Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, request, printout=True):
        self.today = dateLib.getTodayFormatted()
        self.yesterday = dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
        #self.today = '20060523'
        #self.yesterday = '20060522'
        self.printout = printout
        self.request = request    # Request before being parsed
        self.requestType = None   # 1 for fully qualified header, 2 for type + station(s)

        # Ex. of a fully qualified header request: FPCN11 CWTO
        self.ttaaii = None        # First word of a fully qualified header 
        self.tt = None            # Type extract from ttaaii
        self.center = None        # Second word of a fully qualified header
        self.header = None        # Fully qualified header (ex: "FPCN11 CWTO")
        self.country = None       # Country is obtained from the center (Only used for CA and US)

        # Ex. of a type + station(s) request: SA YUL YQB YZV
        self.type = None          # Must be in TYPES
        self.stations = []        # Between 1 and 5 stations 
        self.stationParser = None # Used to map a station to a fully qualified header
        self.debug = False

        self._parseRequest()      # Will determine the request's type
        self.results = self._search()  # Find what we search
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, request, printout=True):
        self.today = dateLib.getTodayFormatted()
        self.yesterday = dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
        #self.today = '20060523'
        #self.yesterday = '20060522'

        self.printout = printout
        self.request = request  # Request before being parsed
        self.requestType = None  # 1 for fully qualified header, 2 for type + station(s)

        # Ex. of a fully qualified header request: FPCN11 CWTO
        self.ttaaii = None  # First word of a fully qualified header
        self.tt = None  # Type extract from ttaaii
        self.center = None  # Second word of a fully qualified header
        self.header = None  # Fully qualified header (ex: "FPCN11 CWTO")
        self.country = None  # Country is obtained from the center (Only used for CA and US)

        # Ex. of a type + station(s) request: SA YUL YQB YZV
        self.type = None  # Must be in TYPES
        self.stations = []  # Between 1 and 5 stations
        self.stationParser = None  # Used to map a station to a fully qualified header
        self.debug = False

        self._parseRequest()  # Will determine the request's type
        self.results = self._search()  # Find what we search
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, nopull=False, keep=False, date=None, xstats=False):

        self.manager = PXManager()
        #self.logger = logger.getLogger()

        # Date for which we want to obtain stats
        if date == None:
            self.date = dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()  # ISO Date
            self.date = date

        self.dateDashed = dateLib.getISODateDashed(self.date)

        self.machines = []  # Machines were the logs can be found
        self.sources = [
        ]  # Sources for which we will check arrival time of the products
        self.client = [
        ]  # Client for which we will check delivery time of the products (ONLY ONE ENTRY in the list)
        self.messages = []  # FIXME: Special messages coming from weird results

        self.nopull = nopull  # Do not pull the necessary files (we suppose they are already downloaded)
        self.keep = keep  # Erase all the files present before downloading new files
        self.xstats = xstats  # Boolean that determine if we will use xferlog in making stats

        self.goodRx = []  # Lines matching initial values
        self.goodTx = []  # Lines matching initial values
        self.goodXferlog = []  # Lines matching initial values

        self.receivingInfos = {
        }  # Dict. addressed by filename and containing a tuple of (formatted date, date in seconds, machine)
        self.sendingInfos = {
        }  # Dict. addressed by filename and containing a tuple of (formatted date, date in seconds, machine)
        self.xferlogInfos = {
        }  # Dict. addressed by filename and containing a tuple of (formatted date, date in seconds, machine)

        self.stats = {}  # Final stats
        self.sortedStats = []  # Final sorted stats
        self.max = 0  # Maximum latency time in seconds
        self.min = sys.maxint  # Minimum latency time in seconds
        self.mean = 0  # Mean latency time in seconds
        self.latencyThreshold = 15  # We don't want to go over this threshold (in seconds)
        self.overThreshold = 0  # Number of files with latency over threshold
        self.underThresholdP = 0  # Percentage of files for which the latency is equal or under threshold
        self.meanWaiting = 0  # Mean waiting time before being noticed by the PDS

        self.random = str(
        )[2:]  # Unique identificator permitting the program to be run in parallel
        self.system = None  # 'PDS' or 'PX'
        self.rejected = 0  # Count of rejected files
        self.maxInfos = ['NO FILE', ('00:00:00', 'No machine', 0)
                         ]  # Informations about the max.
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, nopull=False, keep=False, date=None, xstats=False):

        self.manager = PXManager()
        #self.logger = logger.getLogger()

        # Date for which we want to obtain stats
        if date == None:
            self.date = dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted() # ISO Date
            self.date = date

        self.dateDashed = dateLib.getISODateDashed(self.date)

        self.machines = []         # Machines were the logs can be found
        self.sources = []          # Sources for which we will check arrival time of the products
        self.client = []           # Client for which we will check delivery time of the products (ONLY ONE ENTRY in the list)
        self.messages = []         # FIXME: Special messages coming from weird results

        self.nopull = nopull       # Do not pull the necessary files (we suppose they are already downloaded)
        self.keep =  keep          # Erase all the files present before downloading new files
        self.xstats = xstats       # Boolean that determine if we will use xferlog in making stats

        self.goodRx = []           # Lines matching initial values
        self.goodTx = []           # Lines matching initial values
        self.goodXferlog = []      # Lines matching initial values

        self.receivingInfos = {}   # Dict. addressed by filename and containing a tuple of (formatted date, date in seconds, machine) 
        self.sendingInfos = {}     # Dict. addressed by filename and containing a tuple of (formatted date, date in seconds, machine) 
        self.xferlogInfos = {}     # Dict. addressed by filename and containing a tuple of (formatted date, date in seconds, machine) 

        self.stats = {}            # Final stats
        self.sortedStats = []      # Final sorted stats
        self.max = 0               # Maximum latency time in seconds
        self.min = sys.maxint      # Minimum latency time in seconds
        self.mean = 0              # Mean latency time in seconds
        self.latencyThreshold = 15 # We don't want to go over this threshold (in seconds)
        self.overThreshold = 0     # Number of files with latency over threshold
        self.underThresholdP = 0   # Percentage of files for which the latency is equal or under threshold
        self.meanWaiting = 0       # Mean waiting time before being noticed by the PDS

        self.random = str(random.random())[2:]   # Unique identificator permitting the program to be run in parallel
        self.system = None                       # 'PDS' or 'PX'
        self.rejected = 0                        # Count of rejected files
        self.maxInfos = ['NO FILE', ('00:00:00', 'No machine', 0)]   # Informations about the max.
Exemple #5
    A cron call this to create etc/stations_TAF.conf

    import os, sys
    import PXPaths, dateLib
    from StationFileCreator import StationFileCreator

    # root1 = '/apps/px/db/20060522/FC/'
    # root2 = '/apps/px/db/20060522/FT/'
    # root3 = '/apps/px/db/20060523/FC/'
    # root4 = '/apps/px/db/20060523/FT/'


    root1 = PXPaths.DB + "%s/FC/" % dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
    root2 = PXPaths.DB + "%s/FT/" % dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
    root3 = PXPaths.DB + "%s/FC/" % dateLib.getTodayFormatted()
    root4 = PXPaths.DB + "%s/FT/" % dateLib.getTodayFormatted()

        receivers1 = os.listdir(root1)
    except OSError:
        receivers1 = []

        receivers2 = os.listdir(root2)
    except OSError:
        receivers2 = []

Exemple #6
    A cron call this to create /apps/px/etc/stations_SA.conf
    import os, sys
    import PXPaths, dateLib
    from StationFileCreator import StationFileCreator

    excludedSources = ['collecteur']

    #root1 = '/apps/px/db/20060522/SA/'
    #root2 = '/apps/px/db/20060523/SA/'


    root1 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/SA/' % dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
    root2 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/SA/' % dateLib.getTodayFormatted()

        receivers1 = os.listdir(root1)
    except OSError:
        receivers1 = []

    for source in excludedSources:
        if source in receivers1:

        receivers2 = os.listdir(root2)
    except OSError:
        receivers2 = []
Exemple #7
if __name__ == '__main__':
    A cron call this to create etc/stations_FD.conf

    import os, sys
    import PXPaths, dateLib
    from StationFileCreator import StationFileCreator

    #root1 = '/apps/px/db/20060522/FD/'
    #root2 = '/apps/px/db/20060523/FD/'


    root1 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/FD/' % dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
    root2 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/FD/' % dateLib.getTodayFormatted()

        receivers1 = os.listdir(root1)
    except OSError:
        receivers1 = []

        receivers2 = os.listdir(root2)
    except OSError:
        receivers2 = []

    #print receivers1
    #print receivers2
Exemple #8
    A cron call this to create etc/stations_TAF.conf

    import os, sys
    import PXPaths, dateLib
    from StationFileCreator import StationFileCreator

    #root1 = '/apps/px/db/20060522/FC/'
    #root2 = '/apps/px/db/20060522/FT/'
    #root3 = '/apps/px/db/20060523/FC/'
    #root4 = '/apps/px/db/20060523/FT/'


    root1 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/FC/' % dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
    root2 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/FT/' % dateLib.getYesterdayFormatted()
    root3 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/FC/' % dateLib.getTodayFormatted()
    root4 = PXPaths.DB + '%s/FT/' % dateLib.getTodayFormatted()

        receivers1 = os.listdir(root1)
    except OSError:
        receivers1 = []

        receivers2 = os.listdir(root2)
    except OSError:
        receivers2 = []
