Exemple #1
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())

            ort = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list((0, 0, 0))

            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN:  # rotate z-axis
                # print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[2] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:  # rotate x-axis
                # print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[1] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED:  # rotate y-axis
                # print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amounty * 30
                euler[0] -= mov

            rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

            ort.__imul__(Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1], rotationQuat[2]))

            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
            ent.network.Orientation = ort
Exemple #2
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())

            ort = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list((0, 0, 0))

            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN:  #rotate z-axis
                #print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[2] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:  #rotate x-axis
                #print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[1] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED:  #rotate y-axis
                #print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amounty * 30
                euler[0] -= mov

            rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

                Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1],

            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
            ent.network.Orientation = ort
Exemple #3
 def changerot(self, i, v):
     #XXX NOTE / API TODO: exceptions in qt slots (like this) are now eaten silently
     #.. apparently they get shown upon viewer exit. must add some qt exc thing somewhere
     #print "pos index %i changed to: %f" % (i, v[i])
     ent = self.active
     if ent is not None and not self.usingManipulator:
         quat = conv.euler_to_quat(v)
         # convert between conversions.Quat tuple (x,y,z,w) format and QQuaternion (w,x,y,z)
         # TODO: it seems that visualisation compared to what we give/understand on ob edit
         # level is shifted. For now leave this 'shift' in, but need to investigate later. At
         # least visual changes triggered through ob edit window widgets seem to correspond
         # better to what one expects.
         ort = Quat(quat[3], quat[1], quat[2], quat[0])
         ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
         ent.network.Orientation = ort
         if not self.dragging:
         self.modified = True
Exemple #4
    def changerot(self, i, v):
        #XXX NOTE / API TODO: exceptions in qt slots (like this) are now eaten silently
        #.. apparently they get shown upon viewer exit. must add some qt exc thing somewhere
        #print "pos index %i changed to: %f" % (i, v[i])
        ent = self.active
        if ent is not None and not self.usingManipulator:
            quat = conv.euler_to_quat(v)
            # convert between conversions.Quat tuple (x,y,z,w) format and QQuaternion (w,x,y,z)
            # TODO: it seems that visualisation compared to what we give/understand on ob edit
            # level is shifted. For now leave this 'shift' in, but need to investigate later. At
            # least visual changes triggered through ob edit window widgets seem to correspond
            # better to what one expects.
            ort = Quat(quat[3], quat[1], quat[2], quat[0])
            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
            ent.network.Orientation = ort
            if not self.dragging:

            self.modified = True
Exemple #5
 def changerot(self, i, v):
     #XXX NOTE / API TODO: exceptions in qt slots (like this) are now eaten silently
     #.. apparently they get shown upon viewer exit. must add some qt exc thing somewhere
     #print "pos index %i changed to: %f" % (i, v)
     ent = self.active
     if ent is not None:
         qquat = ent.placeable.Orientation
         euler = list(quat_to_euler((qquat.x(), qquat.y(), qquat.z(), qquat.scalar())))
         if not self.float_equal(euler[i],v):
             euler[i] = v
             ort = euler_to_quat(euler)
             #print euler, ort
             #print euler, ort
             ort = Quat(ort[3], ort[0], ort[1], ort[2])
             ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
             ent.network.Orientation = ort
             if not self.dragging:
             self.modified = True
Exemple #6
    def changerot(self, i, v):
        #XXX NOTE / API TODO: exceptions in qt slots (like this) are now eaten silently
        #.. apparently they get shown upon viewer exit. must add some qt exc thing somewhere
        #print "pos index %i changed to: %f" % (i, v)
        ent = self.active
        if ent is not None:
            qquat = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list(
                    (qquat.x(), qquat.y(), qquat.z(), qquat.scalar())))

            if not self.float_equal(euler[i], v):
                euler[i] = v
                ort = euler_to_quat(euler)
                #print euler, ort
                #print euler, ort
                ort = Quat(ort[3], ort[0], ort[1], ort[2])
                ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
                ent.network.Orientation = ort
                if not self.dragging:

                self.modified = True
Exemple #7
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
            ort = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list((0, 0, 0))
            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN: #rotate z-axis
                #print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30 
                euler[2] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE: #rotate x-axis
                #print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[1] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED: #rotate y-axis
                #print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amounty * 30
                euler[0] -= mov 
            rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

            ort.__imul__(Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1], rotationQuat[2]))
            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
            ent.network.Orientation = ort

    #~ def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        #~ if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            #~ #print "rotating...", self.grabbed_axis
            #~ #print "amounts: ", amountx, amounty
            #~ #print "lengths: ", lengthx, lengthy
            #~ rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            #~ upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
            #~ x, y, z, w = ent.orientation
            #~ ort = Quat(w, x, y, z)
            #~ euler = list((0, 0, 0))
            #~ if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN: #rotate z-axis
                #~ #print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                #~ mov = amountx * 30 
                #~ euler[2] += mov
            #~ elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE: #rotate x-axis
                #~ #print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                #~ mov = amountx * 30
                #~ euler[1] += mov
            #~ elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED: #rotate y-axis
                #~ #print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                #~ mov = amounty * 30
                #~ euler[0] -= mov 
            #~ rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

            #~ ort.__imul__(Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1], rotationQuat[2]))
            #~ ent.orientation = ort.x(), ort.y(), ort.z(), ort.scalar()