logS2HI     = nplog10((Line_dict['9068.62A'] + Line_dict['9532A']) / Line_dict['4861.36A']) + 6.012 + 0.6309 / TSIII_4 - 0.5722 * nplog10(TSIII_4)  -12 

    logAr3HI    = nplog10(Line_dict['4740.12A'] / Line_dict['4861.36A']) +  5.705 + 1.246/TOIII_4 - 0.156 * nplog10(TOIII_4) - 12 
    logAr2HI    = nplog10(Line_dict['7135A'] / Line_dict['4861.36A']) +  6.157 + 0.808/TSIII_4 - 0.508 * nplog10(TSIII_4) - 12 

    x_axis      = logS2HI - logS3HI
    y_axis      = logAr2HI - logAr3HI
    indexes     = x_axis>0.0

    return x_axis[indexes], y_axis[indexes], TSIII[indexes], TOIII[indexes]

pv      = myPickle()
dz      = Plot_Conf()
ct      = Cloudy_Tools()
diags   = pn.Diagnostics()

#Define data type and location
Catalogue_Dic                   = DataToTreat()
Pattern                         = Catalogue_Dic['Datatype'] + '.fits'

FilesList                   = pv.Folder_Explorer(Pattern, Catalogue_Dic['Obj_Folder'], CheckComputer=False)
Abundances_Matrix           = import_data_from_objLog_triple(FilesList, pv)
Objects                     = Abundances_Matrix[:,0]
ArIII_HII_array             = Abundances_Matrix[:,1]
ArIV_HII_array              = Abundances_Matrix[:,2]
Temps                       = Abundances_Matrix[:,3]    
SIII_HII_array              = Abundances_Matrix[:,4]   
        for j in range(len(List_Abundances)):
            abundance           = List_Abundances[j]
            Empty_Array[j+1]    = pv.GetParameter_ObjLog(CodeName, FileFolder, Parameter = abundance, Assumption = 'float')
            #If the abundance was measure store it 
            if Empty_Array[j+1] == None:
                All_observed = False
        if All_observed:
            Valid_objects.append(array(Empty_Array, copy=True))
    return array(Valid_objects)

pv  = myPickle()
dz  = Plot_Conf()
ct  = Cloudy_Tools()

#Define data type and location
Catalogue_Dic                   = DataToTreat()
Pattern                         = Catalogue_Dic['Datatype'] + '.fits'

#Define figure format

#Define script name and location
ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Few_Models/'
ScriptPrefix    = 'S_Ar_test'

#4 metallicities 0.004, 0.008, 0.02, 0.05
#5 ages 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5
Model_dict, Legends_dict, Colors_dict = Figure_Legends_Colors(dz.ColorVector)
        for j in range(len(List_Abundances)):
            abundance           = List_Abundances[j]
            Empty_Array[j+1]    = pv.GetParameter_ObjLog(CodeName, FileFolder, Parameter = abundance, Assumption = 'float')
            #If the abundance was measure store it 
            if Empty_Array[j+1] == None:
                All_observed = False
        if All_observed:
            Valid_objects.append(array(Empty_Array, copy=True))
    return array(Valid_objects)

pv                              = myPickle()
dz                              = Plot_Conf()
ct                              = Cloudy_Tools()
diags                           = pn.Diagnostics()

#Define data type and location
Catalogue_Dic                   = DataToTreat()
Pattern                         = Catalogue_Dic['Datatype'] + '.fits'

#Define figure format

print 'Colors initial'
print dz.ColorVector[2], len(dz.ColorVector[2])

#Define script name and location
# ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Few_Models/'
ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Ionization_Models/'
from collections                        import OrderedDict

from numpy                              import log10 as nplog10, zeros, min, max, linspace, array, concatenate, isfinite, greater
from pandas                             import Series

from Math_Libraries.bces_script         import bces
from Plotting_Libraries.dazer_plotter   import Plot_Conf
from cloudy_library.cloudy_methods      import Cloudy_Tools

dz              = Plot_Conf()
ct              = Cloudy_Tools()

#Define script name and location
ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Ionization_Models_Hbeta_trans/'

#Orion nebula has a metallicity of 2/3 solar

Grid_Values = OrderedDict()
Grid_Values['age']      = ['5.0', '5.5', '6.0', '6.5', '7.0', '7.5'] 
Grid_Values['zStars']   = ['-2.4', '-2.1', '-1.7', '-1.31'] 
Grid_Values['zGas']     = ['0.1', '0.31', '0.62'] 
Grid_Values['u']        = ['-4.0', '-3.5', '-3.0', '-2.5', '-2.0', '-1.5'] 

#Dictionary of dictionaries
Grid_frame =  ({k : Series(v) for k, v in Grid_Values.iteritems()})

#Trick to create a frame with different lengths
# Grid_frame = DataFrame({k : Series(v) for k, v in Grid_Values.iteritems()})

#Generate the scripts with the lines we want to print the flux
Exemple #5
    FilesFolder                 = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Lore/PopStar/' 
    TableAddressn100            = 'mnras0403-2012-SD2_clusterTable2.txt'
    Frame_MetalsEmission        = pd.read_csv(FilesFolder + TableAddressn100, delim_whitespace = True)
    nH          = 10.0 #cm^-3
    c           = 29979245800.0 #cm/s
    pc_to_cm    = 3.0856776e18 #cm/pc
    Frame_MetalsEmission['logR_cm'] = nplog10(Frame_MetalsEmission['logR'] * pc_to_cm)
    Frame_MetalsEmission['Q']       = nplog10(power(10, Frame_MetalsEmission['logU']) * 4 * pi * c * nH * power(Frame_MetalsEmission['logR'] * pc_to_cm, 2))

    return Frame_MetalsEmission

ct              = Cloudy_Tools()

#Define script name and location
ScriptFolder = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Total_Q_R_Grid/'

Grid_Values                 = OrderedDict()
Grid_Values['age']          = ['5.', '5.48', '5.7', '5.85',  '6.', '6.18', '6.3', '6.4', '6.51', '6.57', '6.63', '6.68', '6.72' ] 
Grid_Values['clus_mass']    = ['12000.', '20000.', '60000.', '100000.', '200000.'] 
Grid_Values['zGas']         = ['0.0001', '0.0004', '0.004', '0.008'] 
Grid_Values['zStars']       = ['-2.1'] 

# Grid_Values                 = OrderedDict()
# Grid_Values['age']          = ['5.'] 
# Grid_Values['clus_mass']    = ['100000.', '150000.', '200000.'] 
# Grid_Values['zGas']         = ['0.0001', '0.0004', '0.004', '0.008'] 
# Grid_Values['zStars']       = ['-2.1'] 
from numpy import log10 as nplog10
from collections import OrderedDict
from pandas import Series
from cloudy_library.cloudy_methods import Cloudy_Tools

ct = Cloudy_Tools()

#Define script name and location
ScriptFolder = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Total_Grid_SAL2/'

#Orion nebula has a metallicity of 2/3 solar
Grid_Values = OrderedDict()

Solar_abundances = OrderedDict()
Solar_abundances['Li'] = -8.69
Solar_abundances['Be'] = -10.58
Solar_abundances['B'] = -9.21
Solar_abundances['C'] = -3.61
Solar_abundances['N'] = -4.07
Solar_abundances['O'] = -3.31
Solar_abundances['Ne'] = -4.00
Solar_abundances['F'] = -7.52
Solar_abundances['Ne'] = -4.0
Solar_abundances['Na'] = -5.67
Solar_abundances['Mg'] = -4.46
Solar_abundances['Al'] = -5.53
Solar_abundances['Si'] = -4.46
Solar_abundances['P'] = -6.50
Solar_abundances['S'] = -4.74
Solar_abundances['Cl'] = -6.72
Solar_abundances['Ar'] = -5.60
Exemple #7
    S3_abund  = S3_atom.getIonAbundance(int_ratio = (Line_dict['9068.62A'] + Line_dict['9532A']), tem=TSIII, den=NSII, to_eval = 'L(9069)+L(9531)', Hbeta = Line_dict['4861.36A'])
    S4_abund  = S4_atom.getIonAbundance(int_ratio = (Line_dict['10.51m']), tem=TOIII, den=NSII_2, wave = 105000., Hbeta = Line_dict['4861.36A'])
    #Calculate the logaritmic axis for the plot
    x_axis          = nplog10(Ar4_abund/Ar3_abund)
    y_axis          = nplog10(S4_abund/S3_abund)
    if (isinf(x_axis) == False) & (isinf(y_axis) == False):   
        return x_axis, y_axis
        return None, None
dz     = Plot_Conf()
ct     = Cloudy_Tools()
diags  = pn.Diagnostics()
#Set atomic data and objects
diags  = pn.Diagnostics()
Ar3 = pn.Atom('Ar', 3)
Ar4 = pn.Atom('Ar', 4)
S3 = pn.Atom('S', 3)
S4 = pn.Atom('S', 4)
#Declare the number of colors
dz.FigConf(n_colors = 7)
#Define script name and location
ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Total_Q_R_Grid2/'

    #Calculate the logaritmic axis for the plot
    x_axis = nplog10(Ar4_abund / Ar3_abund)
    y_axis = nplog10(S4_abund / S3_abund)

    if (isinf(x_axis) == False) & (isinf(y_axis) == False):
        return x_axis, y_axis

        return None, None

dz = Plot_Conf()
ct = Cloudy_Tools()
diags = pn.Diagnostics()

#Set atomic data and objects
diags = pn.Diagnostics()
Ar3 = pn.Atom('Ar', 3)
Ar4 = pn.Atom('Ar', 4)
S3 = pn.Atom('S', 3)
S4 = pn.Atom('S', 4)

colors_list = [
    '#0072B2', '#009E73', '#D55E00', '#CC79A7', '#F0E442', '#56B4E9',
    '#bcbd22', '#7f7f7f', '#FFB5B8'
        for j in range(len(List_Abundances)):
            abundance           = List_Abundances[j]
            Empty_Array[j+1]    = pv.GetParameter_ObjLog(CodeName, FileFolder, Parameter = abundance, Assumption = 'float')
            #If the abundance was measure store it 
            if Empty_Array[j+1] == None:
                All_observed = False
        if All_observed:
            Valid_objects.append(array(Empty_Array, copy=True))
    return array(Valid_objects)

pv                              = myPickle()
dz                              = Plot_Conf()
ct                              = Cloudy_Tools()
diags                           = pn.Diagnostics()

#Define data type and location
Catalogue_Dic                   = DataToTreat()
Pattern                         = Catalogue_Dic['Datatype'] + '.fits'

#Define figure format

#Define script name and location
# ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Few_Models/'
ScriptFolder    = '/home/vital/Dropbox/Astrophysics/Tools/Cloudy/S_Ar_test/Ionization_Models_Hbeta/'
ScriptPrefix    = 'S_Ar_test'

#4 metallicities 0.004, 0.008, 0.02, 0.05