def forward(self, x): if self.W.array is None: self._initialize_params(x.shape[1]) # Standard call y = super(VerifiableConvolution2D, self).forward(x) if not (hasattr(x, 'lower') and hasattr(x, 'upper')): return y # Call with bounds lower, upper = x.lower, x.upper c = (lower + upper) / 2. r = (upper - lower) / 2. c = F.convolution_2d(c, self.W, b=self.b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad) r = F.convolution_2d(r, abs(self.W), b=None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad) y.lower = c - r y.upper = c + r if _DO_TEST: self.xp.testing.assert_array_less(y.lower.array, y.array + _TEST_E) self.xp.testing.assert_array_less(y.array, y.upper.array + _TEST_E) return y
def test_forward_consistency(self, nobias=False): x_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.W) b_cpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) y_cpu = functions.convolution_2d(x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, cover_all=self.cover_all) x_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) W_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.W)) b_gpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.b)) y_gpu = functions.convolution_2d(x_gpu, W_gpu, b_gpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, cover_all=self.cover_all) testing.assert_allclose(,, **self.check_forward_options)
def test_forward_consistency(self, nobias=False): x_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.W) b_cpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): y_cpu = F.convolution_2d(x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all) x_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) W_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.W)) b_gpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.b)) with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', self.use_cudnn): with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): y_gpu = F.convolution_2d(x_gpu, W_gpu, b_gpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all) testing.assert_allclose(,, **self.check_forward_options)
def __call__(self, x): # ch: canvas, ref, prev_pen pred = self.calc(x) # b, 1, w, h shape = pred.shape b, ch, h, w = shape pred = F.reshape(pred, (b, -1)) # pred = F.softmax(pred) pred = E.gumbel_softmax(pred, tau=self.tau) pred = F.reshape(pred, (b, 1) + shape[2:]) self.current_pos = pred # pen position # mx, my = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h)) # bmx, bmy, pos = F.broadcast( # mx.reshape((1, 1, h, w)), # my.reshape((1, 1, h, w)), # self.current_pos) # px, py = pos*mx, pos*my # prex, prey = np.sum(mx*x[:, 2, :, :]), np.sum(my*x[:, 2, :, :]) # dx = F.sqrt((F.sum(px)-prex)**2+(F.sum(py)-prey)**2) mv_cost = F.sum( 0.5 * self.current_pos * (F.convolution_2d(x[:, 2:3, :, :], self.move_cost, pad=2) + 4)) # mv_cost = 0.3*F.relu(dx-1.5) # print( draw = F.convolution_2d(pred, self.pen, pad=1) # pen stroke strength, draw = F.broadcast(self.strength, draw[:, 0, :, :]) self.draw = strength * draw canvas = x[:, 0, :, :] + self.draw self.canvas = E.leaky_clip(canvas[0, :, :], 0., 1., leak=0.001) ref = x[:, 1, :, :] diff = F.sum((canvas - ref)**2) self.loss = diff + mv_cost return self.loss
def forward(self, x): """ h1 : (1, 64, 112, 112) h2 : (1, 128, 56, 56) h3 : (1, 256, 28, 28) h4 : (1, 512, 14, 14) h5 : (1, 512, 7, 7) :param x: :return: """ h = x h = F.relu((self.conv1_1(h))) h = F.relu((self.conv1_2(h))) pool1 = F.max_pooling_2d(h, 2, stride=2) h = F.relu((self.conv2_1(pool1))) h = F.relu((self.conv2_2(h))) pool2 = F.max_pooling_2d(h, 2, stride=2) h = F.relu((self.conv3_1(pool2))) h = F.relu((self.conv3_2(h))) h = F.relu((self.conv3_3(h))) pool3 = F.max_pooling_2d(h, 2, stride=2) h = F.relu((self.conv4_1(pool3))) h = F.relu((self.conv4_2(h))) h = F.relu((self.conv4_3(h))) pool4 = F.max_pooling_2d(h, 2, stride=2) if self.texture: h = { 'pool1': pool1, 'pool2': pool2, 'pool3': pool3, 'pool4': pool4 }[self.texture_layer] if self.cbp: h = F.convolution_2d(h, self.W1) * F.convolution_2d(h, self.W2) h = global_average_pooling_2d(h) if self.normalize: h = power_normalize(h) h = F.normalize(h) h = self.fc8(F.dropout(h, 0.2)) return h else: b, ch, height, width = h = F.reshape(h, (b, ch, width * height)) h = F.batch_matmul(h, h, transb=True) / self.xp.float32( width * height) h = self.fc8(F.dropout(h, 0.4)) return h else: h = F.relu((self.conv5_1(pool4))) h = F.relu((self.conv5_2(h))) h = F.relu((self.conv5_3(h))) h = F.max_pooling_2d(h, 2, stride=2) h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc6(h)), ratio=0.5) h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc7(h)), ratio=0.5) h = self.fc8(h) return h
def propdown(self, hid): """ This function propagates the hidden units activation downwords to the visible units :param hid: Variable Matrix(batch_size, out_channels, image_height_out, image_width_out) - given h_sample :return: Variable Matrix(batch_size, in_channels, image_height, image_width) - probability for each visible units to be v_j = 1 """ batch_size =[0] if self.real == 0: W_flipped = F.swapaxes(CF.flip(self.conv.W, axes=(2, 3)), axis1=0, axis2=1) pre_sigmoid_activation = F.convolution_2d(hid, W_flipped, self.conv.a, pad=self.ksize-1) # F.matmul(hid, self.l.W) + F.broadcast_to(self.l.a, (batch_size, self.n_visible)) v_mean = F.sigmoid(pre_sigmoid_activation) #print('W info ',, 'W_flipped info ', #print('W info ',[3, 0, 2, 3], 'W_flipped info ',[0, 3, 8, 7]) #print('W info ',[3, 0, 8, 7], 'W_flipped info ',[0, 3, 2, 3]) #print('W info ',[19, 0, 4, 0], 'W_flipped info ',[0, 19, 6, 10]) #print('pre_sigmoidactivation', F.sum(pre_sigmoid_activation).data) #print('v_mean', #print('v_mean sum', F.sum(v_mean).data) #print('hid', else: # TODO: check W_flipped = F.swapaxes(CF.flip(self.conv.W, axes=(2, 3)), axis1=0, axis2=1) v_mean = F.convolution_2d(hid, W_flipped, self.conv.a, pad=self.ksize-1) return v_mean
def test_forward_consistency(self, nobias=False): x_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.W) b_cpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): y_cpu = F.convolution_2d(x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, x_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) W_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.W)) b_gpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.b)) with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', self.use_cudnn): with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): with chainer.using_config('autotune', self.autotune): y_gpu = F.convolution_2d(x_gpu, W_gpu, b_gpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, testing.assert_allclose(,, atol=5e-4, rtol=5e-3)
def forward_prop(x, local_time, sequence, isFirst, timestamp, satellite_name): s = cp.empty([local_time, distance_forward, channels_hidden, M, N]) e = cp.empty([local_time, distance_forward]) alpha = cp.empty([local_time, distance_forward]) p = cp.empty([local_time, channels_p, M, N]) # Hidden Unit h = cp.empty([local_time + 1, channels_hidden, M, N]) h[-1] = cp.zeros([channels_hidden, M, N]) # LSTM FORWARD PROPAGATION for t in np.arange(local_time): # Attention Network for z in range( timestamp + t - (distance + learning_window), timestamp + distance_forward + t - (distance + learning_window)): temp = cp.concatenate( (cp.asarray(satellite_images[sequence][z]), h[t - 1]), axis=0) s[t][z - (timestamp + t - (distance + learning_window))] = tanh( cp.asarray( F.convolution_2d(temp.reshape( 1, channels_img + channels_hidden, M, N), e_kernel, b=None, pad=pad_constant)[0].data) + bias_e) s_temp = s[t][z - (timestamp + t - (distance + learning_window))].reshape( M * N * channels_hidden) e[t][z - (timestamp + t - (distance + learning_window))] = v_connected_weights, s_temp) + bias_v[z - (timestamp + t - (distance + learning_window))] xtemp = satellite_images[sequence][timestamp - distance:timestamp - distance + distance_forward, 0] alpha[t] = softmax(e[t]) p[t] = cp.tensordot(alpha[t], cp.asarray(xtemp), axes=1).reshape( 1, M, N) # Sum all x arrays up, weighted array temporary = cp.concatenate((x[t], p[t], h[t - 1]), axis=0) temporary = temporary.reshape( 1, channels_img + channels_p + channels_hidden, M, N) h[t] = tanh( cp.asarray( F.convolution_2d(temporary, main_kernel, b=None, pad=2) [0].data) + bias_h) # 1 x 1 convolution output = cp.matmul(connected_weights, h[local_time - 1].reshape( channels_hidden, M * N)).reshape(M, N) + bias_y[0] true_output = rect_linear(output) return true_output, output, cp.reshape( h[local_time - 1], (channels_hidden, M * N)), p, h, s, e, alpha, xtemp
def gradimg(img): grad = xp.tile( xp.asarray([[[[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]]]], dtype=img.dtype), (img.array.shape[1], 1, 1)) dx = F.convolution_2d(img, grad) dy = F.convolution_2d(img, xp.transpose(grad, (0, 1, 3, 2))) return (F.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2))
def compact_bilinear_pooling(x, randweight): h = F.convolution_2d(x, randweight['W1']) * F.convolution_2d( x, randweight['W2']) h = global_average_pooling_2d(h) h = power_normalize(h) h = F.normalize(h) return h
def _2d_ssim(img1, img2, window, window_size, channel, data_range, size_average=True): mu1 = F.convolution_2d(img1, window, pad=window_size // 2, groups=channel) mu2 = F.convolution_2d(img2, window, pad=window_size // 2, groups=channel) mu1_sq = F.square(mu1) mu2_sq = F.square(mu2) mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2 sigma1_sq = F.convolution_2d( img1 * img1, window, pad=window_size // 2, groups=channel) - mu1_sq sigma2_sq = F.convolution_2d( img2 * img2, window, pad=window_size // 2, groups=channel) - mu2_sq sigma12 = F.convolution_2d( img1 * img2, window, pad=window_size // 2, groups=channel) - mu1_mu2 C1 = (0.01 * data_range)**2 C2 = (0.03 * data_range)**2 ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + C1) * (2 * sigma12 + C2)) / ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1) * (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2)) if size_average: return F.mean(ssim_map) return NotImplementedError()
def dropout_convolution_2d(self, x): train = configuration.config.train W, b = self.W, self.b log_alpha = VDF.calculate_log_alpha(self.W, self.log_sigma2, eps=1e-8, thresholds=(-8., 8.)) clip_mask = ( > self.loga_threshold) if train: W = (1. - clip_mask) * W mu = F.convolution_2d(x, (1. - clip_mask) * W, b=None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, deterministic=self.deterministic) si = F.sqrt( F.convolution_2d(x * x, F.exp(log_alpha) * W * W, b=None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, deterministic=self.deterministic) + 1e-8) normal_noise = self.xp.random.normal(0., 1., mu.shape).astype('f') activation = mu + si * normal_noise return F.bias(activation, b) else: return F.convolution_2d(x, (1. - clip_mask) * W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, deterministic=self.deterministic)
def __call__(self, x0, x1, cs_map=False): xp = backend.get_array_module( assert x0.shape[1] == 1, 'x0.shape[1] must be 1' self.window = xp.asarray(self.window) mu0 = F.convolution_2d(x0, self.window) mu1 = F.convolution_2d(x1, self.window) sigma00 = F.convolution_2d(x0 * x0, self.window) sigma11 = F.convolution_2d(x1 * x1, self.window) sigma01 = F.convolution_2d(x0 * x1, self.window) mu00 = mu0 * mu0 mu11 = mu1 * mu1 mu01 = mu0 * mu1 sigma00 = sigma00 - mu00 sigma11 = sigma11 - mu11 sigma01 = sigma01 - mu01 v1 = 2 * sigma01 + self.c2 v2 = sigma00 + sigma11 + self.c2 if cs_map: cs = v1 / v2 cs = F.mean(cs, axis=(1, 2, 3)) return cs w1 = 2 * mu01 + self.c1 w2 = mu00 + mu11 + self.c1 ssim = (w1 * v1) / (w2 * v2) ssim = F.mean(ssim, axis=(1, 2, 3)) return ssim
def test_forward(self): """ Forward should work correctly """ fixup_conv2d = FixupConv2D(32, 32, ksize=3, pad=1) x = chainer.Variable(np.random.random((1, 32, 4, 4)).astype('float32')) y = fixup_conv2d(x) z = F.relu(F.convolution_2d(x, fixup_conv2d.conv.W, pad=1)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.array, z.array)) # setup bias_in = np.array([0.1], dtype=np.float32) y = fixup_conv2d(x) z = F.relu(F.convolution_2d(x + 0.1, fixup_conv2d.conv.W, pad=1)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.array, z.array)) # bias_out = np.array([0.2], dtype=np.float32) y = fixup_conv2d(x) z = F.relu(F.convolution_2d(x + 0.1, fixup_conv2d.conv.W, pad=1) + 0.2) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.array, z.array)) # scale = np.array([0.1], dtype=np.float32) y = fixup_conv2d(x) z = F.relu( F.convolution_2d(x + 0.1, fixup_conv2d.conv.W, pad=1) * 0.1 + 0.2) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.array, z.array))
def __call__(self, x): x = x.transpose((0, 1, 3, 2)) real = F.convolution_2d( x, self.weight_real, stride=(1, self.hop_length)) imag = F.convolution_2d( x, self.weight_imag, stride=(1, self.hop_length)) return real, imag
def feat(self, h): h = F.convolution_2d(h, self.W1) * F.convolution_2d(h, self.W2) h = F.average_pooling_2d(h, 28, 28) if self.l2normalize: h = F.reshape(h, ([0], -1)) h = ssq(h) h = F.normalize(h) return h
def feat(self, h): h = F.convolution_2d(h, self.W1) * F.convolution_2d(h, self.W2) h = F.spatial_pyramid_pooling_2d(h, self.p, F.MaxPooling2D) if self.l2normalize: h = F.reshape(h, ([0], -1)) h = ssq(h) h = F.normalize(h) return h
def loss_grad_d(diff): xp = cuda.get_array_module( grad = xp.tile( xp.asarray([[[[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]]]], dtype=diff.dtype), ([1], 1, 1)) dx = F.convolution_2d(diff, grad) dy = F.convolution_2d(diff, xp.transpose(grad, (0, 1, 3, 2))) return F.average(dx**2) + F.average(dy**2)
def __call__(self, x): x = F.average_pooling_2d(x, 2, 2, 0) depth_smoothness = F.convolution_2d(x, self.diff) depth_smoothness = F.sum(F.absolute(depth_smoothness), axis=1, keepdims=True) edge = F.convolution_2d(x, self.laplacian) loss = F.exp(-F.absolute(edge)) * depth_smoothness return F.mean(loss)
def total_variation(x,tau=1e-6): xp = cuda.get_array_module( wh = xp.tile(xp.asarray([[[[1,0],[-1,0]]]], dtype=x.dtype),([1],1,1)) ww = xp.tile(xp.asarray([[[[1, -1],[0, 0]]]], dtype=x.dtype),([1],1,1)) dx = F.convolution_2d(x, W=wh) dy = F.convolution_2d(x, W=ww) d = F.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + xp.full(, tau**2, dtype=dx.dtype)) return(F.average(d))
def total_variation2(x): xp = cuda.get_array_module( wh = xp.asarray([[[[1], [-1]]]], dtype=x.dtype) ww = xp.asarray([[[[1, -1]]]], dtype=x.dtype) dx = F.convolution_2d(x, W=wh) dy = F.convolution_2d(x, W=ww) # dx = x[:, 1:, :, :] - x[:, :-1, :, :] # dy = x[:, :, 1:, :] - x[:, :, :-1, :] return F.average(F.absolute(dx)) + F.average(F.absolute(dy))
def loss_grad_d(diff): xp = cuda.get_array_module( grad = xp.tile( xp.asarray([[[[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]]]], dtype=diff.dtype), ([1], 1, 1)) dx = F.convolution_2d(diff, grad) dy = F.convolution_2d(diff, xp.transpose(grad, (0, 1, 3, 2))) # target = self.xp.zeros_like( # return 0.5*(F.mean_squared_error(dx,target)+F.mean_squared_error(dy,target)) return F.average(dx**2) + F.average(dy**2)
def transform(self, images): images = self.process_input(images) # images.shape == (n_images, n_channels, y, x) filters_l1 = components_to_filters( self.pca_l1.components_, n_channels=images.shape[1], filter_shape=self.filter_shape_l1, ) filters_l2 = components_to_filters(self.pca_l2.components_, n_channels=1, filter_shape=self.filter_shape_l2) # if gpu_enabled(): # images = to_gpu(images) # filters_l1 = to_gpu(filters_l1) # filters_l2 = to_gpu(filters_l2) images = convolution_2d(images, filters_l1, stride=self.step_shape_l1).data images = xp.swapaxes(images, 0, 1) # L1.shape == (L1, n_images, y, x) # iterate over each L1 output X = [] for maps in images: n_images, h, w = maps.shape maps = convolution_2d( maps.reshape(n_images, 1, h, w), # 1 channel images filters_l2, stride=self.step_shape_l2).data # maps.shape == (n_images, L2, y, x) right here maps = binarize(maps) maps = binary_to_decimal(maps) # maps.shape == (n_images, y, x) x = self.histogram(maps) # x is a set of feature vectors. # The shape of x is (n_images, vector length) X.append(x) # concatenate over L1 X = xp.hstack(X) # if gpu_enabled(): # X = to_cpu(X) X = X.astype(np.float64) # The shape of X is (n_images, L1 * vector length) return X
def local_patch(self, content, style_patch, style_patch_norm): xp = cuda.get_array_module( b,ch,h,w = correlation = F.convolution_2d(Variable(,volatile=True),, stride=1, pad=0) indices = xp.argmax(, axis=1) nearest_style_patch =, axis=0).reshape(b,-1) content = F.convolution_2d(content, W=Variable(xp.identity(ch*3*3,dtype=xp.float32).reshape((ch*3*3,ch,3,3))),stride=1,pad=0).transpose(0,2,3,1).reshape(b,-1) style_loss = F.mean_squared_error(content, nearest_style_patch) return style_loss
def loss_func_tv_l2(x_out): xp = cuda.get_array_module( b, ch, h, w = Wx = xp.zeros((ch, ch, 2, 2), dtype="f") Wy = xp.zeros((ch, ch, 2, 2), dtype="f") for i in range(ch): Wx[i, i, 0, 0] = -1 Wx[i, i, 0, 1] = 1 Wy[i, i, 0, 0] = -1 Wy[i, i, 1, 0] = 1 return F.sum(F.convolution_2d(x_out, W=Wx)**2) + F.sum( F.convolution_2d(x_out, W=Wy)**2)
def tv_norm(self, x, Wh, Ww): diffh = F.convolution_2d(F.reshape(x, (3, 1, self.insize, self.insize)), W=Wh, pad=(1, 0)) diffw = F.convolution_2d(F.reshape(x, (3, 1, self.insize, self.insize)), W=Ww, pad=(0, 1)) #tv = (F.sum(diffh**2) + F.sum(diffw**2))**(self.beta / 2.) tv = F.sum((diffh**2 + diffw**2)**(self.beta / 2.)) return tv
def feat(self, h, train=True): batchsize =[0] h = F.convolution_2d(h, self.W1) * F.convolution_2d(h, self.W2) h = F.batch_matmul( F.reshape(h, (batchsize, pdim, 28 * 28)), chainer.Variable(chainer.cuda.cupy.tile(self.loadedfilter, (batchsize, 1, 1)), volatile='off' if train else 'on')) if self.l2normalize: h = F.reshape(h, ([0], -1)) h = ssq(h) h = F.normalize(h) return h
def loss_grad(x, y, norm='l1'): xp = cuda.get_array_module( grad = xp.tile( xp.asarray([[[[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]]]], dtype=x.dtype), ([1], 1, 1)) dxx = F.convolution_2d(x, grad) dyx = F.convolution_2d(y, grad) dxy = F.convolution_2d(x, xp.transpose(grad, (0, 1, 3, 2))) dyy = F.convolution_2d(y, xp.transpose(grad, (0, 1, 3, 2))) if norm == 'l1': return F.mean_absolute_error(dxx, dyx) + F.mean_squared_error(dxy, dyy) else: return F.mean_squared_error(dxx, dyx) + F.mean_squared_error(dxy, dyy)
def total_variation(x): xp = cuda.get_array_module( b, ch, h, w = wh = xp.asarray([[[[1], [-1]], [[0], [0]], [[0], [0]]], [[[0], [0]], [[1], [-1]], [[0], [0]]], [[[0], [0]], [[0], [0]], [[1], [-1]]]], dtype=np.float32) ww = xp.asarray( [[[[1, -1]], [[0, 0]], [[0, 0]]], [[[0, 0]], [[1, -1]], [[0, 0]]], [[[0, 0]], [[0, 0]], [[1, -1]]]], dtype=np.float32) return F.sum(F.convolution_2d(x, W=wh)**2) + F.sum( F.convolution_2d(x, W=ww)**2)
def _run_forward(self, x_data, W_data, b_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) W = chainer.Variable(W_data) b = None if self.nobias else chainer.Variable(b_data) y = F.convolution_2d(x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=False, groups=self.groups) return x, W, b, y
def compute_peaks_from_heatmaps(self, heatmaps): keypoints = [] xp = cuda.get_array_module(heatmaps) if xp == np: for i in range(heatmaps.shape[0] - 1): heatmap = gaussian_filter(heatmaps[i], sigma=params['gaussian_sigma']) max_value = heatmap.max() if max_value > params['hand_heatmap_peak_thresh']: coords = np.array( np.where(heatmap == max_value)).flatten().tolist() keypoints.append([coords[1], coords[0], max_value]) # x, y, conf else: keypoints.append(None) else: heatmaps = F.convolution_2d(heatmaps[:, None], self.gaussian_kernel, stride=1, pad=int(params['ksize'] / 2)).data.squeeze().get() for heatmap in heatmaps[:-1]: max_value = heatmap.max() if max_value > params['hand_heatmap_peak_thresh']: coords = np.array( np.where(heatmap == max_value)).flatten().tolist() keypoints.append([coords[1], coords[0], max_value]) # x, y, conf else: keypoints.append(None) return keypoints
def test_forward_consistency(self, nobias=False): x_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.W) b_cpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) y_cpu = functions.convolution_2d( x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, cover_all=self.cover_all) x_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) W_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.W)) b_gpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.b)) y_gpu = functions.convolution_2d( x_gpu, W_gpu, b_gpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, cover_all=self.cover_all) gradient_check.assert_allclose(,
def compute_peaks_from_heatmaps(self, heatmaps): """all_peaks: shape = [N, 5], column = (jointtype, x, y, score, index)""" heatmaps = heatmaps[:-1] xp = cuda.get_array_module(heatmaps) if xp == np: all_peaks = [] peak_counter = 0 for i , heatmap in enumerate(heatmaps): heatmap = gaussian_filter(heatmap, sigma=params['gaussian_sigma']) map_left = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_right = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_top = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_bottom = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_left[1:, :] = heatmap[:-1, :] map_right[:-1, :] = heatmap[1:, :] map_top[:, 1:] = heatmap[:, :-1] map_bottom[:, :-1] = heatmap[:, 1:] peaks_binary = xp.logical_and.reduce(( heatmap > params['heatmap_peak_thresh'], heatmap > map_left, heatmap > map_right, heatmap > map_top, heatmap > map_bottom, )) peaks = zip(xp.nonzero(peaks_binary)[1], xp.nonzero(peaks_binary)[0]) # [(x, y), (x, y)...]のpeak座標配列 peaks_with_score = [(i,) + peak_pos + (heatmap[peak_pos[1], peak_pos[0]],) for peak_pos in peaks] peaks_id = range(peak_counter, peak_counter + len(peaks_with_score)) peaks_with_score_and_id = [peaks_with_score[i] + (peaks_id[i], ) for i in range(len(peaks_id))] peak_counter += len(peaks_with_score_and_id) all_peaks.append(peaks_with_score_and_id) all_peaks = xp.array([peak for peaks_each_category in all_peaks for peak in peaks_each_category]) else: heatmaps = F.convolution_2d(heatmaps[:, None], self.gaussian_kernel, stride=1, pad=int(params['ksize']/2)).data.squeeze() left_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) right_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) top_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) bottom_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) left_heatmaps[:, 1:, :] = heatmaps[:, :-1, :] right_heatmaps[:, :-1, :] = heatmaps[:, 1:, :] top_heatmaps[:, :, 1:] = heatmaps[:, :, :-1] bottom_heatmaps[:, :, :-1] = heatmaps[:, :, 1:] peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(heatmaps > params['heatmap_peak_thresh'], heatmaps >= right_heatmaps) peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(peaks_binary, heatmaps >= top_heatmaps) peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(peaks_binary, heatmaps >= left_heatmaps) peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(peaks_binary, heatmaps >= bottom_heatmaps) peak_c, peak_y, peak_x = xp.nonzero(peaks_binary) peak_score = heatmaps[peak_c, peak_y, peak_x] all_peaks = xp.vstack((peak_c, peak_x, peak_y, peak_score)).transpose() all_peaks = xp.hstack((all_peaks, xp.arange(len(all_peaks)).reshape(-1, 1))) all_peaks = all_peaks.get() return all_peaks
def _run_forward(self, x_data, W_data, b_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) W = chainer.Variable(W_data) b = None if self.nobias else chainer.Variable(b_data) y = functions.convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=True, cover_all=False, deterministic=True) return x, W, b, y
def check_forward(self, x, offset, W, b, stride, pad): with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', self.use_cudnn): x = chainer.Variable(x) offset = chainer.Variable(offset) out = deformable_convolution_2d_sampler( x, offset, W, b, stride, pad).data expeceted = convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride, pad).data testing.assert_allclose(out, expeceted)
def ordinal_loss(y, mask): xp = cuda.get_array_module( volatile = y.volatile b, c, n = max_y = F.broadcast_to(F.max(y, axis=1, keepdims=True), y = y - max_y sum_y = F.broadcast_to(F.expand_dims(F.sum(y, axis=1), 1), down_tri = np.tri(c, dtype=np.float32) up_tri = down_tri.T w1 = Variable(xp.asarray(down_tri.reshape(c, c, 1, 1)), volatile=volatile) w2 = Variable(xp.asarray(up_tri.reshape(c, c, 1, 1)), volatile=volatile) h = F.exp(F.expand_dims(y, -1)) h1 = F.convolution_2d(h, w1) h1 = F.convolution_2d(F.log(h1), w1) h2 = F.convolution_2d(h, w2) h2 = F.convolution_2d(F.log(h2), w2) h = F.reshape(h1 + h2, (b, c, n)) return F.sum((h - sum_y - y) * mask) / b
def forward(self, inputs): x, W, b = inputs x = chainer.Variable(x) W = chainer.Variable(W) b = None if b is None else chainer.Variable(b) return F.convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, groups=self.groups)
def _hand_estimate_chainer_backend_each(self, hand_bgr, cx, cy, left_hand): xp = self.hand_net.xp device_id = self.hand_net._device_id if left_hand: hand_bgr = cv2.flip(hand_bgr, 1) # 1 = vertical resized = cv2.resize(hand_bgr, (368, 368), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) x = np.array(resized[np.newaxis], dtype=np.float32) x = x.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) x = x / 256 - 0.5 if self.gpu >= 0: with chainer.cuda.get_device_from_id(device_id): x = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(x) x = chainer.Variable(x) heatmaps = self.hand_net(x) heatmaps = F.resize_images(heatmaps[-1], hand_bgr.shape[:2])[0] if self.gpu >= 0: heatmaps.to_cpu() heatmaps = heatmaps.array if left_hand: heatmaps = heatmaps.transpose(1, 2, 0) heatmaps = cv2.flip(heatmaps, 1) heatmaps = heatmaps.transpose(2, 0, 1) # get peak on heatmap hmaps = [] if xp == np: # cpu for i in range(heatmaps.shape[0] - 1): heatmap = gaussian_filter(heatmaps[i], sigma=self.hand_gaussian_sigma) hmaps.append(heatmap) else: with chainer.cuda.get_device_from_id(device_id): heatmaps = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(heatmaps) heatmaps = F.convolution_2d( heatmaps[:, xp.newaxis], self.hand_gaussian_kernel, stride=1, pad=int(self.hand_gaussian_ksize / 2)) heatmaps = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(xp.squeeze(heatmaps.array)) for heatmap in heatmaps[:-1]: hmaps.append(heatmap) keypoints = [] idx_offset = 0 if left_hand: idx_offset += len(hmaps) for i, heatmap in enumerate(hmaps): conf = heatmap.max() cds = np.array(np.where(heatmap==conf)).flatten().tolist() py = cy + cds[0] - hand_bgr.shape[0] / 2 px = cx + cds[1] - hand_bgr.shape[1] / 2 keypoints.append({'x': px, 'y': py, 'score': conf, 'limb': self.index2handname[idx_offset+i]}) return keypoints
def forward_cpu(self, inputs): x, W, b = inputs x_cpu = chainer.Variable(x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(W) b_cpu = None if b is None else chainer.Variable(b) with chainer.using_config('use_ideep', 'never'): y_cpu = F.convolution_2d( x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, return y_cpu,
def test_1(self): n_batches = 2 in_channels = 3 out_channels = 1 # important x_shape = (n_batches, in_channels, 10, 10) w_shape = (out_channels, in_channels, 3, 3) x = numpy.ones(x_shape, numpy.float32) w = numpy.ones(w_shape, numpy.float32) y = F.convolution_2d(x, chainer.Variable(w)) z = F.sum(y) z.backward()
def test_forward_consistency(self, nobias=False): x_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.W) b_cpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): y_cpu = functions.convolution_2d( x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all) x_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) W_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.W)) b_gpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.b)) with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', self.use_cudnn): with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): y_gpu = functions.convolution_2d( x_gpu, W_gpu, b_gpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all) testing.assert_allclose(,, **self.check_forward_options)
def test_forward_consistency(self, nobias=False): x_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.x) W_cpu = chainer.Variable(self.W) b_cpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): y_cpu = F.convolution_2d( x_cpu, W_cpu, b_cpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate) x_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) W_gpu = chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.W)) b_gpu = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(cuda.to_gpu(self.b)) with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', self.use_cudnn): with chainer.using_config('cudnn_deterministic', self.cudnn_deterministic): with chainer.using_config('autotune', self.autotune): y_gpu = F.convolution_2d( x_gpu, W_gpu, b_gpu, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate) testing.assert_allclose(,, atol=5e-4, rtol=5e-3)
def check_forward_consistency_regression(self, nobias=False): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) W = chainer.Variable(self.W) b = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) y_nd = functions.convolution_nd( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=False, cover_all=self.cover_all) y_2d = functions.convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=False, cover_all=self.cover_all) testing.assert_allclose(,, **self.check_forward_options)
def compute_peaks_from_heatmaps(self, heatmaps): peak_counter = 0 all_peaks = [] xp = cuda.get_array_module(heatmaps) if xp == np: for i in range(heatmaps.shape[0] - 1): heatmap = gaussian_filter(heatmaps[i], sigma=params['gaussian_sigma']) map_left = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_right = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_top = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_bottom = xp.zeros(heatmap.shape) map_left[1:, :] = heatmap[:-1, :] map_right[:-1, :] = heatmap[1:, :] map_top[:, 1:] = heatmap[:, :-1] map_bottom[:, :-1] = heatmap[:, 1:] peaks_binary = xp.logical_and.reduce((heatmap >= map_left, heatmap >= map_right, heatmap >= map_top, heatmap >= map_bottom, heatmap > params['heatmap_peak_thresh'])) peaks = zip(xp.nonzero(peaks_binary)[1], xp.nonzero(peaks_binary)[0]) # [(x, y), (x, y)...]のpeak座標配列 peaks_with_score = [peak_pos + (heatmap[peak_pos[1], peak_pos[0]],) for peak_pos in peaks] # [(x, y, score), (x, y, score)...]のpeak配列 scoreはheatmap上のscore peaks_id = range(peak_counter, peak_counter + len(peaks_with_score)) peaks_with_score_and_id = [peaks_with_score[i] + (peaks_id[i], ) for i in range(len(peaks_id))] # [(x, y, score, id), (x, y, score, id)...]のpeak配列 peak_counter += len(peaks_with_score_and_id) all_peaks.append(peaks_with_score_and_id) else: heatmaps = F.convolution_2d(heatmaps[:, None], self.gaussian_kernel, stride=1, pad=int(params['ksize']/2)).data.squeeze() left_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) right_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) top_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) bottom_heatmaps = xp.zeros(heatmaps.shape) left_heatmaps[:, 1:, :] = heatmaps[:, :-1, :] right_heatmaps[:, :-1, :] = heatmaps[:, 1:, :] top_heatmaps[:, :, 1:] = heatmaps[:, :, :-1] bottom_heatmaps[:, :, :-1] = heatmaps[:, :, 1:] peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(heatmaps >= left_heatmaps, heatmaps >= right_heatmaps) peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(peaks_binary, heatmaps >= top_heatmaps) peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(peaks_binary, heatmaps >= bottom_heatmaps) peaks_binary = xp.logical_and(peaks_binary, heatmaps >= params['heatmap_peak_thresh']) for ch, peaks_binary_per_ch in enumerate(peaks_binary[:-1]): heatmap = heatmaps[ch] peaks = zip(xp.nonzero(peaks_binary_per_ch)[1], xp.nonzero(peaks_binary_per_ch)[0]) peaks_with_score = [peak_pos + (heatmap[peak_pos[1], peak_pos[0]],) for peak_pos in peaks] # [(x, y, score), (x, y, score)...]のpeak配列 scoreはheatmap上のscore peaks_id = range(peak_counter, peak_counter + len(peaks_with_score)) peaks_with_score_and_id = np.array([peaks_with_score[i] + (peaks_id[i],) for i in range(len(peaks_id))], dtype=np.float32) # [(x, y, score, id), (x, y, score, id)...]のpeak配列 peak_counter += len(peaks_with_score_and_id) all_peaks.append(peaks_with_score_and_id) return all_peaks
def check_forward(self, x, offset, W, b, stride, pad): with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', self.use_cudnn): _, _, h, w = x.shape _, _, kh, kw = W.shape offset[:, :kh * kw] = -1 * stride[1] offset[:, kh * kw:] = 1 * stride[0] x = chainer.Variable(x) offset = chainer.Variable(offset) out = deformable_convolution_2d_sampler( x, offset, W, b, stride, pad).data pad = (pad[0] + 1 * stride[0], pad[1] + 1 * stride[1]) expeceted = convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride, pad).data expeceted = expeceted[:, :, 2:, :-2] testing.assert_allclose(out, expeceted)
def check_forward(self, x_data, W_data, b_data): args1 = (x_data, W_data) args2 = (x_data, W_data) if b_data is not None: args1 = args1 + (b_data,) b_data = sum(numpy.split(b_data, W_data.shape[1])) args2 = args2 + (b_data,) y1 = functions.depthwise_convolution_2d( *args1, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad) arys = numpy.split(y1.array, self.W.shape[1], axis=1) y1 = sum(arys) y2 = functions.convolution_2d( *args2, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad).array testing.assert_allclose(y1, y2, **self.check_forward_options)
def __call__(self, x): # Apply a mask to the filters (optional) if self.filter_mask is not None: w, m = F.broadcast(self.W, Variable(self.filter_mask)) w = w * m # w = self.W * Variable(self.filter_mask) else: w = self.W # Transform the filters # w.shape == (out_channels, in_channels, input_stabilizer_size, ksize, ksize) # tw.shape == (out_channels, output_stabilizer_size, in_channels, input_stabilizer_size, ksize, ksize) tw = TransformGFilter(self.inds)(w) # Fold the transformed filters tw_shape = (self.out_channels * self.output_stabilizer_size, self.in_channels * self.input_stabilizer_size, self.ksize, self.ksize) tw = F.Reshape(tw_shape)(tw) # If flat_channels is False, we need to flatten the input feature maps to have a single 1d feature dimension. if not self.flat_channels: batch_size =[0] in_ny, in_nx =[-2:] x = F.reshape(x, (batch_size, self.in_channels * self.input_stabilizer_size, in_ny, in_nx)) # Perform the 2D convolution y = F.convolution_2d(x, tw, b=None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn) # Unfold the output feature maps # We do this even if flat_channels is True, because we need to add the same bias to each G-feature map batch_size, _, ny_out, nx_out = y = F.reshape(y, (batch_size, self.out_channels, self.output_stabilizer_size, ny_out, nx_out)) # Add a bias to each G-feature map if self.usebias: bb = F.Reshape((1, self.out_channels, 1, 1, 1))(self.b) y, b = F.broadcast(y, bb) y = y + b # Flatten feature channels if needed if self.flat_channels: n, nc, ng, nx, ny = y = F.reshape(y, (n, nc * ng, nx, ny)) return y
def check_forward_consistency_regression(self, nobias=False): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) W = chainer.Variable(self.W) b = None if nobias else chainer.Variable(self.b) with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', 'never'): y_nd = F.convolution_nd( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, groups=self.groups) y_2d = F.convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, groups=self.groups) testing.assert_allclose(,, **self.check_forward_options)
def check_forward(self, inputs, backend_config): y_expected, = self.forward_cpu(inputs) if backend_config.use_cuda: inputs = cuda.to_gpu(inputs) x, W, b = inputs x = chainer.Variable(x) W = chainer.Variable(W) b = None if b is None else chainer.Variable(b) with backend_config: y_actual = F.convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, testing.assert_allclose(,, atol=5e-4, rtol=5e-3)
def __call__(self, h, train=True): """ in_type: h: float32 in_shape: h: (batch_size, hidden_num) out_type: float32 out_shape: (batch_size, rating_num, predicted_item_num) """ xp = cuda.get_array_module( h = self.p(h) if hasattr(self, 'q'): h = self.q(h) h = F.reshape(h, (-1, self.rating_num, self.item_num, 1)) w = chainer.Variable(xp.asarray(np.tri(self.rating_num, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.rating_num, self.rating_num, 1, 1)), volatile=h.volatile) h = F.convolution_2d(h, w) return F.reshape(h, (-1, self.rating_num, self.item_num))
def reconstruct(self, v): """ :param v: Variable Matrix(batch_size, in_channels, image_height, image_width) :return: reconstructed_v, Variable Matrix(batch_size, in_channels, image_height, image_width) """ batch_size =[0] xp = cuda.get_array_module( if self.real == 0: h = F.sigmoid(self.conv(v)) else: std_ch = xp.reshape(self.std, (1, self.in_channels, 1, 1)) h = F.sigmoid(self.conv(v / std_ch)) # F.sigmoid(F.matmul(v, self.l.W, transb=True) + F.broadcast_to(self.l.b, (batch_size, self.n_hidden))) W_flipped = F.swapaxes(CF.flip(self.conv.W, axes=(2, 3)), axis1=0, axis2=1) reconstructed_v = F.sigmoid(F.convolution_2d(h, W_flipped, self.conv.a, pad=self.ksize-1)) # = F.sigmoid(F.matmul(h, self.l.W) + F.broadcast_to(self.l.a, (batch_size, self.n_visible))) return reconstructed_v
def check_backward(self, x_data, W_data, b_data, y_grad): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) W = chainer.Variable(W_data) b = chainer.Variable(b_data) y = functions.convolution_2d(x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn) y.grad = y_grad y.backward() func = y.creator f = lambda: func.forward((,, gx, gW, gb = gradient_check.numerical_grad( f, (,,, (y.grad,), eps=1e-2) gradient_check.assert_allclose(gx, x.grad) gradient_check.assert_allclose(gW, W.grad) gradient_check.assert_allclose(gb, b.grad)
def compute_peaks_from_heatmaps(self, heatmaps): keypoints = [] xp = cuda.get_array_module(heatmaps) if xp == np: for i in range(heatmaps.shape[0] - 1): heatmap = gaussian_filter(heatmaps[i], sigma=params['gaussian_sigma']) max_value = heatmap.max() if max_value > params['face_heatmap_peak_thresh']: coords = np.array(np.where(heatmap==max_value)).flatten().tolist() keypoints.append([coords[1], coords[0], max_value]) # x, y, conf else: keypoints.append(None) else: heatmaps = F.convolution_2d(heatmaps[:, None], self.gaussian_kernel, stride=1, pad=int(params['ksize']/2)).data.squeeze().get() for heatmap in heatmaps[:-1]: max_value = heatmap.max() if max_value > params['face_heatmap_peak_thresh']: coords = np.array(np.where(heatmap==max_value)).flatten().tolist() keypoints.append([coords[1], coords[0], max_value]) # x, y, conf else: keypoints.append(None) return keypoints
def check_forward_consistency_regression(self, backend_config): inputs = self.generate_inputs() if self.nobias: x, W = inputs b = None else: x, W, b = inputs x = chainer.Variable(backend_config.get_array(x)) W = chainer.Variable(backend_config.get_array(W)) if b is not None: b = chainer.Variable(backend_config.get_array(b)) with chainer.using_config('use_cudnn', 'never'): y_nd = F.convolution_nd( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, groups=self.groups) y_2d = F.convolution_2d( x, W, b, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, cover_all=self.cover_all, dilate=self.dilate, groups=self.groups) testing.assert_allclose( y_nd.array, y_2d.array, **self.check_forward_options)
def forward(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) W = chainer.Variable(self.W) return functions.convolution_2d( x, W, None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad)
import sys import chainer import chainer.functions as F if len(sys.argv) > 1: chainer.config.use_cudnn = sys.argv[1] xp = cupy bs = 32 ch = 1024 x = xp.random.rand(bs, ch, 7, 7) w = xp.random.rand(ch, 1, 3, 3) assert (bs, ch, 7, 7) == F.convolution_2d(x, w, pad=1, groups=ch).shape start = time.time() count = 0 while True: F.convolution_2d(x, w, pad=1, groups=ch) cupy.cuda.device.Device().synchronize() count += 1 now = time.time() if now > start + 1: break print('%.3f msec (%d times)' % ((now - start) / count * 1000, count))
def forward(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) W = chainer.Variable(self.W) return F.convolution_2d(x, W, None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, dilate=self.dilate, groups=self.groups)
def forward(self): x = chainer.Variable(self.x) W = chainer.Variable(self.W) return functions.convolution_2d( x, W, None, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn, cover_all=self.cover_all)
def tvw(self, x): return F.convolution_2d(x, W=self.Ww)