Exemple #1
    def update( self ):
        # find the ball
        ball_entity = Entity.find_entity( "ball" )
        if ball == None:
            raise ValueError( "No ball entity" )

        # see if it's out of bounds
        ball_position = ball_entity.data[ 'position' ]

        if \
            ball_position >= -self.half_size and \
            ball_position <= self.half_size:
            # ball still in play

        if ball_position < -self.half_size:
            # out of bounds
            print "Ball out of bounds on left"
            self.entity.data[ 'right_score' ] += 1

        if ball_position > self.half_size:
            # out of bounds
            print "Ball out of bounds on right"
            self.entity.data[ 'left_score' ] += 1

        self.entity.data[ 'games' ] += 1

        # serve the ball
        ball_contact = ball_entity.find_component(
Exemple #2
    def update( self ):
        # find the ball
        ball_entity = Entity.find_entity( "ball" )
        if ball == None:
            raise ValueError( "No ball entity" )

        # see if it's within our hit distance
        ball_position = ball_entity.data[ 'position' ]

        bat_position = self.entity.data[ 'position' ]
        hit_distance = self.entity.data[ 'hit_distance' ]
        max_distance = bat_position + hit_distance
        min_distance = bat_position - hit_distance

        if \
            ball_position > max_distance or \
            ball_position < min_distance:
            # ball is too far away
            # do nothing

        # see if it's coming in our direction
        # simply compare velocity direction with bat
        # position and assume only 2 bats
        # not the best component but its just an example
        ball_velocity = ball_entity.data[ 'velocity' ]
        if \
            ball_velocity < 0.0 and \
            bat_position > 0.0:
            # heading away
        if \
            ball_velocity > 0.0 and \
            bat_position < 0.0:
            # heading away

        # hit it!
        bat_hit = self.entity.find_component(
        if bat_hit == None:
            raise ValueError( "No bat hit component" )

        # hit the ball
Exemple #3
    def hit_ball( self ):
        # see if we can hit yet
        if self.last_hit > 0:
            # we already tried to hit it
            # don't continue

        # set our last hit to our sleep time
        # this stops us taking unlimited hits
        self.last_hit = self.sleep_time

        # roll a dice and see if we hit it or not
        chance = random.random()

        if chance > self.hit_chance:
            # we've missed
            print "%s missed the ball!" % self.entity.name

        # find the ball
        ball_entity = Entity.find_entity( "ball" )
        if ball == None:
            raise ValueError( "No ball entity" )

        ball_contact = ball_entity.find_component(
        if ball_contact == None:
            raise ValueError( "No ball contact component" )

        velocity = random.random()
        position = self.entity.data[ 'position' ]

        if position > 0.0:
            velocity *= -1.0

        ball_contact.hit( velocity )

        print "%s hit the ball!" %self.entity.name