Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JobDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # -- backwards compatibility --
        if 'reduce_writer' in kwargs or 'map_writer' in kwargs:
            warn("Writers are deprecated - use output_stream.add() instead",

        # -- required modules and files --
        if self['required_modules'] is None:
            functions = util.flatten(util.iterify(self[f])
                                     for f in chain(self.functions, self.stacks))
            self['required_modules'] = find_modules([f for f in functions
                                                     if callable(f)])

        # -- external flags --
        if isinstance(self['map'], dict):
            self['ext_map'] = True
        if isinstance(self['reduce'], dict):
            self['ext_reduce'] = True

        # -- input --
        ddfs = self.pop('ddfs', None)
        self['input'] = [list(util.iterify(url))
                         for i in self['input']
                         for url in util.urllist(i, listdirs=bool(self['map']),

        # partitions must be an integer internally
        self['partitions'] = self['partitions'] or 0
        # set nr_reduces: ignored if there is not actually a reduce specified
        if self['map']:
            # partitioned map has N reduces; non-partitioned map has 1 reduce
            self['nr_reduces'] = self['partitions'] or 1
        elif self.input_is_partitioned:
            # Only reduce, with partitions: len(dir://) specifies nr_reduces
            self['nr_reduces'] = 1 + max(id for dir in self['input']
                                         for id, url in util.read_index(dir[0]))
            # Only reduce, without partitions can only have 1 reduce
            self['nr_reduces'] = 1

        # merge_partitions iff the inputs to reduce are partitioned
        if self['merge_partitions']:
            if self['partitions'] or self.input_is_partitioned:
                self['nr_reduces'] = 1
                raise DiscoError("Can't merge partitions without partitions")

        # -- scheduler --
        scheduler = self.__class__.defaults['scheduler'].copy()
        if int(scheduler['max_cores']) < 1:
            raise DiscoError("max_cores must be >= 1")
        self['scheduler'] = scheduler

        # -- sanity checks --
        for key in self:
            if key not in self.defaults:
                raise DiscoError("Unknown job argument: %s" % key)
Exemple #2
def inquire(program, indexspec, inquiry, query=None):
    for result in program.client.inquire(indexspec, inquiry,
        print '\t'.join('%s' % (e,) for e in iterify(result)).rstrip()
Exemple #3
    def pack(self):
        """Pack up the :class:`JobDict` for sending over the wire."""
        jobpack = {}

        if self['required_files']:
            if not isinstance(self['required_files'], dict):
                self['required_files'] = util.pack_files(self['required_files'])
            self['required_files'] = {}

            o[1] for o in self['required_modules'] if util.iskv(o)))

        for key in self.defaults:
            if key == 'input':
                jobpack['input'] = ' '.join(
                        for url in self['input'])
            elif key in ('nr_reduces', 'prefix'):
                jobpack[key] = str(self[key])
            elif key == 'scheduler':
                scheduler = self['scheduler']
                for key in scheduler:
                    jobpack['sched_%s' % key] = str(scheduler[key])
            elif self[key] is None:
            elif key in self.stacks:
                jobpack[key] = util.pack_stack(self[key])
                jobpack[key] = util.pack(self[key])
        return encode_netstring_fd(jobpack)
Exemple #4
def range_header(offset):
    def httprange(start='', end=''):
        return '%s-%s' % (start, end)

    if offset:
        return {'Range': 'bytes=%s' % httprange(*tuple(iterify(offset)))}
    return {}
Exemple #5
 def _upload(self, urls, source, token=None, to_master=True, **kwargs):
     urls = [self._resolve(proxy_url(url,
             for url in iterify(urls)]
     return upload(urls, source, token=self._token(url, token, 'PUT'), **kwargs)
Exemple #6
def range_header(offset):
    def httprange(start="", end=""):
        return "%s-%s" % (start, end)

    if offset:
        return {"Range": "bytes=%s" % httprange(*tuple(iterify(offset)))}
    return {}
Exemple #7
    def jobzip(self, job, **jobargs):
        from disco.util import iskv
        from disco.worker.classic.modutil import find_modules
        jobzip = super(Worker, self).jobzip(job, **jobargs)

        def get(key):
            return self.getitem(key, job, jobargs)

        if isinstance(get('required_files'), dict):
            for path, bytes in get('required_files').items():
                jobzip.writestr(path, bytes)
            for path in get('required_files'):
                jobzip.write(path, os.path.join('lib', os.path.basename(path)))
        if get('required_modules') is None:
            self['required_modules'] = find_modules([
                obj for key in self
                for obj in util.iterify(get(key)) if callable(obj)
        for mod in get('required_modules'):
            if iskv(mod):
        for func in ('map', 'reduce'):
            if isinstance(get(func), dict):
                for path, bytes in get(func).items():
                    jobzip.writestr(os.path.join('ext.{0}'.format(func), path),
        return jobzip
Exemple #8
 def jobzip(self, job, **jobargs):
     from disco.util import iskv
     from disco.worker.classic.modutil import find_modules
     jobzip = super(Worker, self).jobzip(job, **jobargs)
     def get(key):
         return self.getitem(key, job, jobargs)
     if isinstance(get('required_files'), dict):
         for path, bytes in get('required_files').iteritems():
                 jobzip.writestr(path, bytes)
         for path in get('required_files'):
             jobzip.write(path, os.path.join('lib', os.path.basename(path)))
     if get('required_modules') is None:
         self['required_modules'] = find_modules([obj
                                                  for key in self
                                                  for obj in util.iterify(get(key))
                                                  if callable(obj)],
     for mod in get('required_modules'):
         if iskv(mod):
     for func in ('map', 'reduce'):
         if isinstance(get(func), dict):
             for path, bytes in get(func).iteritems():
                 jobzip.writestr(os.path.join('ext.%s' % func, path), bytes)
     return jobzip
Exemple #9
def inquire(program, indexspec, inquiry, query=None):
    for result in program.client.inquire(indexspec,
        print '\t'.join('%s' % (e, ) for e in iterify(result)).rstrip()
Exemple #10
def wait(program, jobname):
    """Usage: jobname

    Wait for the named job to complete and print the list of results.
    from disco.util import iterify
    for result in program.disco.wait(jobname):
        print('\t'.join('{0}'.format(e,) for e in iterify(result)).rstrip())
Exemple #11
 def _upload(self, urls, source, token=None, **kwargs):
     urls = [
         self._resolve(self._maybe_proxy(url, method='PUT'))
         for url in iterify(urls)
     return upload(urls,
                   token=self._token(url, token, 'PUT'),
Exemple #12
def range_header(offset):
    def httprange(start='', end=''):
        return '{0}-{1}'.format(start, end)

    if offset:
        return {
            'Range': 'bytes={0}'.format(httprange(*tuple(iterify(offset))))
    return {}
Exemple #13
def results(program, jobname):
    """Usage: jobname

    Print the list of results for a completed job.
    from disco.util import iterify
    status, results = program.disco.results(jobname)
    for result in results:
        print('\t'.join('{0}'.format((e,)) for e in iterify(result)).rstrip())
Exemple #14
def mapresults(program, jobname):
    """Usage: jobname

    Print the list of results from the map phase of a job.
    This is useful for resuming a job which has failed during reduce.
    from disco.util import iterify
    for result in program.disco.mapresults(jobname):
        print '\t'.join('%s' % (e,) for e in iterify(result)).rstrip()
Exemple #15
 def get_modules(self, job, **jobargs):
     from disco.worker.modutil import find_modules
     from disco.util import iterify
     def get(key):
         return self.getitem(key, job, jobargs)
     return find_modules([obj
                          for key in self
                          for obj in iterify(get(key))
                          if callable(obj)],
Exemple #16
def stageresults(program, jobname):
    """Usage: jobname -S stage

    Print the list of results from a stage of a job.
    This is useful for resuming a job which has failed during
    following stages.
    from disco.util import iterify
    stagename = program.options.stage
    for result in program.disco.stageresults(jobname, stagename):
        print('\t'.join('{0}'.format((e,)) for e in iterify(result)).rstrip())
Exemple #17
 def inputs(self, job):
     for input in util.iterify(self[job]):
         if isinstance(input, Job):
             status, results = input.results()
             if status in ('unknown job', 'active'):
                 yield [None]
             elif status == 'ready':
                 yield results
                 raise JobError(input, "Status %s" % status)
             yield [input]
Exemple #18
 def inputs(self, job):
     for input in util.iterify(self[job]):
         if isinstance(input, Job):
             status, results = input.results()
             if status in ('unknown job', 'active'):
                 yield [None]
             elif status == 'ready':
                 yield results
                 raise JobError(input, "Status %s" % status)
             yield [input]
    def get_modules(self, job, **jobargs):
        from disco.worker.modutil import find_modules
        from disco.util import iterify
        def get(key):
            return self.getitem(key, job, jobargs)
        from inspect import getsourcefile, getmodule
        job_path = getsourcefile(getmodule(job))

        return find_modules([obj
                             for key in self
                             for obj in iterify(get(key))
                             if callable(obj)],
Exemple #20
def xcat(program, *urls):
    """Usage: [-i] [-p] [-R reader] [urls ...]

    Concatenate the extracted results stored in url[s] and print to stdout.
    If any of the url[s] are tags,
    the blobs reachable from the tags will be printed after any non-tag url[s].
    from disco.core import result_iterator
    from disco.util import iterify, reify

    tags, urls = program.separate_tags(*urls)
    reader = reify(program.options.reader or 'disco.func.chain_reader')

    for result in result_iterator(chain(urls, program.blobs(*tags)),
        print '\t'.join(map(str, iterify(result)))
Exemple #21
def xcat(program, *urls):
    """Usage: [urls ...]

    Concatenate the extracted results stored in url[s] and print to stdout.
    If any of the url[s] are tags,
    the blobs reachable from the tags will be printed after any non-tag url[s].
    from itertools import chain
    from disco.core import classic_iterator
    from disco.util import iterify, reify

    tags, urls = program.separate_tags(*program.input(*urls))
    stream = reify(program.options.stream)
    reader = program.options.reader
    reader = reify('disco.func.chain_reader' if reader is None else reader)
    for record in classic_iterator(chain(urls, program.blobs(*tags)),
        print('\t'.join('{0}'.format(e) for e in iterify(record)).rstrip())
Exemple #22
def xcat(program, *urls):
    """Usage: [-i] [-p] [-R reader] [-t token] [urls ...]

    Concatenate the extracted results stored in url[s] and print to stdout.
    If any of the url[s] are tags,
    the blobs reachable from the tags will be printed after any non-tag url[s].
    from disco.core import RecordIter
    from disco.util import iterify, reify

    tags, urls = program.separate_tags(*urls)
    stream = reify(program.options.stream)
    reader = program.options.reader
    reader = reify('disco.func.chain_reader' if reader is None else reader)

    for record in RecordIter(chain(urls, program.blobs(*tags)),
        print '\t'.join('%s' % (e,) for e in iterify(record)).rstrip()
Exemple #23
def xcat(program, *urls):
    """Usage: [urls ...]

    Concatenate the extracted results stored in url[s] and print to stdout.
    If any of the url[s] are tags,
    the blobs reachable from the tags will be printed after any non-tag url[s].
    from itertools import chain
    from disco.core import classic_iterator
    from disco.util import iterify, reify

    tags, urls = program.separate_tags(*program.input(*urls))
    stream = reify(program.options.stream)
    reader = program.options.reader
    reader = reify('disco.func.chain_reader' if reader is None else reader)
    for record in classic_iterator(chain(urls, program.blobs(*tags)),
        print('\t'.join('{0}'.format(e) for e in iterify(record)).rstrip())
Exemple #24
def xcat(program, *urls):
    """Usage: [urls ...]

    Concatenate the extracted results stored in url[s] and print to stdout.
    If any of the url[s] are tags,
    the blobs reachable from the tags will be printed after any non-tag url[s].
    from itertools import chain
    from disco.core import classic_iterator
    from disco.util import iterify, reify, urlresolve, proxy_url

    tags, urls = program.separate_tags(*program.input(*urls))
    stream = reify(program.options.stream)
    reader = program.options.reader
    reader = reify('disco.func.chain_reader' if reader is None else reader)
    bloburls = [[proxy_url(urlresolve(u), to_master=False) for u in repset]
                for repset in chain(urls, program.blobs(*tags))]
    for record in classic_iterator(bloburls,
        print '\t'.join('%s' % (e, ) for e in iterify(record)).rstrip()
Exemple #25
def xcat(program, *urls):
    """Usage: [urls ...]

    Concatenate the extracted results stored in url[s] and print to stdout.
    If any of the url[s] are tags,
    the blobs reachable from the tags will be printed after any non-tag url[s].
    from itertools import chain
    from disco.core import classic_iterator
    from disco.util import iterify, reify, urlresolve, proxy_url

    tags, urls = program.separate_tags(*program.input(*urls))
    stream = reify(program.options.stream)
    reader = program.options.reader
    reader = reify('disco.func.chain_reader' if reader is None else reader)
    bloburls = [[proxy_url(urlresolve(u), to_master=False) for u in repset]
                for repset in chain(urls, program.blobs(*tags))]
    for record in classic_iterator(bloburls,
        print '\t'.join('%s' % (e,) for e in iterify(record)).rstrip()
Exemple #26
    def pack(self):
        """Pack up the :class:`JobDict` for sending over the wire."""
        jobpack = {}

        if self['required_files']:
            if not isinstance(self['required_files'], dict):
                self['required_files'] = util.pack_files(
            self['required_files'] = {}

            util.pack_files(o[1] for o in self['required_modules']
                            if util.iskv(o)))

        for key in self.defaults:
            if key in ('map', 'reduce'):
                if self[key] is None:
            if key == 'input':
                jobpack['input'] = ' '.join(
                    for url in self['input'])
            elif key == 'username':
                jobpack['username'] = str(self['username'])
            elif key in ('nr_reduces', 'prefix'):
                jobpack[key] = str(self[key])
            elif key == 'scheduler':
                scheduler = self['scheduler']
                for key in scheduler:
                    jobpack['sched_%s' % key] = str(scheduler[key])
            elif key in self.stacks:
                jobpack[key] = util.pack_stack(self[key])
                jobpack[key] = util.pack(self[key])
        return encode_netstring_fd(jobpack)
Exemple #27
def range_header(offset):
    def httprange(start='', end=''):
        return '%s-%s' % (start, end)
    if offset:
        return {'Range': 'bytes=%s' % httprange(*tuple(iterify(offset)))}
    return {}
Exemple #28
 def urls(self, inputs):
     def serverify(input):
         return '%s/%s' % (self.address, input)
     return [[serverify(url) for url in iterify(input)] for input in inputs]
Exemple #29
    def urls(self, inputs):
        def serverify(input):
            return '{0}/{1}'.format(self.address, input)

        return [[serverify(url) for url in iterify(input)] for input in inputs]
Exemple #30
def canonizetags(tags):
    return [tagname(tag) for tag in iterify(tags)]
Exemple #31
 def __iter__(self):
     for urls in self.urls:
         for replicas in util.urllist(urls, ddfs=self.ddfs):
             for entry in self.try_replicas(list(util.iterify(replicas))):
                 yield entry
Exemple #32
    def results(self, jobspec, timeout=2000):
        Returns a list of results for a single job or for many
        concurrently running jobs, depending on the type of *jobspec*.

        :type  jobspec: :class:`disco.job.Job`, string, or list
        :param jobspec: If a job or job name is provided,
                        return a tuple which looks like::

                                status, results

                        If a list is provided,
                        return two lists: inactive jobs and active jobs.
                        Both the lists contain elements of the following type::

                                jobname, (status, results)

                        where status is one of:
                        ``'unknown job'``,
                        ``'active'``, or

        :type  timeout: int
        :param timeout: wait at most this many milliseconds,
                        for at least one on the jobs to finish.

        Using a list of jobs is a more efficient way to wait
        for multiple jobs to finish.
        Consider the following example that prints out results
        as soon as the jobs (initially ``active``) finish::

                while active:
                  inactive, active = disco.results(jobs)
                  for jobname, (status, results) in inactive:
                    if status == 'ready':
                      for k, v in result_iterator(results):
                        print(k, v)

        Note how the list of active jobs, ``active``,
        returned by :meth:`Disco.results`,
        can be used as the input to this function as well.
        def jobname(job):
            if isinstance(job, Job):
                return job.name
            elif isinstance(job, basestring):
                return job
            return job[0]
        jobnames = [jobname(job) for job in util.iterify(jobspec)]
        results = json.loads(self.request('/disco/ctrl/get_results',
                                          json.dumps([timeout, jobnames])))
        others, active = [], []
        for jobname, (status, result) in results:
            if isinstance(jobspec, (Job, basestring)):
                return status, result
            elif status == 'active':
                active.append((jobname, (status, result)))
                others.append((jobname, (status, result)))
        return others, active
Exemple #33
 def __iter__(self):
     for result in self.results:
         for urls in util.urllist(result, ddfs=self.ddfs):
             for entry in self.try_replicas(list(util.iterify(urls))):
                 yield entry
Exemple #34
def canonizetags(tags):
    return [canonizetag(tag) for tag in iterify(tags)]
Exemple #35
 def test_iterify(self):
     self.assertEquals([5], list(iterify(5)))
     self.assertEquals([5], list(iterify([5])))
Exemple #36
 def chunk_name(replicas, n):
     url = list(iterify(replicas))[0]
     return self.safe_name('%s-%s' % (os.path.basename(url), n))
Exemple #37
def range_header(offset):
    def httprange(start='', end=''):
        return '{0}-{1}'.format(start, end)
    if offset:
        return {'Range': 'bytes={0}'.format(httprange(*tuple(iterify(offset))))}
    return {}
Exemple #38
 def _upload(self, urls, source, token=None, **kwargs):
     urls = [self._resolve(self._maybe_proxy(url, method='PUT'))
             for url in iterify(urls)]
     return upload(urls, source, token=self._token(url, token, 'PUT'), **kwargs)
Exemple #39
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JobDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # -- backwards compatibility --
        if 'reduce_writer' in kwargs or 'map_writer' in kwargs:
            warn("Writers are deprecated - use output_stream.add() instead",

        # -- required modules and files --
        if self['required_modules'] is None:
            functions = util.flatten(
                for f in chain(self.functions, self.stacks))
            self['required_modules'] = find_modules(
                [f for f in functions if callable(f)])

        # -- external flags --
        if isinstance(self['map'], dict):
            self['ext_map'] = True
        if isinstance(self['reduce'], dict):
            self['ext_reduce'] = True

        # -- input --
        ddfs = self.pop('ddfs', None)
        self['input'] = [
            list(util.iterify(url)) for i in self['input']
            for url in util.urllist(i, listdirs=bool(self['map']), ddfs=ddfs)

        # partitions must be an integer internally
        self['partitions'] = self['partitions'] or 0
        # set nr_reduces: ignored if there is not actually a reduce specified
        if self['map']:
            # partitioned map has N reduces; non-partitioned map has 1 reduce
            self['nr_reduces'] = self['partitions'] or 1
        elif self.input_is_partitioned:
            # Only reduce, with partitions: len(dir://) specifies nr_reduces
            self['nr_reduces'] = 1 + max(
                id for dir in self['input']
                for id, url in util.read_index(dir[0]))
            # Only reduce, without partitions can only have 1 reduce
            self['nr_reduces'] = 1

        # merge_partitions iff the inputs to reduce are partitioned
        if self['merge_partitions']:
            if self['partitions'] or self.input_is_partitioned:
                self['nr_reduces'] = 1
                raise DiscoError("Can't merge partitions without partitions")

        # -- scheduler --
        scheduler = self.__class__.defaults['scheduler'].copy()
        if int(scheduler['max_cores']) < 1:
            raise DiscoError("max_cores must be >= 1")
        self['scheduler'] = scheduler

        # -- sanity checks --
        for key in self:
            if key not in self.defaults:
                raise DiscoError("Unknown job argument: %s" % key)
Exemple #40
def relativizetags(tags, parent):
    return [relativizetag(tag, parent) for tag in iterify(tags)]
Exemple #41
    def results(self, jobspec, timeout=2000):
        Returns a list of results for a single job or for many
        concurrently running jobs, depending on the type of *jobspec*.

        :type  jobspec: :class:`disco.job.Job`, string, or list
        :param jobspec: If a job or job name is provided,
                        return a tuple which looks like::

                                status, results

                        If a list is provided,
                        return two lists: inactive jobs and active jobs.
                        Both the lists contain elements of the following type::

                                jobname, (status, results)

                        where status is one of:
                        ``'unknown job'``,
                        ``'active'``, or

        :type  timeout: int
        :param timeout: wait at most this many milliseconds,
                        for at least one on the jobs to finish.

        Using a list of jobs is a more efficient way to wait
        for multiple jobs to finish.
        Consider the following example that prints out results
        as soon as the jobs (initially ``active``) finish::

                while active:
                  inactive, active = disco.results(jobs)
                  for jobname, (status, results) in inactive:
                    if status == 'ready':
                      for k, v in result_iterator(results):
                        print k, v

        Note how the list of active jobs, ``active``,
        returned by :meth:`Disco.results`,
        can be used as the input to this function as well.
        def jobname(job):
            if isinstance(job, Job):
                return job.name
            elif isinstance(job, basestring):
                return job
            return job[0]

        jobnames = [jobname(job) for job in util.iterify(jobspec)]
        results = json.loads(
                         json.dumps([timeout, jobnames])))
        others, active = [], []
        for jobname, (status, result) in results:
            if isinstance(jobspec, (Job, basestring)):
                return status, result
            elif status == 'active':
                active.append((jobname, (status, result)))
                others.append((jobname, (status, result)))
        return others, active
Exemple #42
 def test_iterify(self):
     self.assertEquals([5], list(iterify(5)))
     self.assertEquals([5], list(iterify([5])))
Exemple #43
def canonizetags(tags):
    return [canonizetag(tag) for tag in iterify(tags)]
Exemple #44
 def urls(self, inputs):
     def serverify(input):
         return '{0}/{1}'.format(self.address, input)
     return [[serverify(url) for url in iterify(input)] for input in inputs]
Exemple #45
 def input(self):
     from disco.util import iterify
     return [[str(url) for url in iterify(input)] for input in self['input']]
Exemple #46
 def input(self):
     from disco.util import iterify
     return [[str(url) for url in iterify(input)]
             for input in self['input']]
Exemple #47
def relativizetags(tags, parent):
    return [relativizetag(tag, parent) for tag in iterify(tags)]
Exemple #48
 def _upload(self, urls, source, **kwargs):
     urls = [self._maybe_proxy(url, method='PUT') for url in iterify(urls)]
     return upload(urls, source, **kwargs)