Exemple #1
 async def on_message(self, message):
     if message.author.bot:
     if message.guild and not (await self.conf.guild(message.guild
     ctx = await self.bot.get_context(message)
     if ctx.valid:
     words = message.content.split(" ")
     counter = 0
     for word in words:
         if counter == 3:
         if word.startswith("#"):
             word = word[1:]
             m = self.r.match(word)
             if not m:
             if m.group(1):  # Hex
                 hexa = m.group(1)
                     c = col(f"#{hexa}")
                     embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
                     await message.channel.send(file=file, embed=embed)
                     counter += 1
                 except (ValueError, AttributeError):
             elif m.group(2):  # RGB
                     stuff = m.group(2)
                     tup = tuple(stuff.split(","))
                     if any([float(item) > 1 for item in tup]):
                         tup = tuple([float(item) / 255 for item in tup])
                     tup = tuple(map(float, tup))
                         c = col(rgb=tup)
                         embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
                         await message.channel.send(file=file, embed=embed)
                         counter += 1
                     except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
                         await message.channel.send(
                             f"Not recognized: {tup}; {e}")
                 except Exception as e:
                     await message.channel.send(e)
             elif m.group(3):  # Named
                 name = m.group(3)
                     c = col(name)
                     embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
                     await message.channel.send(file=file, embed=embed)
                     counter += 1
                 except (ValueError, AttributeError):
Exemple #2
 async def hsl(self, ctx, h: float, s: float, l: float):
     """Provides the hexadecimal value and the RGB value of the hsl value given.  Each value must have a space between them."""
         c = col(hsl=(h, s, l))
         embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
         await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError):
         await ctx.send("That hsl number is not recognized.")
Exemple #3
 async def name(self, ctx, name):
     """Provides the hexadecimal value, RGB value and HSL value of a passed color.  For example, pass `red` or `blue` as the name argument."""
     name = name.lower()
         c = col(name)
         embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
         await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError):
         await ctx.send("That color is not recognized.")
Exemple #4
 async def hex(self, ctx, hexa: str):
     """Provides the RGB value and HSL value of a passed hexadecimal value.  Hexadecimal value must in the format of something like `#ffffff` or `0xffffff` to be used."""
         match = re.match(r"(?i)^(?:0x|#|)((?:[a-fA-F0-9]{3}){1,2})$", hexa)
         c = col("#" + match.group(1))
         embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
         await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError):
         await ctx.send("That hexadecimal value is not recognized.")
     except IndexError:
         await ctx.send(
             "Invalid formatting for the hexadecimal.  Must be the hexadecimal value, with an optional `0x` or `#` in the beginning."
Exemple #5
 async def rgb(self, ctx, highest: int, r: float, g: float, b: float):
     """Provides the hexadecimal value and HSL value of the rgb value given.  Each value must have a space between them.  Highest argument must be 1 or 255, indicating the highest value of a single value (r, g, or b)."""
     if not (highest in [1, 255]):
         return await ctx.send("Invalid `highest` argument.")
     if highest == 255:
         r = r / 255
         g = g / 255
         b = b / 255
         c = col(rgb=(r, g, b))
         embed, file = await self.build_embed(c)
         await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError):
         await ctx.send("That rgb number is not recognized.")
Exemple #6
 async def build_embed(self, co):
     if isinstance(co, int):
         rgb = self.decimal_to_rgb(co)
         r, g, b = rgb[0] / 255, rgb[1] / 255, rgb[2] / 255
         co = col(rgb=(r, g, b))
         rgb = tuple([int(c * 255) for c in co.rgb])
     file = await self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.have_fun_with_pillow, rgb)
     hexa = rgb2hex(co.rgb, force_long=True)
     decimal = self.rgb_to_decimal(rgb)
     embed = discord.Embed(
         title=f"Color Embed for: {hexa}", color=int(hexa.replace("#", "0x"), 0)
     embed.add_field(name="Hexadecimal Value:", value=hexa)
     embed.add_field(name="Decimal Value:", value=decimal)
     normal = ", ".join([f"{part:.2f}" for part in co.rgb])
     extended = ", ".join([f"{(part*255):.2f}" for part in co.rgb])
     embed.add_field(name="Red, Green, Blue (RGB) Value: ", value=f"{normal}\n{extended}")
     embed.add_field(name="Hue, Saturation, Luminance (HSL) Value:", value=str(co.hsl))
     return embed, file