Exemple #1
    def test_convert_json_to_running_game(self):
        json = tests.read_test_file("service/game.json")
        player1 = Player(1, 2, 2, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        player3 = Player(3, 4, 3, Direction.left, 2, False, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell(), Cell([player2]),
                  Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell()], [Cell(), Cell(),
                            Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell()], [Cell(),
        time = datetime(2020, 10, 1, 12, 5, 13, 0, timezone.utc)
        expected = Game(5, 4, cells, players, 2, True, time)

        result = self.sut.load(json)

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
    def _create_game(self) -> None:
        player1 = Player(1, 5, 5, Direction.down, 1, True, "Human Player 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 25, 5, Direction.down, 1, True, "AI Player 1")
        player3 = Player(3, 5, 15, Direction.up, 1, True, "AI Player 2")
        player4 = Player(4, 25, 15, Direction.up, 1, True, "AI Player 4")
        players = [player1, player2, player3, player4]
        height = 20
        width = 30
        cells = [[Cell() for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
        cells[player1.y][player1.x] = Cell([player1])
        cells[player2.y][player2.x] = Cell([player2])
        cells[player3.y][player3.x] = Cell([player3])
        cells[player4.y][player4.x] = Cell([player4])

        self._game = Game(width, height, cells, players, 1, True, datetime.now(time_zone))
        self._game_round = 0

        self.__you = None
        ai0 = ai_classes.RandomAI(player1)
        # Make a comment out of the next two lines if you do not want to play on your own.
        self.__you = player1
        ai0 = None

        ai1 = ai_classes.PathfindingAI(player2, 2, 75)
        ai2 = ai_classes.NotKillingItselfAI(player3, [ai_classes.AIOptions.max_distance], 1, 0, 3)
        ai3 = ai_classes.SearchTreeAI(player4, 2, 1, True, 10)

        self._ais = [ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3]
    def test_player_with_id_should_be_returned(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name")
        cells = [[Cell([player1]), Cell([player2])]]
        game = Game(2, 1, cells, [player1, player2], 1, True, datetime.now())

        self.assertEqual(player1, game.get_player_by_id(1))
    def test_return_no_player_who_is_not_reachable(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 4, 4, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 2, 3, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 2")
        player3 = Player(3, 1, 4, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()],
                 [Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()],
                 [Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()],
                 [Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()],
        game = Game(5, 5, cells, players, 1, True, datetime.now())

        result = game.get_other_player_ids(player1, 3)

        self.assertEqual([2], result)
Exemple #5
    def test_convert_json_to_ended_game(self):
        json = tests.read_test_file("service/game_ended.json")
        player1 = Player(1, 2, 2, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        player3 = Player(3, 4, 3, Direction.left, 2, False, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell(), Cell([player2]),
                  Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell()], [Cell(), Cell(),
                            Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell()], [Cell(),
        expected = Game(5, 4, cells, players, 2, False)

        result = self.sut.load(json)

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
    def test_return_all_players_except_one_within_distance_2(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 4, 4, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 2, 3, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 2")
        player3 = Player(3, 1, 4, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell(), Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()], [Cell(),
                 [Cell(), Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()],
                 [Cell(), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()],
        game = Game(5, 5, cells, players, 1, True, datetime.now())

        result = game.get_other_player_ids(player1, 3)

        self.assertEqual([2], result)
Exemple #7
    def test_correct_output_no_winner(self, mock_stdout):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 1, False, "p1")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 1, Direction.down, 3, False, "")
        cells = [[Cell([player1])], [Cell([player2])]]
        game = Game(1, 2, cells, [player1, player2], 2, False, datetime.now())

        self.assertTrue("No winner in game." in str(mock_stdout.getvalue()))
    def test_raise_exception_on_non_existing_own_player(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 1")
        player3 = Player(3, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player3]
        cells = [[Cell([player3]), Cell([])], [Cell([player1]), Cell()]]

        with self.assertRaises(OwnPlayerMissingException):
            Game(2, 2, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
    def test_raise_exception_when_player_id_invalid(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name")
        cells = [[Cell([player2]), Cell([player1])]]
        game = Game(2, 1, cells, [player1, player2], 1, True, datetime.now())

        with self.assertRaises(PlayerWithGivenIdNotAvailableException):
    def test_raise_exception_on_wrong_player_position(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 1, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 2")
        player3 = Player(3, 0, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell([player2]), Cell([player3])], [Cell(), Cell([player1])]]

        with self.assertRaises(PlayerPositionException):
            Game(2, 2, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
    def test_return_no_winner_in_ended_game(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, False, "Name")
        player2 = Player(1, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, False, "Name")
        cells = [[Cell([player1]), Cell([player2])]]
        game = Game(2, 1, cells, [player1, player2], 1, False, datetime.now())

        result = game.get_winner()

        self.assertEqual(None, result)
    def test_draws_all_players_correctly_in_ended_game_with_winner(self, mock_stdout):
        player1 = Player(1, 1, 0, Direction.up, 1, True, "Jonas")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 1, Direction.down, 3, False, "Florian")
        cells = [[Cell(), Cell([player1])],
                 [Cell([player2]), Cell()]]
        game = Game(2, 2, cells, [player1, player2], 2, False, datetime.now())


        self.assertTrue("Winner: Player 1 (Jonas). Your player ID was 2." in str(mock_stdout.getvalue()))
    def test_examines_your_player_after_creation(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 2")
        player3 = Player(3, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell([player3]), Cell([player2])], [Cell([player1]), Cell()]]

        game = Game(2, 2, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())

        self.assertEqual(game.you, player2)
Exemple #14
    def test_correct_output_round_2(self, mock_stdout):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 1, True, "p1")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 1, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        cells = [[Cell([player1]), Cell([player1])], [Cell([player2]), Cell()]]
        game = Game(2, 2, cells, [player1, player2], 2, True, datetime.now())


        self.assertTrue("Round :  0" in str(mock_stdout.getvalue()))
        self.assertTrue("Round :  1" in str(mock_stdout.getvalue()))
    def test_dont_raise_exception_on_wrong_inactive_player_position(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 1, 1, Direction.up, 0, False, "Name 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 2")
        player3 = Player(3, 0, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell([]), Cell([player2])],
                 [Cell([player3]), Cell([player3])]]

        game = Game(2, 2, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())

        self.assertEqual(game.you, player2)
Exemple #16
def create_game(game_ended: bool):
    player1 = Player(1, 10, 10, Direction.down, 1, True, "")
    player2 = Player(2, 10, 30, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
    player3 = Player(3, 30, 10, Direction.right, 2, True, "Name 3")
    players = [player1, player2, player3]

    cells = [[Cell() for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(40)]
    for player in players:
        cells[player.y][player.x] = Cell([player])

    return Game(40, 40, cells, players, 2, game_ended,
                datetime(2020, 10, 1, 12, 5, 13, 0, timezone.utc))
 def setUp(self):
     self.player1 = Player(1, 10, 10, Direction.down, 1, True, "")
     self.player2 = Player(2, 10, 30, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
     self.player3 = Player(3, 30, 10, Direction.right, 2, True, "Name 3")
     players = [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3]
     cells = [[Cell() for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(40)]
     cells[self.player1.y][self.player1.x] = Cell([self.player1])
     cells[self.player2.y][self.player2.x] = Cell([self.player2])
     cells[self.player3.y][self.player3.x] = Cell([self.player3])
     time = datetime(2020, 10, 1, 12, 5, 13, 0, timezone.utc)
     self.game = Game(40, 40, cells, players, 2, True, time)
     self.sut = GameService(self.game)
    def test_return_all_other_active_players(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 1, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 1")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, False, "Name 2")
        player3 = Player(3, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name 3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell([player3]), Cell([player2])],
                 [Cell([]), Cell([player1])]]
        game = Game(2, 2, cells, players, 1, True, datetime.now())

        result = game.get_other_player_ids(player1, check_active=True)

        self.assertEqual([3], result)
Exemple #19
    def test_create_action_should_return_None_if_given_action_list_is_none(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.right, 2, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 2, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        players = [player1, player2]
        cells = [[Cell([player1]),  Cell(),             Cell()],
                 [Cell(),           Cell([player2]),    Cell()],
                 [Cell([player2]),  Cell(),             Cell()]]
        game = Game(3, 3, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
        sut = PathfindingAI(player1, 2, 10)

        actions = sut.find_actions_by_best_path_connection(None, game)

Exemple #20
    def test_create_action_should_return_one_of_the_possible_action_with_best_connection(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.right, 2, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 2, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        players = [player1, player2]
        cells = [[Cell([player1]),  Cell(),             Cell()],
                 [Cell(),           Cell([player2]),    Cell()],
                 [Cell([player2]),  Cell(),             Cell()]]
        game = Game(3, 3, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
        sut = PathfindingAI(player1, 2, 10)

        actions = sut.find_actions_by_best_path_connection([Action.change_nothing, Action.slow_down], game)

        self.assertEqual(actions[0][0], Action.slow_down)
    def test_copying_a_game_should_return_same_game_but_different_identity(
        player1 = Player(1, 1, 1, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name")
        player2 = Player(2, 1, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name2")
        player3 = Player(3, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name3")
        players = [player1, player2, player3]
        cells = [[Cell([player3]), Cell([player2])],
                 [Cell([]), Cell([player1])]]
        game = Game(2, 2, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())

        result = game.copy()

        self.assertEqual(game, result)
        self.assertNotEqual(id(game), id(result))
    def test_translate_cell_matrix_to_pathfinding_matrix_should_be_correct(
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 1, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        players = [player1, player2]
        cells = [[Cell([player1]), Cell()], [Cell([player2]),
                                             Cell()], [Cell(), Cell()]]

        game = Game(2, 3, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
        expected_matrix = [[0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]]

        matrix = game.translate_cell_matrix_to_pathfinding_matrix()

        self.assertEqual(matrix, expected_matrix)
Exemple #23
    def test_create_action_should_return_action_with_best_connection(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.down, 1, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 2, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        players = [player1, player2]
        cells = [[Cell([player1]),  Cell(),             Cell()],
                 [Cell(),           Cell([player2]),    Cell()],
                 [Cell([player2]),  Cell(),             Cell()]]
        game = Game(3, 3, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
        sut = PathfindingAI(player1, 2, 10)

        result = Value('i')
        sut.create_next_action(game, result)

        self.assertEqual(Action.turn_left, Action.get_by_index(result.value))
Exemple #24
    def test_get_random_free_cells_from_playground_should_return_correct_number_of_free_cells(self):
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 1, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        players = [player1, player2]
        cells = [[Cell([player1]), Cell(), Cell()],
                 [Cell([player2]), Cell(), Cell()],
                 [Cell(), Cell(), Cell()]]
        count_free_cells = 5
        game = Game(3, 3, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
        sut = PathfindingAI(player1, 2, count_free_cells)

        free_cells_xy = sut.get_random_free_cells_from_playground(game)

        self.assertEqual(len(free_cells_xy), count_free_cells)
        for (x, y) in free_cells_xy:
            self.assertTrue(game.cells[y][x].players is None)
    def _create_game(self) -> None:
        height = randint(30, 70)
        width = randint(30, 70)

        player_count = randint(3, 6)
        players = []
        occupied_coordinates = []
        for i in range(1, player_count + 1):
            next_coordinate = (randint(0, width - 1), randint(0, height - 1))
            while next_coordinate in occupied_coordinates:
                next_coordinate = (randint(0,
                                           width - 1), randint(0, height - 1))
            player = Player(i, next_coordinate[0], next_coordinate[1],
                            Direction.get_random_direction(), 1, True, str(i))

        cells = [[Cell() for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
        for player in players:
            cells[player.y][player.x] = Cell([player])

        self._game = Game(width, height, cells, players, 1, True,
                          datetime.now() + timedelta(5, 15))
        self._game_round = 0

        self._ais = []

        if self.__evaluation_type == 1:
            self.__generate_ais_for_first_evaluation(player_count, players)
        elif self.__evaluation_type == 2:
            self.__generate_ais_for_second_evaluation(player_count, players)
    def copy(self):
        """Creates an exact same copy of this game but all objects point to different memory locations.

            A copy of the game.
        players: List[Player] = []
        for player in self.players:
                Player(player.id, player.x, player.y, player.direction,
                       player.speed, player.active, player.name))

        cells: List[List[Cell]] = [[Cell() for _ in range(self.width)]
                                   for _ in range(self.height)]
        for row in range(len(self.cells)):
            for col in range(len(self.cells[row])):
                if self.cells[row][col].players is not None:
                    players_in_cell = []
                    for player in self.cells[row][col].players:
                        for copied_player in players:
                            if copied_player.id == player.id:
                    cells[row][col].players = players_in_cell

        return Game(self.width, self.height, cells, players, self.you.id,
                    self.running, self.deadline)
    def test_raise_exception_for_winner_in_running_game(self):
        player = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 0, True, "Name")
        cells = [[Cell([player]), Cell()]]
        game = Game(2, 1, cells, [player], 1, True, datetime.now())

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
Exemple #28
    def test_get_information(self):
        player = Player(1, 0, 4, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        sut = PathfindingAI(player, 2, 10)
        expected = "max_speed=2, count_paths_to_check=10"

        result = sut.get_information()

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        player1 = Player(1, 0, 0, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        player2 = Player(2, 0, 1, Direction.down, 3, True, "")
        players = [player1, player2]
        cells = [[Cell([player1]), Cell(),
                  Cell(), Cell()], [Cell([player2]),
                                    Cell()], [Cell(),
                 [Cell(), Cell(), Cell(), Cell()]]

        self.game = Game(4, 4, cells, players, 2, True, datetime.now())
        self.sut = PathfindingSearchTreeAI(player1, 2, 100, 2, 0.75)
        self.data_loader = JSONDataLoader()
    def test_get_information(self):
        player = Player(1, 0, 4, Direction.up, 1, True, "")
        sut = NotKillingItselfAI(player, [], 3, 1, 3)
        expected = "max_speed=3, max_worse_distance=1, depth=3"

        result = sut.get_information()

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)