Exemple #1
    def test_parse_two_packets(self):
        xp = XSensParser(None)

        data = bytes.fromhex(
            "FA FF 36 53 10 20 02 89 90 10 60 04 00 26 C7 33 40 20 0C 3D 0A 5D 4A BD 28 44 1C 41 1D "
            "09 AF 40 10 0C 38 B0 80 00 B8 D7 28 00 3C C9 02 28 80 20 0C BA E5 4C 02 BB 9A 3F 83 BA "
            "D8 04 03 80 30 10 3F 80 00 01 B6 12 C0 01 B6 C5 70 00 B6 0A 40 00 E0 20 04 00 00 00 05 "
            "FA FF 36 53 10 20 02 89 90 10 60 04 00 26 C7 33 40 20 0C 3D 0A 5D 4A BD 28 44 1C 41 1D "
            "09 AF 40 10 0C 38 B0 80 00 B8 D7 28 00 3C C9 02 28 80 20 0C BA E5 4C 02 BB 9A 3F 83 BA "
            "D8 04 03 80 30 10 3F 80 00 01 B6 12 C0 01 B6 C5 70 00 B6 0A 40 00 E0 20 04 00 00 00 05 "


        packet1 = xp.get()
        packet2 = xp.get()

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(packet1, self.correct_single_packet)
        # print("\n".join(errors))
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(packet2, self.correct_single_packet)
        # print("\n".join(errors))
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
Exemple #2
    def test_dump_load(self):
        for (serializer_name, serializer), \
            (extension, extension_serializer), \
            is_gzipped_default in product(self.serializers.items(),
                                          [True, False],
                                          [True, False]):
            with self.subTest(serializer=serializer_name,
                file_path = self.flex_file_temp / f"data.i{extension}{'.gz' if is_gzipped else ''}"
                if extension == ".unknown":
                    is_actually_gzipped = is_gzipped or is_gzipped_default
                    is_actually_gzipped = is_gzipped

                loaded_in_data = flex_load(

                det_serializer, det_is_gzipped, det_is_binary = \
                    determine_serialization(file_path, default_serializer=serializer, default_is_gzipped=is_gzipped_default)
                self.assertEqual(det_is_gzipped, is_actually_gzipped)
                errors = object_hierarchy_equals(loaded_in_data,
                print(yaml.dump(errors, default_flow_style=False))
                self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_equals_lists(self):
        Simple tests that checks two lists with elements of different numerical types.
        l1 = [0, 1., 2., 3, 4, Decimal(5)]
        l2 = [0, 1, 2., (3j*-1j), Decimal(4), (5+0j)]

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(l1, l2)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
Exemple #4
 def test_node_from_path_integer_keys(self):
     root = TreeNode()
     child1 = TreeNode(key="foo", parent=root)
     child2 = TreeNode(value=333, key=0, parent=child1)
     child3 = TreeNode(value=333, key=1, parent=child1)
     child4 = TreeNode(value=333, key=2, parent=child1)
     correct_tree = {'foo': [333, 333, 333]}
     errors = object_hierarchy_equals(root.object_hierarchy(), correct_tree)
     self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_equals_dictionary(self):
        Test that checks two trees with dictionaries as the root element is checked
        correctly. No errors should be found during this test.
        d1 = {
            "copper": "explain",
            "truck": 2,
            "neat": [0, 1, 2., (3j*-1j), Decimal(4)],
            "unite": {
                "branch": "educated",
                "tenuous": 4.,
                "hum": {7, 8, 9},
                "decisive": np.array([[7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]])
            "notice": [
                {"a", "b", "c", "c"},
                    "team": "sneeze",
                    "warn": "deadpan",
                    "table": np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])


        d2 = {
            "copper": "explain",
            "truck": 2.,
            "neat": [0, 1., 2, Decimal(3), 4],
            "unite": {
                "branch": "educated",
                "tenuous": 4,
                "hum": {7, 8, 9, 8},
                "decisive": np.array([[7., 8., 9.], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]])
            "notice": [
                {"a", "b", "c"},
                    "team": "sneeze",
                    "warn": "deadpan",
                    "table": [1, 2, 3, 4]

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(d1, d2)
        # print("\n".join(errors))
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
Exemple #6
    def test_single_packet_file_like(self):
        bytes_io = BytesIO(
                "FA FF 36 53 10 20 02 89 90 10 60 04 00 26 C7 33 40 20 0C 3D 0A 5D 4A BD 28 44 1C 41 1D "
                "09 AF 40 10 0C 38 B0 80 00 B8 D7 28 00 3C C9 02 28 80 20 0C BA E5 4C 02 BB 9A 3F 83 BA "
                "D8 04 03 80 30 10 3F 80 00 01 B6 12 C0 01 B6 C5 70 00 B6 0A 40 00 E0 20 04 00 00 00 05 "

        xp = XSensParser(bytes_io)

        packet = xp.get()
        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(packet, self.correct_single_packet)
        # print("\n".join(errors))
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
Exemple #7
    def test_object_hierarchy(self):
        root = TreeNode(value=111)
        child1 = TreeNode(key="foo", parent=root)
        child2 = TreeNode(value=111, key=0, parent=child1)
        child3 = TreeNode(value=222, key=1, parent=child1)
        child4 = TreeNode(key=2, parent=child1)

        child5 = TreeNode(key="bar", parent=child4)
        child6 = TreeNode(key="quux", parent=child5)
        child7 = TreeNode(value=333, key="quuz", parent=child6)

        correct_tree = {'foo': [111, 222, {'bar': {'quux': {'quuz': 333}}}]}

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(root.object_hierarchy(), correct_tree)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
Exemple #8
    def test_file(self):
        with open(test_dir_path / "data_files" / "xsens_raw_data.bin",
                  "rb") as f:
            xp = XSensParser(f)

            tables = xp.get_tables()

            # Uncomment this line to update the tables in the data file.
            # File(test_dir_path / "data_files" / "correct_xsens_tables.msgp.gz").dump(tables)

            correct_tables = flex_load(test_dir_path / "data_files" /

            errors = object_hierarchy_equals(tables, correct_tables)
            # print("\n".join(errors))
            self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
Exemple #9
    def test_from_path_dict(self):
        path_value_pairs = [
            (PurePosixPath("hello/world"), "!!!"),
            (PurePosixPath("foo/[0]"), "spam"),
            (PurePosixPath("/foo/[2]"), "eggs"),
            (PurePosixPath("foo/[1]"), "ham"),

        root = TreeNode.from_dict(dict(path_value_pairs))
        correct_tree = {
            'foo': ['spam', 'ham', 'eggs'],
            'hello': {
                'world': '!!!'
        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(root.object_hierarchy(), correct_tree)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_tables_to_object_hierarchy_find_ndarrays(self):
        data = flatten_tables({
            0: {'foo': 0},
            2: {'bar': [1, 2]},
            3: {'baz': np.array([3, 4, 5]),
                'ham.qux': np.array([6, 7, 8]),
                'spam.[0]': [1, 2, 3],
                'spam.[1]': [4, 5, 6],
                'spam.[2]': [7, 8, 9],
                'quux_0_0': np.array([9, 11, 14, 17]),
                'quux_1_0': np.array([10, 12, 15, 18]),
                'quux_2_0': np.array([11, 13, 16, 19])
            "eggs": {'ham.quux_0_0': np.array([9, 11, 14, 17]),
                     'ham.quux_1_0': np.array([10, 12, 15, 18]),
                     'ham.quux_2_0': np.array([11, 13, 16, 19])

        correct_result = {
            PurePosixPath('eggs/ham/quux'): [
                 (0, 0)),
                 (1, 0)),
                 (2, 0))],
            PurePosixPath('quux'): [
                 (0, 0)),
                 (1, 0)),
                 (2, 0))]}

        results = {}
        for path, group in find_ndarrays(data):
            results[path] = []
            for data in group:

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(results, correct_result)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_process_ndarrays(self):
        data = flatten_tables({
            0: {'foo': 0},
            2: {'bar': [1, 2]},
            3: {'baz': np.array([3, 4, 5]),
                'ham.qux': np.array([6, 7, 8]),
                'spam.[0]': [1, 2, 3],
                'spam.[1]': [4, 5, 6],
                'spam.[2]': [7, 8, 9],
                'quux_0_0': np.array([9, 11, 14, 17]),
                'quux_1_0': np.array([10, 12, 15, 18]),
                'quux_2_0': np.array([11, 13, 16, 19])
            "eggs": {'ham.quux_0_0': np.array([9, 11, 14, 17]),
                     'ham.quux_1_0': np.array([10, 12, 15, 18]),
                     'ham.quux_2_0': np.array([11, 13, 16, 19])


        correct = {
            PurePosixPath('bar'): [1, 2],
            PurePosixPath('baz'): np.array([3, 4, 5]),
                np.array([[[9.],  [10.], [11.]],
                          [[11.], [12.], [13.]],
                          [[14.], [15.], [16.]],
                          [[17.], [18.], [19.]]]),
            PurePosixPath('foo'): 0,
            PurePosixPath('ham/qux'): np.array([6, 7, 8]),
                np.array([[[9.],  [10.], [11.]],
                          [[11.], [12.], [13.]],
                          [[14.], [15.], [16.]],
                          [[17.], [18.], [19.]]]),
            PurePosixPath('spam/[0]'): [1, 2, 3],
            PurePosixPath('spam/[1]'): [4, 5, 6],
            PurePosixPath('spam/[2]'): [7, 8, 9]}

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(data, correct)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_object_hierarchy_to_tables(self):
        Test to see if the object_hierarchy_to_tables works properly.
        inp = {
            "foo": 0,
            "bar": [1, 2],
            "baz": np.array([3, 4, 5]),
            "ham": {
                "qux": np.array([6, 7, 8]),
                "quux": np.array([[[9],  [10], [11]],
                                  [[11], [12], [13]],
                                  [[14], [15], [16]],
                                  [[17], [18], [19]]]),
            "spam": [
                [1, 2, 3],
                [4, 5, 6],
                [7, 8, 9]

        correct = {
            0: {'foo': 0},
            2: {'bar': [1, 2]},
            3: {'baz': np.array([3, 4, 5]),
                'ham.qux': np.array([6, 7, 8]),
                'spam.[0]': [1, 2, 3],
                'spam.[1]': [4, 5, 6],
                'spam.[2]': [7, 8, 9]},
            4: {'ham.quux_0_0': np.array([9, 11, 14, 17]),
                'ham.quux_1_0': np.array([10, 12, 15, 18]),
                'ham.quux_2_0': np.array([11, 13, 16, 19])}}

        out = object_hierarchy_to_tables(inp)
        # pprint(out)

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(out, correct)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_equals_dictionary_failure(self):
        Test that checks two trees with dictionaries as the root element is checked
        d1 = {
            "copper": "limit",
            "truck": 3,
            "neat": [0, 0, 2., (3j*1j), Decimal(4)],
            "unite": {
                "branch": "educated",
                "tenuous": 4.2,
                "hum": {7, 8, 9, 10},
                "decisive": np.array([[7, 8, 9.1], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2.4, 3]])
            "automatic": [
                {"a", "b", "c"},
                    "team": "sneeze",
                    "warn": "deadpan",
                    "table": np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])


        d2 = {
            "copper": "explain",
            "truck": 2.,
            "neat": [0, 1., 2, Decimal(3), 4],
            "unite": {
                "branch": "educated",
                "tenuous": 4,
                "hum": {7, 8, 9, 8},
                "decisive": [[7., 8., 9.], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]]
            "notice": [
                {"a", "b", "c"},
                    "team": "sneeze",
                    "warn": "deadpan",
                    "table": [1, 2, 3, 4]

        errors = object_hierarchy_equals(d1, d2)

        expected_errors = [
            "Missing element '/notice' in the first object hierarchy.",
            "Value mismatch at '/copper'",
            "Value mismatch at '/truck'",
            "Value mismatch at '/neat[1]'",
            "Value mismatch at '/neat[3]'",
            "Value mismatch at '/unite/tenuous'",
            "Value mismatch at '/unite/hum'",
            "Value mismatch at '/unite/decisive[0][2]'",
            "Value mismatch at '/unite/decisive[2][1]'",
            "Missing element '/automatic' in the second object hierarchy."

        # print("\n".join(errors))

        self.assertEqual(len(errors), len(expected_errors))
        for expected_error in expected_errors:
            with self.subTest(expected_error=expected_error):
                self.assertIn(expected_error, errors)
 def test_equals_scalars_failure(self):
     errors = object_hierarchy_equals(1, 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
     self.assertEqual(errors[0], "Value mismatch at '/'")