Exemple #1
    def test_filter_performance(self):
        total = 1000000
        items = [ (x, float(x)) for x in range(0, total) ]
        dictionary = dict(items)

        start = time.time()
        dicttools.filter(lambda x, y: x < total/2, dictionary)
        dictionary_elapsed = time.time() - start

        start = time.time()
        filter(lambda (x, y): x < total/2, items)
        list_elapsed = time.time() - start

        print('\n dict filter is %2.2fx slower than list filter' % \

        start = time.time()
        dicttools.filter(lambda x, y: x < total/2, dictionary, recursive=False)
        dictionary_elapsed = time.time() - start
        print(' dict filter(recursive=False) is %2.2fx slower than list filter' % \
Exemple #2
    def test_filter_odd_keys(self):
        simple test to filter keys that are odd from the elements in the 
        specified dictionary
        dictionary = {
                        0: { 1: {}, 2: {} },
                        1: { 2: {}, 3: {}, 5: {} },

        expected =  {
                        1: { 3: {}, 5: {} },
        # filter out the odd elements
        actual = dicttools.filter(lambda key, _: key % 2 != 0,dictionary)
        self.assertEquals(expected, actual, msg="%s != %s" % (expected, actual))
Exemple #3
    def test_filter_values_with_multiple_keys(self):
        simple test to filter keys that at least 2 underlying elements associated
        with that key
        dictionary = {
                        0: { 1: {}, 2: {} },
                        1: { 3: {}, 5: {} },
                        2: { 5: {} },
                        3: { 7: { 8: {}, 9: {}} },

        expected =  {
                        0: { },
                        1: { },
        # filter out the values that only have 1 underlying set of values
        actual = dicttools.filter(lambda _, value: len(value) > 1,

        self.assertEquals(expected, actual, msg="%s != %s" % (expected, actual))