Exemple #1
    def act(self, view, msg):
        me = view.get_me()
        my_pos = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()

        # first cell only store home plant and work out direction to symmetric team
        # TODO: handle view.get_plants() somehow not working for the first cell
        if (self.home == None):
            self.home = (view.get_plants()[0].x, view.get_plants()[0].y)
            self.breeder = True

        # eat
        if (view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 0):
            if (me.energy < 50):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        # breed if designated
        if (self.breeder):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (mx + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                                 my + random.randrange(-1, 2), self.home))

        # fight if drunk
        nearby = view.get_agents()
        for a in nearby:
            if (a.team != me.team):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        # leave home
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, self.symmetricPos(self.home))

        # die
Exemple #2
 def should_attack(self, view, msg):
     me = view.get_me()
     count = 0
     for a in view.get_agents():
         if a.get_team() != me.get_team():
             count += 1
     if count > 0:
         currentEnergy = view.get_energy().get(me.x, me.y)
         if currentEnergy > 20:
             return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
         if self.plant:
             count = 10
         msg.send_message((MessageType.ATTACK, count, self.id, me.x, me.y))
         return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())
     return None
Exemple #3
    def act(self,view,msg):
        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        dir = 1
        n = len(view.get_plants())
        me = view.get_me()
        mp = (mx,my)= me.get_pos()
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if (a.get_team()!=me.get_team()):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK,a.get_pos())

        for m in msg.get_messages():
            r = random.random()
            if ((self.my_plant and random.random()>0.6) or
                (not self.my_plant and random.random() > 0.5)):
                self.mode = 5
                (tx,ty) = m
                self.target = (tx+random.randrange(-3,4),ty+random.randrange(-3,4))

        if n:
            best_plant = max(view.get_plants(), key=lambda x: x.eff)
            if not self.my_plant or self.my_plant.eff < best_plant.eff:
                self.my_plant = view.get_plants()[0]
                self.mode = 0

        if self.mode == 5:
            dist = max(abs(mx-self.target[0]),abs(my-self.target[1]))
            self.target_range = max(dist,self.target_range)
            if me.energy > dist*1.5:
                self.mode = 6

        if self.mode == 6:
            dist = max(abs(mx-self.target[0]),abs(my-self.target[1]))
            if dist > 4:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,self.target)
                self.my_plant = None
                self.mode = 0

        if (me.energy < self.target_range) and (view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 0):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if self.my_plant:
            dist = max(abs(mx-self.my_plant.get_pos()[0]),abs(my-self.my_plant.get_pos()[1]))
            if me.energy < dist*1.5:
                (mx,my) = self.my_plant.get_pos()
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,(mx+random.randrange(-1,2),my+random.randrange(-1,2)))
            if (random.random()>0.9999):
                (mx,my) = self.my_plant.get_pos()
                dtheta = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
                dr = random.randrange(100)
                curr_r, curr_theta = cmath.polar(mx + my*1j)
                m = cmath.rect(curr_r + dr, curr_theta + dtheta)
                msg.send_message((m.real, m.imag))

        if (random.random()>0.9 and me.energy >= 50):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,(mx+random.randrange(-1,2),my+random.randrange(-1,2)))
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,(mx+random.randrange(-1,2),my+random.randrange(-1,2)))
Exemple #4
    def act(self, view, msg):
        # x_sum = 0
        # y_sum = 0
        dir = 1
        me = view.get_me()
        (mx, my) = me.get_pos()

        # Attack any opponents.
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if a.get_team() != me.get_team():
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        # Attach to the strongest plant found.
        if view.get_plants():
            plant = view.get_plants()[0]
            if not self.my_plant:
                self.my_plant = plant
            elif self.my_plant.eff < plant.eff:
                self.my_plant = plant

        # Eat if hungry or if this is an exceptionally energy-rich spot.
        hungry = (me.energy < self.target_range)
        energy_here = view.get_energy().get(mx, my)
        food = (energy_here > 0)
        if hungry and food or energy_here > 100:
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if self.my_plant:
            plant_pos = self.my_plant.get_pos()
            plant_dist = self.length(abs(mx - plant_pos[0]),
                                     abs(my - plant_pos[1]))

            if (not me.loaded
                    and (plant_dist % 5 or abs(mx - plant_pos[0]) < 2)
                    and random.random() > 0.5):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_LIFT)
            if me.loaded and plant_dist % 5 == 0 and abs(mx -
                                                         plant_pos[0]) >= 2:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_DROP)
            if me.energy < plant_dist * 1.5:
                (mx, my) = plant_pos
                pos = (mx + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                       my + random.randrange(-1, 2))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, pos)

        pos = (mx + random.randrange(-1, 2), my + random.randrange(-1, 2))
        action = cells.ACT_SPAWN if random.random() > 0.9 else cells.ACT_MOVE
        return cells.Action(action, pos)
Exemple #5
    def act_scout(self, view, msg):
        me = view.get_me()
        if self.x is None:
            self.choose_new_direction(view, msg)

        currentEnergy = view.get_energy().get(me.x, me.y)

        # Grabbing a plant is the most important thing, we get this we win
        plants = view.get_plants()
        if plants:
            plant = (plants[0]).get_pos()
            if plant != self.plant:
                if self.plants.count(plant) == 0:
                    #print "Found a new plant, resetting time: " + str(len(self.plants))
                        (MessageType.FOUNDPLANT, 0, self.id, me.x, me.y))
                    self.time = 0
                self.plant = plant
                self.type = Type.PARENT
                self.search = None
                #print str(len(self.plants)) + " " + str(me.get_team())
                return self.act_parent(view, msg)
            # Don't let this go to waste
            if currentEnergy >= 3:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if self.search:
            if me.energy > 100:
                spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                    (me.x + spawn_x, me.y + spawn_y, self))
            if (currentEnergy > 3):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        # Make sure we wont die
        if (me.energy < 25 and currentEnergy > 1):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        # hit world wall, bounce back
        map_size = view.energy_map.width
        if me.x <= 0 or me.x >= map_size - 1 or me.y <= 0 or me.y >= map_size - 1:
            self.choose_new_direction(view, msg)

        # If I get the message of help go and rescue!
        if self.step == 0 and (not self.search) and (random.random() > 0.2):
            ax = 0
            ay = 0
            best = 300 + self.time / 2
            message_count = len(msg.get_messages())
            for m in msg.get_messages():
                (type, count, id, ox, oy) = m
                if (id == self.id and type == MessageType.ATTACK):
                    dist = abs(me.x - ax) + abs(me.y - ay)
                    if count >= 2:
                        dist /= count
                    if dist < best and dist > 1:
                        ax = ox
                        ay = oy
                        best = dist
            if (ax != 0 and ay != 0):
                dir = ax - me.x + (ay - me.y) * 1j
                r, theta = cmath.polar(dir)
                theta += 0.1 * random.random() - 0.5
                dir = cmath.rect(r, theta)
                self.x = dir.real
                self.y = dir.imag
                # if (message_count > 1) :
                #     # Attack the base, not the front
                #     agent_scale = 1 + random.random()
                #     self.x *= agent_scale
                #     self.y *= agent_scale
                # don't stand still once we get there
                if (self.x == 0 and self.y == 0):
                    self.x = random.randrange(-2, 2)
                    self.y = random.randrange(-2, 2)

                self.step = random.randrange(
                    1, min(30, max(2, int((best + 2) / 2))))
                self.rescue = True

        if not self.rescue and me.energy > cells.SPAWN_MIN_ENERGY and me.energy < 100:
            spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (me.x + spawn_x, me.y + spawn_y, self))

        # Back to step 0 we can change direction at the next attack.
        if self.step:
            self.step -= 1

        return self.smart_move(view, msg)
Exemple #6
    def act_parent(self, view, msg):
        me = view.get_me()
        plant_pos = (px, py) = self.plant

        # Make sure the plant is always populated
        grid = self.get_available_space_grid(me, view)
        xoffset = -2
        yoffset = -2
        if self.check(1, 0, view):
            xoffset = 1
            yoffset = 0
            # right
        if self.check(-1, 0, view):
            xoffset = -1
            yoffset = 0
            # left
        if self.check(0, 1, view):
            xoffset = 0
            yoffset = 1
            # down
        if self.check(0, -1, view):
            xoffset = 0
            yoffset = -1
            # up
        if self.check(-1, -1, view):
            xoffset = -1
            yoffset = -1
            # diag left
        if self.check(-1, 1, view):
            xoffset = -1
            yoffset = 1
            # diag right
        if self.check(1, -1, view):
            xoffset = 1
            yoffset = -1
            # diag left
        if self.check(1, 1, view):
            xoffset = 1
            yoffset = 1
            # diag right
        if xoffset != -2:
            if me.energy < cells.SPAWN_MIN_ENERGY:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
            # When we are populating plant cells we must spawn some children in case we are being attacked
            # When we are all alone we don't spawn any cheap children and only do high quality cells
            self.children += 1
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (me.x + xoffset, me.y + yoffset, self))

        # When there are more then two plants always charge up and then leave
        # when there are less then two plants only half of the cells should charge up and then leave
        if self.children <= 0:
            if me.energy >= cells.ENERGY_CAP or me.energy > cells.SPAWN_MIN_ENERGY + self.time + random.randrange(
                    -10, 100):
                self.type = Type.SCOUT
                return self.act_scout(view, msg)
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if me.energy < cells.SPAWN_MIN_ENERGY:
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
        self.children -= 1
        spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                            (me.x + spawn_x, me.y + spawn_y, self))
Exemple #7
    def smart_move(self, view, msg):
        me = view.get_me()

        # make sure we can actually move
        if me.get_pos() == self.last_pos:
            self.bumps += 1
            self.bumps = 0
        if self.bumps >= 2:
            self.choose_new_direction(view, msg)
        self.last_pos = view.me.get_pos()

        offsetx = 0
        offsety = 0
        if self.search:
            offsetx = random.randrange(-1, 1)
            offsety = random.randrange(-1, 1)

        wx = me.x + self.x + offsetx
        wy = me.y + self.y + offsety

        grid = self.get_available_space_grid(me, view)

        bestEnergy = 2
        bestEnergyX = -1
        bestEnergyY = -1

        for x in xrange(3):
            for y in range(3):
                if grid[x, y]:
                    e = view.get_energy().get(me.x + x - 1, me.y + y - 1)
                    if e > bestEnergy:
                        bestEnergy = e
                        bestEnergyX = x
                        bestEnergyY = y

        # Check the desired location first
        if (wx < me.x): bx = 0
        if (wx == me.x): bx = 1
        if (wx > me.x): bx = 2
        if (wy < me.y): by = 0
        if (wy == me.y): by = 1
        if (wy > me.y): by = 2
        if bx == bestEnergyX and bestEnergy > 1:
            return cells.Action(
                (me.x + bestEnergyX - 1, me.y + bestEnergyY - 1))
        if by == bestEnergyY and bestEnergy > 1:
            return cells.Action(
                (me.x + bestEnergyX - 1, me.y + bestEnergyY - 1))

        if grid[bx, by]:
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (wx, wy))

        if bestEnergy > 1:
            return cells.Action(
                (me.x + bestEnergyX - 1, me.y + bestEnergyY - 1))

        if grid[2, 0] and random.random() > 0.5:
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (me.x + 1, me.y - 1))

        for x in xrange(3):
            for y in range(3):
                if grid[x, y]:
                    return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (x - 1, y - 1))
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (wx, wy))
Exemple #8
 def Spawn(self, x, y):
     return cells.Action(
         (x + random.randrange(-1, 2), y + random.randrange(-1, 2)))
Exemple #9
    def act(self, view, msg):
        if not self.x:

        me = view.get_me()
        my_pos = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()

        # Attack anyone next to me, but first send out the distress message with my position
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if (a.get_team() != me.get_team()):
                msg.send_message((MessageType.ATTACK, mx, my))
                if (me.energy > 2000):
                    spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
                    return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                        (mx + spawn_x, my + spawn_y, self))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        # Eat any energy I find until I am 'full'
        if (view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 0):
            if (me.energy < 50):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
            if (me.energy < self.defense and (random.random() > 0.3)):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if (self.scout and me.energy > 1000 and random.random() > 0.5):
            spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (mx + spawn_x, my + spawn_y, self))

        # If there is a plant near by go to it and spawn all I can
        if (not self.my_plant):
            plants = view.get_plants()
            if (len(plants) > 0):
                self.my_plant = plants[0]
        if (self.my_plant and (self.children < 50 or random.random() > 0.9)):
            self.children += 1
            spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (mx + spawn_x, my + spawn_y, self))

        # If I get the message of help go and rescue!
        map_size = view.energy_map.width
        if (self.step == 0 and True != self.scout and (random.random() > 0.2)):
            ax = 0
            ay = 0
            best = view.energy_map.width + view.energy_map.height
            message_count = len(msg.get_messages())
            for m in msg.get_messages():
                (type, ox, oy) = m
                if (type == MessageType.ATTACK):
                    dist = max(abs(mx - ax), abs(my - ay))
                    if dist < best:
                        ax = ox
                        ay = oy
                        best = dist
            if (ax != 0 and ay != 0):
                self.defense = 2000
                self.x = ax - mx
                self.y = ay - my
                if (message_count > 1):
                    # Attack the base, not the front
                    agent_offset = random.randrange(1, 50)
                    if (self.x > 0):
                        self.x += agent_offset
                        self.x -= agent_offset
                    if (self.y > 0):
                        self.y += agent_offset
                        self.y -= agent_offset
                # Don't stand still once we get there
                if (self.x == 0 and self.y == 0):
                self.step = random.randrange(3, 10)

        # hit world wall
        if mx <= 0 or mx >= map_size - 1 or my <= 0 or my >= map_size - 1:

        # Back to step 0 we can change direction at the next attack
        if (self.step > 0):
            self.step -= 1

        # Move quickly randomly in my birth direction
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,
                            (mx + self.x + random.randrange(-1, 1),
                             my + self.y + random.randrange(-1, 1)))
Exemple #10
    def act(self, view, msg):
        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        dir = 1
        n = len(view.get_plants())
        me = view.get_me()
        mp = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if (a.get_team() != me.get_team()):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        for m in msg.get_messages():
            if (random.random() > 0.6) and self.my_plant:
                self.mode = 5
                (tx, ty) = m
                self.target = (tx + random.randrange(-3, 4),
                               ty + random.randrange(-3, 4))

        if (n > 0):
            if (not self.my_plant):
                self.my_plant = view.get_plants()[0]
            elif self.my_plant.get_eff() < view.get_plants()[0].get_eff():
                self.my_plant = view.get_plants()[0]

        if self.mode == 5:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.target[0]), abs(my - self.target[1]))
            self.target_range = max(dist, self.target_range)
            if me.energy > dist * 1.5:
                self.mode = 6

        if self.mode == 6:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.target[0]), abs(my - self.target[1]))
            if dist > 4:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, self.target)
                self.my_plant = None
                self.mode = 0

        if (me.energy < self.target_range) and (view.get_energy().get(mx, my) >
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if self.my_plant:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.my_plant.get_pos()[0]),
                       abs(my - self.my_plant.get_pos()[1]))
            if me.energy < dist * 1.5:
                (mx, my) = self.my_plant.get_pos()
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,
                                    (mx + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                                     my + random.randrange(-1, 2)))
            if (random.random() > 0.9999):
                (mx, my) = self.my_plant.get_pos()
                msg.send_message((my, mx))

        if (random.random() > 0.9):
            return cells.Action(
                (mx + random.randrange(-1, 2), my + random.randrange(-1, 2)))
            return cells.Action(
                (mx + random.randrange(-1, 2), my + random.randrange(-1, 2)))
Exemple #11
    def act(self, view, msg):
        debug = "off"
        me = view.get_me()
        pos = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()
        radius = self.radius
        gate = self.gate
        terrain = view.get_terr().values
        helper = self.helper

        # Eat if hungry or if this is an exceptionally energy-rich spot.
        full = me.energy >= (cells.ENERGY_CAP / 2)
        hungry = (me.energy < self.target_range)
        energy_here = view.get_energy().get(mx, my)
        food = (energy_here > 0)
        if not full and ((hungry and food) or energy_here > 100):
            debug = "eat1"
            action = cells.ACT_EAT
        elif hungry:
            (dx, dy) = AStar.a_star_search(pos, self.my_plant.get_pos(), SquareGrid(view.get_terr(), me.loaded))[1]
            #(dx, dy) = helper.dir_to(pos, self.my_plant.get_pos())
            pos = (dx, dy)
            debug = "move1"
            action = cells.ACT_MOVE
            while not helper.can_move(view, pos):
                pos = self.hungry_move(view)
                debug = "move1.1"
        elif self.my_plant:
            plant_pos = (px, py) = self.my_plant.get_pos()
            plant_terrain = terrain[px][py]
            plant_dist = helper.length(
                abs(pos[0] - plant_pos[0]),
                abs(pos[1] - plant_pos[1]))
            if (not me.loaded and
                    (plant_dist > radius or (plant_dist < radius and plant_dist < terrain[mx][my])) and
                    #(plant_dist > radius or (plant_dist < radius and plant_dist + plant_terrain < terrain[mx][my])) and
                    #(plant_dist > radius or (plant_dist < radius and plant_dist + terrain[mx][my]) >  radius) and
                # always lift towards the plant
                # Check that the lift won't take too much dirt
                debug = "lift1"
                action = cells.ACT_LIFT
            elif (me.loaded and
                        ((plant_dist == radius and abs(mx - plant_pos[0]) >= gate) or
                        terrain[mx][my] < plant_dist < radius)):
                        #(plant_dist < radius and plant_dist + plant_terrain > terrain[mx][my]))):
                      #terrain[mx][my] + plant_dist < radius)):
                # always drop away from the plant
                # Make sure that the drop won't leave it stranded on the wall (may be done as another check elsewhere)
                debug = "drop1"
                action = cells.ACT_DROP
                plant_pos = self.my_plant.get_pos()
                (dx, dy) = (random.randrange(-1, 2), random.randrange(-1, 2))
                plant_dist = helper.length(
                   abs(pos[0] + dx - plant_pos[0]),
                   abs(pos[1] + dy - plant_pos[1]))
                if plant_dist > (1.5 * radius):     # Move back towards the plant if too far away
                   (dx, dy) = (dx * -1, dy * -1)
                pos = (mx + dx, my + dy)
                action = cells.ACT_MOVE
                debug = "move2"
                while not helper.can_move(view, pos):
                    debug = "move2.1"
                    (dx, dy) = (random.randrange(-1, 2), random.randrange(-1, 2))
                    pos = (mx + dx, my + dy)
            (dx, dy) = (random.randrange(-1, 2), random.randrange(-1, 2))
            pos = (mx + dx, my + dy)
            action = cells.ACT_MOVE
            debug = "move3"
            while not helper.can_move(view, pos):
                debug = "move3.1"
                (dx, dy) = (random.randrange(-1, 2), random.randrange(-1, 2))
                pos = (mx + dx, my + dy)

        print(helper.display(view, action, pos, self))


        return cells.Action(action, pos)
Exemple #12
    def act(self, view, msg):
        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        dir = 1
        n = len(view.get_plants())
        me = view.get_me()
        mp = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()

        #If I don't have an id yet, get one.
        if (self.uniqueid == 0):
            self.uniqueid = self.GetID()

        for a in view.get_agents():
            if (a.get_team() != me.get_team()):
                #If I see an enemy, broadcast it, then attack it.
                sentence = [self.uniqueid, 3, a]
                if sentence not in self.outmemory:
                return self.Attack(a)

        #Go through my messages, then memorize them
        for m in msg.get_messages():

        #Choosing a plant
        if (n > 0):
            #If I see a plant, broadcast it.
            sentence = [self.uniqueid, 2, view.get_plants()[0]]
            if sentence not in self.outmemory:

            if (not self.my_plant):
                #If I don't have a plant, get one.
                self.my_plant = view.get_plants()[0]
            elif self.my_plant.get_eff() < view.get_plants()[0].get_eff():
                #If I see a plant that is better than my current one, get it.
                self.my_plant = view.get_plants()[0]
                #Otherwise, check my memory to see if someone else has found a plant
                for mem in self.memory:
                    if (mem[1] == 2):
                        #Ok, go to the plant that I have in memory
                        self.my_plant = mem[2]

        if self.mode == 5:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.target[0]), abs(my - self.target[1]))
            self.target_range = max(dist, self.target_range)
            if view.get_me().energy > dist * 1.5:
                self.mode = 6

        if self.mode == 6:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.target[0]), abs(my - self.target[1]))
            if dist > 4:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, self.target)
                self.my_plant = None
                self.mode = 0

        if (view.get_me().energy <
                self.target_range) and (view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 0):
            return self.Eat()

        #If I have a plant, move towards it if i need to.
        if self.my_plant:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.my_plant.get_pos()[0]),
                       abs(my - self.my_plant.get_pos()[1]))
            if view.get_me().energy < dist * 1.5:
                (mx, my) = self.my_plant.get_pos()
                return self.Move(mx, my)

        #Spawn near my plant, or just move near it.
        if (random.random() > 0.9):
            return self.Spawn(mx, my)
            return self.Move(mx, my)
Exemple #13
 def Eat(self):
     return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
Exemple #14
 def Attack(self, a):
     return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())
Exemple #15
 def Move(self, x, y):
     return cells.Action(
         (x + random.randrange(-1, 2), y + random.randrange(-1, 2)))
Exemple #16
	def act(self,view,msg):
		me = view.get_me()
		pos = me.get_pos()
		(mx, my) = pos

		if len(view.get_plants()):
			self.soldier = False
			self.spawner = True
			self.spawnRequirement = 55

		# respond to nearby battles
		if self.soldier and len(msg.get_messages()):
			newPos = (0, 0)
			nCloseBy = 0
			for message in msg.get_messages():
				enemyPos = message.pos
				cartesian = (enemyPos[0] - mx, enemyPos[1] - my)
				distance = max(abs(cartesian[0]), abs(cartesian[1]))
				if distance < 30:
					newPos = (newPos[0] + enemyPos[0], newPos[1] + enemyPos[1])
				# does the soldier have orders?  any battle call will do
				if not self.soldierDirected:
					direction = math.atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0])
					self.soldierDirected = True

			if nCloseBy:
				# find average of all close-by battle calls
				self.avgEnemyPos = ((self.avgEnemyPos[0] * float(self.weight) + newPos[0]) / float(self.weight + nCloseBy),
					(self.avgEnemyPos[1] * float(self.weight) + newPos[1]) / float(self.weight + nCloseBy))
				self.weight = min(25, self.weight+nCloseBy)
				cartesian = (self.avgEnemyPos[0] - mx, self.avgEnemyPos[1] - my)
				direction = math.atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0])
				self.distanceToFight = max(abs(cartesian[0]), abs(cartesian[1]))
				self.spawnRequirement = 50 + self.distanceToFight + 10

		# are we stuck?
		if self.moved and self.prevPos == pos:
			self.soldierDirected = False
		self.moved = 0
		self.prevPos = None

		for a in view.get_agents():
			if (a.get_team()!=me.get_team()):				
				return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK,a.get_pos())

		# freeSpots = where we can move/spawn
		freeSpots = diffs[:]
		for a in view.get_agents():
			apos = a.get_pos()
			dpos = (apos[0] - pos[0], apos[1] - pos[1])
			if dpos in freeSpots:

		# see a ton of food nearby?
		if not self.spawner:
			for diff in diffs:
				target = (mx+diff[0], my+diff[1])
				if view.get_energy().get(target[0], target[1]) > 50 and target in freeSpots:
					return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (mx+diff[0], my+diff[1]))

		# spawn?
		if me.energy > self.spawnRequirement:
			if len(freeSpots):
				spawn = freeSpots[0]
				spawnSoldier = None
				if self.distanceToFight and self.distanceToFight < 20:
					spawnSoldier = True
					spawnSoldier = False
				return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN, (mx+spawn[0], my+spawn[1], spawnSoldier))

		# eat?
		if self.spawner or view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 1 and (me.energy < self.energyNeeded):
			self.prevEnergy = me.energy
			return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

		# move as directed
		elif not self.spawner:
			dx = dy = 0
			while not self.moved:
				if random.random() < abs(self.cos):
					dx += self.dx
				if random.random() < abs(self.sin):
					dy += self.dy
				self.moved = dx or dy
			self.prevPos = pos
			return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (mx+dx, my+dy))
    def act(self, view, msg):
        x_sum = 0
        y_sum = 0
        dir = 1
        me = view.me
        mp = (mx, my) = (me.x, me.y)
        map_size = view.energy_map.width

        cfh_val = self.call_for_help.val
        for a in view.agent_views:
            if (a.team != me.team):
                if random() > cfh_val:
                    msg.send_message((self.call_type.val, MODE_ATTACK, mp))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, (a.x, a.y))

        my_call_type = self.call_type.val
        my_plant = self.my_plant
        for message in msg.get_messages():
            call_type, move_mode, m = message
            if call_type != my_call_type:
            if my_plant:
                my_team = me.team
                num_nearby = sum(1 for x in view.agent_views
                                 if x.team == my_team)
                if num_nearby > 1 and random() > self.draft_dodger.val:
                    tx, ty = m
                    self._set_target(move_mode, tx, ty, map_size)
            elif random() < self.call_of_duty.val:
                tx, ty = m
                self._set_target(move_mode, tx, ty, map_size)

        del my_plant  # Might change later, don't confuse myself by caching it.

        if view.plant_views:
            best_plant = max(view.plant_views, key=lambda x: x.eff)
            self.my_plant = best_plant
            self.mode = MODE_NORMAL

        if self.mode == MODE_PREP:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.target[0]), abs(my - self.target[1]))
            self.target_range = max(dist, self.target_range)
            if me.energy > dist * 1.5:
                self.mode = self.next_mode

        if self.mode == MODE_COLONIZE or self.mode == MODE_ATTACK:
            dist = abs(mx - self.target[0]) + abs(my - self.target[1])
            my_team = me.team
            if (dist < 2 or
                (self.mode == MODE_COLONIZE and dist < 8
                 and sum(1
                         for a in view.agent_views if a.team == my_team) > 7)):
                self.my_plant = None
                self.mode = MODE_NORMAL
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, self.target)

        if me.energy < self.target_range:
            if view.energy_map.get(mx, my) > 0:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
            elif self.my_plant is not None:
                mp = self.my_plant
                self._set_target(MODE_ATTACK, mp.x, mp.y, map_size)
                self._colonize_from(mx, my, map_size)

        my_plant = self.my_plant
        if my_plant is not None:
            dist = max(abs(mx - self.my_plant.get_pos()[0]),
                       abs(my - self.my_plant.get_pos()[1]))
            if me.energy < dist * 1.5:
                return cells.Action(
                    (fuzz_coord(my_plant.x), fuzz_coord(my_plant.y)))
            if (random() < self.colonize_prob.val):
                self._colonize_from(my_plant.x, my_plant.y, map_size)

        if (random() < self.spawn_prob.val
                and me.energy >= self.spawn_energy.val):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (fuzz_coord(mx), fuzz_coord(my), self))
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,
                                (fuzz_coord(mx), fuzz_coord(my)))
    def act(self, view, msg):
        me = view.get_me()
        mp = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()

        # If I think it's time to go to war, sound out a message
        if self.mytime > self.goto_war_at and not (self.war_time > 0):
            msg.send_message(("war", self.mytime))

        # personal time counter
        self.mytime += 1

        # Interpret war-related messages
        for m in msg.get_messages():
            if m[0] == "war" and not self.am_warrior:
                self.am_warrior = True
                self.war_time = self.mytime
            if m[0] == "attack":
                self.lastattack = (m[1], m[2], self.mytime)

        # Attack nearby enemies.  This always gets done first
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if (a.get_team() != me.get_team()):
                msg.send_message(("attack", mx, my))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        # Move if at war
        if self.am_warrior and (self.lastattack[2] > self.war_time - 50):
            go = True
            for plant in view.get_plants():
                if (mx == plant.x and abs(my - plant.y) < 2) or (
                        my == plant.y and abs(mx - plant.x) < 2):
                    go = False
            if go:
                tx, ty = (self.lastattack[0], self.lastattack[1])
                if mx != self.lastattack[0]:
                    tx += random.randrange(
                        15, 40) * (self.lastattack[0] - mx) / abs(
                            (self.lastattack[0] - mx))
                if my != self.lastattack[1]:
                    ty += random.randrange(
                        15, 40) * (self.lastattack[1] - my) / abs(
                            (self.lastattack[1] - my))
                tx += random.randrange(-4, 5)
                ty += random.randrange(-4, 5)
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (tx, ty))

        # If very hungry, eat
        if ((me.energy < self.target_range)
                and (view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 0)):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        # If on a quest, move.  Stop for nearby goodies or if I couldn't move last time.
        if self.mygoaldir != (0, 0):
            self.questtime += 1
            highenergy = False
            for diff in self.diffs:
                tx, ty = mx + diff[0], my + diff[1]
                if (view.get_energy().get(tx, ty) > 200): highenergy = True
            if ((len(view.get_plants()) > 0 or highenergy)
                    and self.questtime > 5) or (mx == self.last_x
                                                and my == self.last_y):
                self.mygoaldir = (0, 0)
                self.last_x = mx
                self.last_y = my
                for a in view.get_agents():
                    if a.x == mx + self.mygoaldir[
                            0] and a.y == my + self.mygoaldir[1]:
                        self.mygoaldir = random.choice(
                            self.diffs)  # change destination if blocked
                if random.random() < 0.9:
                    return cells.Action(
                        (mx + self.mygoaldir[0], my + self.mygoaldir[1]))
                    return cells.Action(
                        (mx + self.mygoaldir[0] + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                         my + self.mygoaldir[1] + random.randrange(-1, 2)))

        # Spawn if I have the energy
        if me.energy > self.spawn_min:
            for diff in self.diffs:
                sx, sy = (mx + diff[0], my + diff[1])
                occupied = False
                for a in view.get_agents():
                    if a.x == sx and a.y == sy:
                        occupied = True
                if not occupied:
                    return cells.Action(
                        (sx, sy, self.gen + 1, self.war_time, diff))

        # Start a quest if I have the energy and there's no war
        if me.energy > self.migrate_min and not self.am_warrior:
            self.mygoaldir = random.choice(self.diffs)
            self.questtime = 0
            self.last_x = -999
            self.last_y = -999
            return cells.Action(
                (mx + self.mygoaldir[0], my + self.mygoaldir[1]))

        # Find the highest energy square I can see.  If I'm there, eat it.  Otherwise move there.
        maxenergy = view.get_energy().get(mx, my)
        fx, fy = (mx, my)
        for diff in self.diffs:
            tx, ty = (mx + diff[0], my + diff[1])
            occupied = False
            for a in view.get_agents():
                if a.x == tx and a.y == ty:
                    occupied = True
            if view.get_energy().get(tx, ty) > maxenergy and not occupied:
                maxenergy = view.get_energy().get(tx, ty)
                fx, fy = (tx, ty)
        if (mx, my) == (fx, fy):
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (fx, fy))
Exemple #19
    def act_wrapper(self, view, msg):
        global armageddon_declared
        me = view.get_me()
        my_pos = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()
        # after a while, armageddon!
        self.age += 1
        self.game_age += 1
        bored = (view.energy_map.width + view.energy_map.height)
        if self.game_age > bored and self.game_age <= bored * 2 or self.game_age > bored * 2.5:
            self.scout = False
            if not armageddon_declared:
                print "Mark declares armageddon!"
                armageddon_declared = True
        if self.game_age > bored * 2 and self.game_age < bored * 2.5 and armageddon_declared:
            print "Mark calls armageddon off..."
            armageddon_declared = False

        # Attack anyone next to me, but first send out the distress message with my position
        target = next(
            (a for a in view.get_agents() if a.get_team() != me.get_team()),
        if target:
            msg.send_message((MessageType.ATTACK, mx, my))
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, target.get_pos())

        # Eat any energy I find until I am 'full'
        if view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 0:
            if (me.energy < 50):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
            if (me.energy < self.defense):  # and (random.random()>0.1)):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        # If there is a plant near by go to it and spawn all I can
        if not self.my_plant and len(view.get_plants()) > 0:
            self.my_plant = view.get_plants()[0]
        if self.my_plant:
            pos = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
            if pos:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                    (me.x + pos[0], me.y + pos[1], self))

        if me.energy > 50 or (armageddon_declared and me.energy > 400):
            pos = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
            if pos:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                    (me.x + pos[0], me.y + pos[1], self))

        # If I get the message of help go and rescue!
        if (self.step == 0 and (random.random() > 0.2)):
            calls_to_arms = [((mx - ox)**2 + (my - oy)**2, ox, oy)
                             for t, ox, oy in msg.get_messages()
                             if t == MessageType.ATTACK]
            if len(calls_to_arms) > 0:
                best, ox, oy = min(calls_to_arms)
                if not self.scout or best < min(
                        self.game_age, (view.energy_map.width / 8)**2):
                    self.defense = 2000
                    self.x = ox - mx
                    self.y = oy - my
                    if (len(calls_to_arms) > 1):
                        # Attack the base, not the front
                        agent_offset = random.randrange(
                            1, view.energy_map.width / 6)
                        if (self.x > 0):
                            self.x += agent_offset
                            self.x -= agent_offset
                        if (self.y > 0):
                            self.y += agent_offset
                            self.y -= agent_offset
                        # don't all aim directly at the target
                        roam = int(sqrt(best))
                        if roam > 1:
                            self.x += random.randrange(-roam, roam + 1)
                            self.y += random.randrange(-roam, roam + 1)
                    # Don't stand still once we get there
                    if (self.x == 0 and self.y == 0):
                        self.x = random.randrange(-3, 4)
                        self.y = random.randrange(-3, 4)
                    self.step = random.randrange(3, 30)

        # don't get stuck and die
        if self.bumps >= 2:
            self.x = random.randrange(-3, 4)
            self.y = random.randrange(-3, 4)
            self.bumps = 0

        # hit world wall
        if (mx == 0 or mx == view.energy_map.width - 1):
            self.scout = False
            self.x *= -1
            self.bumps = 0
        if (my == 0 or my == view.energy_map.height - 1):
            self.scout = False
            self.y *= -1
            self.bumps = 0

        # Back to step 0 we can change direction at the next attack
        if (self.step > 0):
            self.step -= 1

        # Move quickly randomly in my birth direction
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE,
                            (mx + self.x + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                             my + self.y + random.randrange(-1, 2)))
Exemple #20
    def act_wrapper(self, view, msg):
        me = view.get_me()
        my_pos = (mx, my) = me.get_pos()
        if my_pos == self.last_pos:
            self.bumps += 1
            self.bumps = 0

        if self.x is None:
            self.x = random.randrange(view.energy_map.width) - me.x
            self.y = random.randrange(view.energy_map.height) - me.y
        # Attack anyone next to me, but first send out the distress message with my position
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if (a.get_team() != me.get_team()):
                msg.send_message((self.strain, MessageType.ATTACK, mx, my))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        # Eat any energy I find until I am 'full'. The cost of eating
        # is 1, so don't eat just 1 energy.
        if view.get_energy().get(mx, my) > 1:
            if (me.energy <= 50):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
            if (me.energy < self.defense and (random.random() > 0.3)):
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        # If there is a plant near by go to it and spawn all I can
        if self.my_plant is None:
            plants = view.get_plants()
            if plants:
                self.my_plant = plants[0]
                self.x = self.y = 0
                self.strain = self.my_plant.x * 41 + self.my_plant.y

        # Current rules don't make carrying around excess energy
        # worthwhile.  Generates a very nice "They eat their
        # wounded?!" effect. Also burns extra energy so the enemy
        # can't use it.
        # Spawning takes 25 of the energy and gives it
        # to the child and reserves the other 25 for the child's death
        # drop. In addition, the action costs 1 unit. Therefore, we
        # can't create energy by spawning...
        if me.energy >= 51:
            spawn_x, spawn_y = self.smart_spawn(me, view)
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN,
                                (me.x + spawn_x, me.y + spawn_y, self))

        # If I get the message of help go and rescue!
        if not self.step and not self.scout and random.random() > 0.1:
            ax = 0
            ay = 0
            best = 500
            message_count = len(msg.get_messages())
            for m in msg.get_messages():
                (strain, type, ox, oy) = m
                if strain != self.strain:
                if (type == MessageType.ATTACK):
                    dist = max(abs(mx - ax), abs(my - ay))
                    if dist < best:
                        ax = ox
                        ay = oy
                        best = dist
            if ax and ay:
                self.defense = 200
                dir = ax - mx + (ay - my) * 1j
                r, theta = cmath.polar(dir)
                theta += 0.02 * random.random() - 0.5
                dir = cmath.rect(r, theta)
                self.x = dir.real
                self.y = dir.imag
                # if (message_count > 1) :
                #     # Attack the base, not the front
                #     agent_scale = 1 + random.random()
                #     self.x *= agent_scale
                #     self.y *= agent_scale
                # don't stand still once we get there
                if (self.x == 0 and self.y == 0):
                    self.x = random.randrange(-1, 2)
                    self.y = random.randrange(-1, 2)
                self.step = random.randrange(20, 100)

        if self.bumps >= 2:
            self.x = random.randrange(-3, 4)
            self.y = random.randrange(-3, 4)
            self.bumps = 0

        # hit world wall
        map_size = view.energy_map.width
        if (mx == 0 or mx == map_size - 1):
            self.x = random.randrange(-1, 2)
        if (my == 0 or my == map_size - 1):
            self.y = random.randrange(-1, 2)

        # Back to step 0 we can change direction at the next attack.
        if self.step:
            self.step -= 1

        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, (mx + self.x, my + self.y))
Exemple #21
    def act(self, view, msg):
        agent = view.get_me()
        position = (x, y) = agent.get_pos()

        if dist(self.direction, position) < 2:
            self.direction = (random.randrange(0, view.energy_map.width),
                              random.randrange(0, view.energy_map.height))

        # Attack any opponents.
        for a in view.get_agents():
            if a.get_team() != agent.get_team():
                if self.type == AgentType.QUEEN:
                    msg.send_message((MessageType.DEFEND, (x, y)))
                    self.ratios = [0, 2, 2, 2]
                    msg.send_message((MessageType.FOUND, a.get_pos()))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_ATTACK, a.get_pos())

        # Process messages
        alreadyClaimed = 0
        distance = 1000000
        for message in msg.get_messages():
            # Queen message behavior
            if message[0] == MessageType.CLAIM and self.type == AgentType.QUEEN:
                if self.plant != None and self.plant.get_pos() == message[1]:
                    if self.claimed:
                        self.newborn = False
                        msg.send_message((MessageType.CLAIMED, message[1]))
            if message[
                    0] == MessageType.CLAIMED and self.type == AgentType.QUEEN:
                if self.plant != None and self.plant.get_pos() == message[1]:
                    if not self.claimed:
                        alreadyClaimed += 1
            if message[0] == MessageType.FOUND and self.type == AgentType.QUEEN:
                if dist(message[1], position) < distance:
                    self.directionOfAttack = message[1]
                    distance = dist(message[1], position)

            # Worker message behavior
            if self.type == AgentType.WORKER:
                if message[0] == MessageType.CLAIM:
                    found = False
                    for p in self.plantList:
                        if p == message[1]:
                            found = True
                    if not found:

                if message[0] == MessageType.DEFEND or message[
                        0] == MessageType.FOUND:
                    aDistance = dist(position, message[1])
                    if aDistance < 20 and aDistance < distance:
                        self.type = AgentType.FIGHTER
                        self.direction = message[1]
                        distance = aDistance

            # Fighter message behavior
            if self.type == AgentType.FIGHTER:
                if message[0] == MessageType.DEFEND or message[
                        0] == MessageType.FOUND:
                    if distance > dist(position, message[1]):
                        self.direction = message[1]
                        distance = dist(position, message[1])

        if self.type == AgentType.WORKER:
            if dist(position, self.startPoint) > 2:
                plants = view.get_plants()
                if plants:
                    found = False
                    for p in self.plantList:
                        if p == plants[0].get_pos():
                            found = True
                    if not found:
                        self.type = AgentType.QUEEN
                        self.ratios = (1, 1, 1, 2)
                        self.newborn = True
                        self.plant = None
                        self.claimed = False
                        self.claiming = False
                        self.position = 0
                        self.count = 0
                        self.directionOfAttack = None
                        self.age = 0
                        del self.plantList

            # Eat if hungry.
            hungry = (agent.energy < 50)
            energy_here = view.get_energy().get(x, y)
            food = (energy_here > 0)
            if hungry and food:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

            if agent.energy > 500:
                sp = spawnPos(0, AgentType.WORKER, view, agent)
                sp = (sp[0] + x, sp[1] + y, AgentType.WORKER, (x, y))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN, sp)

            if random.random() < 0.65:
                if random.random() < 0.4:
                    if view.get_energy().get(x, y) > 0:
                        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

                direction = [self.direction[0] - x, self.direction[1] - y]
                if direction[0] > 0:
                    direction[0] = 1
                elif direction[0] == 0:
                    direction[0] = 0
                    direction[0] = -1

                if direction[1] > 0:
                    direction[1] = 1
                elif direction[1] == 0:
                    direction[1] = 0
                    direction[1] = -1

                position = (position[0] + direction[0],
                            position[1] + direction[1])
                position = (x + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                            y + random.randrange(-1, 2))
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, position)

        if self.type == AgentType.FIGHTER:
            # Eat if hungry.
            hungry = (agent.energy < 100)
            energy_here = view.get_energy().get(x, y)
            food = (energy_here > 0)
            if hungry and food:
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

            if agent.energy > 1000:
                sp = spawnPos(0, AgentType.FIGHTER, view, agent)
                sp = (sp[0] + x, sp[1] + y, AgentType.FIGHTER, (x, y))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN, sp)

            if random.random() < 0.85 or dist(position, self.direction) < 8:
                direction = [self.direction[0] - x, self.direction[1] - y]
                if direction[0] > 0:
                    direction[0] = 1
                elif direction[0] == 0:
                    direction[0] = 0
                    direction[0] = -1

                if direction[1] > 0:
                    direction[1] = 1
                elif direction[1] == 0:
                    direction[1] = 0
                    direction[1] = -1

                position = (position[0] + direction[0],
                            position[1] + direction[1])
                position = (x + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                            y + random.randrange(-1, 2))
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, position)

        # Queen Stuff
        if self.type == AgentType.QUEEN:
            # Check claim
            if self.claiming:
                if self.skip:
                    self.skip = False
                    if alreadyClaimed > 39:
                        # Try again
                        self.plant = None
                        self.claiming = False
                        # We have a throne
                        self.claimed = True
                        self.claiming = False
                        self.position = alreadyClaimed
                        print alreadyClaimed
                    self.skip = True

            # Get a plant
            if self.plant == None and view.get_plants():
                self.age += 1
                if self.age > 5:
                    self.type = AgentType.WORKER
                    self.plantList = list()

                if view.get_plants():
                    plants = view.get_plants()
                    bestPlant = plants[0]
                    distance = dist(position, bestPlant.get_pos())
                    for plant in plants:
                        if distance > dist(position, bestPlant.get_pos()):
                            distance = dist(position, bestPlant.get_pos())
                            bestPlant = plant

                    self.plant = bestPlant
                    self.claiming = True
                    msg.send_message((MessageType.CLAIM, self.plant.get_pos()))

            # Check position
            if self.claimed == False and self.claiming == False:
                # Move randomly
                if random.random() > 0.75:
                    direction = [self.direction[0] - x, self.direction[1] - y]
                    if direction[0] > 0:
                        direction[0] = 1
                    elif direction[0] == 0:
                        direction[0] = 0
                        direction[0] = -1

                    if direction[1] > 0:
                        direction[1] = 1
                    elif direction[1] == 0:
                        direction[1] = 0
                        direction[1] = -1

                    position = (position[0] + direction[0],
                                position[1] + direction[1])
                    position = (x + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                                y + random.randrange(-1, 2))
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, position)

            if self.claimed:
                # Move towards
                off = offset(self.position)
                pos = self.plant.get_pos()
                pos = (pos[0] + off[0], pos[1] + off[1])
                distance = dist(pos, position)

                if distance > 0:
                    if agent.energy > distance * 1.1:
                        if random.random() > 0.6:
                            pos = (x + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                                   y + random.randrange(-1, 2))
                        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, pos)
                        # Cannot move in one go eat if pos or move a bit
                        if view.get_energy().get(x, y) > 0:
                            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)
                        mxy = [0, 0]
                        if self.plant.get_pos()[0] > x:
                            mxy[0] = 1
                        elif self.plant.get_pos()[0] < x:
                            mxy[0] = -1
                        if self.plant.get_pos()[1] > y:
                            mxy[1] = 1
                        elif self.plant.get_pos()[1] < y:
                            mxy[1] = -1

                        mxy = (mxy[0] + x, mxy[1] + y)
                        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, mxy)

            # Breed or Eat
            nxt = self.ratios[self.count % len(self.ratios)]
            spawn = [x, y, nxt]
            spawning = False

            if self.newborn and agent.energy > 100:
                spawn = [x, y, AgentType.QUEEN]
                spawnOff = spawnPos(self.position, AgentType.QUEEN, view,
                spawning = True
            if nxt == AgentType.QUEEN and agent.energy > 100:
                # Spawn new queen
                spawnOff = spawnPos(self.position, nxt, view, agent)
                spawning = True
            if nxt == AgentType.WORKER and agent.energy > 100:
                # Spawn new worker
                spawnOff = spawnPos(self.position, nxt, view, agent)
                spawning = True
            if nxt == AgentType.FIGHTER and agent.energy > 100:
                # Spawn new fighter
                spawnOff = spawnPos(self.position, nxt, view, agent)
                spawning = True
            if nxt == AgentType.BUILDER and agent.energy > 100:
                # Spawn new builder
                spawnOff = spawnPos(self.position, nxt, view, agent)
                spawning = True

            if spawning:
                spawn[0] += spawnOff[0]
                spawn[1] += spawnOff[1]
                self.count = self.count + 1
                return cells.Action(cells.ACT_SPAWN, spawn)

            # Must eat
            return cells.Action(cells.ACT_EAT)

        if random.random() > 0.75:
            direction = (self.direction[0] - x, self.direction[1] - y)
            if direction[0] > 0:
                direction[0] = 1
            elif direction[0] == 0:
                direction[0] = 0
                direction[0] = -1

            if direction[1] > 0:
                direction[1] = 1
            elif direction[1] == 0:
                direction[1] = 0
                direction[1] = -1

            position = (position[0] + direction[0], position[1] + direction[1])
            position = (x + random.randrange(-1, 2),
                        y + random.randrange(-1, 2))
        return cells.Action(cells.ACT_MOVE, position)