Exemple #1
def main(readcsv=read_csv, method='defaultDense'):
    infile   = "./data/batch/lbfgs.csv"
    # Read the data, let's have 10 independent variables
    data     = readcsv(infile, range(10))
    dep_data = readcsv(infile, range(10,11))
    nVectors = data.shape[0]

    # configure a MSE object
    mse_algo = d4p.optimization_solver_mse(nVectors)
    mse_algo.setup(data, dep_data)

    # configure an LBFGS object
    sls = np.array([[1.0e-4]], dtype=np.double)
    niters = 1000
    lbfgs_algo = d4p.optimization_solver_lbfgs(mse_algo,

    # finally do the computation
    inp = np.array([[100]]*11, dtype=np.double)
    res = lbfgs_algo.compute(inp)

    # The LBFGS result provides minimum and nIterations
    assert res.minimum.shape == inp.shape and res.nIterations[0][0] <= niters

    return res
Exemple #2
def main(readcsv=read_csv, method='defaultDense'):
    nFeatures = 6
    nClasses = 5
    nIterations = 1000
    stepLength = 1.0e-4

    infile = "./data/batch/logreg_train.csv"

    # Read the data
    data = readcsv(infile, range(nFeatures))
    dep_data = readcsv(infile, range(nFeatures, nFeatures + 1))
    nVectors = data.shape[0]

    # configure a function
    func = d4p.optimization_solver_cross_entropy_loss(nClasses, nVectors, interceptFlag=True)
    func.setup(data, dep_data, None)

    # configure a algorithm
    stepLengthSequence = np.array([[stepLength]], dtype=np.double)
    alg = d4p.optimization_solver_lbfgs(func,

    # do the computation
    nParameters = nClasses * (nFeatures + 1)
    initialPoint = np.full((nParameters, 1), 0.001, dtype=np.double)
    res = alg.compute(initialPoint)

    # result provides minimum and nIterations
    assert res.minimum.shape == (nParameters, 1)
    assert res.nIterations[0][0] <= nIterations

    return res
Exemple #3
    def train(self, train_data, train_labels):
        dtype = (np.float64 if self.dtype == "double" else np.float32)
        optSolver = None
        #create a solver
        if self.optSolverParam['solverName'] == 'sgd':
            lrs = np.array([[self.optSolverParam['solverLearningRate']]], dtype=dtype)
            batchSize_ = int(self.optSolverParam['solverBatchSize'])
            method = self.optSolverParam["solverMethod"]
            if method == "defaultDense":
                batchSize_ = 1
            optSolver = d4p.optimization_solver_sgd(function = None, learningRateSequence = lrs,
                                                    method = method,
                                                    accuracyThreshold = dtype(self.optSolverParam['solverAccuracyThreshold']),
                                                    nIterations = int(self.optSolverParam['solverMaxIterations']),
                                                    batchSize = batchSize_
        if self.optSolverParam['solverName'] == 'lbfgs':
            sls = np.array([[self.optSolverParam['solverStepLength']]], dtype=dtype)
            optSolver = d4p.optimization_solver_lbfgs(function = None,
                                                      accuracyThreshold = dtype(self.optSolverParam['solverAccuracyThreshold']),
                                                      nIterations = int(self.optSolverParam['solverMaxIterations']),
                                                      batchSize = int(self.optSolverParam['solverBatchSize']),
                                                      correctionPairBatchSize = int(self.optSolverParam['solverCorrectionPairBatchSize']),
                                                      L = int(self.optSolverParam['solverL'])
        if self.optSolverParam['solverName'] == 'adagrad':
            lr = np.array([[self.optSolverParam['solverLearningRate']]], dtype=dtype)
            optSolver = d4p.optimization_solver_adagrad(function = None,
                                                        accuracyThreshold = dtype(self.optSolverParam['solverAccuracyThreshold']),
                                                        nIterations = int(self.optSolverParam['solverMaxIterations']),
                                                        batchSize = int(self.optSolverParam['solverBatchSize'])

        train_alg = d4p.logistic_regression_training(nClasses      = self.nClasses,
                                                     penaltyL1     = self.penaltyL1,
                                                     penaltyL2     = self.penaltyL2,
                                                     interceptFlag = self.interceptFlag,
                                                     fptype        = self.dtype,
                                                     optimizationSolver = optSolver
        self.trainingResult = train_alg.compute(train_data, train_labels)

        return self