Exemple #1
def fx(a,b,c):
    t = b*b - 4*a*c
    if t >= 0:
        return (-b + math.sqrt(t))/2/a,(-b - math.sqrt(t))/2/a
        b = Complex(b,0)
        a = Complex(a,0)
        k = Complex(0,math.sqrt(-t))
        p = 1/(a.conjugate()*a)._re
        x1 = (Complex(-1,0)*b + k)*Complex(.5,0)*a.conjugate()*Complex(p,0)
        x2 = (Complex(-1,0)*b - k)*Complex(.5,0)*a.conjugate()*Complex(p,0)
        return x1,x2
def test_conjugate_complex():
    """Tests that the conjugate function in complex.py works
	Loops through the first list of z values and appends
	the result of the conjugation to a new list, then compares
	that list of computed values to a list of correct answers.

    # Hand-calculated values to test against
    z_real_list = [(-6, -3), (-3, 6), (0, -2), (3, 3), (7, 0)]

    z_computed_list = []
    for i in range(val_len):
        if isinstance(z1_values[i], (float, int)):
            z = Complex(z1_values[i])
            z = Complex(z1_values[i][0], z1_values[i][1])

        z_computed = z.conjugate()

    for i in range(val_len):
        msg = "\nError in value number %d\n\
				z1 = %s \n\
				z_real = %s \n\
				z_computed = %s"      \
            % (i, z1_values[i], z_real_list[i], z_computed_list[i])
        msg = msg.replace('	', '')

        assert z_real_list[i] == z_computed_list[i], msg
Exemple #3
def test_conjugate():
    """Raises AssertionError if conjugating Complex objects does not return
    expected values.
    z = Complex(-5, 3)
    ans = z.conjugate()
    expected = Complex(-5, -3)
    assert ans.real == expected.real and ans.imag == expected.imag
Exemple #4
def test_conj():
    """Test to make sure the conjugate() function works.

        !z = a − bi
        Where z=complex number, a=real, b=imaginary

    complexNumber = Complex(2, 0)
    assert complexNumber.conjugate() == Complex(2, 0), error

    complexNumber = Complex(4, 7)
    assert complexNumber.conjugate() == Complex(4, -7), error

    complexNumber = Complex(0, 8)
    assert complexNumber.conjugate() == Complex(0, -8), error

    complexNumber = Complex(-1, -3)
    assert complexNumber.conjugate() == Complex(-1, 3), error
Exemple #5
def test_conjugate():
    z1 = Complex(1, 2)
    z3 = Complex(0, 2)
    z4 = Complex(2, 0)
    assert z1.conjugate() == Complex(1, -2), ("Conjugate of {} was equal to {}"
                                              " and not 1-2i".format(
                                                  z1, z1.conjugate()))
    assert z3.conjugate() == Complex(0,
                                     -2), ("Conjugate of {} was equal to {} "
                                           "and not 0-2i".format(
                                               z3, z3.conjugate()))
    assert z4.conjugate() == Complex(
        2, 0), "Conjugate of {} was equal to {}" " and not 2".format(
            z4, z4.conjugate())
Exemple #6
def test_conjugate():
    """ Verifies that the conjugate function works as intended """
    z = Complex(0, 0)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(0, 0)  # "0"

    z = Complex(4, 0)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(4, 0)  # "4"

    z = Complex(0, 11)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(0, -11)  # "-11i"

    z = Complex(3, 7)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(3, -7)  # "3 - 7i"

    z = Complex(-9, -4)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(-9, 4)  # "-9 + 4i"

    z = Complex(12, -9)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(12, 9)  # "12 + 9i"

    z = Complex(-3, 7)
    assert z.conjugate() == Complex(-3, -7)  # "-3 - 7i"
Exemple #7
def test_conjugate2():
    z_1 = Complex(0, 1)
    assert z_1.conjugate() == Complex(0, -1)
Exemple #8
    def test_conjugate__from_negative_to_positive(self):
        z = Complex(8, -2)

        assert z.conjugate().__str__() == "8+2i"
Exemple #9
 def test_complex_conjugate():
     a1 = Complex(1, 2)
     assert (a1.conjugate() == Complex(1, -2)) == True
Exemple #10
def test_conjugate1():
    z_1 = Complex(1, 0)
    assert z_1.conjugate() == Complex(1, 0)
def test_conjugate_two():
    x = Complex(4, 3)
    assert x.conjugate() == '4-3i'
Exemple #12
def test_complex():
	x, y = Complex(2, 1), Complex(5, 6)
	su, sub, mul, div, mod_x, mod_y, x_angle, y_angle, x_conjugate, y_conjugate, x_log, y_log = x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y, x.mod(), y.mod(), x.angle(), y.angle(), x.conjugate(), y.conjugate(), x.log(), y.log()
	assert su.__str__() == '7.00+7.00i'
	assert sub.__str__() == '-3.00-5.00i'
	assert mul.__str__() == '4.00+17.00i'
	assert div.__str__() == '0.26-0.11i'
	assert mod_x.__str__() == '2.24+0.00i'
	assert mod_y.__str__() == '7.81+0.00i'
	assert x_angle.__str__() == '0.4636476090008061'
	assert y_angle.__str__() == '0.8760580505981934'
	assert x_conjugate.__str__() == '2.00-1.00i'
	assert y_conjugate.__str__() == '5.00-6.00i'
	assert x_log.__str__() == '0.80+0.46i'
	assert y_log.__str__() == '2.06+0.88i'
def test_conjugate_three():
    x = Complex(0, 5)
    assert x.conjugate() == '0-5i'
Exemple #14
    def test_conjugate_make_both_numbers_negative(self):
        z = Complex(-9, 4)

        assert z.conjugate().__str__() == "-9-4i"
Exemple #15
def test_conjugate():
    a = Complex(3, 2)
    assert a.conjugate() == Complex(3, -2)
Exemple #16
    def test_conjugate_from_positive_to_negative(self):
        z = Complex(6, 5)

        assert z.conjugate().__str__() == "6-5i"
def test_conjugate_one():  #first unit test for conjugate of complex number
    x = Complex(4, 5)
    assert x.conjugate() == '4-5i'