Exemple #1
 async def name(self, ctx, *args):
     """Get the ability to change #best-of's name!"""
     y2k = await ctx.send(
         ":arrows_counterclockwise: Looking up if you're set up already...")
     server = str(ctx.message.guild.id)
     channel = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
     if (channel):
         await ctx.send(":white_check_mark: **You're already set up!**")
         await ctx.send(
             "If you want to change the name of the #best-of channel, you can edit it on the Discord settings as usual!"
         await y2k.delete()
         channelid = discord.utils.get(self.client.get_all_channels(),
                 'serverid': server,
                 'channelid': channelid.id,
                 'notification': "message"
             Query().serverid == server)
         await ctx.send(
             ":raised_hands: **You weren't set up**, so I did it for you.")
         await ctx.send(
             "If you want to change the name of the #best-of channel, you can edit it on the Discord settings as usual!"
         await y2k.delete()
Exemple #2
    async def notification(self, ctx, *args):

        prefix = await getCurrentPrefix(ctx)
        """Change confirm notif. to messages or reactions."""
        loadingEmoji = self.client.get_emoji(660250625107296256)
        okayEmoji = self.client.get_emoji(660217963911184384)
        server = str(ctx.message.guild.id)
        server = str(ctx.message.guild.id)
        channel = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
        if not channel:
            channelid = discord.utils.get(self.client.get_all_channels(),
                    'serverid': server,
                    'channelid': channelid.id,
                    'notification': "message"
                Query().serverid == server)
        notifmode = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
        notifmode = notifmode[0]['notification']
        notifstr = str(notifmode)
        if not args:
            await ctx.send(
                "You're currently using **" + notifstr.capitalize() +
                "** Mode.\n💠 *" + prefix + "notification message* tells " +
                botname +
                " to send a message when someone Stars/Hearts/Crushes a comment. Great for small servers, and shows the Karma that the user currently has.\n💠 *"
                + prefix +
                "notification reaction* sends a reaction when someone Stars/Hearts/Crushes a comment. Great if you don't want to have excess notifications on Mobile, but it doesn't show the Karma the user has.\n💠 *"
                + prefix +
                "notification disabled* deactivates notifications on this server - no messages or reactions when someone Stars/Hearts/Crushes a comment. This isn't recommended unless it's being used in a very heavy server, as it leaves zero feedback that their vote has been counted."
        elif args[0] == "reaction" or args[0] == "reactions":
            best.update({"notification": "reaction"},
                        where('serverid') == server)
            await ctx.send(
                "*Got it!* The server will send confirmations as a reaction.\nNext time someone reacts to a comment, said message will be reacted with "
                + str(okayEmoji) + " for a couple of seconds.")
        elif args[0] == "message" or args[0] == "messages":
            best.update({"notification": "message"},
                        where('serverid') == server)
            await ctx.send(
                "*Got it!* The server will send confirmations as messages.\nNext time someone reacts to a comment, they'll be sent a message as confirmation (which will delete itself after a couple of seconds)."
        elif args[0] == "disabled":
            best.update({"notification": "disabled"},
                        where('serverid') == server)
            await ctx.send(
                "*Got it!* The server will not send confirmations.\nNext time someone reacts to a comment, it will be counted, but there'll be no confirmation of it."
            await sendErrorEmbed(ctx, "That's not a valid option!")
async def reactionAdded(bot, payload):
    if payload.guild_id is None:
    User = Query()
    userid = payload.user_id
    # Misc. definitions.
    # Attempt a get_x command for brevity. If that doesn't work, use fetch_x (slow).
    user = bot.get_user(payload.user_id)
    if not user:
        user = await bot.fetch_user(payload.user_id)
        print("User not found. Trying to fetch it...")
    channel = bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
    if not channel:
        channel = await bot.fetch_channel(payload.channel_id)
        print("Channel not found. Trying to fetch it...")
    guild = bot.get_guild(payload.guild_id)
    if not guild:
        guild = await bot.fetch_guild(payload.guild_id)
        print("Guild not found. Trying to fetch it...")
    member = guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
    if not member:
        member = await guild.fetch_member(payload.user_id)
        print("Member not found. Trying to fetch it...")
    # no such thing as "get_message"
    message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)

    if ((userid != message.author.id) or (debug == True)) and not user.bot:
        if not isinstance(payload.emoji, str):
            # -------------------------
            #	  REACTION = :10:
            # -------------------------

            channel = message.channel
            is_nsfw = channel.is_nsfw()

            if payload.emoji.name == '10':
                if discord.utils.get(member.roles, name="Curator") is None:
                    await message.remove_reaction(payload.emoji, user)
                    channel = message.channel

                    messageurl = "https://discordapp.com/channels/" + str(
                        message.guild.id) + "/" + str(
                            message.channel.id) + "/" + str(message.id)

                    # Post the message in #best-of

                    contenido = message.content
                    autor = message.author.name
                    foto = message.author.avatar_url
                    if (len(message.attachments) > 0):
                        imagen = message.attachments[0].url

                    color = ""

                    # If there's an embed, set the color of the new embed to it. (first come, first serve)

                    if (message.embeds):
                        embed = message.embeds[0].to_dict()
                        if "color" in embed:
                            color = embed['color']
                    if color:
                        emberino = discord.Embed(description=contenido,
                        emberino = discord.Embed(description=contenido)

                    if (len(message.attachments) > 0):

                    # Parsing embeds:

                    if (message.embeds):
                        for embed in message.embeds:
                            embed = embed.to_dict()
                            thisEmbed = emberino.to_dict()
                            if (len(message.attachments)
                                    == 0) and not "image" in thisEmbed:
                                if "thumbnail" in embed:
                                if "image" in embed:
                            if not "footer" in thisEmbed:
                                if "footer" in embed:
                                    footer = ""
                                    if "provider" in embed:
                                        footer = embed['provider']['name']
                                    if "author" in embed and not "title" in embed:
                                        footer = embed['author']['name']
                                    if footer:
                            title = ""
                            description = ""
                            if "title" in embed:
                                title = embed['title']
                            elif "author" in embed:
                                title = embed['author']['name']
                            if "description" in embed:
                                description = embed['description']
                            if title and description:
                            if "fields" in embed:
                                for field in embed["fields"]:

                    # the difficult challenge of finding the channel to post to

                    server = str(message.guild.id)
                    channel = best.search(Query().serverid == server)

                    valuetwo = str(message.id)

                    postexists = post.search(Query().msgid == valuetwo)
                    if postexists:
                        postexists = int(postexists[0]['stars'])
                        postexists = 0

                    if (postexists == 0):
                            channel = channel[0][
                                'channelid']  # channel id of best-of channel
                            channel = discord.utils.get(message.guild.channels,
                            if channel == None:
                                channel = discord.utils.get(
                                    message.guild.channels, name="best-of")
                                if channel == None:
                                    # if the bot doesn't find a channel named best-of, the channnel has been deleted. create a new one!
                                    await message.guild.create_text_channel(
                                    channel = discord.utils.get(
                                        message.guild.channels, name="best-of")
                                            'serverid': server,
                                            'channelid': channel.id,
                                            'notification': "message"
                                        Query().serverid == server)
                                    channelformsg = message.channel
                                    await channelformsg.send(
                                        "The *Best Of* channel doesn't exist, if the bot has permissions it has been created."
                                    channel = best.search(
                                        Query().serverid == server)
                                    channel = channel[0]['channelid']
                                    channel = discord.utils.get(
                                        message.guild.channels, id=channel)
                                    # if the bot does find a channel named best-of, the channel needs to be linked to the new db.
                                    # this is for legacy users (1.3.5 and below)
                                            'serverid': server,
                                            'channelid': channel.id,
                                            'notification': "message"
                                        Query().serverid == server)
                                    channel = best.search(
                                        Query().serverid == server)
                                    channel = channel[0]['channelid']
                                    channel = discord.utils.get(
                                        message.guild.channels, id=channel)
                        except IndexError:
                            channel = discord.utils.get(message.guild.channels,
                            if channel == None:
                                # if the bot doesn't find a channel named best-of, the channnel has been deleted. create a new one!
                                await message.guild.create_text_channel(
                                channel = discord.utils.get(
                                    message.guild.channels, name="best-of")
                                        'serverid': server,
                                        'channelid': channel.id,
                                        'notification': "message"
                                    Query().serverid == server)
                                channelformsg = message.channel
                                await channelformsg.send(
                                    "The *Best Of* channel doesn't exist, if the bot has permissions it has been created."
                                channel = best.search(
                                    Query().serverid == server)
                                channel = channel[0]['channelid']
                                channel = discord.utils.get(
                                    message.guild.channels, id=channel)
                                # if the bot does find a channel named best-of, the channel needs to be linked to the new db.
                                # this is for legacy users (1.3.5 and below)
                                        'serverid': server,
                                        'channelid': channel.id,
                                        'notification': "message"
                                    Query().serverid == server)
                                channel = best.search(
                                    Query().serverid == server)
                                channel = channel[0]['channelid']
                                channel = discord.utils.get(
                                    message.guild.channels, id=channel)

                    # Add user to the points table
                    value = str(message.author.id)
                    exists = db.count(Query().username == value)
                    server = str(message.guild.id)
                    if exists == 0:
                            'username': value,
                            'points': 10,
                            'servers': [server]
                        User = Query()
                        serverid = str(message.guild.id)
                        existsserver = db.count(
                            (User.servers.any([serverid])) &
                            (User.username == value))  # no funciona
                        if existsserver == 0:
                            db.update(add('points', 10),
                                      where('username') == value)
                            l = str(db.search((User.username == value)))
                            if "servers" not in l:
                                docs = db.search(User.username == value)
                                for doc in docs:
                                    doc['servers'] = [str(server)]
                                db.update(add('servers', [server]),
                                          where('username') == value)
                            db.update(add('points', 10),
                                      where('username') == value)

                    # Finally, the bot sends the message to the Best-Of channel.

                    if channel == None:
                        channelformsg = message.channel
                        await sendErrorEmbed(
                            "The channel couldn't be sent to the Best Of channel, for some reason. Could you double-check it exists?"
                        if (postexists == 0):
                            await channel.send(embed=emberino)

                    # Log post for post leaderboard

                    privSettings = priv.search(
                        Query().username == message.author.id)
                    if privSettings:
                        privSettings = privSettings[0]

                    username = str(message.author.id)
                    notifmode = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
                    notifmode = notifmode[0]['notification']

                    # ISO 8601!
                    curdate = str(datetime.now())

                    if postexists == 0:
                        if not privSettings or "mode" in privSettings and privSettings[
                                'mode'] == False or not "mode" in privSettings:
                            attachments = ""
                            if (len(message.attachments) > 0):
                                attachments = message.attachments[0].url
                            if (message.embeds):
                                richembeds = [None] * len(message.embeds)
                                i = 0
                                for embed in message.embeds:
                                    richembeds[i] = embed.to_dict()
                                    i = i + 1
                                richembeds = ""
                                'msgid': valuetwo,
                                'username': username,
                                'points': 10,
                                'servers': server,
                                'content': message.content,
                                'embed': attachments,
                                'richembed': richembeds,
                                'voters': [user.id],
                                'stars': 1,
                                'nsfw': is_nsfw,
                                'timestamp': curdate
                            print("Privacy Mode ENABLED!")
                        post.update(add('points', 10),
                                    where('msgid') == valuetwo)
                        post.update(add('voters', [user.id]),
                                    where('msgid') == valuetwo)
                        post.update(add('stars', 1),
                                    where('msgid') == valuetwo)
                        if (notifmode != "reaction") and (notifmode !=
                            channel = message.channel
                            result = db.get(Query()['username'] == value)
                            send = await channel.send(
                                "Huzzah! **{}**'s post was so good it got starred more than once. They now have {} points. (+10)"

                    # Send a confirmation message

                    channel = message.channel
                    result = db.get(Query()['username'] == value)

                    bestofname = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
                    bestofname = bestofname[0]['channelid']
                    bestofname = discord.utils.get(message.guild.channels,

                    checkM = bot.get_emoji(660217963911184384)
                    if notifmode == "reaction":
                        react = await message.add_reaction(checkM)
                    if (notifmode != "reaction") and (
                            notifmode != "disabled") and (postexists == 0):
                        send = await channel.send(
                            "Congrats, **{}**! Your post will be forever immortalized in the **#{}** channel. You now have {} points. (+10)"
                            .format(message.author.name, bestofname.name,

                    # Delete said message
                    if notifmode == "reaction":
                        await asyncio.sleep(1)
                        botid = bot.user
                        await message.remove_reaction(checkM, botid)
                    if (notifmode != "reaction") and (notifmode != "disabled"):
                        await asyncio.sleep(3)
                        await send.delete()

            # -------------------------
            #	  REACTION = :PLUS:
            # -------------------------
            if payload.emoji.name == 'plus':
                botchannel = discord.utils.get(message.guild.text_channels,
                channel = message.channel

                # Add user to the points table
                if channel != botchannel:
                    value = str(message.author.id)
                    exists = db.count(Query().username == value)
                    server = str(message.guild.id)
                    if exists == 0:
                            'username': value,
                            'points': 1,
                            'servers': [server]
                        # Send a confirmation message or reaction
                        notifmode = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
                        notifmode = notifmode[0]['notification']
                        checkM = bot.get_emoji(660217963911184384)
                        if notifmode == "reaction":
                            react = await message.add_reaction(checkM)
                        if (notifmode != "reaction") and (notifmode !=
                            result = db.get(Query()['username'] == value)
                            heart = await channel.send(
                                "**Thanked!** {} now has {} thanks. (+1)".
                        if notifmode == "reaction":
                            await asyncio.sleep(1)
                            botid = bot.user
                            await message.remove_reaction(checkM, botid)
                        if (notifmode != "reaction") and (notifmode !=
                            await asyncio.sleep(3)
                            await heart.delete()
                        User = Query()
                        serverid = str(message.guild.id)
                        existsserver = db.count(
                            (User.servers.any([serverid])) &
                            (User.username == value))  # no funciona
                        if existsserver == 0:
                            db.update(add('points', 1),
                                      where('username') == value)
                            l = str(db.search((User.username == value)))
                            if "servers" not in l:
                                docs = db.search(User.username == value)
                                for doc in docs:
                                    doc['servers'] = [str(server)]
                                db.update(add('servers', [server]),
                                          where('username') == value)
                            db.update(add('points', 1),
                                      where('username') == value)

                        # Log post for post leaderboard

                        privSettings = priv.search(
                            Query().username == message.author.id)
                        if privSettings:
                            privSettings = privSettings[0]

                        valuetwo = str(message.id)
                        username = str(message.author.id)
                        postexists = post.count(Query().msgid == valuetwo)

                        # ISO 8601!
                        curdate = str(datetime.now())

                        if postexists == 0:
                            if not privSettings or "mode" in privSettings and privSettings[
                                    'mode'] == False or not "mode" in privSettings:
                                attachments = ""
                                if (len(message.attachments) > 0):
                                    attachments = message.attachments[0].url
                                if (message.embeds):
                                    richembeds = [None] * len(message.embeds)
                                    i = 0
                                    for embed in message.embeds:
                                        richembeds[i] = embed.to_dict()
                                        i = i + 1
                                    richembeds = ""
                                    'msgid': valuetwo,
                                    'username': username,
                                    'points': 1,
                                    'servers': server,
                                    'content': message.content,
                                    'embed': attachments,
                                    'richembed': richembeds,
                                    'voters': [user.id],
                                    'stars': 0,
                                    'nsfw': is_nsfw,
                                    'timestamp': curdate
                                print("Privacy Mode ENABLED!")
                            post.update(add('points', 1),
                                        where('msgid') == valuetwo)
                            post.update(add('voters', [user.id]),
                                        where('msgid') == valuetwo)

                        notifmode = best.search(Query().serverid == server)
                        notifmode = notifmode[0]['notification']
                        checkM = bot.get_emoji(660217963911184384)
                        if notifmode == "reaction":
                            react = await message.add_reaction(checkM)
                        if (notifmode != "reaction") and (notifmode !=
                            result = db.get(Query()['username'] == value)
                            heart = await channel.send(
                                "**Thanked!** {} now has {} thanks. (+1)".

                        # Delete said message
                        if notifmode == "reaction":
                            await asyncio.sleep(1)
                            botid = bot.user
                            await message.remove_reaction(checkM, botid)
                        if (notifmode != "reaction") and (notifmode !=
                            await asyncio.sleep(3)
                            await heart.delete()
                    print("in bot-commands cannot read")
Exemple #4
    async def setup(self, ctx):
        """Sets up the bot automagically. REQUIRED ROLES: Manage messages"""
        loadingEmoji = self.client.get_emoji(660250625107296256)
        loadingText = await ctx.send(
            str(loadingEmoji) + " Getting " + botname + " ready to go...")
        error = False
        creationLog = ""
        prefix = await getCurrentPrefix(ctx)

        # Register server in database!
        # This should be unnecessary unless it's a VERY specific, debug-y case.
                'serverid': ctx.guild.id,
                'heart': 'plus',
                'crush': 'minus',
                'star': '10',
                'global': True
            Query().serverid == ctx.guild.id)

        # If the role "Curator" doesn't exist, the bot creates it.
            rolesearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Curator")
            if rolesearch == None:
                await ctx.guild.create_role(name="Curator")
                creationLog += "\n- The Curator role (users with this role can use the Star emoji) was created."
        except Exception as e:
            error = True
            errorLog = "Something happened while creating the role *Curator*. Maybe the bot doesn't have sufficient permissions?"

        # If the channel "#best-of" doesn't exist, the bot creates it.
            channelsearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels,
            if channelsearch == None:
                server = str(ctx.message.guild.id)
                await ctx.guild.create_text_channel('best-of')
                channelid = discord.utils.get(self.client.get_all_channels(),
                        'serverid': server,
                        'channelid': channelid.id,
                        'notification': "message"
                    Query().serverid == server)
                creationLog += "\n- The Best Of channel, where Starred comments lie, was created."
        except Exception as e:
            error = True
            errorLog = "There was an error while trying to create the Best Of channel. May have to do with permissions?"

        # If the user who executed the command doesn't have assigned the role "Curator", the bot assigns it.
            if discord.utils.get(ctx.message.author.roles,
                                 name="Curator") is None:
                role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Curator")
                await ctx.message.author.add_roles(role)
                creationLog += "\n- You were given the role Curator."
        except Exception as e:
            error = True
            errorLog = "While creating the role Curator, an error occurred. May have to do something with permissions."

        # If the emoji "10" doesn't exist, the bot creates it.
            rolesearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Curator")
            emojisearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="10")
            if emojisearch == None:
                with open("images/star.png", "rb") as image:
                    await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="10",
                    creationLog += "\n- The emoji Star (+10) was created. Only Curators can use it to add content to the Best Of channel!"
        except Exception as e:
            error = True
            errorLog = "Trying to create the role-exclusive emoji Star (10) sent out an error. Maybe there's not enough space for new emoji, or the bot doesn't have permissions."

        # If the emoji "plus" doesn't exist, the bot creates it.
            plussearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="plus")
            if plussearch == None:
                with open("images/plus.png", "rb") as image:
                    await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="plus",
                    creationLog += "\n The emoji Heart (+1) was created."
        except Exception as e:
            error = True
            errorLog = "Trying to create the emoji Heart (plus) sent out an error. Maybe there's not enough space for new emoji, or the bot doesn't have permissions."

        # If the emoji "minus" doesn't exist, the bot creates it.
            minussearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="minus")
            if minussearch == None:
                with open("images/minus.png", "rb") as image:
                    await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="minus",
                    creationLog += "\n- The emoji Crush (-1) was created."
        except Exception as e:
            error = True
            errorLog = "Trying to create the emoji Crush (minus) sent out an error. Maybe there's not enough space for new emoji, or the bot doesn't have permissions."

        await loadingText.delete()
        emoji = discord.utils.get(ctx.message.guild.emojis, name="10")

        if error == False and creationLog != "":
            await ctx.send(
                "**" + botname +
                "** is now set up and ready to go!\n\n*What changed?*")
            creationLog += "\n"
            if creationLog != "":
                await ctx.send(creationLog)
            await ctx.send(
                "*What now?*\n- Giving someone the role *Curator* on Server Settings will let them use the "
                + str(emoji) +
                " emoji to star posts. A Discord restart (CTRL+R) may be needed to see the emoji.\n- Edit the look of the default emojis using the command "
                + prefix + "emoji to make " + botname +
                " your own!\n- Rename the #best-of channel to a name you like the most on Server Settings.\n- Use the command "
                + prefix +
                "notification if your server is big, and you'd rather change the confirm message (e.g. Congrats! +10 points to the user) to a reaction."
            if support != "":
                await ctx.send(
                    "- If any issues arise, make sure to check in on " +
                    botname + "'s official support server, over at **" +
                    support + "**. :heart:")
                await ctx.send("- Thank you very much for installing **" +
                               botname + "**! :heart:")
        elif error == True:
            await sendErrorEmbed(
                "Something happened and the setup couldn't be completed. (" +
                errorLog +
                ")\n- Check that there is space to create three new emojis and that the bot has sufficient permissions.\n- If you're certain everything was taken care of, try running the setup command again."
            await ctx.send(
                "**" + botname +
                "** was already set up - nothing has changed!\n\n*Want some pointers?*\n- Giving someone the role *Curator* on Server Settings will let them use the "
                + str(emoji) +
                " emoji to star posts. A Discord restart (CTRL+R) may be needed to see the emoji.\n- Edit the look of the default emojis using the command "
                + prefix + "emoji to make " + botname +
                " your own!\n- Rename the #best-of channel to a name you like the most on Server Settings.\n- Use the command "
                + prefix +
                "notification if your server is big, and you'd rather change the confirm message (e.g. Congrats! +10 points to the user) to a reaction."
            if support != "":
                await ctx.send(
                    "- If any issues arise, make sure to check in on " +
                    botname + "'s official support server, over at **" +
                    support + "**. :heart:")
                await ctx.send("- Thank you very much for installing **" +
                               botname + "**! :heart:")
Exemple #5
    async def emoji(self, ctx, *args):
        """Used to manage bot emojis. REQUIRED ROLES: Manage messages"""
        script_dir = os.path.dirname(
            __file__)  #<-- absolute dir the script is in
        rel_path = "../images/testimage.png"
        path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
        prefix = await getCurrentPrefix(ctx)
        if not args:
            await ctx.send(
                "Please provide an argument!\n**" + prefix +
                "emoji edit** *name_of_emoji* - Lets you edit any of the three default emojis (10/plus/minus). Image required.\n**"
                + prefix +
                "emoji default** - Restores the custom emoji (10/plus/minus) to their original state.\n**"
                + prefix +
                "emoji best-of** - Allows you to rename the Best Of channel for personalization!"
        elif args[0] == "best-of":
            if not args[1]:
                await sendErrorEmbed(
                    "No name for the #best-of channel was provided. Usage: " +
                    prefix + "emoji best-of Channel-For-Cool-Posts")
                server = str(ctx.message.guild.id)
                    'serverid': server,
                    'name': args[1]
                            Query().serverid == server)
                await ctx.send(
                    "The best-of channel hath now been renamed to " + args[1] +
        elif args[0] == "edit":
            if len(args) != 2:
                await sendErrorEmbed(
                    "No emoji name was provided. Valid emoji names: 10/plus/minus"
            elif args[1] == "10":
                if not ctx.message.attachments:
                    await sendErrorEmbed(
                        "Couldn't find an image! Upload an image along with your command (not an URL)."
                    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                        url = ctx.message.attachments[0].url
                        async with session.get(url) as resp:
                            if resp.status == 200:
                                f = await aiofiles.open(path, mode='wb')
                                await f.write(await resp.read())
                                await f.close()
                                rolesearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles,
                                with open("images/testimage.png",
                                          "rb") as image:
                                    emojisearch = discord.utils.get(
                                        ctx.guild.emojis, name="10")
                                    await emojisearch.delete()
                                    await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(
                                        name="10", image=image.read())
                                    await ctx.send(
                                        "The emoji **:10:** has been modified."

            elif args[1] == "plus":
                if not ctx.message.attachments:
                    await sendErrorEmbed(
                        "Couldn't find an image! Upload an image along with your command (not an URL)."
                    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                        url = ctx.message.attachments[0].url
                        async with session.get(url) as resp:
                            if resp.status == 200:
                                f = await aiofiles.open(path, mode='wb')
                                await f.write(await resp.read())
                                await f.close()
                                rolesearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles,
                                with open("images/testimage.png",
                                          "rb") as image:
                                    emojisearch = discord.utils.get(
                                        ctx.guild.emojis, name="plus")
                                    await emojisearch.delete()
                                    await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(
                                        name="plus", image=image.read())
                                    await ctx.send(
                                        "The emoji **:plus:** has been modified."
            elif args[1] == "minus":
                if not ctx.message.attachments:
                    await sendErrorEmbed(
                        "Couldn't find an image! Upload an image along with your command (not an URL)."
                    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                        url = ctx.message.attachments[0].url
                        async with session.get(url) as resp:
                            if resp.status == 200:
                                f = await aiofiles.open(path, mode='wb')
                                await f.write(await resp.read())
                                await f.close()
                                rolesearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles,
                                with open("images/testimage.png",
                                          "rb") as image:
                                    emojisearch = discord.utils.get(
                                        ctx.guild.emojis, name="minus")
                                    await emojisearch.delete()
                                    await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(
                                        name="minus", image=image.read())
                                    await ctx.send(
                                        "The emoji **:minus:** has been modified."
                await sendErrorEmbed(
                    ctx, "Invalid emoji name. Valid names: 10/plus/minus")
        elif args[0] == "default":
                # Restore :10:
                rolesearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Curator")
                emojisearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="10")
                if emojisearch == None:
                    with open("images/star.png", "rb") as image:
                        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="10",
                    await emojisearch.delete()
                    with open("images/star.png", "rb") as image:
                        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="10",
                # Restore :plus:
                emojisearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="plus")
                if emojisearch == None:
                    with open("images/plus.png", "rb") as image:
                        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="plus",
                    await emojisearch.delete()
                    with open("images/plus.png", "rb") as image:
                        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="plus",
                # Restore :minus:
                emojisearch = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.emojis, name="minus")
                if emojisearch == None:
                    with open("images/minus.png", "rb") as image:
                        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="minus",
                    await emojisearch.delete()
                    with open("images/minus.png", "rb") as image:
                        await ctx.guild.create_custom_emoji(name="minus",
                await ctx.send("All emojis have been restored!")
                await sendErrorEmbed(
                    "An error has occurred while restoring the emojis. Check the bot's permissions and that there's space for three more emojis and try again!"
            await ctx.send(
                "Invalid argument!\n**" + prefix +
                "emoji edit** *name_of_emoji* - Lets you edit any of the three default emojis (10/plus/minus). Image required.\n**"
                + prefix +
                "emoji default** - Restores the custom emoji (10/plus/minus) to their original state.\n**"
                + prefix +
                "emoji best-of** - Allows you to rename the Best Of channel for personalization!"