Exemple #1
    def _factorize(self, cluster, *args, **kwargs):
        Collect terms in each expr in exprs based on the following heuristic:

            * Collect all literals;
            * Collect all temporaries produced by CSE;
            * If the expression has an operation count higher than
              self.threshold, then this is applied recursively until
              no more factorization opportunities are available.

        processed = []
        for expr in cluster.exprs:
            handle = collect_nested(expr)
            cost_handle = estimate_cost(handle)

            if cost_handle >= self.thresholds['min-cost-factorize']:
                handle_prev = handle
                cost_prev = estimate_cost(expr)
                while cost_handle < cost_prev:
                    handle_prev, handle = handle, collect_nested(handle)
                    cost_prev, cost_handle = cost_handle, estimate_cost(handle)
                cost_handle, handle = cost_prev, handle_prev


        return cluster.rebuild(processed)
Exemple #2
    def _factorize(self, cluster, *args, **kwargs):
        Factorize trascendental functions, symbolic powers, numeric coefficients.

        If the expression has an operation count greater than
        ``self.MIN_COST_FACTORIZE``, then the algorithm is applied recursively
        until no more factorization opportunities are detected.

        processed = []
        for expr in cluster.exprs:
            handle = collect_nested(expr)
            cost_handle = estimate_cost(handle)

            if cost_handle >= self.MIN_COST_FACTORIZE:
                handle_prev = handle
                cost_prev = estimate_cost(expr)
                while cost_handle < cost_prev:
                    handle_prev, handle = handle, collect_nested(handle)
                    cost_prev, cost_handle = cost_handle, estimate_cost(handle)
                cost_handle, handle = cost_prev, handle_prev


        return cluster.rebuild(processed)
Exemple #3
    def _factorize(self, cluster, *args, **kwargs):
        Collect terms in each expr in exprs based on the following heuristic:

            * Collect all literals;
            * Collect all temporaries produced by CSE;
            * If the expression has an operation count higher than
              ``self.MIN_COST_FACTORIZE``, then this is applied recursively until
              no more factorization opportunities are available.

        processed = []
        for expr in cluster.exprs:
            handle = collect_nested(expr)
            cost_handle = estimate_cost(handle)

            if cost_handle >= self.MIN_COST_FACTORIZE:
                handle_prev = handle
                cost_prev = estimate_cost(expr)
                while cost_handle < cost_prev:
                    handle_prev, handle = handle, collect_nested(handle)
                    cost_prev, cost_handle = cost_handle, estimate_cost(handle)
                cost_handle, handle = cost_prev, handle_prev


        return cluster.rebuild(processed)