Exemple #1
    def loadApilst(self):
		return api confs list when success otherwise a small then 0 int error code instead
		-- error code 
		---- -1:Unable to load api configuations
		---- -2:Configuations result format error
        api_confs = json.loads(confmanage.load_xml_api_confs(self.__apiPath))
        # print 'api_confs => ', api_confs
        if api_confs.get('errnum') == 0:
            if 'data' in api_confs:
                rst_val = api_confs.get('data')
                api_list = {}

                for api in rst_val:
                    if api.get('load', True) == 'True' or api.get(
                            'load', True) == True:
                        api.get('resources', {}).get('url', '')
                            api.get('resources', {}).get('url', ''):

                rst_val = api_list
                rst_val = -2
            rst_val = -1
        return rst_val
Exemple #2
	def loadApilst(self):
		return api confs list when success otherwise a small then 0 int error code instead
		-- error code 
		---- -1:Unable to load api configuations
		---- -2:Configuations result format error
		api_confs =  json.loads(confmanage.load_xml_api_confs(self.__apiPath))
		# print 'api_confs => ', api_confs
		if api_confs.get('errnum') == 0 :
			if 'data' in api_confs :
				rst_val = api_confs.get('data')
				api_list = {}
				for api in rst_val:
					if api.get('load', True) == 'True' or api.get('load', True) == True:
						api.get('resources', {}).get('url', '')
						api_list.update({api.get('resources', {}).get('url', ''):self.getHandler(api)})

				rst_val = api_list
			else :
				rst_val = -2
		else :
			rst_val = -1
		return rst_val
Exemple #3
	def preload_apilst(self):
		GLOBAL.LOGGER.logInfo("Preloading api list...")
		api_lst =  confmanage.load_xml_api_confs(self.__apiPath)
		if api_lst.get('error') == 0 :
			if 'data' in api_lst :
				api_lst = api_lst.get('data')
			else :
				GLOBAL.LOGGER.logError("Configuations result format error")
				api_lst = None
		else :
			GLOBAL.LOGGER.logError("Unable to load api configuations ErrorCode:%s ErrorMessage:'%s'" % (api_lst['error'], api_lst['msg']))
			api_lst = None
		return api_lst
Exemple #4
	def preload_apilst(self):
		GLOBAL.LOGGER.logInfo("Preloading api list...")
		api_lst =  confmanage.load_xml_api_confs(self.__apiPath)
		if api_lst.get('error') == 0 :
			if 'data' in api_lst :
				api_lst = api_lst.get('data')
			else :
				GLOBAL.LOGGER.logError("Configuations result format error")
				api_lst = None
		else :
			GLOBAL.LOGGER.logError("Unable to load api configuations ErrorCode:%s ErrorMessage:'%s'" % (api_lst['error'], api_lst['msg']))
			api_lst = None
		return api_lst