def __init__(self, file, csv_file, nuclei_channel=1): self.raw_im = np.squeeze(czi.imread(file))[nuclei_channel] self.labeled_spots_im = np.squeeze(czi.imread(file))[0] self.mask_1 = cv2.threshold( self.raw_im, skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(self.raw_im) + 152, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] self.nuclei_image = skimage.exposure.equalize_hist( morphology.white_tophat( np.squeeze(czi.imread(file))[nuclei_channel], square(70)), mask=self.mask_1) self.corrected_ni = np.multiply( np.divide(self.nuclei_image, np.amax(self.nuclei_image)), 255) self.otsu = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(self.corrected_ni) self.dtype = str(self.nuclei_image.dtype) self.nuclei_mask = cv2.threshold(self.corrected_ni, self.otsu, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] self.nuclei_mask_dense = cv2.threshold(self.corrected_ni, self.otsu + 80, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] self.nuc_chan = nuclei_channel self.input_shape = self.nuclei_image.shape self.filename = file self.csv_file = csv_file self.spatial_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) print('csv: \n', self.csv_file) print('image: \n', self.filename)
def adaptive_imread(fname: [str, dir]) -> np.ndarray: """ Opens images depending on filetype. """ if fname.endswith(EXTENSIONS[0]): return czifile.imread(fname) if any(fname.endswith(i) for i in EXTENSIONS[1:]): return raise ValueError(f"File {fname} not of of type {EXTENSIONS}")
def test(row): #Select current czi file = row #Read in current czi and select channels image = czi.imread(folder + '/' + file) image1 = image[0,0,0,0,:,:,:,0] image2 = image[0,0,1,0,:,:,:,0] #changes to work with new images #Create new baseline subtratction images image1filtered = np.where(image1>wmbls1,image1-wmbls1,0) image2filtered = np.where(image2>wmbls2,image2-wmbls2,0) del image #Perform channel 1 and then channel 2 spots detection for i in range (1,3): if i==1: image_name = image1filtered image_name_raw = image1 image_other_raw = image2 elif i==2: image_name = image2filtered image_name_raw = image2 image_other_raw =image1 file_name = file[0:-4], file) name = #nameint = int(name[1:4]) file_name = (name + 'channel_' + str(i))#( + 'channel_' + str(i)) spots_detection(image_name,image_name_raw,file_name,image_other_raw,out_name,path)
def read_image_c3(file_name): ''' Read in the image from the file list for channel 3''' # read in the image if type(file_name) == str: if file_name[-3:] == 'tif': img = io.imread(file_name) elif file_name[-3:] == 'czi': img = czifile.imread(file_name) img = img[0,0,2,:,0,:,:,0] else: raise Exception("Not a valid string") # if the image is a timelapse reset the time slider max if len(img.shape) > 2: time_pt.max = img.shape[0] - 1 # set min and maximum values on the sliders based on the image img_min = np.min(img) img_max = np.max(img) inten_min_c3.value = img_min inten_max_c3.value = img_max inten_min_c3.min = img_min inten_min_c3.max = img_max inten_max_c3.min = img_min inten_max_c3.max = img_max return img, img_min, img_max
def test_jpegxr_16b_read_block(self): """ Read a block of jpegxr compressed 16 bit image. Reads a block from a slide and compares it with a block read by czifile package. Small deviations can be explained by different order in processing of tiles. Czi file contains overlapped tiles. Rasters can be slightly different in the overlapped areas (depends of tile order). """ # Image to test image_path = get_test_image_path("czi", "jxr-16bit-4chnls.czi") slide = slideio.open_slide(image_path, "CZI") self.assertTrue(slide is not None) scene = slide.get_scene(0) self.assertTrue(scene is not None) image_raster = scene.read_block() reference_raster = np.transpose( czi.imread(image_path)[0, 0, 0, :, :, :, 0], (1, 2, 0)) image_raster = image_raster[:, :, 0] reference_raster = reference_raster[:, :, 0] # calculate square normed errors scores_sq = cv.matchTemplate(reference_raster.astype(np.float32), image_raster.astype(np.float32), cv.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)[0][0] # call structural difference score scores_cf = cv.matchTemplate(reference_raster.astype(np.float32), image_raster.astype(np.float32), cv.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)[0][0] self.assertLess(0.99, scores_cf) self.assertLess(scores_sq, 0.002)
def load_czi_image(filename: str) -> np.array: """Load the czi image, and remove useless dimensions if needed. :param filename: path to the file to load. :return: the image array. """ image = czifile.imread(filename) return np.squeeze(image)
def convert_to_png(image): img = imread(image) img = img.transpose((2, 3, 1, 0, 4)) img = img.squeeze() greenblue_ch = np.stack( (np.zeros(img.shape[0:2], dtype='uint8'), img[:, :, 0] / img[:, :, 0].max(), img[:, :, 1] / img[:, :, 1].max()), axis=2) plt.imsave(values["-IN-"][:-4] + 'gb.png', greenblue_ch)
def __init__(self, fname, sigma): self.sigma = sigma # save aspect for later im = czifile.imread(fname) im = np.squeeze(im) # get rid of 1D labels smooth_im = [] for i in range(len(im[:, 1, 1, 1])): smooth_im.append( gaussian(im[i, :, :, :], sigma, multichannel=False)) smooth_im = np.asarray(smooth_im) self.smoothed_im = smooth_im
def predict(path): try: model = load_model('tam4_model.h5') img = imread(path) img = img.reshape(1038, 1388, 1) img = resize(img, (224, 224)) label = argmax(model.predict(img.reshape(-1, 224, 224, 1))) print(path, '->', LABELS[label]) except Exception as e: print(path, '->', e) sleep(20)
def read_image(image_path, rgb_order): #return image shape (n_channels, x, y, z) image = czifile.imread(image_path) image = image.squeeze() image = image.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) uint16_max = 65535 image_r = ((np.expand_dims(image[rgb_order.index('r')], axis=0) / uint16_max)).astype(np.float32) image_g = ((np.expand_dims(image[rgb_order.index('g')], axis=0) / uint16_max)).astype(np.float32) image_b = np.zeros( (1, image.shape[1], image.shape[2], image.shape[3])).astype(np.float32) image = np.concatenate((image_r, image_g, image_b), axis=0) return image
def getSerie(self, serie_number): ''' Get the defined image stack from the file, rearrange into a more friendly format compatible with the rest of yaggie Converts lightsheet data from 16 bit to 8 bit ''' if self.type == 'Stack': raise Exception('CZI file already defined as a stack, if you want to read a series use cziReader.getSeries(Serie_number)') self.type = 'Series' serie = imread([serie_number,0,0,0,0].astype(np.uint8) self.dimensions = serie.shape #Returns as: [c, t, z, x, y, ?] return serie
def import_images(files, sharp=False, sharp_channel=0, czi=False, order=None): """Imports files from list of files. Args: files: Image files. For czi a single filename. For others a list of all channels. sharp (bool): If the sharpest slice should be used. sharp_channel (int): Channel to determine the sharpest slice on. czi (bool): If the image is .czi. order (list): Order of channels. Returns: img (nd.array): Image array of shape (z, x, y) """ if czi: img_import = czifile.imread(files) # File shape – (1, 3, 30, 2213, 2752, 1) if sharp: img_sharp = sharp(img_import[0, sharp_channel, :, :, :, 0]) img_import_stack = [ img_import[0, l, img_sharp, :, :, 0] for l in range(img_import.shape[1]) ] else: # Max project img_import_stack = [ np.max(img_import[0, l, :, :, :, 0], axis=0) for l in range(img_import.shape[1]) ] else: img_import = [io.imread(files[i]) for i in range(len(files))] if sharp: img_sharp = sharp(img_import[sharp_channel]) img_import_stack = [ img_import[i][img_sharp] for i in range(len(img_import)) ] else: # Max project img_import_stack = [ np.max(img_import[l], axis=0) for l in range(len(img_import)) ] # Combine all channels img = np.stack(img_import_stack, axis=0) if order: img = [img[i] for i in order] return img
def import_data_fn(self): deltat= 1000/float(self.text_1) data_array = czi_fn.imread(str(filename)) scanObject(filename,par_obj,[deltat,float(self.text_2)/1000000],data_array,0,0); win_obj.bleachCorr1 = False win_obj.bleachCorr2 = False win_obj.DeltatEdit.setText(str(deltat)); win_obj.label.generateList() self.win_obj.image_status_text.showMessage("Correlating carpet: File " +str(self.win_obj.file_import.file_index+1)+' of '+str(self.win_obj.file_import.file_list.__len__())) if win_obj.last_in_list == False: print( 'moving to next file') win_obj.file_import.load_next_file() else: print ('finished with all files') win_obj.file_import.post_initial_import()
def getStack(self): ''' Get the image stack from the file, rearrange into a more friendly format more compatible with the rest of yaggie Converts lightsheet data from 16 bit to 8 bit ''' if self.type == 'Series': raise Exception('CZI file already defined as a series, if you want to read a stack use cziReader.getStack()') self.type = 'Stack' #Original dimensions: [image_no?, ?, c, t, z?, y, x, z?] #Returns as: [c, t, z, x, y, ?] stack = imread([0][0].astype(np.uint8) self.dimensions = stack.shape return stack
def loadData(brain): print 'loading data...' # order = [c,t,x,y,z] fileName = brain.fileName scaledFileName = os.path.join(brain.dataDir,'scaledData.h5') if os.path.exists(scaledFileName): = filing.readH5(scaledFileName,hierarchy='DS1') else: if fileName[-3:] == 'lsm': im = tifffile.imread(fileName).astype(n.uint16) dimx,dimy,dimz,dimt,dimc = 3,4,1,0,2 im = misc.sortAxes(im,[dimc,dimt,dimx,dimy,dimz]) if fileName[-3:] == '.h5': im = filing.readH5Image(fileName).astype(n.uint16) if fileName[-3:] == 'czi': import czifile #pdb.set_trace() im = czifile.imread(fileName) if len(im.shape) == 7: im = im[0,:,:,:,:,:,0] elif len(im.shape) == 11: im = im[0,0,0,0,0,:,:,:,:,:,0] else: raise(Exception('look at czi file shape')) brain.spacing = zf.getStackInfoFromCZI(fileName)['spacing'] #pdb.set_trace() #pdb.set_trace() if (brain.scaleFactors[0] == 1) and ((brain.scaleFactors[1] == 1) and (brain.scaleFactors[2] == 1)): print 'no scaling' else: print 'scaling data by factors %s' %brain.scaleFactors scaledData = [] for ic in range(im.shape[0]): tmpC = [] #for it in range(im.shape[1]): # print 'only taking 30!' for it in range(im.shape[1]): tmpC.append(sitk.gafi(beads.scaleStack(1/brain.scaleFactors[::-1],sitk.gifa(im[ic][it])))) scaledData.append(n.array(tmpC)) im = n.array(scaledData) = n.array(im) filing.arrayToH5Raw(,scaledFileName) brain.dimc,brain.dimt,brain.dimx,brain.dimy,brain.dimz = return
def __init__(self, raw_data_fname, chs_spts_nucs): a = czifile.CziFile(raw_data_fname) # read info about pixel size b = a.metadata() start = b.find("ScalingZ") end = b[start + 9:].find("ScalingZ") self.pix_sizeZ = np.round(float(b[start + 9:start + 7 + end]) * 1000000, decimals=4) start = b.find("ScalingX") end = b[start + 9:].find("ScalingX") self.pix_sizeX = np.round(float(b[start + 9:start + 7 + end]) * 1000000, decimals=4) filedata = np.squeeze(czifile.imread(raw_data_fname)) if chs_spts_nucs[0] != -1: self.spts_a = filedata[chs_spts_nucs[0], :, :, :] for z in range(self.spts_a.shape[0]): # both are rotated and mirrored to match ImageJ standards self.spts_a[z, :, :] = np.rot90(self.spts_a[z, :, ::-1]) if chs_spts_nucs[1] != -1: self.spts_b = filedata[chs_spts_nucs[1], :, :, :] for z in range(self.spts_b.shape[0]): # both are rotated and mirrored to match ImageJ standards self.spts_b[z, :, :] = np.rot90(self.spts_b[z, :, ::-1]) if chs_spts_nucs[2] != -1: self.nucs = filedata[chs_spts_nucs[2], :, :, :] for z in range(self.nucs.shape[0]): # both are rotated and mirrored to match ImageJ standards self.nucs[z, :, :] = np.rot90(self.nucs[z, :, ::-1]) self.nucs_mip = np.zeros(self.nucs.shape[1:]) # nuclei mip image for x in range(self.nucs.shape[1]): self.nucs_mip[x, :] = filedata[chs_spts_nucs[2], :, x, :].max(0) else: # if nuclei channel is not asked, it will be a zeros matrix with the proper shape if chs_spts_nucs[0] != -1: self.nucs_mip = np.zeros(self.spts_a.shape[1:]) elif chs_spts_nucs[1] != -1: self.nucs_mip = np.zeros(self.spts_b.shape[1:])
def build_rawdata(homedir): imgname = '/net/fileserver-nfs/stornext/snfs2/projects/myersspimdata/Mauricio/for_coleman/ph3_labels_trainingdata_07_10_2018/trainingdata_ph3labels_hspph2bandbactinlap2bline_fish6_justph3andh2b.czi' img = czifile.imread(imgname) img = img[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0, :, :, :, 0] # CZYX img = perm(img, "CZYX", "ZYXC") shrink = 8 sh = np.array(img.shape)[:-1] // shrink ss = patchmaker.se2slices(sh, (shrink - 1) * sh) img = img[ss] img = norm(img) # img2 = img[ss] # img2 = img2 / img2.max(axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True) sig = 20 wid = 40 def f(x): return np.exp(-(x * x).sum() / (2 * sig**2)) kern = math_utils.build_kernel_nd(wid, 3, f) kern = kern[::5] ## anisotropic kernel matches img kern = kern / kern.sum() img[..., 0] = fftconvolve(img[..., 0], kern, mode='same') # img = img / img.mean(axis=(0,1,2), keepdims=True) r = 1 ## xy downsampling factor imgsem = { 'axes': "ZYXC", 'ph3': 0, 'h2b': 1, 'n_channels': 2, 'r': r } ## image semantics res = dict() res['img'] = img[:, ::r, ::r] res['imgsem'] = imgsem return res
def interactive_plot(channel_check, R,G,B, img, t,intensity_minimum, intensity_maximum, c,inverted_check): ''' Uses the RGB values and intensity values to display an RGB image of the given image ''' # check if the channel is included in the overlay if channel_check: # make the colormaps based on the RGB values cmp, icmp = make_colormap((R,G,B),'COLOR',False) # determine whether the colormap is inverted if inverted_check: cmp = icmp # Read in the image based on the filename if img[-3:] == 'tif': img = io.imread(img) elif img[-3:] == 'czi': img = czifile.imread(img) img = img[0,0,c,:,0,:,:,0] # Determine if it's a timelapse and display the image if len(img.shape) > 2: # if it's a timelapse only plot the relevant time point fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(img[t], cmap = cmp, vmin = intensity_minimum, vmax = intensity_maximum) plt.axis('off') else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(img, cmap = cmp, vmin = intensity_minimum, vmax = intensity_maximum) plt.axis('off') else: # if channel is not selected display a placeholder fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(np.zeros((100,100)), cmap='Greys') plt.text(40,50,'NO IMAGE') plt.axis('off') return img
filename_list = [] for el in li: if el[-3:] == 'czi': filename_list.append(el) print(filename_list) #for filename in list_of_files: #filename = 'data/12-10-18 ACTUAL 24hr Con 3-Scene-1.czi' for i, filename in enumerate(filename_list): # Next we're going to load the data using the czifile module we imported... print('processing file{}, this is file {} of {}'.format( filename, i + 1, len(filename_list))) filepath = 'data/{}'.format(filename) mydata = czifile.imread(filepath) # Here we loaded the data and assigned it to a new variable called mydata # NB: variable names are up to us! I tend to try to stick to "sensible" # variable names that will help me understand what the variable refers to, # but had I wanted to, I could have called the variable "banana", or "ds2832" # There are some rules about variable names, such as not using a function name, # and they have to start with a letter, but more on that as you learn more # python. # Now because of the way czifile works (I found this out while writing # this script!) the data is loaded with more dimensions than we actually need. # To see this, we can "print" (i.e. write) the shape attribute of mydata to # the terminal: print("The data we loaded has shape")
def czi_array(path): '''Takes in the path of a czi file and returns an array of the file and its shape as a tuple''' array = czifile.imread(path) return (array, array.shape)
name_start ='scan(.*)_Out' #Set WM baseline subtraction value if using wmbls1 = 588 #458 wmbls2 = 311 #280 #Define radius for weighted centroid calculation radius =5 data_storage = [] gaussian = 1.76 cutoff = 0.7 variable = 10 # 10=peak13-mean,14-quantile. User sets which variable to use in finding connected voxels. quantileP = .75 image = czi.imread(folder + '/' + file) #Output outputfolder = 'Y:/Active/2019 Airyscan/11-23-19old c57 section 5 right/AS6/Python_Out' outfolder = "R5_C70_peakintensity_G1_76" path = os.path.join(outputfolder, outfolder) if os.path.exists(path) == False: os.mkdir(path) out_name = (outfolder) ##User needs to check lines 366 and 367 to ensure channels are pulled correctly.
import czifile img = czifile.imread('../Osteosarcoma_01.czi') print(img.shape) img1 = img[0, 0, :, :, :, 0] print(img1.shape) # Next, let us extract each channel image. img2 = img1[0, :, :] # First channel, Red img3 = img1[1, :, :] # Second channel, Green img4 = img1[2, :, :] # Third channel, Blue DAPI from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax1.imshow(img2, cmap='hot') ax1.title.set_text('1st channel') # plt.savefig('redish1.jpg') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) ax2.imshow(img3, cmap='hot') ax2.title.set_text('2nd channel') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) ax3.imshow(img4, cmap='hot') ax3.title.set_text('3rd channel') plt.savefig('redish.jpg')
def overlay_interactive(inverted_check,t, img1_check, img2_check, img3_check, img1,img2,img3, R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2,R3,G3,B3, img1_min,img2_min,img3_min, img1_max,img2_max,img3_max): ''' Creates the overlay from the (up to) 3 channels ''' file_list, cmap_list, icmap_list, img_min_list, img_max_list = [], [], [], [], [] if img1_check: if img1[-3:] == 'tif': image1 = io.imread(img1) elif img1[-3:] == 'czi': image1 = czifile.imread(img1) image1 = image1[0,0,0,:,0,:,:,0] if len(image1.shape) > 2: image1 = image1[t] file_list.append(image1) cmp1, icmp1 = make_colormap((R1,G1,B1),'COLOR',False) cmap_list.append(cmp1) icmap_list.append(icmp1) img_min_list.append(img1_min) img_max_list.append(img1_max) if img2_check: if img2[-3:] == 'tif': image2 = io.imread(img2) elif img2[-3:] == 'czi': image2 = czifile.imread(img2) image2 = image2[0,0,1,:,0,:,:,0] if len(image2.shape) > 2: image2 = image2[t] file_list.append(image2) cmp2, icmp2 = make_colormap((R2,G2,B2),'COLOR',False) cmap_list.append(cmp2) icmap_list.append(icmp2) img_min_list.append(img2_min) img_max_list.append(img2_max) if img3_check: if img3[-3:] == 'tif': image3 = io.imread(img3) elif img3[-3:] == 'czi': image3 = czifile.imread(img3) image3 = image3[0,0,2,:,0,:,:,0] if len(image3.shape) > 2: image3 = image3[t] file_list.append(image3) cmp3, icmp3 = make_colormap((R3,G3,B3),'COLOR',False) cmap_list.append(cmp3) icmap_list.append(icmp3) img_min_list.append(img3_min) img_max_list.append(img3_max) if len(file_list) == 0: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(np.zeros((100,100)), cmap='Greys') plt.text(40,50,'SELECT A \nCHANNEL') plt.axis('off') else: # create an empty list to hold the channel data channels = [] channels_mapped = [] if inverted_check: image_list = image_min_max(file_list, icmap_list, img_min_list, img_max_list) else: image_list = image_min_max(file_list, cmap_list, img_min_list, img_max_list) # for each channel, normalize image and get min and max intensities for channel_data in image_list: # add it the the channel list channels.append(channel_data) # normalize the image channel_norm = normalize_image(channel_data[0], channel_data[2], channel_data[3]) # map the normalized image to the colormap indicated channel_mapped = gray2rgb(channel_norm, channel_data[1]) # add this mapped image to our channel_list variable channels_mapped.append(channel_mapped) # overlay images if inverted_check: overlay = image_inverted_overlay(channels_mapped) else: overlay = image_overlay(channels_mapped) if len(overlay.shape) == 3: # display the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(overlay) plt.axis('off') else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(overlay[t]) plt.axis('off')
def load_czi_file_as_stack(filename): return czifile.imread(filename)
def image_min_max(images, cmaps, img_min=0, img_max=0): '''Rescale an image to a given minimum and maximum intensity''' # if no img_min given set up a list of the appropriate length to fill later if img_min == 0: img_min = np.zeros(len(cmaps)) # if no img_max given set up a list of the appropriate length to fill later if img_max == 0: img_max = np.zeros(len(cmaps)) # generate a dictionary of default colormaps cmap_dict = make_colormaps() for count, colormap in enumerate(cmaps): # if the colormap is a string pull it from the dictionary if type(colormap) == str: # is the string in the default dictionary? if colormap in cmap_dict.keys(): cmaps[count] = cmap_dict[colormap] else: raise Exception('Not a recognized colormap') # create an empty list to hold our image details image_list = [] # loop through each channel provided for count, image in enumerate(images): # if filenames were given if type(image[count]) == str: # if it's a string check if it's a czi or tif file if image[-3:] == 'tif': # read in tif file imstack = io.imread(image) #check if a minimum intensity was defined - if not set to image minimum if img_min[count] == 0.0: img_min[count] = np.min(imstack) elif img_min[count] <= 1: # if a value less than 1 is defined use as a percentage if len(imstack.shape) == 2: image_intensities = sorted(imstack.ravel()) else: image_intensities = sorted( np.mean(imstack, axis=0).ravel()) N_pixels = len(image_intensities) img_min[count] = int(image_intensities[int(img_min[count] * N_pixels)]) #check if a maximum intensity was defined - if not set to image maximum if img_max[count] == 0.0: img_max[count] = np.max(imstack) elif img_max[count] <= 1: # if a value less than 1 is defined use as a percentage if len(imstack.shape) == 2: image_intensities = sorted(imstack.ravel()) else: image_intensities = sorted( np.mean(imstack, axis=0).ravel()) N_pixels = len(image_intensities) img_max[count] = int(image_intensities[int(img_max[count] * N_pixels)]) image_list.append( (imstack, cmaps[count], img_min[count], img_max[count])) elif image[-3:] == 'czi': imstack = czifile.imread(image) n_channels = imstack.shape[2] n_timepoints = imstack.shape[3] for channel in np.arange(0, n_channels): if n_timepoints == 1: channel_stack = imstack[0, 0, channel, 0, 0, :, :, 0] else: channel_stack = imstack[0, 0, channel, :, 0, :, :, 0] if img_min[channel] == 0.0: img_min[channel] = np.min(channel_stack) elif img_min[channel] <= 1: if len(channel_stack.shape) == 2: image_intensities = sorted(channel_stack.ravel()) else: image_intensities = sorted( np.mean(channel_stack, axis=0).ravel()) N_pixels = len(image_intensities) img_min[channel] = int(image_intensities[int( img_min[channel] * N_pixels)]) if img_max[channel] == 0.0: img_max[channel] = np.max(channel_stack) elif img_max[channel] <= 1: if len(channel_stack.shape) == 2: image_intensities = sorted(channel_stack.ravel()) else: image_intensities = sorted( np.mean(channel_stack, axis=0).ravel()) N_pixels = len(image_intensities) img_max[channel] = int(image_intensities[int( img_max[channel] * N_pixels)]) image_list.append((channel_stack, cmaps[channel], img_min[channel], img_max[channel])) else: # if it's an array already imstack = image # if the minimum isn't defined set it equal to the image minimum if img_min[count] == 0.0: img_min[count] = np.min(image) elif img_min[count] <= 1: # if the minimum is defined as less than 1 use it as a percentage image_intensities = sorted(image.ravel()) N_pixels = len(image_intensities) img_min[count] = int(image_intensities[int(img_min[count] * N_pixels)]) # if the maximum isn't defined set it equal to the image maximum if img_max[count] == 0.0: img_max[count] = np.max(image) elif img_max[count] <= 1: # if the minimum is defined as less than 1 use it as a percentage image_intensities = sorted(image.ravel()) N_pixels = len(image_intensities) img_max[count] = int(image_intensities[int(img_max[count] * N_pixels)]) image_list.append( (imstack, cmaps[count], img_min[count], img_max[count])) return image_list
#Time series images img2 = tifffile.imread("images/Scratch_Assay_400_289_8bit.tif") """ #################################################################################### #reading czi files # pip install czifile # to import the package you need to use import czifile # """ ################################ import czifile img = czifile.imread('images/Osteosarcoma_01.czi') #img = czifile.imread('images/Scratch_Assay_400_289.czi') print(img.shape) #7 dimensions #Time series, scenes, channels, y, x, z, RGB #IN this example (Osteosarcoma) we have 1 time series, 1 scene, 3 channels and each channel grey image #size 1376 x 1104 #Let us extract only relevant pixels, all channels in x and y img1 = img[0, 0, :, :, :, 0] print(img1.shape) #Next, let us extract each channel image. img2 = img1[0, :, :] #First channel, Red img3 = img1[1, :, :] #Second channel, Green img4 = img1[2, :, :] #Third channel, Blue DAPI
def read_czi(filename, trim=False, swapaxes=True, return_metadata=False, metadata_only=False): """Read a czi file into an ndarray Args: filename: string Path to czi file trim: bool If true, remove last frame if it contains blank slices swapaxes: bool If true, switches first two axes to produce a stack order ctzxy return_metadata: bool If true, returns a tuple of stack, first distance, z interval metadata_only: bool If true, just return the metadata features starting_positions and z_interval. Stack is returned as None. Returns: stack: ndarray Image stack in dimensions [t,c,z,x,y] (no swap) or [c,t,z,x,y] (swapped) starting_positions: list of floats List of the position, in microns, of the first slice in the Z stack of each file, taken from czi file metadata. z_interval: float Size of Z slice, in microns, taken from czi metadata """ def frame_incomplete(stack3d): """Determine if frame is incomplete.""" for slice in stack3d: # If only value in slice is 0, frame is incomplete. if ((np.min(slice) == 0) & (np.max(slice) == 0)): return True return False if not metadata_only: stack = czifile.imread(filename) stack = np.squeeze(stack) # Trim off last frame if incomplete. if trim: if frame_incomplete(stack[-1, 0]): stack = stack[:-1] if (swapaxes): stack = np.swapaxes(stack, 0, 1) else: stack = None if return_metadata: handle = czifile.CziFile(filename) metadata = handle.metadata() root = ET.fromstring(metadata) # Pull first distance and z interval, convert to microns. first_dist = float( root.findall('.//ZStackSetup')[0][8][0][0].text) * 1e6 #last_dist = root.findall('.//ZStackSetup')[0][9][0][0].text z_interval = float( root.findall('.//ZStackSetup')[0][10][0][0].text) * 1e6 handle.close() return stack, first_dist, z_interval else: return stack
for ibaseDir,baseDir in enumerate(baseDirs): baseDir = baseDirs[ibaseDir] if yCropLists is not None: yCropList = yCropLists[ibaseDir] else: yCropList = None correctionBaseDir = correctionBaseDirs[ibaseDir] for fileIndex in range(len(fusionFileNames)): if not separateFileMultiView: fusionFileName = os.path.join(baseDir,fusionFileNames[fileIndex]) # check whether already fused (only checking for registration channel file! tmpFinalFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fusionFileName), outFilePattern %(os.path.basename(fusionFileName.split('.')[0]),registrationChannel)) if os.path.exists(tmpFinalFile): continue # load files print 'loading file %s...' %fusionFileName inarray = czifile.imread(fusionFileName) print 'finished loading' infoDict = zf.getStackInfoFromCZI(fusionFileName) else: fusionFileName = os.path.join(baseDir,fusionFileNames[fileIndex][0]) tmpFinalFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fusionFileName), outFilePattern %(os.path.basename(fusionFileName.split('.')[0]),registrationChannel)) if os.path.exists(tmpFinalFile): continue readPaths = [os.path.join(baseDir,fusionFileNames[fileIndex][i]) for i in range(len(fusionFileNames[fileIndex]))] # load files print 'loading file %s...' %fusionFileName inarrays = [] shapes = [] for ifile in range(len(fusionFileNames[fileIndex])):
import czifile import numpy as np image = czifile.imread("200923PJ_1900680MIB20x_GDYSB_RWGA_DAPI_1.czi")
def CZIMetadatatoDictionaries(InputDirectory, CziName): czi = czifile.CziFile(InputDirectory + str(CziName)) czi_array = czifile.imread(InputDirectory + str(CziName)) #read the czi file. czi_array = czi_array.squeeze( ) #take out the dimensions that are not important #print(czi_array.shape) ####### Extract the metadata metadata = czi.metadata #reading the metadata from CZI root = ET.fromstring(metadata) #loading metadata into XML object ##### Making a dictionry from all of the channel data only if it has ID that hs the channel number as the key and the dye name as the value ChannelDictionary = {} for neighbor in root.iter('Channel'): TempDict = {} TempDict = neighbor.attrib if 'Id' in TempDict: #for the metadata lines that start with ID #print(TempDict) #test Search = r"(\w+):(\d)" #separate the channel:1 into two parts .. only keep the number Result =, TempDict['Id']) Search2 = r"(\w+)-(.+)" Result2 =, TempDict['Name']) ChannelDictionary[] = 2 ) #make a new dictionary where that number (0 based!) is the channel/key to the and the value is the dye name #print(ChannelDictionary) ####### pull out the channels and make stacks if "AF405" in ChannelDictionary.keys(): AF405index = ChannelDictionary["AF405"] AF405Stack = czi_array[int(AF405index), ...] else: print("AF405 is not in this file") AF488Stack = 'empty' if "AF488" in ChannelDictionary.keys(): AF488index = ChannelDictionary["AF488"] AF488Stack = czi_array[int(AF488index), ...] else: print("AF488 is not in this file") AF488Stack = 'empty' if "AF647" in ChannelDictionary.keys(): AF647index = ChannelDictionary["AF647"] AF647Stack = czi_array[int(AF647index), ...] else: print("AF647 is not in this file") AF647Stack = 'empty' if "AF546" in ChannelDictionary.keys(): AF546index = ChannelDictionary["AF546"] AF546Stack = czi_array[int(AF546index), ...] elif "At550" in ChannelDictionary.keys(): AF546index = ChannelDictionary["At550"] AF546Stack = czi_array[int(AF546index), ...] else: print("AF546 is not in this file") AF546Stack = 'empty' return (AF405Stack, AF488Stack, AF647Stack, AF546Stack)
# tifff_3dimg = tifffile.imread("images/3d_image.tif") tifff_time_series = tifffile.imread("images/time_series.tif") #################################################################################### #reading czi files # pip install czifile # to import the package you need to use import czifile # ################################ import czifile from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = czifile.imread('images/multi_channel_z_stack_time_series.czi') print(img.shape) #7 dimensions #Scenes, Time series, channels, z, y, x, RGB #IN this example we have 1 scene, 11 time series, 2 channels, 23 z slices, 587x587 pixels of gray #Let us extract only relevant pixels, all channels in x and y for #scene=0, time=5, channel=1, z=11, y, x, RGB=0 img1_ch0 = img[0, 5, 0, 11, :, :, 0] img1_ch1 = img[0, 5, 1, 11, :, :, 0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax1.imshow(img1_ch0, cmap='cubehelix') ax1.title.set_text('1st channel') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
def imread_czi(filename): return czifile.imread(filename)