Exemple #1
def _encode_mapping(name, value, check_keys, opts):
    """Encode a mapping type."""
    if _raw_document_class(value):
        return b'\x03' + name + value.raw
    data = b"".join([_element_to_bson(key, val, check_keys, opts)
                     for key, val in iteritems(value)])
    return b"\x03" + name + _PACK_INT(len(data) + 5) + data + b"\x00"
def _encode_mapping(name, value, check_keys, opts):
    """Encode a mapping type."""
    if _raw_document_class(value):
        return b'\x03' + name + value.raw
    data = b"".join([_element_to_bson(key, val, check_keys, opts)
                     for key, val in iteritems(value)])
    return b"\x03" + name + _PACK_INT(len(data) + 5) + data + b"\x00"
def decode_all(data, codec_options=DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS):
    """Decode BSON data to multiple documents.

    `data` must be a string of concatenated, valid, BSON-encoded

      - `data`: BSON data
      - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of

    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
       Removed `compile_re` option: PyMongo now always represents BSON regular
       expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects. Use
       :meth:`~bson.regex.Regex.try_compile` to attempt to convert from a
       BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object.

       Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with

    .. versionchanged:: 2.7
       Added `compile_re` option. If set to False, PyMongo represented BSON
       regular expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects instead of
       attempting to compile BSON regular expressions as Python native
       regular expressions, thus preventing errors for some incompatible
       patterns, see `PYTHON-500`_.

    .. _PYTHON-500: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PYTHON-500
    if not isinstance(codec_options, CodecOptions):

    docs = []
    position = 0
    end = len(data) - 1
    use_raw = _raw_document_class(codec_options.document_class)
        while position < end:
            obj_size = _UNPACK_INT(data[position:position + 4])[0]
            if len(data) - position < obj_size:
                raise InvalidBSON("invalid object size")
            obj_end = position + obj_size - 1
            if data[obj_end:position + obj_size] != b"\x00":
                raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
            if use_raw:
                    codec_options.document_class(data[position:obj_end + 1],
                    _elements_to_dict(data, position + 4, obj_end,
            position += obj_size
        return docs
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        reraise(InvalidBSON, exc_value, exc_tb)
Exemple #4
def decode_all(data, codec_options=DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS):
    if not isinstance(codec_options, CodecOptions):
        raise bson._CODEC_OPTIONS_TYPE_ERROR
    docs = []
    position = 0
    end = len(data) - 1
    use_raw = _raw_document_class(codec_options.document_class)
        while position < end:
            obj_size = bson._UNPACK_INT(data[position:position + 4])[0]
            if len(data) - position < obj_size:
                raise bson.InvalidBSON("invalid object size")
            obj_end = position + obj_size - 1
            if data[obj_end:position + obj_size] != b"\x00":
                raise bson.InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
            if use_raw:
                    codec_options.document_class(data[position:obj_end + 1],
                    _elements_to_dict(data, position + 4, obj_end,
            position += obj_size
        return docs
    except bson.InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        bson.reraise(bson.InvalidBSON, exc_value, exc_tb)
Exemple #5
def decode_all(data, codec_options=DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS):
    """Decode BSON data to multiple documents.

    `data` must be a bytes-like object implementing the buffer protocol that
    provides concatenated, valid, BSON-encoded documents.

      - `data`: BSON data
      - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of

    .. versionchanged:: 3.9
       Supports bytes-like objects that implement the buffer protocol.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
       Removed `compile_re` option: PyMongo now always represents BSON regular
       expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects. Use
       :meth:`~bson.regex.Regex.try_compile` to attempt to convert from a
       BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object.

       Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with
    data, view = get_data_and_view(data)
    if not isinstance(codec_options, CodecOptions):

    data_len = len(data)
    docs = []
    position = 0
    end = data_len - 1
    use_raw = _raw_document_class(codec_options.document_class)
        while position < end:
            obj_size = _UNPACK_INT_FROM(data, position)[0]
            if data_len - position < obj_size:
                raise InvalidBSON("invalid object size")
            obj_end = position + obj_size - 1
            if data[obj_end] != 0:
                raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
            if use_raw:
                        data[position:obj_end + 1], codec_options))
                                              position + 4,
            position += obj_size
        return docs
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        raise InvalidBSON(str(exc_value)).with_traceback(exc_tb)
def _bson_to_dict(data, opts):
    """Decode a BSON string to document_class."""
        if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
            return opts.document_class(data, opts)
        _, end = _get_object_size(data, 0, len(data))
        return _elements_to_dict(data, 4, end, opts)
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        reraise(InvalidBSON, exc_value, exc_tb)
def _bson_to_dict(data: Any, opts: CodecOptions) -> Any:
    """Decode a BSON string to document_class."""
    data, view = get_data_and_view(data)
        if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
            return opts.document_class(data, opts)
        _, end = _get_object_size(data, 0, len(data))
        return _elements_to_dict(data, view, 4, end, opts)
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        raise InvalidBSON(str(exc_value)).with_traceback(exc_tb)
def _get_object(data, view, position, obj_end, opts, dummy):
    """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    obj_size, end = _get_object_size(data, position, obj_end)
    if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
        return (opts.document_class(data[position:end + 1],
                                    opts), position + obj_size)

    obj = _elements_to_dict(data, view, position + 4, end, opts)

    position += obj_size
    if "$ref" in obj:
        return (DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None),
                      obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position)
    return obj, position
def _get_object(data, view, position, obj_end, opts, dummy):
    """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    obj_size, end = _get_object_size(data, position, obj_end)
    if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
        return (opts.document_class(data[position:end + 1],
                                    opts), position + obj_size)

    obj = _elements_to_dict(data, view, position + 4, end, opts)

    position += obj_size
    # If DBRef validation fails, return a normal doc.
    if (isinstance(obj.get('$ref'), str) and "$id" in obj
            and isinstance(obj.get('$db'), (str, type(None)))):
        return (DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None),
                      obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position)
    return obj, position
def _dict_to_bson(doc: Any, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions, top_level: bool = True) -> bytes:
    """Encode a document to BSON."""
    if _raw_document_class(doc):
        return cast(bytes, doc.raw)
        elements = []
        if top_level and "_id" in doc:
            elements.append(_name_value_to_bson(b"_id\x00", doc["_id"], check_keys, opts))
        for key, value in doc.items():
            if not top_level or key != "_id":
                elements.append(_element_to_bson(key, value, check_keys, opts))
    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError("encoder expected a mapping type but got: %r" % (doc,))

    encoded = b"".join(elements)
    return _PACK_INT(len(encoded) + 5) + encoded + b"\x00"
def _decode_selective(rawdoc, fields, codec_options):
    if _raw_document_class(codec_options.document_class):
        # If document_class is RawBSONDocument, use vanilla dictionary for
        # decoding command response.
        doc = {}
        # Else, use the specified document_class.
        doc = codec_options.document_class()
    for key, value in rawdoc.items():
        if key in fields:
            if fields[key] == 1:
                doc[key] = _bson_to_dict(rawdoc.raw, codec_options)[key]
                doc[key] = _decode_selective(value, fields[key], codec_options)
            doc[key] = value
    return doc
Exemple #12
def _get_object(data, position, obj_end, opts, dummy):
    """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    obj_size = bson._UNPACK_INT(data[position:position + 4])[0]
    end = position + obj_size - 1
    if data[end:position + obj_size] != b"\x00":
        raise bson.InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
    if end >= obj_end:
        raise bson.InvalidBSON("invalid object length")
    if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
        return (opts.document_class(data[position:end + 1],
                                    opts), position + obj_size)

    obj = _elements_to_dict(data, position + 4, end, opts, subdocument=True)
    position += obj_size
    if "$ref" in obj:
        return (bson.DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None),
                           obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position)
    return obj, position
Exemple #13
def _dict_to_bson(doc, check_keys, opts, top_level=True):
    """Encode a document to BSON."""
    if _raw_document_class(doc):
        return doc.raw
        elements = []
        if top_level and "_id" in doc:
            elements.append(_name_value_to_bson(b"_id\x00", doc["_id"],
                                                check_keys, opts))
        for (key, value) in iteritems(doc):
            if not top_level or key != "_id":
                elements.append(_element_to_bson(key, value,
                                                 check_keys, opts))
    except AttributeError:
        raise TypeError("encoder expected a mapping type but got: %r" % (doc,))

    encoded = b"".join(elements)
    return _PACK_INT(len(encoded) + 5) + encoded + b"\x00"
Exemple #14
def _get_object(data, position, obj_end, opts, dummy):
    """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    obj_size = _UNPACK_INT(data[position:position + 4])[0]
    end = position + obj_size - 1
    if data[end:position + obj_size] != b"\x00":
        raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
    if end >= obj_end:
        raise InvalidBSON("invalid object length")
    if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
        return (opts.document_class(data[position:end + 1], opts),
                position + obj_size)

    obj = _elements_to_dict(data, position + 4, end, opts)

    position += obj_size
    if "$ref" in obj:
        return (DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None),
                      obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position)
    return obj, position
def _bson_to_dict(data, opts):
    """Decode a BSON string to document_class."""
        obj_size = _UNPACK_INT(data[:4])[0]
    except struct.error as exc:
        raise InvalidBSON(str(exc))
    if obj_size != len(data):
        raise InvalidBSON("invalid object size")
    if data[obj_size - 1:obj_size] != b"\x00":
        raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
        if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
            return opts.document_class(data, opts)
        return _elements_to_dict(data, 4, obj_size - 1, opts)
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        reraise(InvalidBSON, exc_value, exc_tb)
Exemple #16
def _bson_to_dict(data, opts):
    """Decode a BSON string to document_class."""
        obj_size = _UNPACK_INT(data[:4])[0]
    except struct.error as exc:
        raise InvalidBSON(str(exc))
    if obj_size != len(data):
        raise InvalidBSON("invalid object size")
    if data[obj_size - 1:obj_size] != b"\x00":
        raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
        if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
            return opts.document_class(data, opts)
        return _elements_to_dict(data, 4, obj_size - 1, opts)
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        reraise(InvalidBSON, exc_value, exc_tb)
Exemple #17
def decode_all(data, codec_options=DEFAULT_CODEC_OPTIONS):
    """Decode BSON data to multiple documents.

    `data` must be a string of concatenated, valid, BSON-encoded

      - `data`: BSON data
      - `codec_options` (optional): An instance of

    .. versionchanged:: 3.0
       Removed `compile_re` option: PyMongo now always represents BSON regular
       expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects. Use
       :meth:`~bson.regex.Regex.try_compile` to attempt to convert from a
       BSON regular expression to a Python regular expression object.

       Replaced `as_class`, `tz_aware`, and `uuid_subtype` options with

    .. versionchanged:: 2.7
       Added `compile_re` option. If set to False, PyMongo represented BSON
       regular expressions as :class:`~bson.regex.Regex` objects instead of
       attempting to compile BSON regular expressions as Python native
       regular expressions, thus preventing errors for some incompatible
       patterns, see `PYTHON-500`_.

    .. _PYTHON-500: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PYTHON-500
    if not isinstance(codec_options, CodecOptions):

    docs = []
    position = 0
    end = len(data) - 1
    use_raw = _raw_document_class(codec_options.document_class)
        while position < end:
            obj_size = _UNPACK_INT(data[position:position + 4])[0]
            if len(data) - position < obj_size:
                raise InvalidBSON("invalid object size")
            obj_end = position + obj_size - 1
            if data[obj_end:position + obj_size] != b"\x00":
                raise InvalidBSON("bad eoo")
            if use_raw:
                        data[position:obj_end + 1], codec_options))
                                              position + 4,
            position += obj_size
        return docs
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        reraise(InvalidBSON, exc_value, exc_tb)
def _encode_mapping(name: bytes, value: Any, check_keys: bool, opts: CodecOptions) -> bytes:
    """Encode a mapping type."""
    if _raw_document_class(value):
        return b"\x03" + name + value.raw
    data = b"".join([_element_to_bson(key, val, check_keys, opts) for key, val in value.items()])
    return b"\x03" + name + _PACK_INT(len(data) + 5) + data + b"\x00"