Exemple #1
def countMotifs(infile, motifs):
    '''find regular expression *motifs* in
    sequences within fasta formatted *infile*.

    it = FastaIterator.FastaIterator(infile)
    positions = []
    while 1:
            seq = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        if not seq:

        rseq = Genomics.reverse_complement(seq.sequence)
        lsequence = len(seq.sequence)
        pos = []
        for motif, pattern in motifs:

            for x in pattern.finditer(seq.sequence):
                pos.append((motif, "+", x.start(), x.end()))
            for x in pattern.finditer(rseq):
                    (motif, "-", lsequence - x.end(), lsequence - x.start()))

        positions.append((seq.title, pos))

    return positions
Exemple #2
def updateVariants(variants, lcontig, strand, phased=True):
    '''update variants such that they use same coordinate
    system (and strand) as the transcript

    fixes 1-ness of variants

    new_variants = []
    is_positive = Genomics.IsPositiveStrand(strand)

    for variant in variants:

        pos = variant.pos
        genotype = bytes(variant.genotype)
        reference = bytes(variant.reference)

        # fix 1-ness of variants
        # pos -= 1

        if len(genotype) == 1:
            variantseqs = list(Genomics.decodeGenotype(genotype))
            has_wildtype = reference in variantseqs
            action = "="
            start, end = pos, pos + 1

            variantseqs = [x[1:] for x in genotype.split("/")]
            lvariant = max([len(x) for x in variantseqs])
            if not phased:
                variantseqs = [x for x in variantseqs if x]
            has_wildtype = "*" in genotype

            if "+" in genotype and "-" in genotype:
                # both insertion and deletion at position
                # the range is given by the deletion
                # see below for explanations
                if genotype.startswith("+"):
                    action = ">"
                    variantseqs[1] += "-" * (lvariant - len(variantseqs[1]))
                    action = "<"
                    variantseqs[0] += "-" * (lvariant - len(variantseqs[0]))

                start, end = pos + 1, pos + lvariant + 1

            elif "-" in genotype:
                action = "-"
                # samtools: deletions are after the base denoted by snp.position
                #   * <- deletion at 1
                # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
                #     - -
                # 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
                # deletion of 2+3 = (2,4)
                # on reverse: (7-4, 7-2) = (3,5)
                start, end = pos + 1, pos + lvariant + 1

                # deletions of unequal length are filled up with "-"
                # This is necessary to deal with negative strands:
                # -at/-atg on the positive strand deletes a t [g]
                # -at/-atg on the negative strand deletes [g] t a
                variantseqs = [
                    x + "-" * (lvariant - len(x)) for x in variantseqs

            elif "+" in genotype:
                action = "+"
                # indels are after the base denoted by position
                # as region use both flanking base so that negative strand
                # coordinates work
                # insertion between position 2 and 3
                #     * <- insection at pos 2
                # 0 1 2i3 4
                # 4 3 2i1 0
                # is insertion between 1 and 2 in reverse
                # including both flanking residues makes it work:
                # (2,3) = (5-3,5-2) = (2,3)
                # but:
                # (2,4) = (5-4,5-2) = (1,3)
                start, end = pos, pos + 2

        # revert strand
        if not is_positive:
            reference = Genomics.reverse_complement(reference)
            variantseqs = [
                Genomics.reverse_complement(x.upper()) for x in variantseqs
            start, end = lcontig - end, lcontig - start

            ExtendedVariant._make((start, end, reference.upper(), action,
                                   has_wildtype, variantseqs)))

    return new_variants
Exemple #3
def main(argv=None):
    """script main.

    parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given.

    if not argv:
        argv = sys.argv

    # setup command line parser
    parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$",

                      choices=('join', ),
                      help="method to apply [default=%default].")

    parser.set_defaults(method="join", )

    # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line
    (options, args) = E.start(parser, argv=argv)

    if len(args) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "please supply at least two fastq files on the commandline")

    fn1, fn2 = args
    c = E.Counter()
    outfile = options.stdout

    if options.method == "join":
        # merge based on diagonals in dotplot
        iter1 = Fastq.iterate(iotools.open_file(fn1))
        iter2 = Fastq.iterate(iotools.open_file(fn2))
        tuple_size = 2
        for left, right in zip(iter1, iter2):
            c.input += 1

            # build dictionary of tuples
            s1, q1 = left.seq, left.quals
            d = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for x in range(len(s1) - tuple_size):
                d[s1[x:x + tuple_size]].append(x)

            s2, q2 = right.seq, right.quals
            s2 = Genomics.reverse_complement(s2)
            q2 = q2[::-1]

            # compute list of offsets/diagonals
            offsets = collections.defaultdict(int)
            for x in range(len(s2) - tuple_size):
                c = s2[x:x + tuple_size]
                for y in d[c]:
                    offsets[x - y] += 1

            # find maximum diagonal
            sorted = sorted([(y, x) for x, y in list(offsets.items())])
            max_count, max_offset = sorted[-1]

            E.debug('%s: maximum offset at %i' % (left.identifier, max_offset))

            # simple merge sequence
            take = len(s2) - max_offset
            merged_seq = s1 + s2[take:]

            # simple merge quality scores
            merged_quals = q1 + q2[take:]

            new_entry = copy.copy(left)
            new_entry.seq = merged_seq
            new_entry.quals = merged_quals
            c.output += 1

    # write footer and output benchmark information.
    E.info("%s" % str(c))
for utron in bedfile:
    ss5_sequence = genome.getSequence(utron.contig, "+", utron.start, utron.start+2)
    ss3_sequence = genome.getSequence(utron.contig, "+", utron.end-2, utron.end)
    if utron.strand == "+":
        splice_site_dict[utron.name] = (ss5_sequence, ss3_sequence)
        if ":" in utron.name:
            transcript_id = utron.name.split(":")[0]
            match_transcript_id = utron.name.split(":")[1]
            outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (transcript_id, utron.strand, ss5_sequence, ss3_sequence, utron.contig, utron.start, utron.end, utron.end-utron.start))
            outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (utron.name, utron.strand, ss5_sequence, ss3_sequence, utron.contig, utron.start, utron.end, utron.end-utron.start))

    elif utron.strand == "-":
        ss5_sequence = Genomics.reverse_complement(ss5_sequence)
        ss3_sequence = Genomics.reverse_complement(ss3_sequence)
        splice_site_dict[utron.name] = (ss3_sequence, ss5_sequence)
        if ":" in utron.name:
            transcript_id = utron.name.split(":")[0]
            match_transcript_id = utron.name.split(":")[1]
            outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (transcript_id, utron.strand, ss3_sequence, ss5_sequence, utron.contig, utron.end, utron.start, utron.end-utron.start))
            outfile.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (utron.name, utron.strand, ss3_sequence, ss5_sequence, utron.contig, utron.end, utron.start, utron.end-utron.start))


from collections import defaultdict

counts = defaultdict(int)
for name, ss in splice_site_dict.items():
    def getSequence(self,
        """get a genomic fragment.

        A genomic fragment is identified by the coordinates
        contig, strand, start, end.

        The converter function supplied translated these coordinates
        into 0-based coordinates. By default, start and end are assumed
        to be pythonic coordinates and are forward/reverse coordinates.

        If as_array is set to true, return the AString object. This might
        be beneficial for large sequence chunks. If as_array is set to False,
        return a python string.

        contig = self.getToken(contig)

        data = self.mIndex[contig]
        # dummy is
        # -> pos_seq for seekable streams
        # -> block_size for unseekable streams
            pos_id, dummy, lsequence = struct.unpack("QQi", data)
        except (struct.error, TypeError):
            pos_id, dummy, lsequence, points = data

        pos_seq = dummy
        block_size = dummy

        if end == 0:
            end = lsequence

        if end > lsequence:
            raise ValueError("3' coordinate on %s out of bounds: %i > %i" %
                             (contig, end, lsequence))

        if start < 0:
            raise ValueError("5' coordinate on %s out of bounds: %i < 0" %
                             (contig, start))

        if converter:
            first_pos, last_pos = converter(start, end,
                                            str(strand) in ("+", "1"),
        elif self.mConverter:
            first_pos, last_pos = self.mConverter(start, end,
                                                  str(strand) in ("+", "1"),
            first_pos, last_pos = start, end
            if str(strand) in ("-", "0", "-1"):
                first_pos, last_pos = lsequence - \
                    last_pos, lsequence - first_pos

        if first_pos == last_pos:
            return ""

        assert first_pos < last_pos, \
            "first position %i is larger than last position %i " % \
            (first_pos, last_pos)

        p = AString()

        if self.mNoSeek:
            # read directly from position
                self.mDatabaseFile.read(block_size, data[3], first_pos,
            first_pos += pos_seq
            last_pos += pos_seq

            p.fromstring(self.mDatabaseFile.read(last_pos - first_pos))

        if str(strand) in ("-", "0", "-1"):
            p = AString(Genomics.reverse_complement(str(p)))

        if self.mTranslator:
            return self.mTranslator.translate(p)
        elif as_array:
            return p
            return p.tostring().decode("ascii")