Exemple #1
def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger('')
    conf = site_conf()
    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()
    yield from _db.execute('delete from old_rda;')
    yield from _db.execute('delete from rda;')

    rda_rus = requests.get('http://rdaward.org/rda_rus.txt').text

    params_old = []
    params = []
    lines = rda_rus.split('\r\n')
    re_rda_line = re.compile(
    for line in lines:
        match_rda_line = re_rda_line.match(line)
        if match_rda_line:
            if match_rda_line.group(2):
                old = match_rda_line.group(1)
                new = None if match_rda_line.group(
                    2) == '***' else match_rda_line.group(2)
                params_old.append({'old': old, 'new': new})
                params.append({'rda': match_rda_line.group(1)})

    yield from _db.execute("""insert into old_rda
        values (%(old)s, %(new)s)""",\
        params_old, progress=True)

    yield from _db.execute("""insert into rda
        values (%(rda)s)""",\
        params, progress=True)
Exemple #2
def save_user_info(info):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    info['create_time'] = time
    info['update_time'] = time
    info['status'] = 'R'  # 'R' means review
    if len(info['password']) < 10:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 3, 'msg': "密码设置过短,请设置为10位以上!"}
    db = DBConn()
    name_result = db.execute("select id, status from user_info where username='******'" % info.get('username'), get_all=False)
    tel_result = db.execute("select id, status from user_info where tel='%s'" % info.get('tel'), get_all=False)

    def fail_info(sql_result, check_type):
        status = sql_result[1]
        if status == 'R':
            msg = '该{check_type}之前已经注册,但状态处于等待中,请使用其它{check_type}注册!'
        elif status == 'Y':
            msg = '注册失败:该{check_type}已经注册,请使用其它{check_type}!'
            msg = '注册失败:该{check_type}已经存在!'

        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 2, 'msg': msg.format(check_type=check_type)}

    if name_result:
        ret = fail_info(name_result, '名字')
    elif tel_result:
        ret = fail_info(tel_result, '电话号码')
        db.insert('user_info', info)
        ret = {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': '注册成功:等待审核!'}

    return ret
Exemple #3
def get_one_project_data(project_number):
    cmd = """select * from sample_project_master spm,
             sample_species ss,
             sample_type st,
             dna_sample_sequencing_type dsst,
             rna_sample_sequencing_type rsst,
             sample_other other
             where ss.project_id=spm.id and
             st.project_id=spm.id and
             dsst.project_id=spm.id and
             rsst.project_id=spm.id and
             other.project_id=spm.id and
             spm.project_number=%s""" % project_number
    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    data = dict(result)
    cmd = "select * from sample_info_detail where project_id=%s" % result['project_id']
    table_data = []
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for result in results:

    data['table_data'] = table_data

    return data
Exemple #4
def get_analysis_table_data(project_id):
    data = {}
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = """select info.* from sample_packet_information info, analysis_master m
                  where m.id=info.master_id and m.project_id=%s""" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data['sample_packet_information'] = [dict(i) for i in results]
    cmd = """select info.* from compare_table info, analysis_master m
                  where m.id=info.master_id and m.project_id=%s""" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data['compare_table'] = [dict(i) for i in results]

    return data
Exemple #5
def get_analysis_table_data(username, selected_project):
    data = {}
    db = DBConn()
    project_number = selected_project.split('-')[-1]
    project_id = get_project_id_by_num(db, project_number)
    cmd = """select info.* from sample_packet_information info, analysis_master m
                  where m.id=info.master_id and m.project_id=%s""" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data['sample_packet_information'] = [dict(i) for i in results]
    cmd = """select info.* from compare_table info, analysis_master m
                  where m.id=info.master_id and m.project_id=%s""" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data['compare_table'] = [dict(i) for i in results]

    return data
Exemple #6
def get_analysis_table_data(username, selected_project):
    data = {}
    db = DBConn()
    project_number = selected_project.split('-')[-1]
    project_id = get_project_id_by_num(db, project_number)
    cmd = """select info.* from sample_packet_information info, analysis_master m
                  where m.id=info.master_id and m.project_id=%s""" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data['sample_packet_information'] = [dict(i) for i in results]
    cmd = """select info.* from compare_table info, analysis_master m
                  where m.id=info.master_id and m.project_id=%s""" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data['compare_table'] = [dict(i) for i in results]

    return data
Exemple #7
def get_manager_list():
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select username from user_info where role='manager'"

    result = db.execute(cmd)

    return [i[0] for i in result]
Exemple #8
def get_one_project_data(project_number):
    #select multiple tables
    # why use project_id = spm.id: see save_info where data_info['project_id'] = int(project_id)
    cmd = """select * from sample_project_master spm,
             sample_species ss,
             sample_type st,
             dna_sample_sequencing_type dsst,
             rna_sample_sequencing_type rsst,
             sample_other other
             where ss.project_id=spm.id and
             st.project_id=spm.id and
             dsst.project_id=spm.id and
             rsst.project_id=spm.id and
             other.project_id=spm.id and
             spm.project_number='%s'""" % (project_number)
    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    data = dict(result)
    #dorp sample_info_detail table
    cmd = "select * from sample_info_detail where project_id=%s" % result['project_id']
    table_data = []
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for result in results:

    data['table_data'] = table_data
    return data
Exemple #9
def get_manager_list():
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select username from user_info where role='manager'"

    result = db.execute(cmd)

    return [i[0] for i in result]
Exemple #10
def export_rankings(conf):
    """rebuild rankings table in db and export top100 to json file for web"""
    logging.debug('export rankings')

    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()

    yield from _db.execute("select from build_rankings()")
    logging.debug('rankings table rebuilt')

    rankings = yield from _db.execute(
                select rankings_json('_rank < 104') as data
                """, None, False)
    save_json(rankings, conf.get('web', 'root') + '/json/rankings.json')
    logging.debug('export rankings finished')
Exemple #11
def get_analysis_data(username, role, project_id):

    if not project_id:
        return {}
    cmd = """select * from analysis_master where project_id=%s""" % project_id
    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    return dict(result) if result else {}
Exemple #12
def get_user_role(username, password=''):
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select role from user_info where username='******'" % username
    if password:
        cmd += " and password='******'" % password
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    role = result[0] if result else ''
    return role
Exemple #13
def get_sample_table_data(project_id):
    all_project_sample_data = []
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "SELECT * FROM SEQ_SA_INFO.sample_table where project_id=%s" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for result in results:

    return all_project_sample_data
Exemple #14
def get_other_info(username):
    db = DBConn()
    if phone_check(username):
        cmd = "select e_mail, tel, company, field, customer_name from user_info where tel='%s'" % username
        cmd = "select e_mail, tel, company, field, customer_name from user_info where username='******'" % username
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)

    return result if result else ('', '', '', '')
Exemple #15
def get_sample_list_by_project(project_id):
    sample_list = {}
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "SELECT id_alias,sample_name FROM SEQ_SA_INFO.sample_info_detail where project_id=%s" % project_id
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for result in results:
        sample_list[result[0]] = result[1]

    return sample_list
Exemple #16
def get_other_info(username):
    db = DBConn()
    if phone_check(username):
        cmd = "select e_mail, tel, company, field, customer_name from user_info where tel='%s'" % username
        cmd = "select e_mail, tel, company, field, customer_name from user_info where username='******'" % username
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)

    return result if result else ('', '', '', '')
Exemple #17
def export_msc(conf):
    """export misc db data to json file for web"""
    logging.debug('export misc')

    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()

    data = {}
    data['qsoCount'] = (yield from _db.execute(
        select count(*) as qso_count
        from qso;    
    """, None, False))

    data['userActivity'] = (yield from _db.execute(
        select json_agg(data) from
            (select json_build_object('callsign', 
                coalesce(qsl_wait.callsign, qsl_today.callsign, email.callsign), 
                'qslWait', qsl_wait, 'qslToday', qsl_today, 
                'email', email) as data 
                (select user_cs as callsign, count(*) as qsl_wait 
                from cfm_qsl_qso 
                where state is null 
                group by user_cs) as qsl_wait 
                full join
                (select user_cs as callsign, count(*) as qsl_today 
                from cfm_qsl_qso 
                where state
                group by user_cs) as qsl_today 
                on qsl_wait.callsign = qsl_today.callsign 
                full join
                (select user_cs as callsign, count(*) as email 
                from cfm_request_qso 
                where not sent and user_cs is not null  
                group by user_cs) as email 
                on coalesce(qsl_wait.callsign, qsl_today.callsign) = email.callsign
                order by coalesce(qsl_wait.callsign, qsl_today.callsign, 
            )  as data""", None, False))

    save_json(data, conf.get('web', 'root') + '/json/msc.json')
    logging.debug('export misc finished')
Exemple #18
def get_project_number_list(username, user_role):
    if user_role == 'manager':
        cmd = "select concat(project_name, '-', project_number) from sample_project_master where project_leader='%s'" % username
    elif user_role == 'user':
        cmd = "select concat(project_name, '-', project_number) from sample_project_master where created_by='%s'" % username

    db = DBConn()
    results = db.execute(cmd)

    return [i[0] for i in results]
Exemple #19
def get_detail_sample_data(project_number):
    data = []
    cmd = """SELECT d.* FROM sample_project_master m
            where m.id=d.project_id and m.project_number='%s'""" % project_number
    db = DBConn()
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for result in results:

    return data
Exemple #20
def get_analysis_data(username, role, selected_project):

    if not selected_project:
        return {}
    project_number = selected_project.split('-')[-1]
    cmd = """select a.* from analysis_master a,sample_project_master s
          where a.project_id=s.id and s.project_number=%s""" % project_number
    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    return dict(result) if result else {}
Exemple #21
def get_analysis_data(username, role, selected_project):
    if not selected_project:
        return {}
    project_number = selected_project.split('-')[-1]
    cmd = """select a.* from analysis_master a,sample_project_master s
          where a.project_id=s.id and s.project_number=%s""" % project_number
    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)

    return dict(result) if result else {}
Exemple #22
def get_project_number_list(username, user_role):
    if user_role == 'manager':
        cmd = "select concat(project_name, '-', project_number) from sample_project_master where project_leader='%s'" % username
    elif user_role == 'user':
        cmd = "select concat(project_name, '-', project_number) from sample_project_master where created_by='%s'" % username

    db = DBConn()
    results = db.execute(cmd)

    return [i[0] for i in results]
Exemple #23
def get_detail_sample_data(project_number):
    data = []
    cmd = """SELECT d.* FROM sample_info_detail d, sample_project_master m
            where m.id=d.project_id and m.project_number=%s""" % project_number
    db = DBConn()
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for result in results:

    return data
Exemple #24
def save_user_info(info):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    info['create_time'] = time
    info['update_time'] = time
    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute("select id from user_info where username='******'" % info.get('username'), get_all=False)
    if not result:
        db.insert('user_info', info)
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': 'SUCCESS'}
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 2, 'msg': '注册失败:该用户已经注册,请使用其它名字!'}
Exemple #25
def get_user_role(username, password=''):
    db = DBConn()
    if phone_check(username):
        cmd = "select role,status from user_info where tel='%s'" % username
        cmd = "select role,status from user_info where username='******'" % username
    if password:
        cmd += " and password='******'" % password
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    role = result[0] if result else ''
    status = result[1] if result else ''
    return role, status
Exemple #26
def get_user_role(username, password=''):
    db = DBConn()
    if phone_check(username):
        cmd = "select role,status from user_info where tel='%s'" % username
        cmd = "select role,status from user_info where username='******'" % username
    if password:
        cmd += " and password='******'" % password
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    role = result[0] if result else ''
    status = result[1] if result else ''
    return role, status
Exemple #27
def save_user_info(info):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    info['create_time'] = time
    info['update_time'] = time
    info['status'] = 'R'  # 'R' means review
    if len(info['password']) < 10:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 3, 'msg': "密码设置过短,请设置为10位以上!"}
    db = DBConn()
    name_result = db.execute(
        "select id, status from user_info where username='******'" %
    tel_result = db.execute("select id, status from user_info where tel='%s'" %

    def fail_info(sql_result, check_type):
        status = sql_result[1]
        if status == 'R':
            msg = '该{check_type}之前已经注册,但状态处于等待中,请使用其它{check_type}注册!'
        elif status == 'Y':
            msg = '注册失败:该{check_type}已经注册,请使用其它{check_type}!'
            msg = '注册失败:该{check_type}已经存在!'

        return {
            'data': '',
            'errcode': 2,
            'msg': msg.format(check_type=check_type)

    if name_result:
        ret = fail_info(name_result, '名字')
    elif tel_result:
        ret = fail_info(tel_result, '电话号码')
        db.insert('user_info', info)
        ret = {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': '注册成功:等待审核!'}

    return ret
Exemple #28
def modify_base_info(info):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    info['update_time'] = time
    username = info.get('username')
    tel = info.get('tel')
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select id from user_info where username!='%s' and tel='%s'" % (username, tel)
    check_result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if check_result:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '该电话号码已经被其它用户注册,请使用其它号码!'}
        db.update('user_info', {'username': username}, info)
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': '更新成功!'}
Exemple #29
def get_project_number_list(username, user_role):
    if user_role == 'manager':
        cmd = "select id, concat(project_name, '-', project_number) from sample_project_master where project_leader='%s'" % username
    elif user_role == 'user':
        cmd = "select id, concat(project_name, '-', project_number) from sample_project_master where created_by='%s'" % username

    db = DBConn()
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    data = {}
    for result in results:
        data[result[0]] = result[1]

    return data
Exemple #30
def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger('')
    handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler('/var/log/cfmrda.qrz.log')
        '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'))

    conf = site_conf()
    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()
    qrzru = QRZRuLink(asyncio.get_event_loop())
    pfx = Pfx('/usr/local/webcluster/cty.dat')

    def db_write(data):
        yield from _db.execute(
            insert into callsigns_rda (callsign, source, rda)
            values (%(callsign)s, 'QRZ.ru', %(rda)s)""", data)

    callsigns = yield from _db.execute(\
        """select distinct hunter from rda_hunter""")
    logging.debug('callsigns list received -- ' + str(len(callsigns)))
    params = []
    cnt = 0
    ru_cnt = 0
    fnd_cnt = 0
    for _cs in callsigns:
        cnt += 1
        cs_pfx = pfx.get(_cs)
        if cs_pfx in ['R', 'R2F', 'R9']:
            m_special = RE_SPECIAL.search(_cs)
            if m_special:
            ru_cnt += 1
            data = yield from qrzru.query(_cs)
            if data and 'state' in data and data['state']:
                fnd_cnt += 1
                params.append({'callsign': _cs, 'rda': data['state']})
                logging.debug(_cs + ' found')
                if len(params) >= 100:
                    yield from db_write(params)
                    params = []
                    logging.debug('Processed ' + str(cnt) + '/' + str(ru_cnt) + '/'\
                        + str(fnd_cnt) + ' of ' + str(len(callsigns)))
        cnt += 1
    logging.debug('qrz query complete')
Exemple #31
def modify_base_info(info):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    info['update_time'] = time
    username = info.get('username')
    tel = info.get('tel')
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select id from user_info where username!='%s' and tel='%s'" % (
        username, tel)
    check_result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if check_result:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '该电话号码已经被其它用户注册,请使用其它号码!'}
        db.update('user_info', {'username': username}, info)
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': '更新成功!'}
Exemple #32
def change_password(info):
    username = info['username']
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select password from user_info where username='******'" % username
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if result and result[0] == info['old_passwd'] and info['new_passwd'] != info['old_passwd']:
        db.update('user_info', {'username': username}, {'password': info['new_passwd'],
                                                        'update_time': datetime.datetime.now()})
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': '更新成功!'}
    elif result and result[0] != info['old_passwd']:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '旧密码错误!'}
    elif info['new_passwd'] == info['old_passwd']:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '新密码和旧密码不能一样!'}
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '用户名不存在!'}
Exemple #33
def show_all_data(username, role='user'):
    data = []
    cmd = """select project_number,project_name,cust_organization,cust_user,status,create_time
            from sample_project_master spm where
    if role == 'manager':
        cmd += "spm.project_leader='%s'" % username
    elif role == 'user':
        cmd += "spm.created_by='%s'" % username

    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd)
    for i in result:
        temp_dict = dict(i)

    return data
Exemple #34
def change_password(info):
    username = info['username']
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select password from user_info where username='******'" % username
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if result and result[0] == info[
            'old_passwd'] and info['new_passwd'] != info['old_passwd']:
        db.update('user_info', {'username': username}, {
            'password': info['new_passwd'],
            'update_time': datetime.datetime.now()
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': '更新成功!'}
    elif result and result[0] != info['old_passwd']:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '旧密码错误!'}
    elif info['new_passwd'] == info['old_passwd']:
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '新密码和旧密码不能一样!'}
        return {'data': '', 'errcode': 1, 'msg': '用户名不存在!'}
Exemple #35
def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger('')
    conf = site_conf()
    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()

    with open('/var/www/adxc.test/csv/rda_old_new.csv', 'r') as f_data:
        params = []
        for line in f_data.readlines():
            fields = {}
            fields['old'], fields['new'] = line.strip().split(';')
            if fields['old'] and fields['new']:

        yield from _db.execute("""insert into old_rda
            values (%(old)s, %(new)s)""",\
            params, progress=True)
Exemple #36
def save_compare_input(all_info, username, project_id, action='new'):
    current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    save_compare_text(project_id, all_info, str(current_time))
    db_instance = DBConn()
    project_log = get_project_log_by_num(db_instance, project_id)
    all_info['project_id'] = project_id
    cmd = "select id from analysis_master where created_by='%s' and project_id=%s" % (username, project_id)
    result = db_instance.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if result:
        action = 'update'
        master_id = result[0]
        db_instance.delete('sample_packet_information', {'master_id': master_id})
        db_instance.delete('compare_table', {'master_id': master_id})
    sample_packet_information = all_info['sample_packet_information']
    compare_table = all_info['compare_table']
    del all_info['sample_packet_information']
    del all_info['compare_table']
    all_info['updated_by'] = username
    all_info['update_time'] = current_time
    if action == 'new':
        all_info['create_time'] = current_time
        all_info['created_by'] = username
        master_id = db_instance.insert('analysis_master', all_info)
        project_log += '\n%s: %s created compare method.\n' % (current_time, username)
        db_instance.update('sample_project_master', {'id': project_id}, {'project_log': project_log})
        project_log += '\n%s: %s update compare method.\n' % (current_time, username)
        db_instance.update('sample_project_master', {'id': project_id}, {'project_log': project_log})
        db_instance.update('analysis_master', {'id': master_id}, all_info)
    for row in sample_packet_information:
        del row['id']
        row['master_id'] = master_id
        db_instance.insert('sample_packet_information', row)

    for row in compare_table:
        del row['id']
        row['master_id'] = master_id
        db_instance.insert('compare_table', row)

    msg = '更新成功!' if action == 'update' else '保存成功!'
    return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': msg}
Exemple #37
def export_table_info(table_name, project_id, title_list):
    book = Workbook()
    sheet1 = book.worksheets[0]
    #connect database:
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "select * from {table_name} where project_id = '{project_id}'".format(
        table_name=table_name, project_id=project_id)
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    for i, title in enumerate(title_list):
        sheet1.cell(row=1, column=i + 1).value = title
    for i, result in enumerate(results):
        for j, title in enumerate(title_list):
            sheet1.cell(row=i + 2,
                        column=j + 1).value = result.get(header_map[title])
    export_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/static/export/'
    file_name = table_name + '_' + project_id + '_' + datetime.datetime.now(
    ).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '.xls'
    full_path_name = os.path.join(export_path, file_name)

    return file_name
Exemple #38
def export_recent_uploads(conf):
    """export 20 recent uploaded file batches to json file for web"""
    logging.debug('export recent uploads')

    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()

    data = yield from _db.execute(
        select json_agg(json_build_object(
            'activators', activators,
            'rda', rda,
            'uploadDate', to_char(max_tstamp, 'DD mon YYYY'),
            'uploadTime', to_char(max_tstamp, 'HH24:MI'),
            'uploadType', upload_type,
            'uploader', uploader)) as data
        (select  user_cs as uploader, upload_type,
                max(tstamp) as max_tstamp,
                array_agg(id) as ids
            from uploads 
            where ext_logger_id is null
            group by date(tstamp), user_cs, upload_type
            order by max_tstamp desc
            limit 20) as ru,
        (select array_agg(distinct station_callsign) as activators 
            from qso 
            where upload_id = any(ids)) as acts,
        (select array_agg(rda) as rda   
                (select json_build_object('rda', array_agg(distinct rda), 
                        'id', upload_id) as rda 
                from qso 
                where upload_id = any(ids) 
                group by upload_id) as rdas0) as rdas 
        """, None, False)
    save_json(data, conf.get('web', 'root') + '/json/recent_uploads.json')
    logging.debug('export recent uploads finished')
Exemple #39
def show_all_data(username, role='user'):
    data = []
    cmd = """select * from sample_project_master spm,
            sample_species ss,
            sample_type st,
            dna_sample_sequencing_type dsst,
            rna_sample_sequencing_type rsst
            where ss.project_id=spm.id and
            st.project_id=spm.id and
            dsst.project_id=spm.id and
    if role == 'manager':
        cmd += " and spm.project_leader='%s'" % username
    elif role == 'user':
        cmd += " and spm.created_by='%s'" % username

    db = DBConn()
    result = db.execute(cmd)
    for i in result:

    return data
Exemple #40
def save_compare_input(all_info, username, selected_project, action='new'):
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    db_instance = DBConn()
    project_number = selected_project.split('-')[-1]
    project_id = get_project_id_by_num(db_instance, project_number)
    all_info['project_id'] = project_id
    cmd = "select id from analysis_master where created_by='%s' and project_id=%s" % (username, project_id)
    result = db_instance.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if result:
        action = 'update'
        master_id = result[0]
        db_instance.delete('sample_packet_information', {'master_id': master_id})
        db_instance.delete('compare_table', {'master_id': master_id})
    sample_packet_information = all_info['sample_packet_information']
    compare_table = all_info['compare_table']
    del all_info['sample_packet_information']
    del all_info['compare_table']
    all_info['updated_by'] = username
    all_info['update_time'] = time
    if action == 'new':
        all_info['create_time'] = time
        all_info['created_by'] = username
        master_id = db_instance.insert('analysis_master', all_info)
        db_instance.update('analysis_master', {'id': master_id}, all_info)
    for row in sample_packet_information:
        del row['id']
        row['master_id'] = master_id
        db_instance.insert('sample_packet_information', row)

    for row in compare_table:
        del row['id']
        row['master_id'] = master_id
        db_instance.insert('compare_table', row)

    save_compare_text(selected_project, compare_table)

    msg = '更新成功!' if action == 'update' else '保存成功!'
    return {'data': '', 'errcode': 0, 'msg': msg}
Exemple #41
def export_stat(conf):
    """export statistic data to json file for web"""
    logging.debug('export stats')

    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()

    data = {}
    data['qso by rda'] = (yield from _db.execute(
        select json_object_agg(rda, data) as data from
            (select rda, json_object_agg(band, data) as data from
                (select rda, band, json_object_agg(mode, qso_count) as data from
                    (select count(*) as qso_count, rda, band, mode 
                    from qso 
                    where upload_id is null or 
                        (select enabled from uploads 
                        where id=upload_id) 
                    group by mode, band, rda
                    ) as q0
                group by rda, band) as q1
            group by rda) as q2
    """, None, False))
    for rda_data in data['qso by rda'].values():
        rda_total = {'total': 0}
        for band_data in rda_data.values():
            band_total = 0
            for mode, qso_count in band_data.items():
                band_total += qso_count
                if mode not in rda_total:
                    rda_total[mode] = 0
                rda_total[mode] += qso_count
            band_data['total'] = band_total
            rda_total['total'] += band_total
        rda_data['total'] = rda_total
    save_json(data, conf.get('web', 'root') + '/json/stat.json')
    logging.debug('export stats finished')
Exemple #42
def save_compare_text(project_id, all_info, current_time):
        db = DBConn()
        result = db.execute("select project_name from sample_project_master where id=%s" % project_id, get_all=False)
        project_name = result[0]
        project_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static/export/' + project_name)
        if not os.path.exists(project_dir):
        group_file_name = os.path.join(project_dir, 'sample_inf' + current_time + '.txt')
        compare_file_name = os.path.join(project_dir, 'group_compare' + current_time + '.txt')
        sample_packet_information = all_info['sample_packet_information']
        compare_table = all_info['compare_table']
        fd_group_file = open(group_file_name, 'w+')
        fd_compare_file = open(compare_file_name, 'w+')
        fd_group_file.write(all_info['reference_genome'] + '\n')
        for row in sample_packet_information:
            fd_group_file.write(row['sample_group'] + '\t' + row['sample_name'] + '\n')

        for row in compare_table:
            fd_compare_file.write(row['comparison_name'] + '\t' + row['sample_group1'] + '\t' + row['sample_group2'] + '\n')
    except Exception, e:
        print e

import json

from db import DBConn
from conf import CONF

DB = DBConn(CONF.items('db'))

feeders_data = DB.execute("""
    select id, props 
    from devices
    where device_type_id = 3""")

for feeder_data in feeders_data:
    for timer in feeder_data['props'][2]:

    feeder_data['props'] = json.dumps(feeder_data['props'])

        update devices 
        set props = %(props)s
        where id = %(id)s""", feeder_data)
PARSER.add_argument('user', nargs='?')
ARGS = PARSER.parse_args()
DB = DBConn(CONF.items('db'))

if not ARGS.type:
    sys.exit('Device type is required.')

PARAMS = {'device_type_id': ARGS.type, 'login': ARGS.user, 'props': []}
SECRET = get_secret(CONF['files']['secret']).decode('utf-8')
HASHIDS = Hashids(salt=SECRET, min_length=6)

    select id, software_type, updates, props, modes 
        from devices_types 
        where id = %(device_type_id)s
    """, PARAMS)
    sys.exit('Invalid device type.')

if DEVICE_TYPE_DATA['modes']:
    PARAMS['mode'] = DEVICE_TYPE_DATA['modes'][0]['id']

def init_prop_value(prop):
    """creates device prop default value based on it's type"""
    value = None
    if prop['type'] == 'array':
        value = []
    elif prop['type'] == 'float_delta':
Exemple #45
def main(conf):
    """does the job"""
    db_params = conf.items('db')

    _db = DBConn(db_params)
    yield from _db.connect()

    loggers = yield from _db.execute(
        select id, callsign, logger, login_data, qso_count, 
            to_char(last_updated, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as last_updated
        from ext_loggers
        where state = 0 and 
            (last_updated is null or last_updated < now() - interval '14 days')
        """, None, True)
    if not loggers:
        logging.debug('No updates are due today.')
    for row in loggers.values():
        logger = ExtLogger(row['logger'])
        update_params = {}
        adifs = None
            adifs = logger.load(row['login_data'])
            logging.debug(row['callsign'] + ' ' + row['logger'] +
                          ' data was downloaded.')
        except Exception:
            logging.exception(row['callsign'] + ' ' + row['logger'] +
                              ' error occured')
            update_params['state'] = 1

        if adifs:

            prev_uploads = yield from _db.execute(
                select id from uploads where ext_logger_id = %(id)s""", row,
            if prev_uploads:
                for upload_id in prev_uploads:
                    yield from _db.remove_upload(upload_id)

            qso_count = 0

            for adif in adifs:
                adif = adif.upper()
                qso_count += adif.count('<EOR>')
                parsed = load_adif(adif, 'STATION_CALLSIGN', ignore_activator=True,\
                date_start, date_end = None, None
                sql_rda = """
                    select distinct rda 
                    from callsigns_rda
                    where callsign = %(callsign)s and rda <> '***' and 
                        (dt_start is null or dt_start <= %(tstamp)s) and
                        (dt_stop is null or dt_stop >= %(tstamp)s)
                qsos = []

                with (yield from _db.pool.cursor()) as cur:
                    for qso in parsed['qso']:
                        yield from exec_cur(cur, sql_rda, qso)
                        if cur.rowcount == 1:
                            qso['rda'] = (yield from cur.fetchone())[0]
                            qso['callsign'], qso['station_callsign'] = \
                                qso['station_callsign'], qso['callsign']
                            if not date_start or date_start > qso['tstamp']:
                                date_start = qso['tstamp']
                            if not date_end or date_end < qso['tstamp']:
                                date_end = qso['tstamp']

                if qsos:
                    logging.debug(str(len(qsos)) + ' rda qso found.')
                    file_hash = yield from _db.check_upload_hash(

                    db_res = yield from _db.create_upload(\

                        str(db_res['qso']['ok']) + ' qso were stored in db.')

            update_params = {\
                'qso_count': qso_count,\
                'state': 0,\
                'last_updated': datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}

        yield from _db.param_update('ext_loggers', splice_params(row, ('id',)),\
        logging.debug('logger data updated')

from db import DBConn
from conf import CONF

DB = DBConn(CONF.items('db'))

insert into devices_log (device_id, rcvd_tstamp, log_tstamp, txt)
select id, disconnect_ts, disconnect_ts, 'disconnected' from 
	(select id, last_contact + interval '1 minute' as disconnect_ts  
	 from devices where last_contact < now() - interval '10 minutes') as devices_offline,
	 lateral (select txt from devices_log where device_id = devices_offline.id order by rcvd_tstamp desc limit 1) as last_log
where txt != 'disconnected'
Exemple #47
def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger('')
    conf = site_conf()
    _db = DBConn(conf.items('db'))
    yield from _db.connect()
    re_split = re.compile(r"\t+")
    re_split_date = re.compile(r"\D+")
    re_date = [re.compile(x) for x in [r'(\d\d\d\d)$', r'(\d?\d)\W(\d?\d?\d\d)$',\
    re_date_l = re.compile(r'(\d?\d)\D(\d?\d)\D(\d?\d?\d\d)')
    re_date_bw = re.compile(r'(\d\d\d\d)\D(\d?\d)\D(\d?\d)')

    def parse_date(str_val, strict=True):
        str_val = str_val.strip()
        parsed = []
        if strict:
            for re_x in re_date:
                m_date = re_x.match(str_val)
                if m_date:
                    grp = 1
                    while grp <= re_x.groups:
                        grp += 1
            m_date = re_date_l.search(str_val)
            if m_date:
                grp = 1
                while grp < 4:
                    grp += 1
                m_date = re_date_bw.search(str_val)
                if m_date:
                    parsed = [
        if parsed:
            if len(parsed[-1]) < 4:
                if len(parsed[-1]) == 3:
                    parsed = None
                    if int(parsed[-1]) < 30:
                        parsed[-1] = '20' + parsed[-1]
                        parsed[-1] = '19' + parsed[-1]
        return parsed if parsed else None

    def compose_date(parsed_dt, end=False):
        pdt = []
        for xdt in parsed_dt:
        if len(pdt) < 2:
            pdt.insert(0, '12' if end else '01')
        if len(pdt) < 3:
                str(calendar.monthrange(int(pdt[1]), int(pdt[0]))[1]) if end\
                    else '01')
        return pdt[1] + '-' + pdt[0] + '-' + pdt[2]

    with open('/var/www/cfmrda-dev/DL6KVA.txt', 'r',
              encoding='cp437') as f_data:
        params = []
        for line in f_data.readlines():
            fields = [x.strip() for x in line.split('\t')]
            if fields[3] == 'DELETED':
                del fields[2]
            parsed_dt_start, parsed_dt_stop = None, None
            date = parse_date(fields[2])
            if date:
                parsed_dt_start = date
                parsed_dt_stop = date
                if '-' in fields[2]:
                    str_dates = fields[2].split('-')
                    parsed_dt_stop = parse_date(str_dates[1])
                    if parsed_dt_stop:
                        parsed_dt_start = re_split_date.split(str_dates[0])
                        if not parsed_dt_start[-1]:
                            del parsed_dt_start[-1]
                        while len(parsed_dt_start) < len(parsed_dt_stop):
                elif 'from' in fields[2] or 'SINCE' in fields[
                        2] or 'FROM' in fields[2]:
                    str_dt_start = fields[2].replace('from ', '').replace('SINCE ',\
                        '').replace('FROM ', '')
                    parsed_dt_start = parse_date(str_dt_start)
                elif 'till' in fields[2]:
                    str_dt_stop = fields[2].replace('till ', '')
                    parsed_dt_stop = parse_date(str_dt_stop)
                if not (parsed_dt_start or parsed_dt_stop):
                    date = parse_date(fields[2], False)
                    if date:
                        parsed_dt_start = date
                        parsed_dt_stop = date
                dt_start = compose_date(
                    parsed_dt_start) if parsed_dt_start else None
                dt_stop = compose_date(parsed_dt_stop,
                                       True) if parsed_dt_stop else None
            except Exception:

            if len(fields[1]) != 5:

            params.append({'callsign': fields[0], 'rda': fields[1], 'dt_start': dt_start,\
                    'dt_stop': dt_stop,\
                    'source': fields[4] if fields[4] else 'RDAWARD.org',\
                    'ts': fields[5] if fields[5] else '2019-06-17'})

        yield from _db.execute("""insert into callsigns_rda
            (callsign, rda, dt_start, dt_stop, source, ts)
            (%(callsign)s, %(rda)s, %(dt_start)s, %(dt_stop)s, %(source)s, %(ts)s)""",\
            params, progress=True)
Exemple #48
def main():
    """sends cfm requests"""
    logging.debug('start send cfm requests')
    conf = site_conf()
    secret = get_secret(conf.get('files', 'secret'))
    db_params = conf.items('db')

    _db = DBConn(db_params)
    yield from _db.connect()
    data = yield from _db.execute(
        select correspondent, correspondent_email,
            json_agg(json_build_object('callsign', callsign, 
            'stationCallsign', station_callsign, 'rda', rda, 'band', band, 
            'mode', mode, 'tstamp', to_char(tstamp, 'DD mon YYYY HH24:MI'), 
            'rcvRST', rec_rst, 'sntRST', sent_rst)) as qso
            (select * 
            from cfm_request_qso 
            where not sent and correspondent not in  
            (select callsign from cfm_request_blacklist)) as data
        group by correspondent, correspondent_email""", None, True)
    if not data:
    sent_to = []
    for row in data:
        token = create_token(secret, {'callsign': row['correspondent']})
        link_cfm = conf.get('web', 'address') + '/#/cfm_qso/?token=' + token + \
            '&callsign=' + row['correspondent']
        link_blacklist = conf.get('web', 'address') +\
            '/#/cfm_blacklist/?token=' + token
        qso_txt = format_qsos(row['qso'])
        text = ("""
Здравствуйте, {correspondent}.
Просим Вас поддержать проект CFMRDA для создания единой базы по программе диплома RDA.

Вы можете подтвердить конкретные связи, которые очень важны Вашим корреспондентам, приславшим запросы или залить полностью свой лог.

""" + qso_txt + """
Для подтверждения QSO зайдите на эту страницу - {link_cfm}
Если указанные данные верны, поставьте отметки "Подтвердить" в каждом QSO и нажмите кнопку "OK"

Было бы удобнее, если бы вы зарегистрировались на CFMRDA.ru и загрузили бы свои логи в базу данных сайта.
Если Вы не хотите регистрироваться или у Вас возникли какие-то трудности при загрузке, пришлите свой лог, желательно в формате ADIF на адрес техподдержки [email protected] 

Спасибо. 73!
Команда CFMRDA.ru

Если вы не хотите в дальнейшем получать подобные запросы на подтверждение QSO, пройдите по этой ссылке - {link_blacklist}  
И нажмите кнопку "Не присылать мне больше запросов от CFMRDA.ru"
        """).format_map({'correspondent': row['correspondent'],\
            'link_cfm': link_cfm, 'link_blacklist': link_blacklist})
        retries = 0
        while retries < 3:
            if send_email(text=text,\
                fr=conf.get('email', 'address'),\
                subject="Запрос на подтверждение QSO от CFMRDA.ru"):
                logging.error('cfm request email sent to ' +
                retries += 1
                yield from asyncio.sleep(10)
        if retries == 3:
            logging.error('Email delivery failed. Correspondent: ' + row['correspondent']\
                + ', address: ' + row['correspondent_email'])
        yield from asyncio.sleep(10)
    logging.error('all requests were sent')
    if sent_to:
        yield from _db.execute("""
            update cfm_request_qso 
            set sent = true, status_tstamp = now()
            where correspondent = %(correspondent)s and not sent""",\
        logging.error('cfm_request_qso table updated')
        yield from _db.execute(
            update cfm_requests 
            set tstamp = now()
            where callsign = %(correspondent)s;
            insert into cfm_requests
            select %(correspondent)s, now()
            where not exists
                (select 1 
                from cfm_requests 
                where callsign = %(correspondent)s)
            """, sent_to)
        logging.error('cfm_requests table updated')
Exemple #49
def get_project_info(project_id):
    db = DBConn()
    cmd = "SELECT project_name, project_number FROM sample_project_master where id=%s" % project_id
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)

    return dict(result)