Exemple #1
def infer_vcf(args):
	stats = Counter()
	model = models.load_model(args.weights_hd5, custom_objects=models.get_all_custom_objects(args.labels))

	vcf_reader = pysam.VariantFile(args.negative_vcf, 'r')
	vcf_writer = pysam.VariantFile(args.output_vcf, 'w', header=vcf_reader.header)
	print('got vcfs.')

	reference = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(args.reference_fasta, "fasta"))
	print('Loaded reference FASTA:', args.reference_fasta)

	samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(args.bam_file, "rb")	
	print('got sam.')	

	if args.chrom:
		intervals = { args.chrom : [int(args.start_pos), int(args.end_pos)] }
	elif args.bed_file:
		intervals = td.bed_file_to_dict(args.bed_file)
		raise ValueError('What do you want to iterate over? Use arguments --bed_file or --chrom --start_pos --end_pos')

	tensor_batch = np.zeros((args.batch_size,)+defines.tensor_shape_from_args(args))
	gpos_batch = []

	print(len(intervals), 'intervals to iterate over, contigs:', intervals.keys())
	start_time = time.time()
	for k in intervals:
		contig = reference[k]
		args.chrom = k
		for start,stop in zip(intervals[k][0], intervals[k][1]):
			cur_pos = start
			for cur_pos in range(start, stop, args.window_size):		
				record = contig[cur_pos: cur_pos+args.window_size]
				t = td.make_calling_tensor(args, samfile, record, cur_pos, stats)
				if not t is None:
					tensor_batch[stats['cur_tensor']] = t	
					gpos_batch.append((k, cur_pos, record))
					stats['cur_tensor'] += 1

				if stats['cur_tensor'] == args.batch_size:
					predictions = model.predict(tensor_batch) # predictions is a numpy arra
					predictions_to_variants(args, predictions, gpos_batch, tensor_batch, vcf_writer, record)
					tensor_batch = np.zeros((args.batch_size,)+defines.tensor_shape_from_args(args))
					stats['cur_tensor'] = 0
					stats['batches_processed'] += 1
					gpos_batch = []

					if stats['batches_processed'] % 100 == 0:
						elapsed = time.time() - start_time
						t_per_minute = stats['batches_processed']*args.batch_size / (elapsed/60)
						print('At genomic position:', k, cur_pos, 'Tensors per minute:', t_per_minute,'Batches processed:', stats['batches_processed'])
						for s in stats.keys():
							print(s, 'has:', stats[s])	
	for s in stats.keys():
		print(s, 'has:', stats[s])	
Exemple #2
def infer_tensor(args):
    stats = Counter()
    model = models.load_model(args.weights_hd5,
    vcf_reader = pysam.VariantFile(args.negative_vcf, 'r')
    vcf_writer = pysam.VariantFile(args.output_vcf,
    print('got vcfs.')

    tensor_paths = [
        args.data_dir + tp for tp in sorted(os.listdir(args.data_dir))
    print('found tensors: ', len(tensor_paths))
    tensor_batch = np.zeros((args.batch_size, ) +
    gpos_batch = []

    for tp in tensor_paths:
        with h5py.File(tp, 'r') as hf:
            tensor_batch[stats['cur_tensor']] = np.array(
            stats['cur_tensor'] += 1
            if stats['cur_tensor'] == args.batch_size:
                ## Evaluate the model
                predictions = model.predict(
                    tensor_batch)  # predictions is a numpy arra
                predictions_to_variants(args, predictions, gpos_batch,
                                        tensor_batch, vcf_writer)
                stats['cur_tensor'] = 0
                gpos_batch = []
def annotate_vcf_with_inference(args):
	cnns = {}
	stats = Counter()
	vcf_reader = pysam.VariantFile(args.negative_vcf, 'rb')
	pyvcf_vcf_reader = vcf.Reader(open(args.negative_vcf, 'rb'))
	input_tensors = {}

	for a in args.architectures:	
		cnns[a] = models.set_args_and_get_model_from_semantics(args, a)
		print('Annotating with architecture:', a, 'sample name is', args.sample_name)		

		if not score_key_from_json(a) in vcf_reader.header.info:
			vcf_reader.header.info.add(score_key_from_json(a), '1', 'Float', 'Site-level score from Convolutional Neural Net named '+a+'.')
		if defines.annotations_from_args(args) is not None:
			input_tensors[args.annotation_set] = (len(args.annotations),)
		input_tensors[args.tensor_map] = defines.tensor_shape_from_args(args)

	vcf_writer = pysam.VariantFile(args.output_vcf, 'w', header=vcf_reader.header)
	print('got vcfs. input tensor shape mapping:', input_tensors)

	reference = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(args.reference_fasta, "fasta"))
	print('got ref.')

	samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(args.bam_file, "rb")	
	print('got sam.')

	positions = []
	variant_batch = []
	time_batch = time.time()

	batch = {}
	for tm in input_tensors:
		batch[tm] = np.zeros(((args.batch_size,) + input_tensors[tm]))
	print('input tensors:', input_tensors)
	if args.chrom:
		print('iterate over region of vcf', args.chrom, args.start_pos, args.end_pos)
		variants = vcf_reader.fetch(args.chrom, args.start_pos, args.end_pos)
		print('iterate over vcf')
		variants = vcf_reader

	start_time = time.time()
	for variant in variants:
		idx_offset, ref_start, ref_end = get_variant_window(args, variant)
		args.chrom = variant.contig # In case chrom isn't set on command line we need it to fetch reads.
		contig = reference[variant.contig]	
		record = contig[ ref_start : ref_end ]
		v = pysam_variant_in_pyvcf(variant, pyvcf_vcf_reader)
		for tm in batch:
			batch_key = tm+'_in_batch'
			if tm in defines.annotations:
				args.annotation_set = tm
				annotation_data = td.get_annotation_data(args, v, stats)
				batch[tm][stats[batch_key]] = annotation_data
				stats[batch_key] += 1

			if 'read' in tm:
				args.tensor_map = tm
				if "read_tensor" == args.tensor_map:
					read_tensor = td.make_reference_and_reads_tensor(args, v, samfile, record.seq, ref_start, stats)
				elif "paired_reads" == args.tensor_map:	
					read_tensor = td.make_paired_read_tensor(args, v, samfile, record.seq, ref_start, ref_end, stats)
					raise ValueError("Unknown read tensor mapping."+tt)

				batch[tm][stats[batch_key]] = read_tensor
				if read_tensor is None:
					print('got empty', args.tensor_map, 'tensor at:', v)
					batch[tm][stats[batch_key]] = np.zeros(input_tensors[tm])
				stats[batch_key] += 1

			if 'reference' in tm:
				args.tensor_map = tm
				reference_tensor = td.make_reference_tensor(args, record.seq)
				batch[tm][stats[batch_key]] = reference_tensor
				stats[batch_key] += 1
		positions.append(variant.contig + '_' + str(variant.pos))

		if stats[batch_key] == args.batch_size:
			apply_cnns_to_batch(args, cnns, batch, positions, variant_batch, vcf_writer, stats)
			# Reset the batch
			positions = []		
			variant_batch = []
			for tm in batch:
				batch_key = tm+'_in_batch'
				batch[tm] = np.zeros(((args.batch_size,) + input_tensors[tm]))
				stats[batch_key] = 0

			stats['batches processed'] += 1
			if stats['batches processed'] % 10 == 0:
				elapsed = time.time()-start_time
				v_per_minute = stats['batches processed']*args.batch_size / (elapsed/60)
				print('Variants per minute:', v_per_minute, 'Batches:', stats['batches processed'], 'batches.  Last variant:', variant)

		if stats['batches processed']*args.batch_size > args.samples:

	if stats[batch_key] > 0:
		apply_cnns_to_batch(args, cnns, batch, positions, variant_batch, vcf_writer, stats)

	for s in stats.keys():
		print(s, 'has:', stats[s])