Exemple #1
def scale_single_dataset(reflection_table, experiment, params=None, model="physical"):
    """Determine scale factors for a single dataset. Requires a reflection table
    and an ExperimentList with a single experiment. A custom params option can be
    specified, if not the default scaling params option will be used, with default
    configuration options. The model can be individually specified.

    Returns the reflection table, with added columns 'inverse_scale_factor' and

    if not params:
        phil_scope = phil.parse(
      include scope dials.algorithms.scaling.model.model.model_phil_scope
      include scope dials.algorithms.scaling.scaling_options.phil_scope
      include scope dials.algorithms.scaling.scaling_refiner.scaling_refinery_phil_scope
        optionparser = OptionParser(phil=phil_scope, check_format=False)
        params, _ = optionparser.parse_args(args=[], quick_parse=True)

    params.model = model

    from dials.algorithms.scaling.scaler_factory import SingleScalerFactory

    experiments = create_scaling_model(params, experiment, [reflection_table])
    scaler = SingleScalerFactory.create(params, experiments[0], reflection_table)
    from dials.algorithms.scaling.algorithm import scaling_algorithm

    scaler = scaling_algorithm(scaler)
    return scaler.reflection_table
 def run_scaling_cycle(self):
     """Do a round of scaling for scaling and filtering."""
     # Turn off the full matrix round, all else is the same.
     initial_full_matrix = self.params.scaling_options.full_matrix
     self.scaler.params.scaling_options.full_matrix = False
     self.scaler = scaling_algorithm(self.scaler)
     self.scaler.params.scaling_options.full_matrix = initial_full_matrix
     self.scaled_miller_array = scaled_data_as_miller_array(
         self.reflections, self.experiments, anomalous_flag=False)
     except DialsMergingStatisticsError as e:
     logger.info("Performed cycle of scaling.")
    def scale(self):
        """The main scaling algorithm."""

        if self.scaler.id_ == "target":
            ### FIXME add in quick prescaling round if large scale difference?

            if (self.params.scaling_options.only_target
                    or self.params.scaling_options.target_model
                    or self.params.scaling_options.target_mtz):

                self.scaler = targeted_scaling_algorithm(self.scaler)
            # Now pass to a multiscaler ready for next round of scaling.
            self.scaler = MultiScalerFactory.create_from_targetscaler(

        # From here onwards, scaler should only be a SingleScaler
        # or MultiScaler (not TargetScaler).
        self.scaler = scaling_algorithm(self.scaler)