Exemple #1
    def get_onefile(self, table, kwargs):
        """Print the raw data (csv format) into a single file for the user to download
		table(string) - name of table to pull the vars from
		kwargs - optional query info
        u = cherrypy.user.name
        datatable = "%s_%s" % (table, u)
        dm = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster")
        sid, trial, IVs, DVs, run, outlier, sids = common.getVariables(datatable, sids=True)
        q = parseQuery(kwargs)

        # put the headers together
        headers = [sid, trial] + IVs + DVs
        sort = [sid, trial]
        if run:
            headers.insert(3, run)
            sort = [sid, run, trial]
        if outlier:
            headers += [outlier]

            # write that biznass out
        name = dm.write(datatable, q, headers=headers, sort=sort)
        name = os.path.basename(name)

        name += ".csv"

        up = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_files"].posts
        if not up.find_one({"user": u, "fname": name}):
            up.insert({"user": u, "fname": name})
        common.activity_log("download", "download single raw", table, kwargs)
        output = getAlert(
            "Your file is ready.  <a href='%s/output/%s'>Click here to download.</a>" % (domain, name), "good"
        return output
Exemple #2
    def prts(self, table, kwargs):
        """make prts function
        datatable = "%s_%s" % (table, cherrypy.user.name)
        sid, trial, IVs, DVs, run, outlier, sids = common.getVariables(datatable, sids=False)

        # get the values
        onset_start = int(kwargs["prt_onset"])
        stim_onset = kwargs["op-prt_stim_onset"]
        stim_offset = int(kwargs["prt_offset"])
        if kwargs["check_error"] == "no":
            check_errors = False
            check_errors = True
        ACC = kwargs["op-prt_ACC"]
        RT = kwargs["op-prt_RT"]
        conditions = []
        if kwargs["prt_con_names"]:
            for con in kwargs["prt_con_names"].split(","):
        output = ""
        myCond = kwargs["op-prt_cond"]

        settings = settings = (
            """FileVersion:       2\n\nResolutionOfTime:   msec\n\nExperiment:         %s\n\nBackgroundColor:    0 0 0\nTextColor:          255 255 255\nTimeCourseColor:    255 255 255\nTimeCourseThick:    3\nReferenceFuncColor: 0 0 80\nReferenceFuncThick: 3\n\n"""
            % (table)

        prt_maker = makePRTs.prtFile(
            "datamaster", datatable, sid, run, settings, onset_start, stim_offset, check_errors

        prt_maker.make(myCond, conditions, stim_onset, ACC, RT, trial, balance=False)

        files = prt_maker.fileList
        zipname = "%s_%s_prts" % (datatable, myCond)
        zippath = os.path.join("output", "%s.zip" % zipname)
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, "w")
        for f in files:
            os.system("rm %s" % f)


        up = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_files"].posts

        if not up.find_one({"user": cherrypy.user.name, "fname": zipname + ".zip"}):
            up.insert({"user": cherrypy.user.name, "fname": zipname + ".zip"})

        common.activity_log("download", "download prts", table, kwargs)

        output += getAlert(
            "Your files are ready.  <a href='%s/%s'>Click here to download.</a>" % (domain, zippath), "good"

        return output
Exemple #3
	def remove(self, kwargs):
		table = kwargs['table_remove']
		posts = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["%s_%s" % (table, cherrypy.user.name)].posts
		ul_files = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_ul_files"].posts
		for k in kwargs.keys():
			if kwargs != 'table_remove':

				common.activity_log('upload', 'remove', table, {'filename': k})
Exemple #4
	def query(self, table, kwargs):
		posts = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db[table].posts

		condition = parseCondition(kwargs)

		set_text = kwargs['set_text']
		set_val = kwargs['set_val']
		set_op = kwargs['set_op']
		set_col = kwargs['set_col']

		if (set_text or set_val) and set_op:

			if set_val:
				for row in posts.find(condition):
					print set_col, row.has_key(set_col), set_val, row.has_key(set_val)
					if row.has_key(set_val):
						if set_op == '=':
							print set_col, set_val
							row[set_col] = row[set_val]
						elif set_op == '+=':
							if row.has_key(set_col):
								row[set_col] += row[set_val]
						elif set_op == '-=':
							if row.has_key(set_col):
								row[set_col] -= row[set_val]

				query = "set %s %s %s" % (set_col, set_op, set_val)

				query = {}

				st = mt.StringToType(kwargs['set_text'])

				if kwargs['set_op'] == '=':
					query = {'$set' : {kwargs['set_col'] : st}}
				elif kwargs['set_op'] == '+=':
					query = { '$inc': { kwargs['set_col']: st}}
				elif kwargs['set_op'] == '-=':
					query = { '$inc': { kwargs['set_col']: -st}}

				posts.update(condition, query, multi=True)

			common.activity_log("modify", "modify", table, kwargs)

			text = "variable %s was modified, condition: %s  command: %s" % (kwargs['set_col'], condition, query)
			return getAlert(text, "good")

			return getAlert("No modifications made")
Exemple #5
    def get_raw(self, table, kwargs):
        """Print the raw data (csv format) and put data in a zip file for download
		table(string) - name of table to pull the vars from
		kwargs - optional query info
        u = cherrypy.user.name
        datatable = "%s_%s" % (table, u)
        dm = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster")
        sid, trial, IVs, DVs, run, outlier, sids = common.getVariables(datatable, sids=True)

        q = parseQuery(kwargs)
        files = []

        for sub in sids:
            headers = [sid, trial] + IVs + DVs
            sort = trial
            if run:
                headers.insert(3, run)
                sort = [run, trial]
            if outlier:
                headers += [outlier]
            name = dm.write(datatable, dict(q, **{sid: sub}), headers=headers, sort=sort)

        zipname = datatable
        zipname = os.path.join("output", zipname + ".zip")
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w")

        for f in files:
            z.write(f + ".csv")
            os.system("rm %s.csv" % f)


        up = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_files"].posts

        if not up.find_one({"user": u, "fname": datatable + ".zip"}):
            up.insert({"user": u, "fname": datatable + ".zip"})

        common.activity_log("download", "download raw", table, kwargs)

        output = getAlert(
            "Your files are ready.  <a href='%s/%s'>Click here to download.</a>" % (domain, zipname), "good"

        return output
Exemple #6
	def merge(self, table, kwargs):
		posts =mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db[table].posts
		name = kwargs['merge_var']
		op = kwargs['op']
		var_l = kwargs['var_left']
		var_r = kwargs['var_right']
		var_type = kwargs['merge_var_type']

		if var_l and var_r and op:
			q = {var_l : {'$exists': True}, var_r : {'$exists':True}}

			if op == "+":
				for row in posts.find(q):
					row[name] = row[var_l] + row[var_r]
			elif op == "-":
				for row in posts.find(q):
					row[name] = row[var_l] - row[var_r]
			elif op == "*":
				for row in posts.find(q):
					row[name] = row[var_l] * row[var_r]
			elif op == "/":
				for row in posts.find(q):
					row[name] = row[var_l] / row[var_r]
			elif op == "join text":
				for row in posts.find(q):
					row[name] = str(row[var_l]) + "_" + str(row[var_r])
			common.activity_log("modify", "merge", table, kwargs)

			#make a note of this new column
			tableName = "%s_vars" % table
			var_posts = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db[tableName].posts
			var_posts.update({'name':name}, {'$set':{'var_type':var_type}}, upsert=True)
			output = "<div class='alert alert-success'>new variable %s created from %s and %s</div>" % (name, var_l, var_r)
			output = "<div class='alert alert-error'>no merge performed</div"

		return output
Exemple #7
    def aggregate(self, table, kwargs):
        u = cherrypy.user.name
        datatable = "%s_%s" % (table, u)
        sid, trial, IVs, DVs, run, outlier, sids = common.getVariables(datatable, sids=False)

        output = ""

        ivs = []
        dvs = []

        for k in kwargs.keys():
            if kwargs[k] == "on":
                if k in IVs:
                elif k in DVs:

        q = parseQuery(kwargs)

        w = mt.WriteTable(dvs, ivs, q, "datamaster", datatable, subject=sid)


        spss_name = w.name + ".csv"
        r_name = w.name + ".dat"

        up = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_files"].posts

        if not up.find_one({"user": u, "fname": spss_name}):
            up.insert({"user": u, "fname": spss_name})

        if not up.find_one({"user": u, "fname": r_name}):
            up.insert({"user": u, "fname": r_name})

        common.activity_log("download", "aggregate", table, kwargs)

        output += (
            "<p>Your data is ready.  <a href='%s/output/%s'>Click here for SPSS format</a> or <a href='%s/output/%s'>click here  for R format.</p>"
            % (domain, spss_name, domain, r_name)
        return output
Exemple #8
	def upload(self, myFiles):
		p = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_tables"].posts
		cookie = cherrypy.request.cookie
		tableName = cookie["datamaster_table"].value 
		uf = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_ul_files"].posts

		output = "<p>" 

		output += str(type(myFiles))

		if type(myFiles) != list:
			myFiles = [myFiles]

		for myFile in myFiles:
			lines = []

			while True:
				data = myFile.file.readlines(100)
				if not data:
				lines += data
			if len(lines) == 1:
				lines = lines[0].split('\r')

			d = {'source_file' : myFile.filename}

			r = mt.ReadTable(None, "datamaster", "%s_%s" % (tableName, cherrypy.user.name), data=lines, kind="eprime", addrow = d)

			output += "The contents of %s have been uploaded.<br/>" % myFile.filename
			uf.insert({'user':cherrypy.user.name, 'table':tableName, 'file_name' : myFile.filename})

		output += "</p>"
		common.activity_log('upload', 'upload', tableName)

		#take a look at what variables we might have
		VARs = common.inspect("%s_%s" % (tableName, cherrypy.user.name))

		print VARs
		#mark 'em
		common.markVariables("%s_%s" % (tableName, cherrypy.user.name), VARs)

		return output
Exemple #9
	def create(self, table, kwargs):
		posts =mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db[table].posts
		var_type = kwargs['new_var_type']
		name = kwargs['new_var']

		if name:
			if kwargs['orig_var']:

				if not kwargs['op']:
					for row in posts.find():
						row[name] = row[kwargs['orig_var']]
					ot = mt.StringToType(kwargs['op_text'])
					for row in posts.find():
						if row.has_key(kwargs['orig_var']):
							if kwargs['op'] == '-=':
								row[name] = row[kwargs['orig_var']] - ot
							elif kwargs['op'] == '+=':
								row[name] = row[kwargs['orig_var']] - op
				posts.update({}, {'$set':{name : 'NA'}})
			output = getAlert("variable %s created" % name, "good")

			common.activity_log("modify", "create", table, kwargs)

			#make a note of this new column
			tableName = "%s_vars" % table
			var_posts = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db[tableName].posts
			var_posts.update({'name':name}, {'$set':{'var_type':var_type}}, upsert=True)

			output = getAlert("no columns created")

		return output
Exemple #10
	def index(self, **kwargs):

		cookie = cherrypy.request.cookie

		u = cherrypy.user.name

		#establish a table from the cookie
		table = common.getCookie("datamaster_table")

		#user has selected a table
		if kwargs.has_key('select'):
			table = kwargs['select']
			common.setCookie('datamaster_table', table)

		#user has removed a table
		if kwargs.has_key('remove'):

			p = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_tables"].posts
			t = kwargs['remove']

			#is this the currently active table?
			if table == t:
				common.removeCookie('datamaster_table', table)
				table = None

			mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db.drop_collection("%s_%s.posts" % (t, u))
			mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db.drop_collection("%s_%s_vars.posts" % (t, u))
			p.remove({'user':u, 'table':t})
			mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db["user_ul_files"].posts.remove({'user':u, 'table':t})
			common.activity_log('manage', 'remove table', t, kwargs)

		select_table, remove_table = self.table_choice(table, kwargs)

		#user has selected some variable
		if kwargs.has_key('choose'):
			if kwargs['choose'] == 'vars':
				datatable = "%s_%s" % (table, cherrypy.user.name)
				tableName = "%s_%s_vars" % (table, cherrypy.user.name)
				posts = mt.MongoAdmin("datamaster").db[tableName].posts
				for k in kwargs.keys():
					posts.update({'name':k}, {'$set':{'var_type':kwargs[k]}}, upsert=True)
				common.activity_log("manage", "choose", table, kwargs)
		#if there's an active table
		if table:
			choose_vars = self.chooseVars(table)
			review_vars = common.variableTable("%s_%s" % (table, u))
			preview = common.preview("%s_%s" % (table, u), kwargs, manage_url)

			choose_vars = no_table
			review_vars = no_table
			preview = no_table							
		items = [['select table', select_table], ['choose variables', choose_vars], ['review variables', review_vars], ['remove table', remove_table], ['preview', preview]]

		accordion = getAccordion(items, contentID='manage-small')

		output = getPage(accordion, "manage", "manage")

		return output