Exemple #1
 def add_character(self,map,sprite,pos,direction):
     p = Player()
     p.map = map
     p.pos = pos
     return p
Exemple #2
    def get_player_data(ash, net, players, bikes, mushrooms):
        '''get player data from server and map data to local player objects'''
        attrs = net.send(ash.attributes())  #return attributes of other players

        for i in range(len(players)):
            '''ith player should map to ith attribute on server as players are
				added in order which clients connect. If client DCs and reconnects, they are
				issued the same player id'''
            a = attrs[i]

            #create new player instance if:
            #1) we haven't already created an instance
            #2) they have an ID (they are connected to server)
            if not players[i] and a['ID'] != None:
                print(f'{a["username"]} connected.')
                players[i] = Player((a['x'], a['y']), a['ID'])

            #update (in place) the ith player from server
            elif players[i]:
                players[i].x, players[i].y = a['x'], a['y']
                players[i].left, players[i].right, players[i].up, players[
                    i].down = a['L'], a['R'], a['U'], a['D']
                players[i].standing, players[i].walk_count = a['standing'], a[
                    'walk count']
                players[i].hit_slow, players[i].bike, players[i].mushroom = a[
                    'hit slow'], a['bike'], a['mushroom']
                players[i].inventory = a['inventory']
                players[i].stats = a['stats']
                players[i].killed = a['killed']
                players[i].dead = a['dead']
                players[i].ID = a['ID']
                players[i].username = a['username']
                players[i].map = a['map']

                #change local map if the host has changed the map
                if players[i].ID == 0 and players[i].map != ash.map:
                    ash.map = players[i].map
                    WeaponStatus.set_locations(bikes, mushrooms)