Exemple #1
        "If unset, all images in the project are used.",
    params, _ = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])

    with Cytomine(params.cytomine_host, params.cytomine_public_key,
                  params.cytomine_private_key) as c:
        id_tags_for_images = params.cytomine_id_tags_for_images
        id_project = params.cytomine_id_project

        image_tags = id_tags_for_images if id_tags_for_images else None
        images = ImageInstanceCollection(tags=image_tags).fetch_with_filter(
            "project", id_project)
        image_ids = [image.id for image in images]

        groundtruths = AnnotationCollection()
        groundtruths.showTerm = True
        groundtruths.showWKT = True
        groundtruths.images = image_ids

        predictions = AnnotationCollection()
        predictions.showTerm = True
        predictions.showWKT = True
        predictions.images = image_ids
        predictions.job = params.cytomine_id_job

        print("There are  {} groundtruths and {} predictions".format(
            len(groundtruths), len(predictions)))
Exemple #2
def main(argv):
    with CytomineJob.from_cli(argv) as cj:
        cj.job.update(progress=1, statusComment="Initialisation")

        term_ids = [int(term_id) for term_id in cj.parameters.cytomine_id_terms.split(",")]
        terms = TermCollection().fetch_with_filter("project", cj.parameters.cytomine_id_project)
        terms = [term for term in terms if term.id in term_ids]

        image_ids = [int(image_id) for image_id in cj.parameters.cytomine_id_images.split(",")]
        images = ImageInstanceCollection(light=True).fetch_with_filter("project", cj.parameters.cytomine_id_project)
        images = [image for image in images if image.id in image_ids]

        if hasattr(cj.parameters, "cytomine_id_users") and cj.parameters.cytomine_id_users is not None:
            user_ids = [int(user_id) for user_id in cj.parameters.cytomine_id_users.split(",")]
            user_ids = []

        if hasattr(cj.parameters, "cytomine_id_jobs") and cj.parameters.cytomine_id_jobs is not None:
            job_ids = [int(job_id) for job_id in cj.parameters.cytomine_id_jobs.split(",")]
            jobs = JobCollection(project=cj.parameters.cytomine_id_project).fetch()
            jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.id in job_ids]
            jobs = []

        userjobs_ids = [job.userJob for job in jobs]
        all_user_ids = user_ids + userjobs_ids

        cj.job.update(progress=20, statusComment="Collect data")
        ac = AnnotationCollection()
        ac.terms = term_ids
        ac.images = image_ids
        ac.showMeta = True
        ac.showGIS = True
        ac.showTerm = True
        ac.reviewed = True if cj.parameters.cytomine_reviewed_only else None
        ac.users = all_user_ids if len(all_user_ids) > 0 else None

        cj.job.update(progress=55, statusComment="Compute statistics")
        data = dict()
        for image in images:
            d = dict()
            areas = [a.area for a in ac if a.image == image.id]
            total_area = np.sum(areas)
            d['total'] = total_area
            d['count'] = len(areas)
            d['ratio'] = 1.0
            for term in terms:
                annotations = [a for a in ac if a.image == image.id and term.id in a.term]
                areas = [a.area for a in annotations]
                d[term.name] = dict()
                d[term.name]['total'] = np.sum(areas)
                d[term.name]['count'] = len(annotations)
                d[term.name]['ratio'] = d[term.name]['total'] / float(total_area) if total_area > 0 else 0
                d[term.name]['mean'] = np.mean(areas)
                d[term.name]['annotations'] = [{"created": a.created, "area": a.area} for a in annotations]
            data[image.instanceFilename] = d

        cj.job.update(progress=90, statusComment="Write CSV report")
        with open("stat-area.csv", "w") as f:
            for l in write_csv(data, terms):

        job_data = JobData(id_job=cj.job.id, key="Area CSV report", filename="stat-area.csv")
        job_data = job_data.save()
        cj.job.update(statusComment="Finished.", progress=100)