Exemple #1
def index():
    context = make_context()

    speeches = []
    for speech in commencement_data.load():
        speech['share_url'] = 'http://%s/%s/speech/%s/' % (app_config.PRODUCTION_S3_BUCKET['bucket_name'], app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, speech['slug'])
        speech['money_quote_image'] = '%s/quote-images/%s.png' % (app_config.S3_BASE_URL, speech['slug'])
        speech['share_text'] = '%(name)s, %(year)s. From NPR\'s The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever.' % speech

    speeches = sorted(speeches, key=lambda x: x['name'])
    context['speeches'] = speeches
    context['speeches_json'] = json.dumps(speeches)

    return make_response(render_template('index.html', **context))
Exemple #2
def index():
    context = make_context()

    speeches = []
    for speech in commencement_data.load():
        speech['share_url'] = 'http://%s/%s/speech/%s/' % (
            app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, speech['slug'])
        speech['money_quote_image'] = '%s/quote-images/%s.png' % (
            app_config.S3_BASE_URL, speech['slug'])
            'share_text'] = '%(name)s, %(year)s. From NPR\'s The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever.' % speech

    speeches = sorted(speeches, key=lambda x: x['name'])
    context['speeches'] = speeches
    context['speeches_json'] = json.dumps(speeches)

    return make_response(render_template('index.html', **context))
Exemple #3
def render_speeches(compiled_includes={}):
    Render the speech pages.
    from flask import g, url_for

    local('rm -rf www/speech')

    speeches = commencement_data.load()

    for speech in speeches:
        slug = speech['slug']

        with app.app.test_request_context():
            path = '%sindex.html' % url_for('_speech', slug=slug)

        with app.app.test_request_context(path=path):
            print 'Rendering %s' % path

            g.compile_includes = True
            g.compiled_includes = compiled_includes

            view = app.__dict__['_speech']
            content = view(slug).data

            compiled_includes = g.compiled_includes

        path = 'www%s' % path

        # Ensure path exists
        head = os.path.split(path)[0]

        except OSError:

        with open(path, 'w') as f:
Exemple #4
def render_speeches(compiled_includes={}):
    Render the speech pages.
    from flask import g, url_for

    local('rm -rf www/speech')

    speeches = commencement_data.load()

    for speech in speeches:
        slug = speech['slug']

        with app.app.test_request_context():
            path = '%sindex.html' % url_for('_speech', slug=slug)

        with app.app.test_request_context(path=path):
            print 'Rendering %s' % path

            g.compile_includes = True
            g.compiled_includes = compiled_includes

            view = app.__dict__['_speech']
            content = view(slug).data

            compiled_includes = g.compiled_includes

        path = 'www%s' % path

        # Ensure path exists
        head = os.path.split(path)[0]

        except OSError:

        with open(path, 'w') as f:
Exemple #5
def _speech(slug):
    context = make_context()

    speeches = commencement_data.load()

    context['speech'] = next(s for s in speeches if s['slug'] == slug)
    context['share_url'] = 'http://%s/%s/speech/%s/' % (
        app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug)
    context['money_quote_image'] = '%s/quote-images/%s.png' % (
        app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug)
        'share_text'] = '%(name)s, %(year)s. From NPR\'s The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever.' % context[

    # Fancy web source credit line, e.g., See full text at graduationwisdom.com.
    if context['speech'].get('full_text_link', None):
        url = context['speech']['full_text']
    elif context['speech'].get('full_text', None):
        url = context['speech']['full_text']
        url = context['speech']['source_url']

    context['speech']['web_source_credit'] = urlparse(url).netloc.replace(
        'www.', '')

    # Horizontal nav.
    context['tags'] = []
    speech_tags = defaultdict(list)

    # Build a dictionary of tags; for each tag, get me a list of the speeches.
    # Loop over all speeches.
    for speech in speeches:

        # Loop over the tags in this speech.
        for tag in speech['tags']:

            # If this speech shares a tag with the page we're on, append it to the list.
            if tag in context['speech']['tags']:

    # Get the list of speeches that share tags with this speech on a tag-by-tag basis.
    # Sort the list by name. Find the speech that follows this one in the list.
    for tag in context['speech']['tags']:
        speech_tags[tag] = sorted(speech_tags[tag], key=lambda x: x['name'])

        for index, speech in enumerate(speech_tags[tag]):

            if speech['slug'] == context['speech']['slug']:
                # The next speech should just be the one following this one in the list.
                    next_speech = speech_tags[tag][index + 1]
                except IndexError:
                    next_speech = speech_tags[tag][0]

                # There is one exception to this rule.
                # Loop over the speeches we've already grabbed using this logic
                # and make sure we don't have the same speech showing up twice.
                # Duplicates are evil.
                for obj in context['tags']:

                    if obj['speech']['slug'] == next_speech['slug']:
                            next_speech = speech_tags[tag][index + 2]
                        except IndexError:
                            next_speech = speech_tags[tag][0]

                    'tag': app_config.TAGS[tag],
                    'speech': next_speech

    return make_response(render_template('speech.html', **context))
Exemple #6
def _speech(slug):
    context = make_context()

    speeches = commencement_data.load()

    context['speech'] = next(s for s in speeches if s['slug'] == slug)
    context['share_url'] = 'http://%s/%s/speech/%s/' % (app_config.PRODUCTION_S3_BUCKET['bucket_name'], app_config.PROJECT_SLUG, slug)
    context['money_quote_image'] = '%s/quote-images/%s.png' % (app_config.S3_BASE_URL, slug)
    context['share_text'] = '%(name)s, %(year)s. From NPR\'s The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever.' % context['speech']

    # Fancy web source credit line, e.g., See full text at graduationwisdom.com.
    if context['speech'].get('full_text_link', None):
        url = context['speech']['full_text']
    elif context['speech'].get('full_text', None):
        url = context['speech']['full_text']
        url = context['speech']['source_url']

    context['speech']['web_source_credit'] = urlparse(url).netloc.replace('www.', '')

    # Horizontal nav.
    context['tags'] = []
    speech_tags = defaultdict(list)

    # Build a dictionary of tags; for each tag, get me a list of the speeches.
    # Loop over all speeches.
    for speech in speeches:

        # Loop over the tags in this speech.
        for tag in speech['tags']:

            # If this speech shares a tag with the page we're on, append it to the list.
            if tag in context['speech']['tags']:

    # Get the list of speeches that share tags with this speech on a tag-by-tag basis.
    # Sort the list by name. Find the speech that follows this one in the list.
    for tag in context['speech']['tags']:
        speech_tags[tag] = sorted(speech_tags[tag], key=lambda x: x['name'])

        for index, speech in enumerate(speech_tags[tag]):

            if speech['slug'] == context['speech']['slug']:
                # The next speech should just be the one following this one in the list.
                    next_speech = speech_tags[tag][index + 1]
                except IndexError:
                    next_speech = speech_tags[tag][0]

                # There is one exception to this rule.
                # Loop over the speeches we've already grabbed using this logic
                # and make sure we don't have the same speech showing up twice.
                # Duplicates are evil.
                for obj in context['tags']:

                    if obj['speech']['slug'] == next_speech['slug']:
                            next_speech = speech_tags[tag][index + 2]
                        except IndexError:
                            next_speech = speech_tags[tag][0]

                context['tags'].append({ 'tag': app_config.TAGS[tag], 'speech': next_speech })

    return make_response(render_template('speech.html', **context))