Exemple #1
def get_grads_reps_pca2_tangent(experiment, nreps, nsel, cores, projector):

    experiments = {}
    dim = experiment.dim
    dimnoise = experiment.dimnoise
    for i in range(nreps):
        experiments[i] = copy.copy(experiment)
        experiments[i].M.selected_points = np.random.choice(list(
        tangent_bases = experiments[i].M.get_wlpca_tangent_sel(
            experiments[i].Mpca, experiments[i].M.selected_points, dimnoise)
        subM = RiemannianManifold(
            experiments[i].Mpca.data[experiments[i].M.selected_points], dim)
        subM.tb = TangentBundle(subM, tangent_bases)
        experiments[i].N.tangent_bundle = TangentBundle(
        #experiments[i].df_M = experiments[i].get_dF_js_idM(experiments[i].Mpca, experiments[i].N, subM.tb, experiments[i].N.tangent_bundle,
        #                                           experiments[i].M.selected_points,dimnoise)
        #experiments[i].df_M = experiments[i].df_M / np.linalg.norm(experiments[i].df_M, axis=1).sum(axis=0)
        #experiments[i].df_M2 = experiments[i].df_M / np.linalg.norm(experiments[i].df_M) ** 2
        experiments[i].df_M = np.asarray(
            [np.identity(dim) for i in range(nsel)])
        experiments[i].dg_x = experiments[i].get_dx_g_full(
        experiments[i].W = ShapeSpace(experiments[i].positions,
        experiments[i].dw = experiments[i].W.get_dw(
            cores, experiments[i].atoms3, experiments[i].natoms,
        experiments[i].dg_w = experiments[i].project(
            np.swapaxes(experiments[i].dw, 1, 2),
            experiments[i].project(experiments[i].dw, experiments[i].dg_x))
        experiments[i].dg_w_pca = np.asarray([
            for j in range(nsel)
        experiments[i].dgw_norm = experiments[i].normalize(
        # tb_w_tangent_bases = experiment.project(experiment.dw_pca, np.swapaxes(subM.tb.tangent_bases,1,2))
        # experiment.dgw_norm = experiment.normalize(experiment.dg_w)
        #experiment[i].dg_M = experiment.project(subM.tb.tangent_bases, experiment.dgw_norm)
        experiments[i].dg_M = experiments[i].project(subM.tb.tangent_bases,

        #experiments[i].dw_pca = np.asarray([np.matmul(projector, experiments[i].dw[j]) for j in range(nsel)])
        #experiments[i].dg_w = experiments[i].project(experiments[i].dw_pca, np.swapaxes(experiments[i].dg_x_pca,1,2))
        #tb_w_tangent_bases = experiments[i].project(experiments[i].dw_pca, np.swapaxes(subM.tb.tangent_bases, 1, 2))
        #experiments[i].dw_norm = experiments[i].normalize(experiments[i].dg_w)
        #experiments[i].dg_M = experiments[i].project(np.swapaxes(tb_w_tangent_bases, 1, 2), experiments[i].dw_norm)

        #experiments[i].coeffs = experiments[i].get_betas_spam2(experiments[i].xtrain, experiments[i].ytrain, experiments[i].groups, lambdas,
        #                                              nsel, experiments[i].q, itermax, tol)
    return (experiments)
    def load_data(self, angles=False):
        n = self.n
        #d = self.d
        dim = self.dim
        natoms = self.natoms
        atoms3 = self.atoms3

        filename_xyz = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/eMDA-H-H-Me.Rusinska-Roszak-DB.DFT.PBE-TS.light.MD.500K.99k.R_E_F_D_Q.npz'
        #filename_angle_indices = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/eMDA-H-H-Me_all2indices.npy'
        filename_angle_indices = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/eMDA-H-H-Mindices.npy'
        #filename_angles = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/eMDA-H-H-Me_all2angles.npy'
        filename_angles = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/eMDA-H-H-Mangles.npy'
        data_xyz_loaded = np.load(filename_xyz)
        angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
        n = len(angle_indices)
        self.n = n
        positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
        self.positions = positions

        dat = np.load(filename_angles)
        d = int(dat.shape[0] * dat.shape[1] / n)
        self.d = d
        data = np.reshape(dat, (n, d))
        data = np.arccos(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #3
 def generate_data(self, n, theta):
     self.n = n
     d = self.d
     xvar = self.xvar
     dim = self.dim
     noise = self.noise
     self.theta = theta
     ts = 1.5 * np.pi * (1 +
                         2 * np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n))
     x = ts * np.cos(ts)
     y = 21 * np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n)
     self.ys = y
     z = ts * np.sin(ts)
     self.ts = ts
     X = np.vstack((x, y, z))
     #X += noise * generator.randn(3, n_samples)
     X = X.T
     unrotated_data = np.zeros((n, 49))
     unrotated_data[:, :3] = X
     rotator = special_ortho_group.rvs(49)
     #rotator = np.identity(49)
     self.rotator = rotator
     data = np.matmul(unrotated_data, rotator)
     #data = rotator(X,theta)
     #data = dup_cols(data, indx=0, num_dups=46)
     #data = np.reshape(results, (n, (d)))
     return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
 def load_data(self):
     # filename = 'tolueneangles.npz'
     atoms3 = self.atoms3
     dim = self.dim
     # cor = self.cor
     # xvar = self.xvar
     filename_xyz = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/ethanol.mat'
     filename_angle_indices = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/ethanolindices022119.npy'
     data_xyz_loaded = scipy.io.loadmat(filename_xyz)
     # print(data_xyz_loaded['R'].shape)
     angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
     self.timeindices = angle_indices
     positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
     self.positions = positions
     filename_angles = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/ethanolangles022119.npy'
     data = np.reshape(np.load(filename_angles), (50000, 3 * len(atoms3)))
     data = np.arccos(data)
     # print(positions[0])
     # if angles == True:
     # p = Pool(cores)
     # results = p.map(lambda i: compute3angles(position = positions[i[0],atoms3[i[1]],:]),data_stream(10,84))
     # data2 = np.reshape(results, (10,(d)))
     # else:
     #    data = np.reshape(positions,(n,d))
     return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #5
 def load_data(self):
     # filename = 'tolueneangles.npz'
     dim = self.dim
     n = self.n
     atoms3 = self.atoms3
     subset = self.subset
     # cor = self.cor
     # xvar = self.xvar
     filename_xyz = '/Users/samsonkoelle/Downloads/aspirin.mat'
     filename_angle_indices = '/Users/samsonkoelle/Downloads/aspirinindices020619.npy'
     data_xyz_loaded = scipy.io.loadmat(filename_xyz)
     # print(data_xyz_loaded['R'].shape)
     angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
     positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
     self.positions = positions
     filename_angles = '/Users/samsonkoelle/Downloads/aspirinangles020619.npy'
     data = np.reshape(np.load(filename_angles), (50000, len(atoms3)*3))
     data = np.arccos(data)
     data = data[subset]
     # print(positions[0])
     # if angles == True:
     # p = Pool(cores)
     # results = p.map(lambda i: compute3angles(position = positions[i[0],atoms3[i[1]],:]),data_stream(10,84))
     # data2 = np.reshape(results, (10,(d)))
     # else:
     #    data = np.reshape(positions,(n,d))
     return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #6
def get_grads_reps(experiment, nreps, nsel, cores):

    experiments = {}
    dim = experiment.dim

    for i in range(nreps):
        experiments[i] = copy.copy(experiment)
        experiments[i].M.selected_points = np.random.choice(list(
        tangent_bases = experiments[i].M.get_wlpca_tangent_sel(
            experiments[i].M, experiments[i].M.selected_points)
        subM = RiemannianManifold(
            experiments[i].M.data[experiments[i].M.selected_points], dim)
        subM.tb = TangentBundle(subM, tangent_bases)
        experiments[i].N.tangent_bundle = TangentBundle(
        experiments[i].df_M = experiments[i].get_dF_js_idM(
            experiments[i].M, experiments[i].N, subM.tb,
            experiments[i].N.tangent_bundle, experiments[i].M.selected_points)
        #experiments[i].df_M = experiments[i].df_M / np.linalg.norm(experiments[i].df_M, axis=1).sum(axis=0)
        experiments[i].df_M2 = experiments[i].df_M / np.linalg.norm(
        experiments[i].dg_x = experiments[i].get_dx_g_full(
        experiments[i].W = ShapeSpace(experiments[i].positions,
        experiments[i].dw = experiments[i].W.get_dw(
            cores, experiments[i].atoms3, experiments[i].natoms,
        experiments[i].dg_w = experiments[i].project(experiments[i].dw,
        tb_w_tangent_bases = experiments[i].project(
            experiments[i].dw, np.swapaxes(subM.tb.tangent_bases, 1, 2))
        experiments[i].dw_norm = experiments[i].normalize(experiments[i].dg_w)
        experiments[i].dg_M = experiments[i].project(
            np.swapaxes(tb_w_tangent_bases, 1, 2), experiments[i].dw_norm)

        #experiments[i].coeffs = experiments[i].get_betas_spam2(experiments[i].xtrain, experiments[i].ytrain, experiments[i].groups, lambdas,
        #                                              nsel, experiments[i].q, itermax, tol)
    return (experiments)
Exemple #7
    def load_data(self, angles=False):
        n = self.n
        d = self.d
        dim = self.dim
        natoms = self.natoms
        atoms3 = self.atoms3

        filename_xyz = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/toluene.mat'
        filename_angle_indices = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/tolueneindices020619.npy'
        data_xyz_loaded = scipy.io.loadmat(filename_xyz)
        angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
        positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
        self.positions = positions
        filename_angles = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/tolueneangles020619.npy'
        data = np.reshape(np.load(filename_angles), (50000, 50))
        data = np.arccos(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #8
    def load_data(self, angles=False):
        n = self.n
        d = self.d
        dim = self.dim
        natoms = self.natoms
        atoms3 = self.atoms3

        filename_xyz = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/p-xylene.DFT.PBE-TS.l1t.MD.500K.01.npz'
        filename_angle_indices = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/p-xyleneindices060319.npy'
        data_xyz_loaded = np.load(filename_xyz)
        angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
        positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
        self.positions = positions
        filename_angles = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/p-xyleneangles060319.npy'
        data = np.reshape(np.load(filename_angles), (50000, 2448))
        data = np.arccos(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #9
 def generate_data(self, n, theta):
     self.n = n
     d = self.d
     xvar = self.xvar
     dim = self.dim
     noise = self.noise
     self.theta = theta
     ts = 1.5 * np.pi * (1 +
                         2 * np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n))
     x = ts * np.cos(ts)
     y = 21 * np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n)
     z = ts * np.sin(ts)
     self.ts = ts
     X = np.vstack((x, y, z))
     #X += noise * generator.randn(3, n_samples)
     X = X.T
     data = rotator(X, theta)
     #data = np.reshape(results, (n, (d)))
     return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #10
    def load_data(self):
        n = self.n
        d = self.d
        dim = self.dim
        natoms = self.natoms
        atoms3 = self.atoms3
        angle_indices = self.angle_indices

        filename_xyz = xyz
        filename_angle_indices = angle_indices
        if filename_xyz[-4:] == '.mat':
        	data_xyz_loaded = scipy.io.loadmat(filename_xyz)
        if filename_xyz[-4:] == '.npz':
        	data_xyz_loaded = np.load(filename_xyz)
        angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
        positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
        self.positions = positions
        filename_angles = angles
        data = np.reshape(np.load(filename_angles), (n, 3 * len(atoms3)))
        data = np.arccos(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
Exemple #11
    def load_data(self, angles=False):
        n = self.n
        #d = self.d
        dim = self.dim
        natoms = self.natoms
        atoms3 = self.atoms3

        filename_xyz = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/BIPHENYLENEDIOL.fullerene.DFT.PBE-TS.light.MD.500K.102k.R_E_F_D_Q.npz'
        filename_angle_indices = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/BIPHENYLENEDIOLindices.npy'
        filename_angles = workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/BIPHENYLENEDIOLangles.npy'
        data_xyz_loaded = np.load(filename_xyz)
        angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
        n = len(angle_indices)
        self.n = n
        positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
        self.positions = positions

        dat = np.load(filename_angles)
        d = int(dat.shape[0] * dat.shape[1] / n)
        self.d = d
        data = np.reshape(dat, (n, d))
        data = np.arccos(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))
cores = 16  #number of cores for parallel processing
natoms = 26
ii = np.asarray(list(range(natoms)), dtype=int)
jj = np.asarray(list(range(natoms)), dtype=int)

#run experiment
#atoms4 = np.asarray([[9,0,1,2],[0,1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6],[4,5,6,1],[5,6,1,0]],dtype = int)
atoms4 = np.asarray([[14, 0, 1, 15], [14, 0, 3, 4], [15, 1, 9, 10],
                     [9, 1, 15, 0], [3, 0, 14, 1], [0, 15, 14, 1]],
experiment = BiphenylenediolAngles(dim, n, ii, jj, cores, atoms4)
experiment.M = experiment.load_data(
)  #if noise == False then noise parameters are overriden
experiment.Mpca = RiemannianManifold(
        workingdirectory +
projector = np.load(
    workingdirectory +
folder = workingdirectory + '/Figures/biphenylenediol/' + now
experiment.q = n_components
experiment.dimnoise = dimnoise
n = experiment.n

experiment.Mpca.geom = experiment.Mpca.compute_geom(diffusion_time,
experiment.N = experiment.Mpca.get_embedding3(experiment.Mpca.geom,
                                              n_components, diffusion_time,
Exemple #13
savename = 'ethanol_013120'
savefolder = 'ethanol'
loadfolder = 'ethanol'
loadname = 'ethanol_013020'
nreps = 5
if new_MN == True:
    experiment = EthanolAngles(dim, ii, jj, cores, atoms4)
    projector = np.load(
        workingdirectory +
    experiment.M = experiment.load_data(
    )  # if noise == False then noise parameters are overriden
    experiment.Mpca = RiemannianManifold(
            workingdirectory +
    experiment.q = n_components
    experiment.dimnoise = dimnoise
    n = experiment.n
    experiment.Mpca.geom = experiment.Mpca.compute_geom(
        diffusion_time, n_neighbors)
    experiment.N = experiment.Mpca.get_embedding3(experiment.Mpca.geom,
                                                  n_components, diffusion_time,
    with open(
            workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/embeddings/' + savefolder +
            '/' + savename + '.pkl', 'wb') as output:
        pickle.dump(experiment, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
loadfolder = 'emdahhme'
loadname = 'emdahhme_013020'

nreps = 5
if new_MN == True:
    experiment = EmdaHHMAngles(dim, n, ii, jj, cores, atoms4)
    projector = np.load(
        workingdirectory +
    experiment.M = experiment.load_data(
    )  # if noise == False then noise parameters are overriden
    experiment.Mpca = RiemannianManifold(
            workingdirectory +
    experiment.q = n_components
    experiment.dimnoise = dimnoise
    n = experiment.n
    experiment.Mpca.geom = experiment.Mpca.compute_geom(
        diffusion_time, n_neighbors)
    experiment.N = experiment.Mpca.get_embedding3(experiment.Mpca.geom,
                                                  n_components, diffusion_time,
    with open(
            workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/embeddings/' + savefolder +
            '/' + savename + '.pkl', 'wb') as output:
        pickle.dump(experiment, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Exemple #15
n_neighbors = 1000 #number of neighbors in megaman
n_components = 5 #number of embedding dimensions (diffusion maps)
diffusion_time = 5. #diffusion time controls gaussian kernel radius per gradients paper
dim = 2 #slow manifold dimension
dimnoise = 2 #noise dimension
cores = 16 #number of cores for parallel processing
natoms = 9
ii = np.asarray(list(range(natoms)), dtype = int)
jj = np.asarray(list(range(natoms)), dtype = int)

#run experiment
#atoms4 = np.asarray([[9,0,1,2],[0,1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6],[4,5,6,1],[5,6,1,0]],dtype = int)
atoms4 = np.asarray([[5,3,1,0],[3,1,0,6],[4,2,0,1],[8,2,0,6],[7,1,0,6]],dtype = int)
experiment = EmdaHHHAngles(dim, n, ii, jj,cores,atoms4)
experiment.M = experiment.load_data() #if noise == False then noise parameters are overriden
experiment.Mpca = RiemannianManifold(pca_dat, dim)
projector  = np.load(workingdirectory + '/untracked_data/chemistry_data/eMDA-H-H-H_all2anglespca_pca50_components.npy')
folder = workingdirectory + '/Figures/emdahhh/' + now
experiment.q = n_components
experiment.dimnoise = dimnoise
n = experiment.n

experiment.Mpca.geom = experiment.Mpca.compute_geom(diffusion_time, n_neighbors)
experiment.N = experiment.Mpca.get_embedding3(experiment.Mpca.geom, n_components, diffusion_time, dim)
#experiment.g0 = experiment.get_g_full_sub(experiment.M.data,experiment.atoms4[0])
#experiment.g1 = experiment.get_g_full_sub(experiment.M.data,experiment.atoms4[1])
#experiment.g2 = experiment.get_g_full_sub(experiment.M.data,experiment.atoms4[2])
#experiment.g3 = experiment.get_g_full_sub(experiment.M.data,experiment.atoms4[3])
#experiment.g4 = experiment.get_g_full_sub(experiment.M.data,experiment.atoms4[4])
experiment.gs = experiment.get_g_full(experiment.M.data)
experiment.g0 = experiment.gs[:,0]
Exemple #16
        	data_xyz_loaded = scipy.io.loadmat(filename_xyz)
        if filename_xyz[-4:] == '.npz':
        	data_xyz_loaded = np.load(filename_xyz)
        angle_indices = np.load(filename_angle_indices)
        positions = data_xyz_loaded['R'][angle_indices]
        self.positions = positions
        filename_angles = angles
        data = np.reshape(np.load(filename_angles), (n, 3 * len(atoms3)))
        data = np.arccos(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim))

lambdas = np.asarray(np.hstack([np.asarray([0]),np.logspace(lambdamin,lambdamax,nlambdas)]), dtype = np.float16)
experiment = AtomicRegressionLoader( angles,angle_indices, xyz,dim, dimnoise,itermax,tol,lambdas,n_neighbors, n_components, atoms4, ncores, diffusion_time)
experiment.M = experiment.load_data() #if noise == False then noise parameters are overriden
experiment.Mpca = RiemannianManifold(np.load(projected), dim)
experiment.q = n_components
experiment.dimnoise = dimnoise
projector  = np.load(pca_projector)
print(n_neighbors, type(n_neighbors), 'nebstuff')
experiment.Mpca.geom = experiment.Mpca.compute_geom(diffusion_time, n_neighbors)
experiment.N = experiment.Mpca.get_embedding3(experiment.Mpca.geom, n_components, diffusion_time, dim)
#experiment.g0 = experiment.get_g_full_sub(experiment.M.data,experiment.atoms4[0])
folder = output_folder + now
axislist = list(combinations_with_replacement(list(range(n_components)), 3))
for i in range(len(axislist)):
	experiment.N.plot(axislist[i], list(range(n)),np.ones(n),.1,.1, folder + '/' + str(axislist[i]))
#experiments = get_grads_reps_pca2(experiment, nreps, nsel,cores,projector)
    def generate_data(self, noise=False):
        n = self.n
        d = self.d
        cor = self.cor
        xvar = self.xvar
        natoms = self.natoms
        cores = self.cores
        atoms3 = self.atoms3
        dim = self.dim
        noise = self.noise

        positions = np.zeros((n, 9, 3))
        # positions[0,0,:] = np.asarray([0.,0.,0.])
        # positions[0,1,:] = np.asarray([-10.,0.,0.])
        # positions[0,2,:] = np.asarray([1.,10.,0.])
        # #positions[0,8,:] = np.asarray([1.,1.,0.])
        # positions[0,8,:] = np.asarray([2.,10.,-0])
        # positions[0,3,:] = np.asarray([1., np.cos(2/3 * np.pi), np.sin(2/3 * np.pi)])
        # positions[0,4,:] = np.asarray([1., np.cos(2/3 * np.pi), np.sin(4/3 * np.pi)])
        # positions[0,5,:] = np.asarray([-12.,1.,0.])
        # positions[0,6,:] = np.asarray([-12., np.cos(2/3 * np.pi),np.sin(2/3 * np.pi)])
        # positions[0,7,:] = np.asarray([-12.,np.cos(2/3 * np.pi), np.sin(4/3 * np.pi)])
        positions[0, 0, :] = np.asarray([0., 0., 0.])
        positions[0, 1, :] = np.asarray([-10., 0., np.sqrt(2) / 100])
        positions[0, 2, :] = np.asarray([0., 10., np.sqrt(3) / 100])
        #positions[0,8,:] = np.asarray([1.,1.,0.])
        positions[0, 8, :] = np.asarray([1., 10., np.sqrt(5) / 100])
        positions[0, 3, :] = np.asarray(
            [np.sqrt(7) / 100,
             np.cos(2 / 3 * np.pi),
             np.sin(2 / 3 * np.pi)])
        positions[0, 4, :] = np.asarray(
            [np.sqrt(11) / 100,
             np.cos(2 / 3 * np.pi),
             np.sin(4 / 3 * np.pi)])
        positions[0, 5, :] = np.asarray([-11., 1., np.sqrt(13) / 100])
        positions[0, 6, :] = np.asarray(
            [-11., np.cos(2 / 3 * np.pi),
             np.sin(2 / 3 * np.pi)])
        positions[0, 7, :] = np.asarray(
            [-11., np.cos(2 / 3 * np.pi),
             np.sin(4 / 3 * np.pi)])

        angles1 = np.tile(
                        stop=2 * math.pi,
                        endpoint=False), int(np.sqrt(n)))
        angles2 = np.repeat(
                        stop=2 * math.pi,
                        endpoint=False), int(np.sqrt(n)))
        for i in range(1, n):
            rotationmatrix1 = np.zeros((3, 3))
            rotationmatrix1[1, 1] = 1
            rotationmatrix1[0, 0] = np.cos(angles1[i])
            rotationmatrix1[0, 2] = -np.sin(angles1[i])
            rotationmatrix1[2, 2] = np.cos(angles1[i])
            rotationmatrix1[2, 0] = np.sin(angles1[i])
            rotationmatrix2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
            rotationmatrix2[0, 0] = 1
            rotationmatrix2[1, 1] = np.cos(angles2[i])
            rotationmatrix2[1, 2] = -np.sin(angles2[i])
            rotationmatrix2[2, 2] = np.cos(angles2[i])
            rotationmatrix2[2, 1] = np.sin(angles2[i])
                      np.asarray([3, 4]), :] = positions[0,
                                                         np.asarray([3, 4]), :]
            positions[i, np.asarray([2, 8]), :] = np.matmul(
                positions[0, np.asarray([2, 8]), :].transpose()).transpose()
            positions[i, np.asarray([1, 5, 6, 7]), :] = np.matmul(
                rotationmatrix2, positions[
                    0, np.asarray([1, 5, 6, 7]), :].transpose()).transpose()

        covariance = np.identity(natoms)
        for i in range(natoms):
            for j in range(natoms):
                if i != j:
                    covariance[i, j] = cor
        covariance = xvar * covariance
        if noise == True:
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(3):
                    positions[i, :, j] = np.random.multivariate_normal(
                        positions[i, :, j], covariance, size=1)
        self.positions = positions
        p = Pool(cores)
        results = p.map(
            lambda i: compute3angles(position=positions[i[0], atoms3[i[1]], :]
                                     ), data_stream(10000, 84))
        data = np.reshape(results, (n, (d)))
        svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=50)
        data_pca = svd.transform(data)
        return (RiemannianManifold(data, dim),
                RiemannianManifold(data_pca, dim), svd.components_)