Exemple #1
def explore_recent(request, format="html"):

    per_page = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE
    offset, prev = util.page_offset(request)

    inbox = api.inbox_get_explore(request.user,
                                  limit=(per_page + 1),

    # START inbox generation chaos
    # TODO(termie): refacccttttooorrrrr
    entries = api.entry_get_entries(request.user, inbox)
    per_page = per_page - (len(inbox) - len(entries))
    entries, more = util.page_entries(request, entries, per_page)

    stream_keys = [e.stream for e in entries]

    streams = api.stream_get_streams(request.user, stream_keys)

    actor_nicks = [e.owner for e in entries] + [e.actor for e in entries]
    actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

    # here comes lots of munging data into shape
    streams = prep_stream_dict(streams, actors)
    entries = prep_entry_list(entries, streams, actors)

    # END inbox generation chaos

    area = 'explore'
    sidebar_green_top = True

    c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())

    if format == 'html':
        t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.html')
        return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
    elif format == 'json':
        t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.json')
        r = util.HttpJsonResponse(t.render(c), request)
        return r
    elif format == 'atom':
        t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.atom')
        r = util.HttpAtomResponse(t.render(c), request)
        return r
    elif format == 'rss':
        t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.rss')
        r = util.HttpRssResponse(t.render(c), request)
        return r
Exemple #2
def explore_recent(request, format="html"):

  per_page = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE
  offset, prev = util.page_offset(request)

  inbox = api.inbox_get_explore(request.user, limit=(per_page + 1),

  # START inbox generation chaos
  # TODO(termie): refacccttttooorrrrr
  entries = api.entry_get_entries(request.user, inbox)
  per_page = per_page - (len(inbox) - len(entries))
  entries, more = util.page_entries(request, entries, per_page)

  stream_keys = [e.stream for e in entries]

  streams = api.stream_get_streams(request.user, stream_keys)

  actor_nicks = [e.owner for e in entries] + [e.actor for e in entries]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

  # here comes lots of munging data into shape
  streams = prep_stream_dict(streams, actors)
  entries = prep_entry_list(entries, streams, actors)

  # END inbox generation chaos

  area = 'explore'
  sidebar_green_top = True
  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())

  if format == 'html':
    t = loader.get_template('recent.html')
    return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c));
  elif format == 'json':
    t = loader.get_template('recent.json')
    r = util.HttpJsonResponse(t.render(c), request)
    return r
  elif format == 'atom':
    t = loader.get_template('recent.atom')
    r = util.HttpAtomResponse(t.render(c), request)
    return r
  elif format == 'rss':
    t = loader.get_template('recent.rss')
    r = util.HttpRssResponse(t.render(c), request)
    return r
Exemple #3
def front_front(request):
  logging.info("In the Frontpage")
  # if the user is logged in take them to their overview
  if request.user:
    url = request.user.url(request=request)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url + "/overview")

  # NOTE: grab a bunch of extra so that we don't ever end up with
  #       less than 5
  per_page = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE * 2

  inbox = api.inbox_get_explore(request.user, limit=per_page)

  featured_members = api.actor_get_random_actors(api.ROOT, FRONT_MEMBERS)

  root = api.ROOT

  area = 'frontpage'

  t = loader.get_template('front/templates/front.html')
  c = RequestContext(request, locals())

  return HttpResponse(t.render(c));
Exemple #4
def explore_recent(request, format="html"):
  if request.user:
    view = request.user
    logging.info("entering here")
    unauth = twitter.is_unauth(request)
    if 'twitter' in request.POST:
      if unauth:
        return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/twitter/auth?redirect_to=/')
      status = twitter.post_update(request)
      if status:
        flasherror = ["We have experimented some problems trying to post a cc in twitter"]
    handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
        { 'entry_remove': request.path,
          'entry_remove_comment': request.path,
          'entry_mark_as_spam': request.path,
          'actor_add_contact': request.path,
          'actor_remove_contact': request.path,
          'post': request.path,
          'presence_set': request.path,
    if handled:
      return handled

  subtab = 'explore'
  per_page = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE
  offset, prev = util.page_offset(request)

  inbox = api.inbox_get_explore(request, limit=(per_page + 1),

  entries, more = helper.get_inbox_entries(request, inbox)
  stream_keys = [e.stream for e in entries]
  streams = api.stream_get_streams(request.user, stream_keys)
  actor_nicks = [e.owner for e in entries] + [e.actor for e in entries]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)
  # here comes lots of munging data into shape
  entries = prep_entry_list(entries, streams, actors)

  if request.user:
    channels_count = view.extra.get('channel_count', 0)
    channels_more = channels_count > CHANNELS_PER_PAGE
    followers_count = view.extra.get('follower_count', 0)
    contacts_count = view.extra.get('contact_count', 0)
    contacts_more = contacts_count > CONTACTS_PER_PAGE
    contact_nicks = api.actor_get_contacts_safe(request.user,
    contacts = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, contact_nicks)
    contacts = [contacts[x] for x in contact_nicks if contacts[x]]

    green_top = True
    sidebar_green_top = True
  # END inbox generation chaos

  area = 'explore'
  actor_link = True
  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())

  if format == 'html':
    t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.html')
    return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c));
  elif format == 'json':
    t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.json')
    r = util.HttpJsonResponse(t.render(c), request)
    return r
  elif format == 'atom':
    t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.atom')
    r = util.HttpAtomResponse(t.render(c), request)
    return r
  elif format == 'rss':
    t = loader.get_template('explore/templates/recent.rss')
    r = util.HttpRssResponse(t.render(c), request)
    return r
Exemple #5
def front_front(request):
  # if the user is logged in take them to their overview
  if request.user:
    return HttpResponseRedirect(request.user.url() + "/overview")

  # NOTE: grab a bunch of extra so that we don't ever end up with
  #       less than 5
  per_page = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE * 2

  inbox = api.inbox_get_explore(request.user, limit=per_page)

  # START inbox generation chaos
  # TODO(termie): refacccttttooorrrrr
  entries = api.entry_get_entries(request.user, inbox)
  per_page = per_page - (len(inbox) - len(entries))
  entries, more = util.page_entries(request, entries, per_page)

  stream_keys = [e.stream for e in entries]
  streams = api.stream_get_streams(request.user, stream_keys)

  actor_nicks = [e.owner for e in entries] + [e.actor for e in entries]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

  # take it back down and don't show a more link
  entries = entries[:ENTRIES_PER_PAGE]
  more = None

  # here comes lots of munging data into shape
  streams = prep_stream_dict(streams, actors)
  entries = prep_entry_list(entries, streams, actors)

  # END inbox generation chaos

    # Featured Channels -- Ones to which the ROOT user is a member
    featured_channels = api.actor_get_channels_member(
        request.user, api.ROOT.nick, limit=SIDEBAR_FETCH_LIMIT)

    # Just in case any are deleted:
    featured_channels = featured_channels[:2*SIDEBAR_LIMIT]
    featured_channels = api.channel_get_channels(
        request.user, featured_channels)
    featured_channels = [x for x in featured_channels.values() if x]
    featured_channels = featured_channels[:SIDEBAR_LIMIT]

    featured_members = api.actor_get_contacts(
        request.user, api.ROOT.nick, limit=SIDEBAR_FETCH_LIMIT)

    # Just in case any are deleted:
    featured_members = featured_members[:2*SIDEBAR_LIMIT]
    featured_members = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, featured_members)
    featured_members = [x for x in featured_members.values() if x]
    featured_members = featured_members[:SIDEBAR_LIMIT]

  except exception.ApiNotFound:

  root = api.ROOT

  area = 'frontpage'

  t = loader.get_template('front/templates/front.html')
  c = RequestContext(request, locals())

  return HttpResponse(t.render(c));
Exemple #6
def front_front(request):
  # if the user is logged in take them to their overview
  if request.user:
    url = request.user.url(request=request)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url + "/overview")

  # NOTE: grab a bunch of extra so that we don't ever end up with
  #       less than 5
  per_page = ENTRIES_PER_PAGE * 2

  inbox = api.inbox_get_explore(request.user, limit=per_page)

  # START inbox generation chaos
  # TODO(termie): refacccttttooorrrrr
  entries = api.entry_get_entries(request.user, inbox)
  per_page = per_page - (len(inbox) - len(entries))
  entries, more = util.page_entries(request, entries, per_page)

  stream_keys = [e.stream for e in entries]
  streams = api.stream_get_streams(request.user, stream_keys)

  actor_nicks = [e.owner for e in entries] + [e.actor for e in entries]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

  # take it back down and don't show a more link
  entries = entries[:ENTRIES_PER_PAGE]
  more = None

  # here comes lots of munging data into shape
  streams = prep_stream_dict(streams, actors)
  entries = prep_entry_list(entries, streams, actors)

  # END inbox generation chaos

    # Featured Channels -- Ones to which the ROOT user is a member
    featured_channels = api.actor_get_channels_member(
        request.user, api.ROOT.nick, limit=SIDEBAR_FETCH_LIMIT)

    # Just in case any are deleted:
    featured_channels = featured_channels[:2*SIDEBAR_LIMIT]
    featured_channels = api.channel_get_channels(
        request.user, featured_channels)
    featured_channels = [x for x in featured_channels.values() if x]
    featured_channels = featured_channels[:SIDEBAR_LIMIT]

    featured_members = api.actor_get_contacts(
        request.user, api.ROOT.nick, limit=SIDEBAR_FETCH_LIMIT)

    # Just in case any are deleted:
    featured_members = featured_members[:2*SIDEBAR_LIMIT]
    featured_members = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, featured_members)
    featured_members = [x for x in featured_members.values() if x]
    featured_members = featured_members[:SIDEBAR_LIMIT]

  except exception.ApiNotFound:

  root = api.ROOT

  area = 'frontpage'

  t = loader.get_template('front/templates/front.html')
  c = RequestContext(request, locals())

  return HttpResponse(t.render(c));