Test for adding a single file to a bundle on the command line

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_BUNDLE_FN = "testresult.bundle.repy"
TEST_FILENAMES = ['src1', 'src2', 'src3']
TEST_COPY_FILENAMES = ['src1copy', 'src2copy', 'src3copy']

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation


# First create the bundle
bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["create", TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

# Add multiple files
bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["add", TEST_BUNDLE_FN, TEST_COPY_FILENAMES[0]])

# Now run the test script!
bundle_test_helper.run_repy_program(TEST_BUNDLE_FN, [TEST_FILENAMES[0]])
Test the listing of files in a bundle through the command line.

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_BUNDLE_FN = 'test_readonly.bundle.repy'

bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["list", TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

#pragma out Bundle contents:
#pragma out Filename   Size (bytes)
#pragma out src1copy             87
#pragma out src2copy            100
#pragma out src3copy            461
Test for creating bundles from an existing on the command line

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_SRC_FN = "testscript.repy"
TEST_BUNDLE_FN = "testresult.bundle.repy"

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation

bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["create", TEST_SRC_FN, TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

# Now run the test script!
Test the extracting of a single file in a bundle through the command line.

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_BUNDLE_FN = 'test_readonly.bundle.repy'
TEST_FILENAMES = ['src1', 'src2', 'src3']
TEST_COPY_FILENAMES = ['src1copy', 'src2copy', 'src3copy']

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation

bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["extract", TEST_BUNDLE_FN, TEST_COPY_FILENAMES[0]])

bundle_test_helper.run_repy_program('testscript.repy', [TEST_FILENAMES[0]])
Test the removing of multiple files in a bundle through the command line.

import bundle_test_helper
import repyhelper


ORIGINAL_BUNDLE_FN = "test_readonly.bundle.repy"

# We make a local copy of the test bundle so that we
# don't affect the execution of other tests
TEST_BUNDLE_FN = "test.bundle.repy"
FILENAMES = ["src1copy", "src2copy", "src3copy"]

# This must be done in binary mode.  Otherwise, differences of filesize due to
# \r\n and \n on different OSes will cause the bundler to look for data at the
# wrong places.

bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["remove", TEST_BUNDLE_FN] + FILENAMES)

# We shouldn't see ANY files in this list...
# pragma out {}
bundle = bundle_Bundle(TEST_BUNDLE_FN, "r")
print bundle.list()

# Now run the test script!
Test for creating bundles from an existing on the command line

import os
import sys
import subprocess
import bundle_test_helper

TEST_SRC_FN = "testscript.repy"
TEST_BUNDLE_FN = "testresult.bundle.repy"

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation

# Create a bundle
bundle_test_helper.run_program('bundler.py', ['create', TEST_SRC_FN, TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

# Now run the test script!
Test the removing of multiple files in a bundle through the command line.

import bundle_test_helper
import repyhelper

ORIGINAL_BUNDLE_FN = 'test_readonly.bundle.repy'

# We make a local copy of the test bundle so that we
# don't affect the execution of other tests
TEST_BUNDLE_FN = 'test.bundle.repy'
FILENAMES = ['src1copy', 'src2copy', 'src3copy']

# This must be done in binary mode.  Otherwise, differences of filesize due to
# \r\n and \n on different OSes will cause the bundler to look for data at the
# wrong places.

                               ["remove", TEST_BUNDLE_FN] + FILENAMES)

# We shouldn't see ANY files in this list...
#pragma out {}
bundle = bundle_Bundle(TEST_BUNDLE_FN, 'r')
print bundle.list()

# Now run the test script!
Exemple #8
Test to ensure we display a meaningful message when user gives bad input
for creating a bundle on the command line.

import bundle_test_helper

#pragma out Expected Arguments: {source_filename} bundle_filename
bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["create"])
Exemple #9
Test the extracting of all files in a bundle through the command line.

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_BUNDLE_FN = 'test_readonly.bundle.repy'
TEST_FILENAMES = ['src1', 'src2', 'src3']
TEST_COPY_FILENAMES = ['src1copy', 'src2copy', 'src3copy']

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation

bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["extract-all", TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

bundle_test_helper.run_repy_program('testscript.repy', TEST_FILENAMES)
Exemple #10
Test for adding a single file to a bundle on the command line

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_BUNDLE_FN = "testresult.bundle.repy"
TEST_FILENAMES = ['src1', 'src2', 'src3']
TEST_COPY_FILENAMES = ['src1copy', 'src2copy', 'src3copy']

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation


# First create the bundle
bundle_test_helper.run_program("bundler.py", ["create", TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

# Add multiple files
                               ["add", TEST_BUNDLE_FN, TEST_COPY_FILENAMES[0]])

# Now run the test script!
bundle_test_helper.run_repy_program(TEST_BUNDLE_FN, [TEST_FILENAMES[0]])
Test for creating bundles from an existing on the command line

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_SRC_FN = "testscript.repy"
TEST_BUNDLE_FN = "testresult.bundle.repy"

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation

                               ["create", TEST_SRC_FN, TEST_BUNDLE_FN])

# Now run the test script!
Test the extracting of a single file in a bundle through the command line.

import bundle_test_helper

TEST_BUNDLE_FN = 'test_readonly.bundle.repy'
TEST_FILENAMES = ['src1', 'src2', 'src3']
TEST_COPY_FILENAMES = ['src1copy', 'src2copy', 'src3copy']

# Make sure the bundle doesn't exist to test bundle creation

    "bundler.py", ["extract", TEST_BUNDLE_FN, TEST_COPY_FILENAMES[0]])

bundle_test_helper.run_repy_program('testscript.repy', [TEST_FILENAMES[0]])