Exemple #1
        (meinberg_lantime_1, DiscoveryResult(
            [])),  # GPS clocks are not covered here
        (meinberg_lantime_2, DiscoveryResult([('1', None)])),
def test_discovery_mbg_lantime_ng_refclock(check_manager, info, expected):
    check = check_manager.get_check("mbg_lantime_ng_refclock")
    discovery = DiscoveryResult(check.run_discovery(info))
    assertDiscoveryResultsEqual(check, discovery, expected)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("info,item,params,expected", [
    (meinberg_lantime_2, '1', (3, 3),
             0, 'Type: pzf600, Usage: primary, State: synchronized (LW sync)',
         BasicCheckResult(0, 'Field strength: 80%',
                          [('field_strength', 80.0)]),
         BasicCheckResult(0, 'Correlation: 62%', [('correlation', 62.0)]),
def test_check_mbg_lantime_ng_refclock(check_manager, info, item, params,
    check = check_manager.get_check("mbg_lantime_ng_refclock")
    result = CheckResult(check.run_check(item, params, info))
    assertCheckResultsEqual(result, expected)

Exemple #2
def test_fileinfo_min_max_age_levels():
    # This test has the following purpose:
    # For each file attr (size or age) the levels 'min*', 'max*' are evaluated.
    # 'min*' is evaluated first and if 'max*' returns state '0' (eg. not set)
    # the service state is also '0'.

    check = Check("fileinfo")
    item = u'c:\\filetest\\check_mk.txt'
    parsed = check.run_parse([
        [u'c:\\filetest\\check_mk.txt', u'7', u'5'],

    size_result = BasicCheckResult(
        "Size: 7 B",
            PerfValue('size', 7, None, None, None, None),

    # minage matches
    output_minage = check.run_check(item, {
        'minage': (5, 1),
    }, parsed)

    # In 1.6.0 warn, crit of minage was added, but now we use the
    # generic check_levels function.
                "Age: 3.00 s (warn/crit below 5.00 s/1.00 s)",
                    PerfValue('age', 3, None, None, None, None),

    # maxage matches
    output_maxage = check.run_check(item, {
        'maxage': (1, 2),
    }, parsed)

                "Age: 3.00 s (warn/crit at 1.00 s/2.00 s)",
                    PerfValue('age', 3, 1, 2, None, None),

    # both match
    # This should never happen (misconfiguration), but test the order
    # of min* vs. max* and perfdata (always take the upper levels)
    # In 1.6.0 levels text of minage was added, but now we use the
    # generic check_levels function.
    output_both = check.run_check(item, {
        'minage': (5, 1),
        'maxage': (1, 2),
    }, parsed)

                "Age: 3.00 s (warn/crit at 1.00 s/2.00 s)",
                    PerfValue('age', 3, 1, 2, None, None),
def test_winperf_if_teaming_performance_data(check_manager, monkeypatch):
    check = check_manager.get_check("winperf_if")
    monkeypatch.setitem(check.context, "host_extra_conf", lambda _, __: [{}])
    monkeypatch.setitem(check.context, "_prepare_if_group_patterns_from_conf", lambda: {})

    params_single = {'state': ['1'], 'speed': 10000000000}
    params_teamed = {
        'aggregate': {
            'item_type': 'index',
            'group_patterns': {
                'non-existent-testhost': {
                    'items': [],
                    'iftype': '6'
        'state': ['1'],
        'speed': 20000000000

    # Initalize counters
    monkeypatch.setattr('time.time', lambda: 0)
    parsed = winperf_if_teaming_parsed(time=0, out_octets=0)
    CheckResult(check.run_check(u'3', params_single, parsed))
    CheckResult(check.run_check(u'8', params_single, parsed))
    CheckResult(check.run_check(u'DAG-NET', params_teamed, parsed))

    # winperf_if should use the timestamp of the parsed data. To check
    # that it does not use time.time by accident we set it to 20s instead
    # of 10s. If winperf_if would now use time.time the Out value would only
    # be 512 MB/s instead of 1 GB/s.
    monkeypatch.setattr('time.time', lambda: 20)
    parsed = winperf_if_teaming_parsed(time=10, out_octets=1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10)
    result_3 = CheckResult(check.run_check(u'3', params_single, parsed))
    result_8 = CheckResult(check.run_check(u'8', params_single, parsed))
    result_dag_net = CheckResult(check.run_check(u'DAG-NET', params_teamed, parsed))

                u'[SLOT 6 Port 1 DAG] (Connected) MAC: A0:36:9F:B0:A3:60, 10 Gbit/s, In: 0.00 B/s (0.0%), Out: 1.00 GB/s (85.9%)',
                    PerfValue('in', 0.0, None, None, 0, 1250000000.0),
                    PerfValue('inucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('innucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('indisc', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('inerr', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('out', 1073741824.0, None, None, 0, 1250000000.0),
                    PerfValue('outucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outnucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outdisc', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outerr', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outqlen', 0, None, None, None, None),
                u'[SLOT 4 Port 2 DAG] (Connected) MAC: A0:36:9F:B0:B3:66, 10 Gbit/s, In: 0.00 B/s (0.0%), Out: 1.00 GB/s (85.9%)',
                    PerfValue('in', 0.0, None, None, 0, 1250000000.0),
                    PerfValue('inucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('innucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('indisc', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('inerr', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('out', 1073741824.0, None, None, 0, 1250000000.0),
                    PerfValue('outucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outnucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outdisc', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outerr', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outqlen', 0, None, None, None, None),
                'Teaming Status (up), Members: [8 (Connected), 3 (Connected)] 20 Gbit/s, In: 0.00 B/s (0.0%), Out: 2.00 GB/s (85.9%)',
                    PerfValue('in', 0.0, None, None, 0, 2500000000.0),
                    PerfValue('inucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('innucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('indisc', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('inerr', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('out', 2147483648.0, None, None, 0, 2500000000.0),
                    PerfValue('outucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outnucast', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outdisc', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outerr', 0.0, None, None, None, None),
                    PerfValue('outqlen', 0, None, None, None, None),
Exemple #4
import pytest  # type: ignore
from checktestlib import BasicCheckResult, PerfValue, DiscoveryResult, assertDiscoveryResultsEqual

# since both nfsmounts and cifsmounts use the parse, inventory
# and check functions from network_fs.include unchanged we test
# both checks here.

pytestmark = pytest.mark.checks

        (  # no info
            [], [], (['', None, BasicCheckResult(3, ' not mounted', None)],)),
        (  # single mountpoint with data
            [[u'/ABCshare', u'ok', u'491520', u'460182', u'460182', u'65536']], [
                ('/ABCshare', {})
            ], [('/ABCshare', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, "6.4% used (1.91 GB of 30.00 GB)", None)),
                ('/ZZZshare', {}, BasicCheckResult(3, "/ZZZshare not mounted", None))]),
        (  # two mountpoints with empty data
            [[u'/AB', u'ok', u'-', u'-', u'-', u'-'], [u'/ABC', u'ok', u'-', u'-', u'-', u'-']], [
                ('/AB', {}), ('/ABC', {})
            ], [('/AB', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, "Mount seems OK", None)),
                ('/ABC', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, "Mount seems OK", None))]),
        (  # Mountpoint with spaces and permission denied
            [[u'/var/dba', u'export', u'Permission', u'denied'],
             [u'/var/dbaexport', u'ok', u'201326592', u'170803720', u'170803720', u'32768']], [
                 ('/var/dbaexport', {}), ('/var/dba export', {})
             ], [('/var/dba export', {}, BasicCheckResult(2, 'Permission denied', None)),
                 ('/var/dbaexport', {},
import pytest  # type: ignore[import]
from testlib import Check  # type: ignore[import]
from checktestlib import BasicCheckResult

pytestmark = pytest.mark.checks

        (  # internal temperature
            [[[u'2070', u'', u'']], []], [
                ('ra32e_sensors', [('Internal', {})]),
                ('ra32e_sensors.humidity', []),
            ], [
                ('ra32e_sensors', "Internal", {}, BasicCheckResult(0, u'20.7 °C',
                                                                   [('temp', 20.70)])),
                ('ra32e_sensors', "Heat Index", {}, BasicCheckResult(3, 'no data for sensor')),
                ('ra32e_sensors.humidity', "Internal", {}, BasicCheckResult(
                    3, 'no data for sensor')),
        (  # internal humidity and heat index
            [[[u'', u'6000', u'2070']], []], [
                ('ra32e_sensors', [('Heat Index', {})]),
                ('ra32e_sensors.humidity', [('Internal', {})]),
            ], [
                ('ra32e_sensors', "Internal", {}, BasicCheckResult(3, 'no data for sensor')),
                ('ra32e_sensors', "Heat Index", {},
                 BasicCheckResult(0, u'20.7 °C', [('temp', 20.70)])),
                ('ra32e_sensors.humidity', "Internal", {},
                 BasicCheckResult(0, '60.0%', [('humidity', 60.0, None, None, 0, 100)])),
def test_ra32e_power_check_nodata(check_manager):
    check = check_manager.get_check(RA32E_POWER)
    result = BasicCheckResult(*check.run_check(None, {}, [['']]))

    assert result.status == 3
    assert 'unknown' in result.infotext
def test_ra32e_power_check_acpower(check_manager):
    check = check_manager.get_check(RA32E_POWER)
    result = BasicCheckResult(*check.run_check(None, {}, [['1']]))

    assert result.status == 0
    assert 'AC/Utility' in result.infotext
size2 = Size(
    [u'201326592', u'170803720', u'170803720', u'32768'],
    None,  # not in use
    None,  # not in use
    "15.16% used (931.48 GB of 6.00 TB)",

        (  # no info
            [], [], ()),
        (  # single mountpoint with data
            [[u'/ABCshare', u'ok'] + size1.info], [('/ABCshare', {})], [
                ('/ABCshare', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, size1.text, None)),
        (  # two mountpoints with empty data
            [[u'/AB', u'ok', u'-', u'-', u'-', u'-'],
             [u'/ABC', u'ok', u'-', u'-', u'-', u'-']], [
                 ('/AB', {}), ('/ABC', {})
             ], [('/AB', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, "Mount seems OK", None)),
                 ('/ABC', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, "Mount seems OK", None))]),
        (  # Mountpoint with spaces and permission denied
            [[u'/var/dba', u'export', u'Permission', u'denied'],
             [u'/var/dbaexport', u'ok'] + size2.info], [
                 ('/var/dbaexport', {}), ('/var/dba export', {})
             ], [('/var/dba export', {},
                  BasicCheckResult(2, 'Permission denied', None)),
                 ('/var/dbaexport', {}, BasicCheckResult(0, size2.text, None))