Exemple #1
def subnet_reverse_zones(subnet):
    :type subnet: Ipblock
    rzones = []
    subnet_str = IP(int(subnet.address),
    if subnet.version == 4:
        if subnet.prefix < 16:
            raise ValueError("The prefix %d is too small (the minimum is 16)" %
        raddr = [int(n) for n in list(reversed(subnet_str.split('.')))[1:]]
        bits = max(0, 24 - subnet.prefix)
        for i in range(2**bits):
            rzones.append('.'.join([str(n) for n in raddr] + ['in-addr.arpa']))
            raddr[0] += 1
    elif subnet.version == 6:
        # Don't allow prefixes larger than /64
        prefix = min(subnet.prefix, 64)
        # fhn = first nibble which has host bits
        fhn_bits = prefix % 4
        fhn_number = int(prefix / 4)
        if fhn_bits == 0:
            fhn_bits = 4
            fhn_number -= 1
        addr = list(reversed(subnet_str.replace(':', '')[:fhn_number + 1]))
        for i in range(2**(4 - fhn_bits)):
            rzones.append('.'.join(addr + ['ip6.arpa']))
            addr[0] = '%x' % (int(addr[0], 16) + 1)
        raise ValueError("Unknown IP version")
    return rzones
Exemple #2
 def test_subnet_vlan(self):
     self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
     self.r.ippool_create("pool2", vlan=5)
     self.r.ippool_add_subnet('pool2', '')
     self.r.ippool_create("pool", vlan=4)
     assert Ipblock.query_ip(IP(''), None).one().vlan.vid == 5
     self.r.ippool_add_subnet('pool', '', allow_move=True)
     assert Ipblock.query_ip(IP(''), None).one().vlan.vid == 4
Exemple #3
def test_contains():
    ip1 = IP('')
    ip2 = IP('')
    assert ip1 in ip2
    assert ip2 not in ip1
    assert ip1 in ip1

    assert IP('') in ip1
Exemple #4
 def test_create(self):
     self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
     self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
     assert get_ipblock('').parent is None
     assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')
     assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')
     assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')
     assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')
     with raises(AlreadyExistsError):
Exemple #5
    def test_parents(self):
        self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
        assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')

        self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
        assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')

        self.r.ipblock_remove('', force=True)
        assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')

        self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
        assert get_ipblock('').parent.ip == IP('')
Exemple #6
def blocks_in_range(range_, prefix, total_bits, version):
    range_start, range_end = range_
    numaddrs = 2**(total_bits - prefix)
    block_start = align(range_start, numaddrs)
    block_end = block_start + numaddrs - 1
    while block_end <= range_end:
        yield IP(block_start, prefix, version)
        block_start = block_end + 1
        block_end += numaddrs
Exemple #7
Fichier : ip.py Projet : miesi/dim
 def fill(range_start, range_end):
     Fill the free space between range_start and range_end with the least
     amount of blocks.
     if range_start >= range_end:
         return []
     hb = max_hostbits(range_start, bits - self.prefix)
     while range_start + 2 ** hb - 1 > range_end:
         hb -= 1
     return [IP(range_start, bits - hb, self.version)] + fill(range_start + 2 ** hb, range_end)
Exemple #8
 def name(row):
     if row.objclass == 'rr':
         return '%s %s %s' % (row.name, row.type, row.value)
     elif row.objclass == 'ipblock':
         return IP(int(row.address), row.prefix, row.version).label()
     elif row.objclass == 'groupright':
         return row.group
     elif row.objclass == 'key':
         return row.label
         return row.name
Exemple #9
 def check_ippool_add_subnet(self, pool, subnet, **options):
     self.r.ippool_add_subnet(pool, subnet, **options)
     pool = Pool.query.filter_by(name=pool).one()
     subnet = query_ip(subnet).one()
     gateway = None
     if 'gateway' in options:
         gateway = IP(options.get('gateway')).address
     assert subnet.pool == pool
     assert subnet.version == pool.version
     assert subnet.vlan == pool.vlan
     assert subnet.gateway == gateway
     self.assertEqual(dict((a.name.name, a.value) for a in subnet.attributes), options.get('attributes', {}))
Exemple #10
 def build_tree_mem(layer3domain, version):
     logging.debug('build_tree_mem(%s, %d)' % (layer3domain.name, version))
     new_parents = []
     blocks = db.session.query(Ipblock.id,
         .filter(Ipblock.version == version, Ipblock.layer3domain_id == layer3domain.id)\
     tree = IPTrie(version)
     for id, address, prefix, parent in blocks:
         ip = IP(int(address), prefix, version)
         if prefix == tree._bits:
             new_parent = tree.parent(ip)
             new_parent = tree.insert(ip, id)
         new_parent_id = new_parent.data if new_parent else None
         if new_parent_id != parent:
             new_parents.append((id, new_parent_id))
     return tree, new_parents
Exemple #11
def free_ranges(parent_query):
    Returns the list of ranges representing the free space in `parent_query`
    grouped by parent block.
    parents = dict((p.id, IP(int(p.address), p.prefix, p.version))
                   for p in parent_query.all())
    psq = parent_query.subquery()
    used = db.session.query(psq.c.id, Ipblock.address, Ipblock.prefix)\
        .outerjoin(Ipblock, Ipblock.parent_id == psq.c.id)\
        .order_by(psq.c.priority, psq.c.id, Ipblock.address).all()
    result = []
    for pid, children in groupby(used, key=lambda x: x[0]):
        parent = parents[pid]
        range_start = parent.network.address
        ranges = []
        for _, address, prefix in children:
            if address is None:
            address = int(address)
            # Process the range before child
            range_end = address - 1
            if range_start <= range_end:
                ranges.append([range_start, range_end])
            # Prepare for the next range
            range_start = address + 2**(parent.bits - prefix)
        # Process the range after the last child
        range_end = parent.broadcast.address
        if range_start <= range_end:
            if range_start == parent.network.address:
                # We need to split the range if we had no children, otherwise we
                # could try to allocate a child with the same prefix, which is not
                # possible
                mid = ((range_end - range_start + 1) % 2 + range_start)
                ranges.append([range_start, mid - 1])
                ranges.append([mid, range_end])
                ranges.append([range_start, range_end])
    return result
Exemple #12
    def substract_random():
        # Collect candidate ranges
        candidates = []
        numaddrs = 2**(total_bits - prefix)
        for i in range(len(ranges)):
            range_start, range_end = ranges[i]
            start = align(range_start, numaddrs)
            count = (range_end - start + 1) // numaddrs
            if count > 0:
                candidates.append(CandidateRange(start, range_end, count, i))

        # Get a random sample of at most maxnr block positions
        nr_candidates = sum(c.count for c in candidates)
        if nr_candidates == 0:
            return []
        if maxnr >= nr_candidates:
            positions = list(range(nr_candidates))
            positions = random_sample(nr_candidates, maxnr)

        # Return IP objects for the selected positions
        cid = 0  # current CandidateRange id
        sofar = 0  # number of blocks until cid
        result = []
        to_remove = {}
        for i in sorted(positions):
            # Advance cid until we get to block i
            while i - sofar >= candidates[cid].count:
                sofar += candidates[cid].count
                cid += 1
                assert cid < len(candidates)
            block = IP(candidates[cid].start + (i - sofar) * numaddrs, prefix,
            to_remove.setdefault(candidates[cid].range, []).append(block)
        for i, blocks in list(to_remove.items()):
            remove_blocks(ranges, i, blocks)
        return result
Exemple #13
    def test_list_ips_after(self):
        self.r.ipblock_create('', status='Container')
        self.r.ippool_create('pool1', vlan=5)
        self.r.ippool_add_subnet('pool1', '')
        self.r.ippool_add_subnet('pool1', '')
        subnet = IP('')

        def nth(n):
            return str(IP(subnet.address + n, prefix=32, version=4))

        def iprange(start, end):
            return [nth(i) for i in range(start, end + 1)]

        assert ips(self.r.ip_list(pool='pool1', type='all',
                                  limit=5)) == iprange(0, 4)
        assert ips(
            self.r.ip_list(pool='pool1', type='all', after='',
                           limit=5)) == iprange(5, 9)
        assert ips(
            self.r.ip_list(pool='*', type='all', after='',
                           limit=49)) == iprange(3 * 256 + 207 + 1,
                                                 3 * 256 + 207 + 49)
        assert ips(self.r.ip_list(pool='*', type='all', offset=3 * 256 + 207 + 1, limit=49))\
            == iprange(3 * 256 + 207 + 1, 3 * 256 + 207 + 49)
Exemple #14
    def _row_info(row, incl):
        def action(row):
            def context(prep='in'):
                c = []
                if incl is not None:
                    for attr in incl:
                        attr_value = getattr(row, attr, None)
                        if attr_value is not None:
                            c.append(attr + ' ' + attr_value)
                    if len(c) > 0:
                        return (' %s ' % prep) + ' '.join(c)
                return ''

            use_context_for_attrs = row.objclass in ('rr', 'zone', 'ipblock',
            if row.action == 'renamed':
                return 'renamed%s' % (' to ' +
                                      row.newvalue if row.newvalue else '')
            elif row.action == 'set_attr':
                return '%s %s=%s%s' % (row.action, row.attrname, row.newvalue,
                                       if use_context_for_attrs else '')
            elif row.action == 'del_attr':
                return '%s %s%s' % (row.action, row.attrname,
                                    context() if use_context_for_attrs else '')
            # DNS
            elif row.action in [
                    'created', 'deleted'
            ] and row.objclass in ('rr', 'ippool', 'ipblock', 'zone-view'):
                return '%s%s' % (row.action, context())
            elif row.action in ['added', 'removed'
                                ] and row.objclass == 'zone-group':
                return '%s zone %s view %s' % (row.action, row.zone, row.view)
            elif row.action in ['added', 'removed'
                                ] and row.objclass == 'output':
                return '%s zone-group %s' % (row.action, row.zonegroup)
            elif row.action in ['add zone', 'remove zone'
                                ] and row.objclass == 'registrar-account':
                return '%s %s' % (row.action, row.zone)
            elif row.action in ['published'
                                ] and row.objclass == 'registrar-account':
                return row.action_info
            # Groups
            elif row.objclass == 'group' and row.action in [
                    'added', 'removed'
                if row.username is not None:
                    return '%s user %s' % (row.action, row.username)
                    return '%s department_number %s %s' % (
                        row.action, row.department_number)
            elif row.objclass == 'group' and row.action in [
                    'granted', 'revoked'
                return '%s %s%s' % (row.action, row.right,
                                    ('' if row.object is None else ' on ' +
            elif row.objclass == 'group' and row.action == 'department_number':
                return 'set department_number to %s' % row.department_number
            elif row.objclass == 'groupright':
                return '%s %s%s' % (row.action, row.right,
                                    ('' if row.object is None else ' on ' +
            # IP
            elif row.objclass == 'ippool' and (
                    row.action.startswith('create ')
                    or row.action.startswith('delete ')):
                return '%s %s' % (row.action,
                                  format_ip(row.address, row.version,
                return row.action

        def name(row):
            if row.objclass == 'rr':
                return '%s %s %s' % (row.name, row.type, row.value)
            elif row.objclass == 'ipblock':
                return IP(int(row.address), row.prefix, row.version).label()
            elif row.objclass == 'groupright':
                return row.group
            elif row.objclass == 'key':
                return row.label
                return row.name

        def objclass(name):
            return name if name != 'groupright' else 'group'

            originating_ip = IP(int(row.call_ip_address),
            originating_ip = None

        return {
            'timestamp': row.timestamp,
            'user': row.user,
            'tool': row.tool if row.tool is not None else 'native',
            'originating_ip': originating_ip,
            'name': name(row),
            'objclass': objclass(row.objclass),
            'action': action(row)
Exemple #15
def format_ip(value, version, prefix=None):
    return IP(int(value), version=version,
              prefix=prefix).label() if value else None
Exemple #16
 def gateway_ip(self):
     return IP(int(self.gateway), version=self.version)
Exemple #17
 def ip(self):
     return IP(int(self.address), self.prefix, self.version)
Exemple #18
def query_ip(ip_str):
    layer3domain = Layer3Domain.query.first()
    return Ipblock.query_ip(IP(ip_str), layer3domain)
Exemple #19
def test_mask():
    ip1 = IP('')
    assert ip1.hostmask == 0x000000ff
    assert ip1.netmask == 0xffffff00
Exemple #20
 def nth(n):
     return str(IP(subnet.address + n, prefix=32, version=4))
Exemple #21
def ipstr(nr, version=4):  # debugging helper
    return str(IP(nr, version=version))
Exemple #22
 def iprange(start, end):
     return [
         str(IP(IP('').address + i, prefix=32, version=4))
         for i in range(start, end + 1)