Exemple #1
def test_mappings(model_name, config):
    Test that `MAPPINGS` includes all the data necessary for covering all the cases.
    This is to avoid missing tests when new fields and models are added or changed.
    model = apps.get_model(model_name)

        mapping = MAPPINGS[model_name]
    except KeyError:
        pytest.fail(f'Please add test cases for deleting orphaned {model}')

    related_fields = get_related_fields(model)
    expected_related_deps = {(field.field.model, field.field.name)
                             for field in related_fields
                             if field not in config.excluded_relations}
    related_deps_in_mapping = {
        (dep_factory._meta.model, dep_field_name)
        for dep_factory, dep_field_name in mapping['dependent_models']
    ignored_relations = {
        (apps.get_model(model_label), field_name)
        for model_label, field_name in mapping['ignored_models']

    missing_dep_mappings = expected_related_deps - related_deps_in_mapping - ignored_relations
    if missing_dep_mappings:
        dep_list = [
            f'{model}.{field}' for model, field in missing_dep_mappings
        error_msg = (
            f'Please add tests for not deleting {model} when the following '
            f'fields reference it: {", ".join(dep_list)}')
        assert not missing_dep_mappings, error_msg
Exemple #2
def test_configs(model_label, config):
    Test that configs for delete_old_records cover all relations for the model.

    This is to make sure any new relations that are added are not missed from the
    model = apps.get_model(model_label)
    related_fields = get_related_fields(model)

    field_missing_from_config = (
        set(related_fields) - (config.relation_filter_mapping or {}).keys() -
    fields_for_error_message = '\n'.join(
        (_format_field(field) for field in field_missing_from_config), )
    assert not field_missing_from_config, (
        f'The following related fields are missing from the config for {model_label}:\n'
        f' Please add them to the ModelCleanupConfig in either '
        f'relation_filter_mapping or excluded_relations.\n'
        f'Only add the model to excluded_relations if its existence should not affect '
        f'whether {model_label} objects are be deleted. You can specify an empty filter '
        f'list in relation_filter_mapping if they should not be filtered.\n'
        f'See ModelCleanupConfig and the delete_old_records command for more details.'
Exemple #3
def get_unreferenced_objects_query(
    Generates a query set of unreferenced objects for a model.

    :param model: the model to generate a query set of unreferenced objects
    :param excluded_relations: related fields on model that should be ignored
    :param relation_exclusion_filter_mapping:
        Optional mapping of relations (fields on model) to Q objects.
        For each relation where a Q object is provided, the Q object is used to exclude
        objects for that relation prior to checking if any references to the model exist (for
        that relation).

            This example will not consider interactions dated before 2015-01-01 when getting
            unreferenced companies.

                    Company._meta.get_field('interactions'): Q(date__lt=date(2015, 1, 1),

    :returns: queryset for unreferenced objects

    if relation_exclusion_filter_mapping is None:
        relation_exclusion_filter_mapping = {}

    fields = set(get_related_fields(model)) - set(excluded_relations)

    identifiers = [f'ann_{token_urlsafe(6)}' for _ in range(len(fields))]

    if relation_exclusion_filter_mapping.keys() - fields:
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid fields detected in relation_exclusion_filter_mapping.')

    qs = model.objects.all()
    for identifier, field in zip(identifiers, fields):
        related_field = field.field
        exclusion_filters = relation_exclusion_filter_mapping.get(field, Q())
        subquery = related_field.model.objects.filter(
                related_field.attname: OuterRef('pk')
            }, ).exclude(exclusion_filters, ).only('pk')
        qs = qs.annotate(**{identifier: Exists(subquery)})

    filter_args = {identifier: False for identifier in identifiers}

    return qs.filter(**filter_args)
Exemple #4
def is_company_a_valid_merge_source(company: Company):
    """Checks if company can be moved."""
    # First, check that there are no references to the company from other objects
    # (other than via the fields specified in ALLOWED_RELATIONS_FOR_MERGING).
    relations = get_related_fields(Company)

    has_related_objects = any(
        getattr(company, relation.name).count() for relation in relations
        if relation.remote_field not in ALLOWED_RELATIONS_FOR_MERGING)

    if has_related_objects:
        return False

    # Then, check that the source company itself doesn't have any references to other
    # companies.
    self_referential_fields = get_self_referential_relations(Company)
    return not any(
        getattr(company, field.name) for field in self_referential_fields)