:].transpose()
            self.simulated[self.time] = data[indices,:].transpose()
Exemple #53
	def update(self):
		#get merge-extract
		for n,m in enumerate(self.show_merge):
			if self.show_merge_as_density[m]:
				self.merge_extract = self.densityMatrix[m][tuple(self.basis_dim_plot_range)]
				self.merge_extract = self.mergeMatrix[m][tuple(self.basis_dim_plot_range)]
			for b in range(len(self._basis_dim)-1,-1,-1):
				#basis dim to concentrate
				if b not in self.show_basis:
					pos_corr = self.concentrate_basis_dim[:b].count("pos")
					if self.concentrate_basis_dim[b] == "sum":
						self.merge_extract = bn.nansum(self.merge_extract,b-pos_corr)
					elif self.concentrate_basis_dim[b] == "mean":
						self.merge_extract = bn.nanmean(self.merge_extract,b-pos_corr)
					elif self.concentrate_basis_dim[b] == "max":
						self.merge_extract = bn.nanmax(self.merge_extract,b-pos_corr)
					elif self.concentrate_basis_dim[b] == "min":
						self.merge_extract = bn.nanmin(self.merge_extract,b-pos_corr)

			for b in range(len(self._basis_dim)-2,-1,-1):
				# check from end to start whether to roll-axis
				# the time-axis has to be the last one
				# dont roll the last basis-dim (start with len(self._basis_dim)-2 )
				basis_time_index = None
				if b not in self.show_basis and self.concentrate_basis_dim[b] == "time":
					#reshape the matrix
					self.merge_extract = np.rollaxis(self.merge_extract,b,0)
					basis_time_index = b
					break # dont needto continue iterating because only one dim can be 'time'

			if len(self.show_basis) == 1:
				basis_extract = self.basisMatrix[self.show_basis[0]][self.basis_dim_plot_range[self.show_basis[0]]]

				if self.scale_plot == True:
					self.plot.enableAutoRange('xy', True)
					if self.enableAutoRangeX:
						self.plot.enableAutoRange('x', True)
					if self.enableAutoRangeY:
						self.plot.enableAutoRange('y', True)

				if self.transpose_axes:
					self.curves[n].setData(self.merge_extract, basis_extract)
					self.curves[n].setData(basis_extract, self.merge_extract)

			elif len(self.show_basis) >=2:
				#calc scale and zero-position for axes-tics
				xscale = (x1-x0) / self._basis_dim[self.show_basis[0]].resolution
				yscale = (y1-y0) / self._basis_dim[self.show_basis[1]].resolution
				args = {'pos':[x0, y0], 'scale':[xscale, yscale]}
				if self.transpose_axes:
					args = {'pos':[y0, x0], 'scale':[yscale, xscale]}

				#set time-ticks
				if basis_time_index != None:
					args["xvals"] = self.basisMatrix[basis_time_index]

				if self.enableAutoRangeX:
					self.view.enableAutoRange('x', True)
				if self.enableAutoRangeY:
					self.view.enableAutoRange('y', True)

				#bydefault autoLevel (the colorlevel of the merge-dims) == True
				#(calc. by pyqtgraph)
				#thus it only can process array without nan-values the calc. colorlevel
				#is wrong when the real values are boyond the nan-replacement(zero)
				#therefore i calc the colorlevel by my self in case nans arein the array:
				anynan = bn.anynan(self.merge_extract)
				if anynan:
					mmin = bn.nanmin(self.merge_extract)
					mmax = bn.nanmax(self.merge_extract)
					if np.isnan(mmin):
					self.plot.setLevels(mmin, mmax)
					args["autoLevels"]= False
					##the following line dont work with my version of pyQtGraph
					#args["levels"]= [mmin,mmax]#np.nanmin(merge_extract), np.nanmax(merge_extract))
				self.merge_extract = _utils.nanToZeros(self.merge_extract)

				if self.transpose_axes:
				if anynan: # scale the histogramm to the new range

		self.scale_plot = False
def extract_orders(specfile, wavfile, regionfile, outdir,
                   wavmin=1000.0, wavmax=10000.0):
    Go through all the orders, extracting each one

    imhdu = + ".fits")[0]
    badpixhdu = + ".fits")["BADPIX"]
    wavhdu, = + ".fits")
    regions = + ".reg")

    # Tilt angles from the horizontal
    tilts = [r.coord_list[4] for r in regions]

    # Fractional y shift of box center from nearest grid point
    ypix_fractions = [r.coord_list[1] - int(r.coord_list[1]) for r in regions]

    wide_filters = regions.get_filter()

    # Restrict attention to the center of each slit
    regions = pyregion.ShapeList([shrink_box(region) for region in regions])
    filters = regions.get_filter()

    ordernames = [box.attr[1]["text"] for box in regions]

    # Auto-identify contiguous regions  in the wavelength map

    # All pixels that have a valid wavelength
    wavmask = ( >= wavmin) & ( <= wavmax)
    labels, nlabels = ndi.label(wavmask, structure=np.ones((3, 3)))

    # save a copy of the labels for debugging
    pyfits.PrimaryHDU(labels).writeto("orders-labels.fits", clobber=True)

    print "Number of order boxes found: ", len(ordernames)
    print "Number of objects found: ", nlabels

    for widefilter, orderfilter, ordername, tilt, ypix_frac in zip(
            wide_filters, filters, ordernames, tilts, ypix_fractions):
        # All pixels that we think are in the central part
        # of the slit in this order
        ordermask = orderfilter.mask(
        # and the same for the entire order (adding some padding)
        widemask = dilate_mask(widefilter.mask(, 3)

        iorder = int(ordername.split()[-1])
        if not (onlyorders is None or iorder in onlyorders):
            # Option for skipping all but some orders

        # First find wavelengths that ought to fall in the order
        orderwavs =[ordermask & wavmask]
        if len(orderwavs):
            print "{}: {:.2f}-{:.2f}".format(
                ordername, orderwavs.min(), orderwavs.max())
            print "{}: No valid wavelengths found".format(ordername)

        # Second, look at wavelengths in the contiguous wavelength box
        # that we found
        label = box2label[iorder]
        orderwavs =[labels == label]
        if len(orderwavs):
            print "Label {}: {:.2f}-{:.2f}".format(
                label, orderwavs.min(), orderwavs.max())
            print "{}*: No valid wavelengths found".format(ordername)


        # enclosing rectangle around this entire order
        bbox, = ndi.find_objects(widemask.astype(int))
        # Add a few more pixels at the top to give equal top/bottom margins
        # We have to do it like this since slice.stop is read-only
        # and tuples are immutable
        start, stop, step = bbox[0].indices([0])
        bbox = (slice(start, stop+6), bbox[1])

        imorder =[bbox]
        badpixorder =[bbox]
        wavorder =[bbox]
        # Construct a mask of all pixels both methods say
        # should be in this order
        if (iorder <= ordermax):
            # These orders are the easiest to deal with
            m = widemask & (labels == label)
            # This mask is just for the central strip,
            # which is what we need for the wavs
            cm = ordermask & (labels == label)
            m = labels == label
            cm = labels == label
        m = m[bbox]
        cm = cm[bbox]

            "Number of good wavelength pixels found in order box: ",
            np.sum(m), np.sum(cm))
        mm = widemask[bbox]     # less stringent mask

        # Use a single average wavelength for each column
        ny, nx = wavorder.shape
        meanwav = bn.nansum(wavorder*cm, axis=0) / bn.nansum(cm, axis=0)
        meanwav = np.vstack([meanwav]*ny)

        # Remove the horizontal tilt of the orders
        # First the linear tilt
        yshifts = np.arange(nx)*np.tan(np.radians(tilt))
        # Then the parabolic residual distortion
        yshifts += parabolic_distorsion(iorder)*(
            2*np.arange(nx).astype(float)/nx - 1.0)**2
        # Finally, align the box center to the pixel grid
        yshifts += ypix_frac
        jshifts = yshifts.astype(int)  # required shift of each column
        jshiftset = set(jshifts)
        # Amount to trim off the top of the strip at the end
        jtrim = jshifts.max()
        if INTERPOLATE is not None:
            # These are the grid points we want
            grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(
                np.arange(nx, dtype=np.float), np.arange(ny, dtype=np.float)
            # And these are the coordinates we currently have
            # Note that only the y's change, not the x's
            x, y = grid_x, grid_y - yshifts[np.newaxis, :]
            # Interpolate image onto new grid
            imorder = scipy.interpolate.griddata(
                (x.ravel(), y.ravel()), imorder.ravel(),
                (grid_x, grid_y), method=INTERPOLATE
            # Use nearest-neighbor for the masks,
            # so they don't get converted to reals
            badpixorder = scipy.interpolate.griddata(
                (x.ravel(), y.ravel()), badpixorder.ravel(),
                (grid_x, grid_y), method="nearest"
            m = scipy.interpolate.griddata(
                (x.ravel(), y.ravel()), m.ravel(),
                (grid_x, grid_y), method="nearest"
            mm = scipy.interpolate.griddata(
                (x.ravel(), y.ravel()), mm.ravel(),
                (grid_x, grid_y), method="nearest"
            jshifts = np.vstack([jshifts]*ny)  # Expand back to 2D
            for jshift in jshiftset:  # Consider each unique value of jshift
                # Split up into one or more contiguous chunks
                # that have this value of jshift
                chunklabels, nlabels = ndi.label(jshifts == jshift)
                for chunk in ndi.find_objects(chunklabels):
                    # apply the shift to all the arrays
                    # (except meanwav, which is constant in y)
                    imorder[chunk] = np.roll(imorder[chunk], -jshift, axis=0)
                    badpixorder[chunk] = np.roll(badpixorder[chunk], -jshift, axis=0)
                    m[chunk] = np.roll(m[chunk], -jshift, axis=0)
                    mm[chunk] = np.roll(mm[chunk], -jshift, axis=0)

        # Trim the useless space off the top
        imorder = imorder[:-jtrim, :]
        badpixorder = badpixorder[:-jtrim, :]
        meanwav = meanwav[:-jtrim, :]
        # And save each order to FITS files
        pri = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
        sci = pyfits.ImageHDU(imorder, name='SCI')
        bad = pyfits.ImageHDU(badpixorder, name='BAD')
        wav = pyfits.ImageHDU(meanwav, name='WAV')
        outfile = "{}-order{}.fits".format(os.path.split(specfile)[-1], iorder)
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile)
        pyfits.HDUList([pri, sci, wav, bad]).writeto(outfile, clobber=True)
Exemple #55
    def _simulate(self, reactions=None, time=None, ntic=None):

        reactions is a list of parameters between 0 and 1
        if reactions is None:
            reactions = [1] * self.N_reactions
        self.parameters_in = reactions[:]
        self.number_edges = self.N_reactions
        if time is None:
            time = self.time
        # what about a species that is both inhibited and measured
        testVal = 1e-3
        import copy
        #values = copy.deepcopy(self.values)
        values = self.values  # !! reference but should be reset when calling _init_values / simulate()

        if self.debug:
            self.debug_values = [values.copy()]
        self.residuals = []
        self.penalties = []

        self.count = 0
        self.nSp = len(values)
        residual = 1.

        frac = 1.2
        # all reactions are always on but for now keep this:
        reactions = self.model.buffer_reactions

        # speed up
        keys = sorted(self.values.keys())

        if ntic is None:
            ntic = self.nSp * frac + self._shift
        else: # we want to use the ntic as unique stopping criteria
            testVal = -1

        # CCK81: inhibitors_failed = ['mTOR', 'PI3K'] but has effects on AKT
        # CCK81: repressors['mTOR'] = ['AKT']
        while ((self.count < ntic) and residual > testVal):
            self.previous = values.copy()

            # 1. for each AND edge and for each normal edge, 
            # get inputs, multiply by strength (parameter)
            #edge_values = [self.function_edges[i](i) for i in range(0,N)]
            # 2. for each node, compute max of predecessors
            for node in self.input_edges.keys():

                #data = (self.function_edges[i](i) for i in self.input_edges[node])
                # bootleneck is here. in the for loops and function_edges calls
                M = len(self.input_edges[node])
                if M>1:
                    count = 0
                    data = np.zeros((M, self.N))
                    for i in self.input_edges[node]:
                        data[count] = self.function_edges[i](i)
                    values[node] = np.sum(data, axis=0)
                    i = self.input_edges[node][0]
                    values[node] = self.function_edges[i](i)

                if node in self.inhibitors_names and node not in self.inhibitors_failed:
                    # if inhibitors is on (1), multiply by 0
                    # if inhibitors is not active, (0), does nothing.
                    #values[self.drug_targets[node]] *= 1-self.inhibitors[node].values
                    mask = self.inhibitors[node].values == 1
                    values[node][mask] *= 0 # could be optimised as well

                    # could be a value between 0 and 1 or even negative if we have neg values 

                    #if node != 'AKT':
                    #    values[node] = np.clip(values[node], 0, 1)

                # an paradoxical effects induced by drugs ?
                #for inh in self.paradoxical.keys():
                #    if node in self.paradoxical[inh]:
                #        values[node][(self.inhibitors[inh]==1).values] = 1
                for inh in self.repressors.keys():
                    if node in self.repressors[inh]:
                        values[node][(self.inhibitors[inh]==1).values] -= 1

                values[node] = np.clip(values[node], -1, 1)

            # here NAs are set automatically to zero because of the int16 cast
            # but it helps speeding up a bit the code by removig needs to take care
            # of NAs. if we use sumna, na are ignored even when 1 is compared to NA            
            self.m1 = np.array([self.previous[k] for k in keys ], dtype=np.int16)
            self.m2 = np.array([values[k] for k in keys ], dtype=np.int16)
            residual = bn.nansum(np.square(self.m1 - self.m2))
            #residual = np.nansum(np.square(self.m1 - self.m2))

            # TODO stop criteria should account for the length of the species to the
            # the node itself so count < nSp should be taken into account whatever is residual.
            if self.debug:
            if self.stopcount :
                if self.count <10:
            self.count += 1

        #if self.debug is True:
        #    # add the latest values simulated in the while loop
        #    self.debug_values.append(values.copy())

        #self._values2 = values

        # Need to set undefined values to NAs

        mask = self.m1 != self.m2
        data = np.array([values[k] for k in keys], dtype=float) 
        data[mask] = np.nan
        self.dd = data

        indices = [keys.index(x) for x in]

        if time == 0:
            self.simulated[0] = data[indices,:].transpose()
            self.simulated[self.time] = data[indices,:].transpose()